Splunk® IT Service Intelligence

Install and Upgrade Manual

This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk® IT Service Intelligence. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.

ITSI compatibility with related apps and add-ons

This table lists versions of IT Service Intelligence (ITSI) and their compatible versions of the following related products:

  • The Machine Learning Toolkit (MLTK) is required if you want to leverage ITSI's Predictive Analytics functionality. For more information, see Set up Predictive Analytics in ITSI. You must also install the Python for Scientific Computing Add-on version 3.0.2 or higher in order to use MLTK.
  • The Common Information Model (CIM) is required for bidirectional ticketing with ServiceNow and BMC Remedy. For more information, see Overview of episode actions in ITSI.
  • The Splunk Add-on for BMC Remedy is required for integration with BMC Remedy.
  • The Splunk Add-on for ServiceNow is required for integration with ServiceNow.

For compatibility between ITSI and Splunk Enterprise versions, see the Splunk products version compatibility matrix.

For compatibility between Splunk Enterprise and other Splunk apps and add-ons, see the specific app or add-on page on Splunkbase.

For instructions on upgrading ITSI, see Before you upgrade IT Service Intelligence.

IT Service Intelligence (ITSI) Machine Learning Toolkit (MLTK) Common Information Model (CIM) Splunk Add-on for ServiceNow
4.17.x 5.3.3 5.x 7.x
4.16.x (Cloud only) 5.3.3 5.x 7.x
4.15.x 5.3.3 4.x, 5.x 7.x
4.14.x (Cloud only) 5.x 4.x, 5.x 7.x
4.13.x 5.x 4.x, 5.x 7.x
Last modified on 27 November, 2023
Plan your ITSI deployment   Python 3 migration with ITSI

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® IT Service Intelligence: 4.17.0, 4.17.1

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