Release notes
Fixed issues
Date resolved | Issue number | Description |
2017-06-28 | DBX-4356, DBX-3868 | NPE when running dbxquery with shortname=false on driver not supporting prepared statement metadata |
2017-06-26 | DBX-4218, DBX-4027 | DBX conflicts with Django |
2017-06-26 | DBX-4351, DBX-4032 | Driver unrelated jars are copied to drivers folder during migration |
2017-06-26 | DBX-4353, DBX-3962 | Application dropdown during input/output/lookup creation truncates to 30 apps |
2017-06-26 | DBX-4352, DBX-3990 | Multiple issues if '/' is used in input/output/lookup name |
2017-06-26 | DBX-4347 | The help link of sending usage data page is broken |
2017-06-21 | DBX-4336 | Incorrect enabled/disabled filter label |
2017-06-21 | DBX-4337 | Help link pages are opened in current window |
2017-06-20 | DBX-4315 | Global sharing permission isn't migrated from v2 to v3 |
2017-06-19 | DBX-4314 | NPE(Null pointer exception) when a event match multiple rows and some row values are null |
2017-06-18 | DBX-3883 | Output can be deleted or enabled/disabled even if it is used by a modular alert |
2017-06-18 | DBX-4298 | Informix connection validation is inconsistent if informix server is empty |
2017-06-18 | DBX-4312, DBX-4309 | nvarchar/ntext columns are not displayed when JTDS driver is used |
2017-06-16 | DBX-4301 | Modal is not disposed if an error occured |
2017-06-16 | DBX-4304 | Non ASCII characters are not supported in stanza attributes |
2017-06-15 | DBX-4290, DBX-4254 | Fetchsize setting in dbxquery command option is ignored |
2017-06-15 | DBX-3020 | In DB table, if some column name starts with space character, lookup would fail on it. |
2017-06-13 | DBX-4285 | Migration will fail if connection's sharing permission is not set to global |
2017-06-12 | DBX-4022 | Use Windows Authentication Domain setting is ignored when creating a connection |
2017-06-12 | DBX-3145 | dbxlookup preview is incorrect if multiple values match the event fields |
2017-06-11 | DBX-4090 | Private saved search can be selected to create an output |
2017-06-11 | DBX-4261 | XMLStreamException is output to splunkd.log on task server's start |
2017-06-11 | DBX-4060, DBX-4054 | Db connect not honoring query_timeout setting during input preview |
2017-06-08 | DBX-4266 | Task server scheme is not correclty sent to Splunkd |
2017-06-08 | DBX-4251 | Object cannot be cloned when using db_connect_admin role |
2017-06-07 | DBX-4259 | Requests to task server are logged in splunkd.log |
2017-06-07 | DBX-4260 | will fail on windows to find the checkpoint folder |
2017-06-05 | DBX-3841 | McAfee, Nagios, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Add-ons newly installed are not supported |
2017-06-04 | DBX-4213 | NULL value cannot be used as stored procedure parameter |
2017-05-31 | DBX-4154 | Inputs on table containing non ASCII characters are not indexed correctly |
2017-05-31 | DBX-4188 | If a lot of messages are displayed it can fill the screen |
2017-05-30 | DBX-4146 | Some capabilities are duplicated in authorize.conf |
2017-05-27 | DBX-4165 | Unable to admin DB Connect entities with role db_connect_admin |
2017-05-24 | DBX-4158 | Global sharing permission is incorrectly migrated from v2 to v3 |
2017-05-23 | DBX-4124, DBX-4140 | The task server will not restart without restarting Splunk if JAVA_HOME refers to a not supported version of Java |
2017-05-22 | DBX-4140, DBX-4124 | Taskserver failed to restart if default java is not version 8 |
2017-05-22 | DBX-4193 | Input tries to index BLOB although they are not supported |
2017-05-22 | DBX-3779 | The connection fails when the hostname contains a blank |
2017-05-16 | DBX-1443 | dblookup/dbxlookup does not rename on alias fields that have space |
2017-05-16 | DBX-4081, DBX-4021 | Timezone override in props.conf is ignored |
2017-05-12 | DBX-4139 | HEC won't be enabled when taskserver restarts |
2017-05-09 | DBX-4111 | Number of exported events from a saved search using an output is limited to 500,000 |
