Performance and Sizing
Splunk Inc. has tested the Splunk Firehose Nozzle for VMware Tanzu Architecture running as a single deployed nozzle on the AWS instance type c4.4xlarge. This EC2 instance type has 8 CPU and 32 GB memory. Storage is EBS-Only and has dedicated EBS Bandwidth of 2,000 Mbps. Tests were performed with structured and unstructured data with 2 different event sizes 256 and 1024 bytes. Averaged performance metrics over an extended period of time resulted in the following results:
Performance results should be taken as a guide only as different configurations and environments may vary results.
Tests | Events per Second (EPS) | Mbps | Nozzle CPU (%) | Nozzle Mem Total (MB) |
Structured Data (JSON) - 256 byte event size | 9444 | 7.30 | 530.6 | 57.2 |
Structured Data (JSON) - 1024 byte event size | 6775 | 10.90 | 567.9 | 79.9 |
Unstructured Data - 256 byte event size | 11189 | 9.10 | 502.3 | 58.3 |
Unstructured Data - 1024 byte event size | 9487 | 16.03 | 491.5 | 82.8 |
Nozzle CPU (%) 100% means that a single core is wholly dedicated to the Nozzle. 500% means five cores are wholly dedicated. Factoring these optimal testing numbers, Splunk recommends that to run a single Splunk nozzle instance, you use a system with at least 8 CPUs and 300 MB RAM.
Index routing
Use index routing to send different Cloud Foundry logs to different indexes for better Audit Command Language (ACL) and data retention control in your Splunk platform deployment.
Configure application index routing via application manifest Navigate to your deployment's your app manifest, and provide an environment variable named SPLUNK_INDEX
and assign it the index you would like to send the app data to. Make sure Splunk nozzle is configured with Add
(Select at least one of AppName,OrgName,OrgGuid,SpaceName,SpaceGuid) to enable app info caching.
applications: - name: console memory: 256M disk_quota: 256M host: console timeout: 180 buildpack: go health-check-type: port env: SPLUNK_INDEX: testing_index
Verify SPLUNK_INDEX exists on your Splunk platform deployment. Otherwise data will be lost.
Index routing via Splunk configuration
Logs can be routed using fields such as app ID/name, space ID/name or org ID/name. Configure the Splunk configuration files props.conf and transforms.conf on your Splunk platform indexers or Splunk platform heavy forwarders, if deployed.
The following are examples of index routing configurations:
Example: Route data from application ID 95930b4e-c16c-478e-8ded-5c6e9c5981f8 to a Splunk production index:
$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/props.conf [cf:logmessage] TRANSFORMS-index_routing = route_data_to_index_by_field_cf_app_id
$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/transforms.conf [route_data_to_index_by_field_cf_app_id] REGEX = "(\w+)":"95930b4e-c16c-478e-8ded-5c6e9c5981f8" DEST_KEY = _MetaData:Index FORMAT = prod
Example: Route application logs from any Cloud Foundry organizations whose names are prefixed with sales
to a Splunk software sales
$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/props.conf ``` [cf:logmessage] TRANSFORMS-index_routing = route_data_to_index_by_field_cf_org_name
*$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/transforms.conf* [route_data_to_index_by_field_cf_org_name] REGEX = "cf_org_name":"(sales.*)" DEST_KEY = _MetaData:Index FORMAT = sales ```
Example: Route data from sourcetype cf:splunknozzle
to index new_index
$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/props.conf [cf:splunknozzle] TRANSFORMS-route_to_new_index = route_to_new_index
$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/transforms.conf [route_to_new_index] SOURCE_KEY = MetaData:Sourcetype DEST_KEY =_MetaData:Index REGEX = (sourcetype::cf:splunknozzle) FORMAT = new_index
Load Balancing Overview | Troubleshoot your deployment |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Firehose Nozzle for VMware Tanzu: 1.3.0
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