Splunk® IT Service Intelligence

REST API Reference

This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk® IT Service Intelligence. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.

ITSI REST API reference

The ITSI REST API is recommended for administrators and developers with REST API experience only. All POST and DELETE operations are irreversible.

This reference describes Splunk IT Service Intelligence (ITSI) REST API endpoints exposed via the splunkd management port 8089. You can use this API to interact programmatically and extend the functionality of ITSI.

For information on the Splunk platform REST API, see the Splunk REST API User Manual.

ITSI REST API usage details

Before using the ITSI REST API, consider the following:

  • Use the splunkd management port, 8089, and secure HTTPS protocol.
  • Only the latest version of ITSI is supported for all APIs. Either don't specify a version or specify vLatest after the interface name.
  • The API performs capability and RBAC checks. For capability requirements, see Configure users and roles in ITSI.
  • In most cases, <user> is nobody and <app> is SA-ITOA.
  • splunkd core settings for compression, payload limits, and so on in the web.conf file apply to endpoints.

How to use the filter parameter

The ITSI REST API uses the MongoDB syntax of rules expressions to filter the payload. The filter has to be valid JSON. When using cURL, the filter JSON has to be URL encoded.

Example 1: Use filter to look up an object with title "Web Service."

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/service?fields='title'&filter='{"title":"Web+Service"}'

See db.collection.find in the MongoDB reference manual.

Example 2: Use filter to do wildcard lookup against the REST API.

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/<object_type>?fields='<field_name1>,<field_name2>'&filter='{"<field_name>":{"$regex":".*"}}' 

See $regex in the MongoDB reference manual.

Example 3: URL encode filter JSON.

curl --location -g --request GET 'https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/entity?fields='title,_key'&filter={%22entity_type%22:%22API%22}' -k -u admin

How to use the rest command for SA-ITOA endpoints

You can use the Splunk rest command, see rest command to perform REST operations within Splunk Web. Remove the curl command from the request body to form a search similar to the following:

| rest splunk_server=local /servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/event_management_interface/correlation_search report_as=text

The rest command has some arguments that differ from those accepted by REST API endpoints. For example, the limit argument for endpoints is replaced by the count argument, so \?limit\=1 is replaced by count=1

As of ITSI version 4.4.0, in order to continue using | rest for SA-ITOA endpoints, you must add report_as=text to your Splunk searches. Otherwise those searches stop working. For more information, see Removed features in Splunk IT Service Intelligence.

Endpoint interface categories

ITSI REST API endpoints are organized into the following interface categories based on the scenarios they target.

Category Description
ITOA Interface Perform operations on core ITSI objects such as entities, services, service templates, and deep dives.
Event Management Interface Perform operations on ITSI event management objects such as episodes, aggregation policies, and correlation searches.
Maintenance Services Interface Perform operations on ITSI maintenance windows.
Backup Restore Interface Perform operations on ITSI backup and restore jobs.
Glass table icon interface Perform operations on ITSI glass table icons stored in the KV store.

ITSI object data structures

For detailed information about ITSI object data structures, see the ITSI REST API schema in this manual.

ITOA Interface

This interface encapsulates operations on the following ITSI object types:

  • team
  • entity
  • service
  • base_service_template (service template)
  • kpi_base_search
  • deep_dive
  • glass_table
  • home_view
  • kpi_template
  • kpi_threshold_template
  • event_management_state
  • entity_filter_rule
  • entity_type
  • custom_threshold_windows

Base URL

https://<splunk server like localhost>:<splunkd port like 8089>/servicesNS/<user>/<app>/itoa_interface



Get a list of alias field names from all ITSI entities in your environment.

Request parameters

Data payload

List of alias field names.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/get_alias_list

JSON Response



Get a list of supported object types in the ITOA interface.


Get a list of supported object types.

Request parameters

Data payload

List of object types supported within the ITOA interface.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/get_supported_object_types

JSON Response


Note: The entity_relationship and entity_relationship_rule objects are not used.


Perform CRUD operations on ITSI objects and create individual objects.


Get a list of objects in your environment by object type.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
sort_key String Name of the field to sort by.
sort_dir Integer How to sort the results. 1 for ascending and 0 for descending.
limit Integer The maximum number of entries to return. If limit isn't set, all entries are returned.
offset Integer The number of entries to skip from the start. Used primarily for paging.
fields String A comma-separated list of field names to select from the results.
filter String MongoDB syntax of rules expressions to filter the payload. See How to use the filter parameter.

Make sure to use the correct filter syntax. Incorrect filter syntax causes all rows to be returned for the object type.

Data payload:

List of objects queried.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/entity/?fields=title,_key&'filter='{"title":{"$regex":".*mysql"}}'

JSON Response



Create and update new objects by object type.

Request parameters

Data payload:
A dictionary of valid schema for the object type. See ITSI REST API schema.

The key of the object created or updated.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/entity -H "Content-Type: 
application/json" -X POST -d '{"component": ["PerProcess"],"informational": {"fields": ["info"],"values": ["field"]},"_version": 
"3.0.0","title": "PerProcess","object_type": "entity","_type":"entity","identifier": {"fields": ["component"],"values": 

JSON Response



Delete objects in your environment by object type.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
sort_key String Name of the field to sort by.
sort_dir Integer How to sort the results. 1 for ascending and 0 for descending.
limit Integer The maximum number of entries to return. If limit isn't set, all entries are returned.
offset Integer The number of entries to skip from the start. Used primarily for paging.
fields String A comma-separated list of field names to select from the results.
filter String MongoDB syntax of rules expressions to filter the payload. See How to use the filter parameter.


Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/entity?fields='title''&'filter='{"title":"bar"}' -X DELETE 

To prevent accidental deletion of good data, make sure to use the correct filter syntax. Incorrect filter syntax causes all rows to be deleted for the object type. A better method for deletion is to use an object's key, such as "60d9300f-0942-4bda-bdec-5ad4baf633b6", rather than a filter.

JSON Response


Bulk create and update ITOA interface objects such as entities, services, and KPI base searches. The key is the value populated in the _key field which is returned in the REST call in the API for create. For example: "_key" : "60d9300f-0942-4bda-bdec-5ad4baf633b6".


Update multiple objects of a particular type.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
is_partial_data Boolean 1 if the payload for the update is a partial payload. 0 indicates the entire payload for the object schema provided and overwrites the existing object. Default is 0.

Data payload
A dictionary of valid schema for the object type. See the ITSI REST API schema.

The unique key value for the updated object.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/entity/bulk_update?is_partial_data=1 -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '[{"_key": "object-1", "description": "foo"}]'

JSON Response



Perform CRUD operations on a single ITSI object. The key is the value populated in the _key field which is returned in the REST call in the API for create. For example: "_key" : "60d9300f-0942-4bda-bdec-5ad4baf633b6".


Get information about a specific ITSI object.

Request parameters

Data payload

A list of objects queried.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/entity?filter='{"title":"bar"}'

JSON Response

         "title":"Database Service"
         "title":"Buttercup Store"
   "mod_time":"2017-04-14 17:20:03.610566",


Update the field values of a specific object.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
is_partial_data Boolean 1 if the payload for the update is a partial payload. 0 indicates the entire payload for the object schema provided and overwrites the existing object. Default is 0.

Data payload
A dictionary of valid schema for the object type. See ITSI REST API schema.

The key of the updated object.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/entity/<_key>/?is_partial_data=1 -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"description": "foo"}' 

JSON Response



Delete an object.

Request parameters


Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/entity/60d9300f-0942-4bda-bdec-5ad4baf633b6 -X DELETE

To prevent accidental deletion of entities, do not use a filter. Incorrect filter syntax will cause all entities to be deleted.

JSON Response


Get a count of objects of a particular type in your environment.


Get a count of objects of a particular type.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
filter String MongoDB syntax of rules expressions to filter the objects. See How to use the filter parameter.

If no filter is specified, all is assumed.

A count of objects of the object type that match the filter criteria, if provided. If you don't provide any filtering criteria, the request returns a count of all objects in your environment.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost.com:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/entity/count/?fields='title''&'filter='{"title":{"$regex":".*mysql"}}'

JSON Response



Generate a template from an existing ITSI object. Only service and KPI base search objects are supported. You can use the template to replicate the object configuration into other objects.

The key is the value populated in the _key field which is returned in the REST call in the API for create. For example: "_key" : "60d9300f-0942-4bda-bdec-5ad4baf633b6".


Get the template of an existing ITSI object.

Request parameters

Data payload

A dictionary with the template derived from the ITSI object.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/entity/<_key>/templatize

JSON Response

   "title":"External Authorization Services",






               …               {  


Perform bulk link operations from one or more services to a service template. Requires write access to the specific services and read access to Global team.


Get the key value for the service template linked to a service.

Request parameters

Data payload

Dictionary of {'_key': service_template_id}

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/service/5a0084fd-a090-42fa-9283-0bbe5080429c/base_service_template

JSON Response



Link one or more services to a service template.

When linking a service to a service template via the UI where entity rules are defined, you have the option of appending or replacing the rules in the template or keeping the existing rules. However, changing the linked service template via REST gives no option to handle entity rules. As a result, the request defaults to appending template rules. If you want to replace or keep the existing rules, edit the template through the UI instead of the API.

Request parameters

Data payload
A dictionary of valid schema for the object type. See ITSI REST API schema.

Dictionary of {'_key': service_template_id}

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password -X POST -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: application/json" --data '{"_key": "491b90d8-62f3-4aeb-be9e-6ccb0b7e63b8"}'  https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/service/6b0dda59-de86-4b9d-8817-460b5091d28c/base_service_template 

JSON Response



API to perform bulk operations for custom content packs.


Retrieves a list of available content packs.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
sort_key String Name of field to sort by.
sort_dir String The sort direction. Use asc for ascending order and des for descending order.
output_mode String 'json' output.
status String Content pack status, which can be one of the folllowing: Draft, Queued, Generating, Generated, Failed, Incomplete
offset Number Specifies the number n where n is the number of entries to skip. Used primarily for paging.
fields Array Specifies the fields in the return results.
count Number Specifies the number of entries to return.
filter String MongoDB syntax of rules expressions to filter the payload. Make sure to use the correct filter syntax. Incorrect filter syntax will cause all rows to be returned for the object type.
search String Filters the content packs with title that contains the search string.

Data payload

List of content packs with default fields or fields passed through query parameters.

Note: The fields icon, itsi_objects_counts, splunk_objects_counts cannot be queried directly by specifying them in the fields' query parameters. However these fields are returned if no fields are passed in the query parameters.

