Splunk® Supported Add-ons

Splunk Add-on for Google Workspace

Source types for the Splunk Add-on for Google Workspace

Source type Description CIM data models
gws:gmail Gmail headers. Email
gws:alerts Google Workspace alerts. Alerts
gws:reports:admin Admin events based on application name. Change,

Data Access, Email

gws:reports:calendar Calendar events based on application name. Change
gws:reports:context_aware_access Context-aware access events based on application name. Data Access
gws:reports:drive Drive events based on application name. Change,

Data Access

gws:reports:gcp Google Cloud Platform events based on application name. Change
gws:reports:groups_enterprise Enterprise groups events based on application name. Change
gws:reports:login Login events based on application name. Alerts,

Authentication, Change

gws:reports:oauthtoken Token events based on application name. Authentication,


gws:reports:rules Rules events based on application name.
gws:reports:saml Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) events based on application name. Authentication
gws:users:identity Identities, users, and user accounts.
gws:reports:chat Chat events based on application name Data Access,
gws:reports:mobile Device events based on application name Alerts,

Authentication, Change, Endpoint, Updates,

gws:reports:chrome Chrome/Chrome OS events based on application name Alerts,

Authentication, Change, Data Access

Google Workspace has several inputs available. Each of the inputs require a different configuration of the service account used to authenticate with Google Workspace API. Splunk best practice is to use separate service accounts to configure each of the inputs because of the different permissions required for the service account to work.

For information on formatting your collected asset or identity data into a lookup file so that it can be processed by Splunk Enterprise Security, see the Format an asset or identity list as a lookup in Splunk Enterprise Security topic in the Splunk Enterprise Security manual.

Last modified on 26 July, 2024
Splunk Add-on for Google Workspace   Release notes for the Splunk Add-on for Google Workspace

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Supported Add-ons: released

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