Content Pack for Third-party APM

Content Pack for Third-party APM

Release Notes for the Content Pack for Third-party APM

Version 1.3.0 of the Content Pack for Third-party APM was released on June 11, 2024, as part of version 2.2.0 of the Splunk App for Content Packs. The following sections explain the contents of the current release.

New features

The following features are included in version 1.3.0 of the Content Pack for Third-party APM:

New feature or enhancement Description
Separated and enhanced content for AppDynamics AppDynamics content inside Third-party APM is now separate from other content. If you are an existing user of the content pack, follow the upgrade steps mentioned in the section Upgrade to version 1.3.0 of the Content Pack for Third-party APM.

Important modifications compared to previous versions of the content pack:

  1. APM Entity Type is replaced with two Entity Types - Third Party APM and AppDynamics APM
    1. Separate Entity Discovery searches for the 2 entity types
    2. AppDynamics APM has 3 dashboards linked to it, and a navigation link to the AppDynamics website for easier troubleshooting
  2. AppDynamics-related KPIs have been moved to the AppDynamics-specific Service Tree with its own Service Analyzer

The latest version of the Content Pack for Third Party APM requires the health rule violations data to be ingested as separated events.

For an example of health rule violations being ingested as separate events, see Troubleshoot the Content Pack for Third-party APM for a reference image.

Fixed issues

This version of the Content Pack for Third-party APM has the following reported fixed issues. If no fixed issues are listed, no issues have been reported.

Known issues

This version of the Content Pack for Third-party APM has the following reported known issues and workarounds. If no known issues are listed, no issues have been reported.

Last modified on 25 June, 2024
About the Content Pack for Third-party APM   Install and configure the Content Pack for Third-party APM

This documentation applies to the following versions of Content Pack for Third-party APM: 1.3.0

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