Example request

curl -k -u admin:password 'https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/content_pack_authorship/content_pack?count=1&offset=0&sort_dir=desc&sort_key=mod_timestamp&output_mode=json&sort_mode=auto&status=generated&fields=_key,title,description,cp_version,metadata,status,mod_source,object_type,mod_timestamp,_version,_user,itsi_objects,splunk_objects'

JSON Response

           ""correlation_search"": [
               ""Bidirectional Ticketing"",
               ""BMC Remedy Bidirectional Ticketing"",
           ""deep_dive"": [
           ""entity_type"": [],
           ""event_management_state"": [
           ""glass_table"": [
           ""home_view"": [
           ""kpi_base_search"": [
           ""kpi_threshold_template"": [
           ""notable_aggregation_policy"": [
           ""service"": [
           ""team"": [
       ""splunk_objects"": {
           ""dashboards"": [],
           ""lookups"": [],
           ""macros"": [],
           ""props"": [],
           ""savedsearches"": [],
           ""transforms"": []
       ""status"": ""Draft"",
       ""mod_source"": ""unknown"",
       ""object_type"": ""content_pack"",
       ""mod_timestamp"": ""2023-01-27T19":"11":"55.352969+00":00",
       ""_version"": "4.16.0",
       ""_user"": ""nobody"",
       ""_key"": "63d421fbdfedc56c4714dac3"\"


Creates a content pack.

Request parameters

Data payload
Content pack details including title, description, overview, cp_version, itsi_objects, splunk_objects, user_selected_objects

The unique content pack key(s).

Example request

Curl -k -u admin:password -X POST https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/content_pack_authorship/content_pack 

      "main_screenshot":{ },
      "screenshots":[ ]
      "base_service_template":[ ],
      "deep_dive":[ ],
      "entity_type":[ ],
      "event_management_state":[ ],
      "glass_table":[ ],
      "Home_view":[ ],
      "Kpi_base_search":[ ],
      "kpi_threshold_template":[ ],
      "notable_aggregation_policy":[ ],
      "service":[ ],
      "dashboards":[ ],
      "lookups":[ ],
      "macros":[ ],
      "savedsearches":[ ],
         "base_service_template":[ ],
         "correlation_search":[ ],
         "deep_dive":[ ],
         "entity_type":[ ],
         "glass_table":[ ],
         "home_view": [ ],
         "kpi_base_search":[ ],
         "kpi_threshold_template":[ ],
         "notable_aggregation_policy":[ ],
         "service":[ ],
         "team":[ ]
         "dashboards":[ ],
         "lookups":[ ],
         "macros":[  ],
         "props":[ ],
         "savedsearches":[ ],
         "transforms":[ ]

JSON Response

{"_key": "63d84f746edaf755a171ab3d" }



Edit existing content pack.

Request parameters

Data payload
JSON of the content pack's contents

Content pack key.

Example request

curl -k -u admin:password -X POST https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/content_pack_authorship/content_pack/63d84f746edaf755a171ab3d 

      "main_screenshot":{ },
      "screenshots":[ ]
      "base_service_template":[ ],
      "deep_dive":[ ],
      "entity_type":[ ],
      "event_management_state":[ ],
      "glass_table":[ ],
      "Home_view":[ ],
      "Kpi_base_search":[ ],
      "kpi_threshold_template":[ ],
      "notable_aggregation_policy":[ ],
      "service":[ ],
      "dashboards":[ ],
      "lookups":[ ],
      "macros":[ ],
      "savedsearches":[ ],
         "base_service_template":[ ],
         "correlation_search":[ ],
         "deep_dive":[ ],
         "entity_type":[ ],
         "glass_table":[ ],
         "home_view": [ ],
         "kpi_base_search":[ ],
         "kpi_threshold_template":[ ],
         "notable_aggregation_policy":[ ],
         "service":[ ],
         "team":[ ]
         "dashboards":[ ],
         "lookups":[ ],
         "macros":[  ],
         "props":[ ],
         "savedsearches":[ ],
         "transforms":[ ]

JSON Response

{"_key": "63d84f746edaf755a171ab3d" }



Retrieves content packs with a specific status.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
filter String MongoDB syntax of rules expressions to filter the payload. See How to use the filter parameter. Make sure to use the correct filter syntax. Incorrect filter syntax will cause all rows to be returned for the object type.

Data payload

Count for content packs with a specific status.

Example request

curl -k -u admin:password 'https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/content_pack_authorship/content_pack/count?filter=\{"status":\{"$ne":"Generated"\}\}'

JSON Response

{"count": 150}



Retrieves a single content pack.

Request parameters

Data payload

Content pack details for single content pack.

Example request

curl  -k -u admin:Chang3d!  'https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA ITOA/itoa_interface/content_pack_authorship/content_pack/63d9ed7f802bc46c575f20c3

JSON Response

      ""main_screenshot"": {
           ""name"": ""main_screenshot.png"",
          "content_base64": ""data":image/png;base64,
            "a1b70f9f-d777-47f7-a751-e0dec58fd0d6":"PSR Base 4:Backfill Minutes_12a085c9"
            "14b5ada2-3ecf-4708-9bdd-d49909f44f2c":"PSR Base Pt2"
            "SAI-AWS_EC2_Service_Template":"Cloud KPIs - AWS EC2 (SAI)"
            "k8s_node":"Kubernetes Node"
            "e9457956-775e-11ed-9d3f-02420a81e003":"CP Test Policy 2"
            "9d27ade8-700e-11ed-bdfc-694ea8dd14e8":"Episode Review"
   "mod_time":"2023-01-31 20:41:35",


Delete one custom content pack.

