Splunk® Firehose Nozzle for VMware Tanzu

Install and Administer the Splunk Firehose Nozzle for VMware Tanzu

Release History for the Splunk Firehose Nozzle for VMware Tanzu

Latest release

The latest version of the Splunk Firehose Nozzle for VMware Tanzu is version 1.3.0. See Release notes for the Splunk Firehose Nozzle for VMware Tanzu for the release notes of this latest version.

Version 1.2.4

Release Date: Dec 21st, 2021 Features: Fixed OAuth dependency issue, which caused auth failure when special characters were used in client secret. Updated web socket dependency to fix vulnerabilities. Fixed keep-alive connection implementation to reuse the connections (while sending events to HEC). Improved unit-testing code coverage. Improved debug mode to add more event details while printing to stdout. Added support for TAS 2.12.x

Version 1.2.3

Release Date: Oct 18th, 2021 Features: Added option to forward envelope tags to splunk event #278 Updated Splunk HEC retry counter default Updated Tile migration script (to fix config getting reset on nozzle upgrade) Updated logic to drop event when sink buffer is full to prevent passing back-pressure back to doppler, which was causing disconnects ([BUG] - Splunk nozzle transfers backpreassure upstream, resulting in client disconnects and doppler drops #285) Updated cache logic to fetch app info from BoltDB database if it is not found in in-memory cache or remote Upgraded go version to go1.17 and migrated from Glide to Go Modules

Version 1.2.2

Release Date: May 7th, 2021 Features: Added support for NaN or Infinity value metrics Includes minor bug fixes

Version 1.2.1

Release Date: August 5th, 2020 Features: Updated Tile to include migration step, required due to configuration (Add app info) field type change.

Version 1.2.0

Release Date: July 27th, 2020 Features: Added consumer queue monitoring capabilities in the nozzle to help with back-pressure insights with events received vs sent count. Updated logging to include retry counter during HEC retries. Updated app metadata configuration: Add-app-info configuration now allows users to select interested app metadata fields (List includes: AppName, OrgName, OrgGuid, SpaceName, SpaceGuid). Removed cf_origin and cf_ignored_app fields from app metadata. Updated CI to include functional tests. Updated tile with recent stemcell i.e, 621.

Version 1.1.2

Release Date: August 7th, 2019 Features: Updated authentication mechanism to use Client ID and Client secret. See Configuration for more information. Updated uaago library. Includes minor bug fixes.

Version 1.1.1

Release Date: June 27th, 2019 Features: Upgrade cfclient, noaa, golang-net, and golang-sys libraries and dependencies. Allows configuration of keep alive duration Firehose Keep Alive for the firehose consumer from within the tile. For more information, see Configuration. Updated default value for Org Space Cache Invalidate TTL configuration parameter. Updated tile with latest CF-CLI version to address a high CVE.

Version 1.1.0

Release Date: June 3rd, 2019 Features: Per application index routing: This feature enables applications developers/ users to send their application data to a specific index in Splunk. A SPLUNK_INDEX environment variable could be set within application manifest for the application which will then override the default SPLUNK_INDEX of the nozzle and send specific application data to specific index. Caching system refactoring for better performance. Adds Org Space Cache Invalidate TTL advance configuration parameter to the tile to update org and space cache directly. Exponential backoff for HTTP Event Collector retry mechanism. Removes Splunk Version configuration parameter from the tile as its no longer required.

Version 1.0.2

Release Date: February 27th, 2019 Features: Allows configuration of the nozzle memory from within the tile. For more information, see Configuration. Includes minor bug fixes. Adds additional logging to report errors bubbled up from annotation.

Version 1.0.1

Release Date: May 2, 2018 Features: Allows to configure the nozzle with advanced configuration features from within the tile.

Version 1.0.0

Release Date: September 12, 2017 Splunk Supported Release Features: Scale out capability: Deploy more than one nozzle to your VMware Tanzu environment for High Availability. Events streamed efficiently and in a secure manner to Splunk via the HTTP Event Collector (HEC). Nozzle is running multiple clients sending to HEC for concurrent streaming into Splunk for increased event throughput. Custom event metadata can be sent along with VMware Tanzu events for enriching data inside Splunk. Log tracing feature allows correlation searching and improved results inside Splunk.

Last modified on 24 June, 2024
Release Notes for the Splunk Firehose Nozzle for VMware Tanzu  

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Firehose Nozzle for VMware Tanzu: 1.3.0

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