2017-05-09 | DBX-4091 | When using a saved search in an output fields extracted during search time are not exported |
2017-05-08 | DBX-3978 | Warnings from searchbnf.conf file reported in splunkd.log |
2017-05-03 | DBX-4089 | Lack of statistics about scheduled output job |
2017-05-02 | DBX-3749 | Error messages of insufficient permission are inconsistent |
2017-04-27 | DBX-3616 | Output cannot be used with driver which do not support batch operations |
2017-04-26 | DBX-4058 | If column selected as index time is not a timestamp, the current time is used |
2017-04-25 | DBX-3777 | On output creation search result preview ignores the time range defined in a savedsearch |
2017-04-14 | DBX-3876 | Naive cron expression validation for DBX input/output |
2017-04-11 | DBX-2820 | Unsupported JVM error message is too generic |
2017-04-11 | DBX-3570 | Reload API will reload both output and input tasks |
2017-04-11 | DBX-4024 | 'testQuery' setting in db_connection_types.conf is ignored |
2017-04-06 | DBX-3829 | Scheduled jobs (inputs, outputs) ignore updates on its connection or its identity |
2017-03-22 | DBX-3699 | The same field name can be used for event and output lookup field |
2017-03-21 | DBX-3746 | The customized JAVA_HOME setting is ignored for output modular alert |
2017-03-21 | DBX-3974 | First Time Run page typo |
2017-03-19 | DBX-3805 | No error message in UI if there is a SQL error when executing output command |
2017-03-15 | DBX-3939 | Deprecated property enable_query_wrapping is created in db_connections.conf |
2017-03-13 | DBX-3833 | Editing a lookup named like "mi_lookup://xxx" will open inputs page |
2017-03-09 | DBX-3928 | Invalid conf value causing task server to fail |
2017-03-08 | DBX-3831 | Error message when user does not have write access to checkpoint folder is unclear |
2017-03-06 | DBX-3924 | Task server can't start if server.vmopts does not exist in windows |
2017-03-02 | DBX-3884 | Unable to enable an output if referenced by an output alert |
2017-03-02 | DBX-3838 | Improper health panel labels |
2017-02-27 | DBX-3880 | If an input cannot be migrated because of missing checkpoint value, its name is not specified |
2017-02-27 | DBX-3842 | Log file naming does not follow Splunk convention |
2017-02-22 | DBX-3851, DBX-3819 | Query ending a with semi-colon character will fail in Oracle |
2017-02-19 | DBX-3706 | Create an input using an existing name does not return a clear error message |
2017-02-19 | DBX-3345 | A cloned lookup with a different connection cannot be saved |
2017-02-07 | DBX-3732 | Inputs with similar names (e.g. different case) cause checkpoint file conflict |
2017-01-25 | DBX-3796 | Wrong error message when java server returns 500 HTTP code |
2017-01-22 | DBX-3737 | Column with same name will be overwritten in dbxquery if shortnames is set to false |
2017-01-18 | DBX-3555 | Filter set on table listing objects are lost during navigation |
Known issues
Date filed | Issue number | Description |
2018-08-22 | DBX-4637 | HEC error message is not logged |
2018-08-22 | DBX-4638 | Empty host on the connection and the input will fail the input |
2018-07-16 | DBX-4623 | Compatibility issue with splunk_app_db_connect 3.1.3 and TA-Proofpoint-TAP 1.3.117 keeps DBX from loading. Workaround: Remove or Downgrade TA-Proofpoint-TAP |
2018-06-01 | DBX-4616 | Need to add extra backlash (escape) in GUI to be able to get literal backslash in query, but this breaks the query in the configuration file, preventing it from running after saving Workaround: Create query using GUI, then edit after in configuration file to remove extra backslash |
2018-05-16 | DBX-4612 | Cron expression using both "day of month" and "day of week", isn't supported when used in "Execution Frequency" Workaround: Don't use combination of "day of month" and "day of week" field. In some cases you could just use the day of week for the scheduling, depending on where the data is coming from. Although this might not be applicable to all situations. |