Request parameters

Data payload

Content pack details for single content pack.

Example request

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089//servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/content_pack_authorship/content_pack/633262c2716f8a0bcd009fe6 -X DELETE

'''JSON Response'''<br>
<div class="samplecode"><pre>



Build a custom content pack.

Request parameters

Data payload

The key and description of the custom content pack.

Example request

curl -k -u admin:Chang3d! -X POST ''

'''JSON Response'''<br>
<div class="samplecode"><pre>
{"_key": "63d8501b6edaf755a171ab3e"}



Download a custom content pack once it has been built.

Request parameters

Data payload

The details for the downloaded content pack. Your package will be named DA-ITSI-CP-CUST-<_key>_<version>.tar.gz

Example request

curl -k -u admin:<password> -o <filename>.tar.gz https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/content_pack_authorship/files/<_key>.tar.gz

'''JSON Response'''<br>
<div class="samplecode"><pre>


API to get a list of available content packs in the ITSI Content Library. Use the installed_versions key to determine whether a content pack is currently installed on your system. For more information about the Content Library, see About the ITSI Content Library.


Retrieves a list of content packs in the Content Library.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
count Integer The maximum number of entries to return. If count isn't set, all entries are returned.
offset Integer Index of the first item to return.
sort_dir String The response sort order:
  • asc = ascending order
  • desc = descending order
sort_key String The field name to use for sorting.

Data payload

An array with success and failure keys. The success key contain an array with information about each content pack. The failure key contains an array with error information about each content pack that failed to load.

Example request

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/content_pack?count=2&sort_key=name

JSON Response

    "items": {
        "success": [
                "author": "",
                "description": "Content Pack for AWS Dashboards and Reports gives you critical operational insight into your Amazon Web Services accounts.",
                "icon": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-aws-dashboards/icon.png",
                "id": "DA-ITSI-CP-aws-dashboards",
                "help_links": [],
                "title": "AWS Dashboards and Reports",
                "version": "1.3.2",
                "installed_versions": [],
                "screenshots": [
                        "path": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-aws-dashboards/screenshots/insight_overview.png",
                        "thumb": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-aws-dashboards/screenshots/insight_overview_thumbnail.png"
                        "path": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-aws-dashboards/screenshots/usage_overview.png",
                        "thumb": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-aws-dashboards/screenshots/usage_overview_thumbnail.png"
                        "path": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-aws-dashboards/screenshots/billing_cur_overview.png",
                        "thumb": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-aws-dashboards/screenshots/billing_cur_overview_thumbnail.png"
                        "path": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-aws-dashboards/screenshots/ebs_insights.png",
                        "thumb": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-aws-dashboards/screenshots/ebs_insights_thumbnail.png"
                        "path": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-aws-dashboards/screenshots/elb_insights.png",
                        "thumb": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-aws-dashboards/screenshots/elb_insights_thumbnail.png"
                        "path": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-aws-dashboards/screenshots/ec2_instance_entities.png",
                        "thumb": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-aws-dashboards/screenshots/ec2_instance_entities_thumbnail.png"
                        "path": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-aws-dashboards/screenshots/ec2_instance_infra_overview.png",
                        "thumb": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-aws-dashboards/screenshots/ec2_instance_infra_overview_thumbnail.png"
                        "path": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-aws-dashboards/screenshots/entity_type_infra_overview.png",
                        "thumb": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-aws-dashboards/screenshots/entity_type_infra_overview_thumbnail.png"
                "main_screenshot": {
                    "path": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-aws-dashboards/screenshots/overview.png",
                    "thumb": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-aws-dashboards/screenshots/overview_thumbnail.png"
                "saved_searches": {
                    "total": 45,
                    "enabled": 45,
                    "disabled": 0
                "entitlement_status": true
        "failure": [
                "title": "Monitoring Citrix",
                "error_code": 404,
                "error_message": "FileNotFound Error! manifest.json or rule.json absent",
                "action_detail": "Check the itsi_content_packs_retrieve.log for more details"


API to retrieve information about a single content pack in the ITSI Content Library.


Gets information about a content pack.

Request parameters

Data payload

A dictionary of keys representing information about the requested content pack.

Example request

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/content_pack/DA-ITSI-CP-microsoft-exchange/1.6.0

