Splunk® Supported Add-ons

Splunk Add-on for Citrix NetScaler

Configure IPFIX inputs for the Splunk Add-on for Citrix NetScaler

To create an IPFIX input for the Splunk Add-on for Citrix NetScaler, you must first configure your Citrix NetScaler appliance to produce IPFIX data and send it to your collection node.

Configuration for Stream compatibility

Install Splunk Add-on for Stream Wire Data, Splunk App for Stream (splunk_app_stream) and Splunk Add-on for Stream Forwarders (Splunk_TA_stream) and perform the below steps in order to get IPFIX data using the Stream app.

  • Copy citrix.xml from stream_config folder of add-on to below folders:
    • splunk_app_stream/default/vocabularies/
    • Splunk_TA_stream/default/vocabularies/
  • Copy content of netflow file from stream_config folder of add-on and paste it inside the fields list of splunk_app_stream/default/streams/netflow file
  • Copy streamfwd.conf from stream_config folder of add-on to Splunk_TA_stream/local
  • Change streamfwd.conf like below:
  • [streamfwd]
    ipAddr =
    httpEventCollectorToken = f2060850-973b-4743-8d85-d5e89ccc28fd
    processingThreads = 4
    netflowReceiver.0.ip =
    netflowReceiver.0.port = 4739
    netflowReceiver.0.decoder = netflow
Last modified on 22 July, 2024
Configure NITRO API inputs for the Splunk Add-on for Citrix NetScaler   Configure syslog inputs for the Splunk Add-on for NetScaler

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Supported Add-ons: released

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