2018-04-18 | DBX-4603 | On Windows systems, hitting debug/refresh endpoint with DB Connect installed makes splunkweb not restart Workaround: Restart splunk through services.msc |
2018-03-27 | DBX-4589 | Push back buffer is full Workaround: In some cases reducing the amount of data returned, by limiting the timeframe of returned events in the search will work |
2018-03-13 | DBX-4585 | Output does not work if column's name contains special characters i.e. dot, space Workaround: Edit the conf file to wrap the field with the DB quote identifier such as back quote for MySQL or square brackets for SQL Server |
2018-01-09 | DBX-4527 | dbxquery cannot start on Splunk Enterprise 7+ if users set a time zone in their preferences |
2017-12-10 | DBX-4491 | Upgrade third party libraries for CVE-2017-9735 and CVE-2017-7525. |
2017-11-30 | DBX-4482 | Task server listens on all IP addresses |
2017-11-22 | DBX-4476 | Updating DB credentials are not propagated to inputs and outputs |
2017-11-14 | DBX-4472 | rh_healthlog and rh_usage_data are invalid entries in restmap.conf |
2017-10-10 | DBX-4454 | Invalid rising column index value when non-indexable columns are skipped Workaround: Remove non-indexable columns from the query. All data that are binary data are non-indexable such as the following SQL types: TINYBLOB, BLOB, MEDIUMBLOB, LONGBLOB, BINARY, VARBINARY, IMAGE, LOB. This list is not comprehensive because some databases define their own non-standard types. Cast the column to text format |
2017-10-09 | DBX-4451, DBX-4434 | Pooled connections are not closed when a connection is disabled or deleted |
2017-08-09 | DBX-4407 | Inputs using a rising column with types: datetime, timestamp, date, time cannot be bulk edited after the preview is run |
2017-07-31 | DBX-4400, DBX-4399 | Task server cannot start on SHC if captain is static Workaround: Switch to dynamic |
2017-07-20 | DBX-4391, DBX-4378 | Index cannot be set without selecting an existing one |
2017-07-20 | DBX-4390 | issue with connection to oracle db |
2017-07-19 | DBX-4387 | Splunk cannot be restarted via web interface, deployer or deployment server on Windows Workaround: Use the CLI or the services control panel (services.msc) to restart Splunk |
2017-07-19 | DBX-4389, DBX-4386 | Unindexable fields increase the license usage. |
2017-07-17 | DBX-4385 | Time zone defined on a connection is applied to all time related fields |
2017-07-16 | DBX-4382 | Output is slow when upsert is enabled |
2017-07-14 | DBX-4381 | Audit log file for commands does not rotate |
2017-07-12 | DBX-4377 | File permission check returns false positive on Windows |
2017-07-11 | DBX-4373, DBX-4372 | Lookup with multiple keys does not return results Workaround: Build a composite key in SPL and build the same key in SQL. For example, if first_name and last_name are the 2 keys then use similar SPL: {noformat}
<your_SPL> | eval composite_key=firstName.lastName | dbxlookup connection=<your_connection> query="select some_fields, concat(first_name, last_name) as composite_key from employee" composite_key
2017-06-26 | DBX-4349 | Help link is broken in sending data confirmation dialog |
2017-06-15 | DBX-4305 | Lookup preview will fail if mapped fields starts or ends with a space |
2017-06-09 | DBX-4281 | User can not create lookup or output with realtime saved search |
2017-06-05 | DBX-4252 | Input cannot use '"timestamp" as rising column with Sybase IQ 15.4 driver |
2017-03-26 | DBX-3985 | Kerberos health check is not supported in windows |
2016-12-14 | DBX-3610 | "TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE" and "TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE" can not be used in rising column input Workaround: Use cast/convert to convert the timestamp with timezone to a timestamp |
2016-10-18 | DBX-3309 | dbxquery command returns misordered columns |
CLogger |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® DB Connect: 3.1.0
Feedback submitted, thanks!