JSON Response

    "author": "",
    "description": "Content Pack for Microsoft Exchange gives you visibility into the health and performance of your Microsoft Exchange environment, from Edge and Hub Transport servers to the Client Access servers and the Mailbox Store itself.",
    "icon": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-microsoft-exchange/icon.png",
    "id": "DA-ITSI-CP-microsoft-exchange",
    "help_links": [],
    "title": "Microsoft Exchange",
    "version": "1.6.0",
    "installed_versions": [
    "screenshots": [
            "path": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-microsoft-exchange/screenshots/Exchange_Overview.png",
            "thumb": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-microsoft-exchange/screenshots/Exchange_Overview_thumbnail.png"
            "path": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-microsoft-exchange/screenshots/Service_Analyzer.png",
            "thumb": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-microsoft-exchange/screenshots/Service_Analyzer_thumbnail.png"
            "path": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-microsoft-exchange/screenshots/Exchange_CP_ITSI_Objects.png",
            "thumb": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-microsoft-exchange/screenshots/Exchange_CP_ITSI_Objects_thumbnail.png"
            "path": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-microsoft-exchange/screenshots/Client_Service_Overview.png",
            "thumb": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-microsoft-exchange/screenshots/Client_Service_Overview_thumbnail.png"
            "path": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-microsoft-exchange/screenshots/Environment_Overview.png",
            "thumb": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-microsoft-exchange/screenshots/Environment_Overview_thumbnail.png"
            "path": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-microsoft-exchange/screenshots/Health_Overview.png",
            "thumb": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-microsoft-exchange/screenshots/Health_Overview_thumbnail.png"
            "path": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-microsoft-exchange/screenshots/Host_Overview.png",
            "thumb": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-microsoft-exchange/screenshots/Host_Overview_thumbnail.png"
            "path": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-microsoft-exchange/screenshots/Mailbox_Database_Overview.png",
            "thumb": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-microsoft-exchange/screenshots/Mailbox_Database_Overview_thumbnail.png"
            "path": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-microsoft-exchange/screenshots/Message_Activity_Overview.png",
            "thumb": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-microsoft-exchange/screenshots/Message_Activity_Overview_thumbnail.png"
            "path": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-microsoft-exchange/screenshots/User_Behavior_Overview.png",
            "thumb": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-microsoft-exchange/screenshots/User_Behavior_Overview_thumbnail.png"
    "main_screenshot": {
        "path": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-microsoft-exchange/screenshots/Glass_Table.png",
        "thumb": "app/DA-ITSI-CP-microsoft-exchange/screenshots/Glass_Table_thumbnail.png"
    "overview": "## ITSI Content Pack\n\nThe IT Service Intelligence (ITSI) Content Pack for Microsoft Exchange is a collection of dashboards and their Knowledge Objects that gives you visibility into the health and performance of your Microsoft Exchange environment, from Edge and Hub Transport servers to the Client Access servers and the Mailbox Store itself.\nThe dashboards leverage data collected using Splunk Add-on for Microsoft Exchange.\n\nFor installation and configuration instructions, see [Install and configure the Content Pack for Microsoft Exchange](https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/ITSICP/current/Config/ConfigExchange).\n\n**Note**: This content pack requires that you first install and Configure the [Splunk Add-on for Microsoft Exchange](https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/3225/).\n\n## Contents\n\nFor the full contents of the content pack and release notes, see [What's new in the Content Pack for Microsoft Exchange](https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/ITSICP/current/Config/ExchangeRN).\n"


API to install a content pack and update the status of saved searches of a content pack from the ITSI Content Library.


Installs the content pack and updates the status of saved searches with a specified ID and version in your environment.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
content Dictionary Selectively install objects from the content pack. If you include one or more object IDs, only those objects are installed.

Note: Pass empty dictionary when you don't want to install objects.

resolution String Optional. Determine whether to append or replace objects.
  • overwrite - Overwrites any existing matching objects previously installed from the content pack. Any changes you previously made to the content pack objects from a prior installation are overwritten.
  • skip - Only installs content pack objects not already installed in your environment.
enabled Boolean Optional. Install services, correlation searches, or notable event aggregation policies as enabled. Objects such as saved searches and base searches are still installed in their original state. Set this to enabled=1 in order to install objects as enabled. If you don't set the enabled parameter, objects are installed as disabled.
prefix String Optional. Add a prefix to each object installed from the content pack. Defaults to an empty string if not provided.
backfill Boolean Optional. Backfills your ITSI environment with the previous seven days of KPI data. Does not apply to service health scores. Default is true.
saved_search_action String Optional. Determine whether to enable or disable the saved searches of the content pack. If nothing is passed, no action is performed on the saved searches.
  • enable - Activates all the saved searches of the content pack.
  • disable - Deactivates all the saved searches of the content pack.

Data payload
A dictionary of valid schema.

A dictionary in the format {success: [], failure: [], saved_searches: {action_performed: "", success: [], failure: []}}.

  1. success contains the title and ID of what was successfully installed.
  2. failure contains the ID, title, and reason of what failed to install by object_type.
  3. saved_searches contains the following items:
    1. action performed: contains the selected action on the saved searches.
    2. success: contains the list of saved searches that were successfully activated or deactivated.
    3. failure: contains the list of saved searches and the reason for what failed to activate or deactivate them.

Example request

curl -X POST -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/content_pack/DA-ITSI-CP-microsoft-exchange/1.6.0/install -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"resolution":"skip","content":{"glass_tables":["da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-exchange-365-glass-table-executive-overview-in-exchange", "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-exchange-executive-overview-v2-1"]}, "saved_search_action": "enable"}'

