Splunk® Supported Add-ons

Splunk Add-on for vCenter Logs

About the Splunk Add-on for vCenter Logs

Version 4.2.1
Vendor products VMware vCenter Server v7.0 & v8.0

Splunk Add-on for vCenter logs contains the input stanzas to receive the data from the syslog, monitoring input stanzas to monitor vCenter log data from your vCenter environment, and search-time and index-time extractions to parse and extract the fields from the vCenter logs. The Splunk Add-on for vCenter Logs collects vCenter log data and forwards it to the indexers in your environment.

The package included in Splunk Add-on for vCenter Logs (Splunk_TA_vcenter) was previously part of Splunk Add-on for VMware Metrics in v4.2.0 or below and the Splunk Add-on for VMware in v4.0.2 or below. This package is published as the Splunk Add-on for vCenter Logs, an individual Splunkbase add-on, to add support for self-service installation in cloud environments for the Splunk Add-on for VMware Metrics v4.2.1 or the Splunk Add-on for VMware v4.0.3.

Download the Splunk Add-on for vCenter Logs from Splunkbase at https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/5601.

Last modified on 20 June, 2024
  Release notes for the Splunk Add-on for VMware vCenter Logs

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Supported Add-ons: released

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