Splunk® for iPad (EOL)

Use Splunk for iPad

Splunk for iPad has reached its end of life on May 17, 2023. Splunk will no longer develop or provide support for this product, and encourages you to use Splunk Mobile instead. If you have questions, contact mobile-team@splunk.com.

View dashboards and alerts in Splunk for iPad

You can view dashboards and alerts from the Splunk platform instance that you're logged into in Splunk for iPad.


View dashboards

Here's how to view dashboards in the Splunk for iPad app:

  1. Tap the All Dashboards tab to see a list of all your apps.
  2. Select the app to see view dashboards from it. Or, select Favorites or Recents to view favorited or recently viewed dashboards.

To search for a dashboard, tap the Search tab to search for a dashboard by name. You can filter the search results by dashboards, alerts, or notes.

View alerts

Tap the Alerts tab to view your alerts. You can filter alerts by priority and respond to an alert if the sender set up a response button.

Last modified on 05 October, 2021
Download Splunk for iPad   Take notes and annotate visualizations in Splunk for iPad

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® for iPad (EOL): 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.2.0, 1.3.0, 1.4.0, 1.4.1, 1.4.2

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