JSON Response

"failure": [
            "type": "OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS",
            "error_message": "Excluding object content_type="glass_tables" with "_key"="da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-exchange-executive-overview-v2-1" since it already exists",
            "content_type": "glass_tables",
            "id": "Exchange Executive Overview (v2.1)",
            "title": "Exchange Executive Overview (v2.1)"
    "success": [
            "glass_table_images": [
                    "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-compute",
                    "title": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-compute.png"
                    "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-connected",
                    "title": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-connected.png"
                    "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-disk",
                    "title": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-disk.png"
                    "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-envelope",
                    "title": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-envelope.png"
                    "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-eugenia-ai-awtbr67al18-unsplash-jpg",
                    "title": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-eugenia-ai-awtbr67al18-unsplash-jpg.jpeg"
                    "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-health",
                    "title": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-health.png"
                    "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-mailbox",
                    "title": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-mailbox.png"
                    "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-memory",
                    "title": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-memory.png"
                    "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-microsoft-365",
                    "title": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-microsoft-365.svg"
                    "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchangebackgroundimagecreate2",
                    "title": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchangebackgroundimagecreate2.png"
                    "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchangebackgroundimagecreate3",
                    "title": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchangebackgroundimagecreate3.png"
                    "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchangebackgroundimagecreate4",
                    "title": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchangebackgroundimagecreate4.png"
                    "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchangedashboardbackground",
                    "title": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchangedashboardbackground.png"
                    "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchangelogo",
                    "title": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchangelogo.png"
                    "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-network",
                    "title": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-network.png"
                    "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-slide6",
                    "title": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-slide6.png"
                    "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-stack",
                    "title": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-stack.png"
                    "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-swap",
                    "title": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-swap.png"
                    "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-transport",
                    "title": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-transport.png"
                    "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-windows",
                    "title": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-windows.png"
            "glass_tables": [
                    "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-exchange-365-glass-table-executive-overview-in-exchange",
                    "title": "Exchange & 365 Glass Table [Executive Overview in Exchange]"
    "saved_searches": {
        "action_performed": "enable",
        "success": [
            "ActiveSync - Remote Device Wipes",
            "ActiveSync - Sync Events over Time",
            "ActiveSync - Top Device Types",
            "ActiveSync - Top Users by Device and Sync Events",
            "ActiveSync - Top Users by Sync Events",
            "ActiveSync - User-initiated Device Wipe Requests",
            "CAS Throttling Policies",
            "Client Landing - ActiveSync",
            "Client Landing - EWS",
            "Client Landing - Outlook Anywhere",
            "Client Landing - OWA",
            "Environment Report - External Clients",
            "Environment Report - Internal Clients",
            "Environment Report - Mailboxes",
            "Environment Report - Messages",
            "EWS - Requests over Time",
            "EWS - Top Mail Clients",
            "EWS - Top Operating Systems",
            "EWS - Top Users by IP Address and RPC Sessions",
            "EWS - Top Users by RPC Sessions",
            "Legacy Client Timechart",
            "Litigation Hold Report",
            "Lookup - Database Information",
            "Lookup - User Subject Information",
            "Mailbox Database Overview - Active Mailbox Databases",
            "Mailbox Database Overview - Mailbox Database Backups",
            "Message Tracking Landing - Hub Status",
            "Message Tracking Landing - Inbound SMTP Gauge",
            "Message Tracking Landing - Inbound SMTP Rate",
            "Message Tracking Landing - Mailbox Delivery Gauge",
            "Message Tracking Landing - Mailbox Delivery Rate",
            "Message Tracking Landing - Mailbox Status",
            "Message Tracking Landing - Outbound SMTP Gauge",
            "Message Tracking Landing - Outbound SMTP Rate",
            "Message Tracking Landing - User Submission Gauge",
            "Message Tracking Landing - User Submission Rate",
            "Multi-Mailbox Search Usage Report",
            "Non-Owner Mailbox Access Report",
            "Outlook - RPC Sessions over Time",
            "Outlook - Top Users by IP Address and RPC Sessions",
            "Outlook - Top Users by RPC Sessions",
            "Outlook Anywhere - RPC Sessions over Time",
            "Outlook Anywhere - Top Users by IP Address and RPC Sessions",
            "Outlook Anywhere - Top Users by RPC Sessions",
            "OWA - Page Impressions over Time",
            "OWA - Top Browsers",
            "OWA - Top Operating Systems",
            "OWA - Top Users by IP Address and Page Impressions",
            "OWA - Top Users by Page Impressions",
            "Public Folder Usage",
            "Static Health Overview - Message Processing Rate",
            "Static Health Overview - Non-Reporting Servers",
            "Static Health Overview - Outbound Mail Reputation",
            "Static Health Overview - Service Availability",
            "Static Health Overview - Top Local Recipients",
            "Static Health Overview - Top Local Senders",
            "Top IMAP4 Users",
            "Top POP3 Users",
            "Troubleshooting - Inventory",
            "Troubleshooting - Message Tracking",
            "Troubleshooting - Performance",
            "Troubleshooting - User Folders",
            "Troubleshooting - User Mailboxes",
            "Troubleshooting - Web Logs",
            "Unused Mailboxes Report"
            "name":"Lookup - Host Information",
            "error_message":"[HTTP 400] Bad Request; [{'type': 'ERROR', 'code': None, 'text': \"Unknown search command 'fit'.\"}]"


API to preview a content pack from the ITSI Content Library.


Preview ITSI objects and the status of saved searches within a single content pack.

Request parameters

Data payload

An array of dictionaries representing each ITSI object type and the dictionary of status of the saved searches within the content pack.

  • Dictionary of ITSI Object includes the keys id, title, description, entitlement_status, installed and has_dependency.
  • Dictionary of Saved searches includes keys of has_saved_searches and has_consistent_status.

