Splunk® DB Connect

Deploy and Use Splunk DB Connect

This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk® DB Connect. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.


The db_connection_types.conf file lists the supported database types, driver parameters, and test queries. The file contains the specification for database connection types.


serviceClass = <string>
# required
# Splunk Java class that provides JDBC support for this database connection type.

supportedVersions = <string>
# optional
# list (comma separated) supported verions(majorVersion.minorVersion) of JDBC driver implemented by serviceClass
# installed driver major version must == MajorVersion and minor version >= MinorVersion for a driver to be considered supported

jdbcUrlFormat = <string>
# required
# JDBC Connection URL used for this database connection type. Supported variables: host, port, database, informixserver.

jdbcUrlSSLFormat = <string>
# optional
# JDBC Connection URL used for this database connection type if jdbcUseSSL is enabled. Supported variables: host, port, database, informixserver.

jdbcUseSSL = [true | false]
# optional
# default is false, whether this type of connection will use SSL connection.

jdbcDriverClass = <string>
# optional
# Driver vendor Java class that provides JDBC support for this database connection type.

testQuery = <string>
# optional
# simple SQL to test validation for this database type.
# JDBC 4 compliant drivers do not need this parameter.

displayName = <string>
# optional
# Describe the database connection type for end users.

database = <string>
# required if used in jdbcUrlFormat or jdbcUrlSSLFormat.
# JDBC URL variable for the default database or schema used for this database connection type.

port = <integer>
# required if used in jdbcUrlFormat or jdbcUrlSSLFormat.
# JDBC URL variable for the network port used for this database connection type.

useConnectionPool = [true | false]
# optional, default is true.
# The connection pooling is based on Hikari, refer to https://github.com/brettwooldridge/HikariCP

ui_default_catalog = <string>
# optional
# ignored since 3.0

ui_default_schema = <string>
# optional
# ignored since 3.0

maxConnLifetimeMillis = <integer>
# optional, default is 120000 = 120 seconds
# valid when useConnectionPool = true
# The maximum lifetime in milliseconds of a connection in the connection pool.
# An in-use connection will never be retired, only when it is closed will it then be removed.
# A value of zero means the connection has an infinite lifetime.

maxWaitMillis = <integer>
# optional, default is 30000 = 30 seconds
# valid when useConnectionPool = true
# The maximum number of milliseconds that the pool will wait (when there are no
# available connections) for a connection to be returned before throwing an exception.
# [250, 300000] milliseconds is a reasonable value to wait to establish a connection.
# The max wait time is 300000 millisenconds (300 seconds).

maxTotalConn = <integer>
# optional, default is 8 connections
# valid when useConnectionPool = true
# The maximum number of active connections that can be allocated from this pool at the same time, or negative for no limit.

connection_properties = <string>
# optional
# Set JDBC variables for this database connection type.
# For example: {"useLegacyDatetimeCode": false}

connection_properties_format = <string>
# Optional
# Contains the format for connection properties.
# e.g. {"privateKey":"ENCRYPTED"}

deprecated = [true | false]
# Defines if a connection type is deprecated or not
# true: connection type is supported for existing connection, but it won't be available when creating a new connection
# false: connection type is available when editing or creating a connection

deprecatedSince = <string>
# Defines the version in which the connection type was deprecated

database_engine = <string>
# Required
# Defines the database engine. Useful when multiple connection types are present for the same database engine.

Last modified on 02 October, 2024
dbx-migration.conf.spec   db_connections.conf.spec

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® DB Connect: 3.18.0

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