Simple XML for calendar heat maps
Custom visualizations use a namespaced syntax for Simple XML. Specific visualization properties are appended to the app and visualization context.
Add a calendar heat map to a dashboard panel
You can add a calendar heat map to a dashboard panel using Simple XML. Use this syntax to specify the app and visualization context.
<viz type="calendar_heatmap_app.calendar_heatmap"> </viz>
Configure calendar heat map properties
To configure a calendar heat map property, append any of the following property names to this context.
<option name= "calendar_heatmap_app.calendar_heatmap.[property_name]">[property_value] </option>
Option name | Accepted values | Default | Example |
cellPadding | Any number between 0-10 | 2 | <option name= "calendar_heatmap_app.calendar_heatmap.cellPadding">5 </option> |
cellSize | Any number between 2-30. | 10 | <option name= "calendar_heatmap_app.calendar_heatmap.cellSize">20 </option> |
cellStyle | [ square | circle ] | square | <option name= "calendar_heatmap_app.calendar_heatmap.cellStyle">circle </option> |
legendType | [ independent | uniform ] | independent | <option name= "calendar_heatmap_app.calendar_heatmap.legendType">uniform </option> |
maxColor | Any valid CSS color string. | #269489 | <option name= "calendar_heatmap_app.calendar_heatmap.maxColor">#dae667 </option> |
minColor | Any valid CSS color string. | #dae667 | <option name="calendar_heatmap_app.calendar_heatmap.minColor"> #269489 </option> |
numOfBins | Any number from 3-9 | 6 | <option name= "calendar_heatmap_app.calendar_heatmap.numOfBins">3 </option> |
showLegend | [ true | false ] | true | <option name= "calendar_heatmap_app.calendar_heatmap.showLegend">false </option> |
splitMonths | [ true | false ] | true | <option name= "calendar_heatmap_app.calendar_heatmap.splitMonths">false </option> |
Example Simple XML source
Here is an example calendar heat map dashboard panel
[...] <panel> <title>My example panel</title> <viz type="calendar_heatmap_app.calendar_heatmap"> <search> <query>| inputlookup host_mins.csv | eval _time=strptime(time,"%m/%d/%Y %H:%M") | timechart span=1m sum(value)</query> <earliest>1451635200</earliest> <latest>1451660400</latest> </search> <option name="height">260</option> <option name="calendar_heatmap_app.calendar_heatmap.cellPadding">2</option> <option name="calendar_heatmap_app.calendar_heatmap.cellSize">10</option> <option name="calendar_heatmap_app.calendar_heatmap.cellStyle">square</option> <option name="calendar_heatmap_app.calendar_heatmap.legendType">independent</option> <option name="calendar_heatmap_app.calendar_heatmap.maxColor">#269489</option> <option name="calendar_heatmap_app.calendar_heatmap.minColor">#dae667</option> <option name="calendar_heatmap_app.calendar_heatmap.numOfBins">5</option> <option name="calendar_heatmap_app.calendar_heatmap.showLegend">true</option> <option name="calendar_heatmap_app.calendar_heatmap.splitMonths">false</option> </viz> </panel> [...]
Add a calendar heat map to a dashboard | Release notes |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Calendar Heat Map (EOL): 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.2.0, 1.3.0, 1.4.0, 1.5.0, 1.5.1
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