Example request

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/content_pack/DA-ITSI-CP-microsoft-exchange/1.6.0/preview

JSON Response

    "entity_types": [
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-microsoft-exchange-host",
            "title": "Microsoft Exchange Host",
            "description": "",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": false
    "glass_tables": [
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-exchange-365-glass-table-executive-overview-in-exchange",
            "title": "Exchange & 365 Glass Table [Executive Overview in Exchange]",
            "description": "",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": true,
            "has_dependency": false
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-exchange-executive-overview-v2-1",
            "title": "Exchange Executive Overview (v2.1)",
            "description": "",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": false
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-exchange-functional-overview-1-0",
            "title": "Exchange Functional Overview (1.0)",
            "description": "",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": false
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-exchange-system-overview-v1-1",
            "title": "Exchange System Overview (v1.1)",
            "description": "",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": false
    "service_analyzers": [
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-exchange-service-analyzer",
            "title": "Exchange Service Analyzer",
            "description": "The Service Analyzer includes only those services related to Microsoft Exchange.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": false
    "services": [
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-activesync",
            "title": "MSExchange_ActiveSync",
            "description": "Exchange ActiveSync is an Exchange synchronization protocol that's optimized to work together with high-latency and low-bandwidth networks. The protocol, based on HTTP and XML, lets mobile phones access an organization's information on a server that's running Microsoft Exchange.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-autodiscover",
            "title": "MSExchange_AutoDiscover",
            "description": "The Autodiscover service minimizes user configuration and deployment steps by providing clients access to Exchange features",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-basemetrics-asp-net",
            "title": "MSExchange_BaseMetrics_ASP.NET",
            "description": "ASP.NET supports the application performance KPI's of a single instance of an ASP.NET application. The KPI's will display zero when no applications are currently executing on the server.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-basemetrics-dns",
            "title": "MSExchange_BaseMetrics_DNS",
            "description": "The DNS Performance KPI's monitor the status of the DNS Server service on a Windows device.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-basemetrics-group-disk",
            "title": "MSExchange_BaseMetrics_Group-Disk",
            "description": "This is a group of Services, associated with Disk, including: Physical Disk and Logical Disk.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-basemetrics-group-memory",
            "title": "MSExchange_BaseMetrics_Group-Memory",
            "description": "This is a group of Services, associated with Memory, including: .NET CLR Memory and Memory.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-basemetrics-group-network",
            "title": "MSExchange_BaseMetrics_Group-Network",
            "description": "This is a group of Services, associated with Network, including: DNS, Network Interface, and TCPv4 & TCPv6.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-basemetrics-group-processing",
            "title": "MSExchange_BaseMetrics_Group-Processing",
            "description": "This is a group of Services, associated with Processing, including: Process and Processor.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-basemetrics-logicaldisk",
            "title": "MSExchange_BaseMetrics_LogicalDisk",
            "description": "The LogicalDisk service consists of KPI's that monitor logical partitions of hard or fixed disk drives. Logical disks are identified by their drive letter, such as \"C.\"",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-basemetrics-memory",
            "title": "MSExchange_BaseMetrics_Memory",
            "description": "The Memory service consists of KPI's that describe the behavior of physical and virtual memory on the computer. Physical memory is the amount of RAM on the computer. Virtual memory consists of space in physical memory and on disk. Many of the memory KPI's monitor paging, which is the movement of pages of code and data between disk and physical memory. Excessive paging is a symptom of a memory shortage and can cause delays that interfere with all system processes.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-basemetrics-msexchangestoreinterface",
            "title": "MSExchange_BaseMetrics_MSExchangeStoreInterface",
            "description": "The MSExchange Store Interface is the name for the Managed Store or the Information Store (also known as the Store) processes in Exchange Server 2016 and Exchange Server 2019. Introduced in Exchange Server 2013, the Managed Store uses a controller/worker process model that provides storage process isolation and faster database failover. The Managed Store also uses a static database caching mechanism that replaces the dynamic buffer algorithm in previous versions of Exchange.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-basemetrics-netclrmemory",
            "title": "MSExchange_BaseMetrics_.NetCLRMemory",
            "description": "The .NET CLR Memory category includes KPI's that provide information about the garbage collector.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-basemetrics-networkinterface",
            "title": "MSExchange_BaseMetrics_NetworkInterface",
            "description": "The Network Interface service provides KPI's captured from each of the network cards in your servers. If you have more than one network card in your server, you will see one instance of each counter for every network card you have.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-basemetrics-ntds",
            "title": "MSExchange_BaseMetrics_NTDS",
            "description": "NTDS  consists of KPI's that provide statistics about the activity of the Active Directory directory service.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-basemetrics-physicaldisk",
            "title": "MSExchange_BaseMetrics_PhysicalDisk",
            "description": "The PhysicalDisk service consists of KPI's that monitor hard or fixed disk drives. Disks are used to store file, program, and paging data. They are read to retrieve these items, and are written to record changes to them. The values of physical disk KPI's are sums of the values of the logical disks (or partitions) into which they are divided.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-basemetrics-process",
            "title": "MSExchange_BaseMetrics_Process",
            "description": "This service provides KPI's highlighting the process or running process as the set of instructions currently being processed by the computer processor.  For example, in Windows you can see each of the processes running by opening the Processes tab in Task Manager. Windows Processes are Windows Services and background programs you normally don't see running on the computer. A process may be a printer program that runs in the background and monitors the ink levels and other printer settings while the computer is running.  A typical computer has multiple processes running all the time to help manage the operating system, its hardware, and the software running on the computer.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-basemetrics-processor",
