Splunk® Supported Add-ons

Splunk Add-on for VMware Metrics

Source types for the Splunk Add-on for VMware Metrics

The Splunk Add-on for VMware collects data from the following sources via:

  • VMware API
  • File Monitoring
  • Syslog

For information about common information model configurations, see Common information model data model acceleration configurations.

Type of data Source Source type Collection method
Inventory VMInv:Datastore vmware_inframon:inv:datastore API
VMInv:VirtualMachine vmware_inframon:inv:vm API
VMInv:HostSystem vmware_inframon:inv:hostsystem API
VMInv:ClusterComputeResource vmware_inframon:inv:clustercomputeresource API
VMInv:Hierarchy vmware_inframon:inv:hierarchy API
Performance VMPerf:VcenterServer vmware_inframon:perf:vcResources API
VMPerf:ClusterComputeResource vmware_inframon:perf:cpu API
vmware_inframon:perf:clusterServices API
VMPerf:HostSystem vmware_inframon:perf:cpu API
vmware_inframon:perf:datastore API
vmware_inframon:perf:hbr API
vmware_inframon:perf:mem API
vmware_inframon:perf:net API
vmware_inframon:perf:power API
VMPerf:VirtualMachine vmware_inframon:perf:cpu API
vmware_inframon:perf:datastore API
vmware_inframon:perf:mem API
vmware_inframon:perf:net API
vmware_inframon:perf:power API
Tasks data Username:XYZ vmware_inframon:tasks API
Events data Username:XYZ vmware_inframon:events API
vCenter logs .../vpxd.log vmware:vclog:vpxd File Monitoring
.../vpxd-profiler.log vmware:vclog:vpxd-profiler File Monitoring
.../vpxd-alert.log vmware:vclog:vpxd-alert File Monitoring
.../vmware/ vmware:vclog File Monitoring
.../cim-diag,log vmware:vclog:cim-diag File Monitoring
ESXi logs vmware:esxilog:source::tcp:1514 vmware:esxlog:Hostd File Monitoring
vmware:esxlog:vmkernel File Monitoring
vmware:esxlog:Vpxa File Monitoring
vmware:esxlog:Fdm File Monitoring
vmware:esxlog:hostd-probe File Monitoring
vmware:esxlog:syslog File Monitoring
vmware:esxlog:crond File Monitoring
vmware:esxlog:smartd File Monitoring
vmware:esxlog:sfcb-CIMXML-Processor File Monitoring
vmware:esxilog:sfcb-vmware File Monitoring
vmware:esxlog:heartbeat File Monitoring
vmware:esxlog:vobd File Monitoring
vmware:esxlog:vmkwarning File Monitoring
vmware:esxlog:shell File Monitoring
vmware:esxlog:vmauthd File Monitoring
vmware:esxlog:sshd File Monitoring
vmware:esxlog:cimslp File Monitoring
vmware:esxlog:ImageConfigManager File Monitoring
vmware:esxlog:Rhttpproxy File Monitoring
vmware:esxlog:storageRM File Monitoring
vmware:esxlog:root File Monitoring
vmware:esxlog:sfcb-hhrc File Monitoring

When you integrate a vCenter Server, you'll discover the following entities and default dimensions in the performance data of Splunk Add-on for VMware Metrics:

Entity Dimensions
  • entity_type
  • host
  • instance
  • moid
  • pool_name
  • vcenter
  • vmware_metric_aggregation
ESXi Cluster
  • entity_type
  • host
  • instance
  • moid
  • pool_name
  • vcenter
  • vmware_metric_aggregation
ESXi host
  • cluster
  • cluster_name
  • datastore
  • datastore_name
  • entity_type
  • host
  • ip
  • moid
  • name
  • os
  • os_version
  • pool_name
  • uuid
  • vcenter
Virtual machine
  • cluster
  • cluster_name
  • datastore
  • entity_type
  • host
  • hypervisor
  • hypervisor_name
  • ip
  • moid
  • name
  • os
  • os_version
  • pool_name
  • resourcepool
  • uuid
  • vcenter
  • datastore_name
Last modified on 13 September, 2023
Troubleshoot the Splunk Add-on for VMware Metrics   Performance metrics reference for the Splunk Add-on for VMware Metrics

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Supported Add-ons: released

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