            "title": "MSExchange_BaseMetrics_Processor",
            "description": "The Processor service provides KPI's associated to CPU utilization on the servers.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-basemetrics-system",
            "title": "MSExchange_BaseMetrics_System",
            "description": "The System service deliver KPI's focused on the Windows Server resources and utilization of these resources and throughput. Be aware that the instances of \\Process(*)\\% Processor Time show all of the processor usage across all of the threads of the process. This means that any single process can consume up to 100% times the number of processors so long as it has enough threads to keep more than one processor busy. For example, an IIS worker process (w3wp.exe) is multithreaded and can consume up to 800% processor time on a system with eight logical processors. Alternatively, a single-threaded process can only consume up to 100% of a single logical processor. The single thread might run on a single processor or it might be evenly distributed across processors depending on the operating system.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-basemetrics-tcpv4-tcpv6",
            "title": "MSExchange_BaseMetrics_TCPv4-TCPv6",
            "description": "The TCPv4 and TCPv6 service has key KPI's associated with network resource utilization.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-basemetrics-windows",
            "title": "MSExchange_BaseMetrics_Windows",
            "description": "The Windows service provides a high-level abstraction layer and KPI's that focus on disk usage, as system administrators often use these indicators to monitor systems for performance or behavior problems, and resource usage on the servers.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-basemetrics",
            "title": "MSExchange_BaseMetrics",
            "description": "",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-calendar-attendant",
            "title": "MSExchange_Calendar_Attendant",
            "description": "Monitors the activities of the Calendar Attendant on the Microsoft Exchange Server",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-clientaccess-availability",
            "title": "MSExchange_ClientAccess_Availability",
            "description": "",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-clientaccess-performance",
            "title": "MSExchange_ClientAccess_Performance",
            "description": "",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-clientaccess",
            "title": "MSExchange_ClientAccess",
            "description": "Client Access services on Mailbox servers provide authentication and proxy services for internal and external client connections.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-database",
            "title": "MSExchange_Database",
            "description": "Monitors the activity of Microsoft Exchange Database.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-extensibility-agent",
            "title": "MSExchange_Extensibility_Agent",
            "description": "Monitors the activities of transport agents and the time taken by each agent to process email messages.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-imap4",
            "title": "MSExchange_IMAP4",
            "description": "Proxies IMAP4 client connections from the Client Access (frontend) services to the backend IMAP4 service on Mailbox servers.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-inbound-smtp",
            "title": "MSExchange_Inbound_SMTP",
            "description": "Provides details about inbound message traffic.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-information-store",
            "title": "MSExchange_Information_Store",
            "description": "Groups services MSExchange IS, MSExchange IS Client, MSExchange IS Client Type, and MSExchangeIS Mailbox",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-legacy-clients-availability",
            "title": "MSExchange_Legacy_Clients_Availability",
            "description": "",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-legacy-clients-performance",
            "title": "MSExchange_Legacy_Clients_Performance",
            "description": "",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-legacy-clients",
            "title": "MSExchange_Legacy_Clients",
            "description": "Protocols POP3 and IMAP4 are used to access Exchange mailboxes and are disabled by default",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-mail-submission",
            "title": "MSExchange_Mail_Submission",
            "description": "The Microsoft Exchange Mail Submission service submits messages from the Mailbox server to Hub Transport servers.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-mailbox-assistants",
            "title": "MSExchange_Mailbox_Assistants",
            "description": "Monitors the activity of Microsoft Exchange Server Assistants.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-mailbox-availability",
            "title": "MSExchange_Mailbox_Availability",
            "description": "",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-mailbox-performance",
            "title": "MSExchange_Mailbox_Performance",
            "description": "",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-mailbox",
            "title": "MSExchange_Mailbox",
            "description": "Mailbox server role hosts both mailbox and public folder databases and also provides email message storage.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-management",
            "title": "MSExchange_Management",
            "description": "Pertaining to exchange deployment wide management via PowerShell and the exchange control panel.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-outbound-smtp",
            "title": "MSExchange_Outbound_SMTP",
            "description": "Provides details about the SMTP Send service.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-outlook-web-access",
            "title": "MSExchange_Outlook Web Access",
            "description": "Outlook Web Access, also known as Microsoft Outlook Web App, lets users access their Exchange mailbox from almost any Web browser",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-outlookanywhere",
            "title": "MSExchange_OutlookAnywhere",
            "description": "Outlook Anywhere, formerly known as RPC over HTTP, lets clients who use Microsoft Outlook 2013, Outlook 2010, or Outlook 2007 connect to their Exchange servers from outside the corporate network or over the Internet using the RPC over HTTP Windows networking component.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-pop3",
            "title": "MSExchange_POP3",
            "description": "Proxies POP3 client connections from the Client Access (frontend) services to the backend IMAP4 service on Mailbox servers.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-replication",
            "title": "MSExchange_Replication",
            "description": "Provides replication functionality for mailbox databases in a database availability groups (DAGs).",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-resource-booking",
            "title": "MSExchange_Resource_Booking",
            "description": "Monitors the activities of the Resource Booking Attendant on the Microsoft Exchange Server.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-rpc-client-access",
            "title": "MSExchange_RPC_Client_Access",
            "description": "Manages client RPC connections for Exchange.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-search-indices",
            "title": "MSExchange_Search_Indices",
            "description": "Monitors the activities of the Microsoft Exchange Search Indexer service.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-store-client-request",
            "title": "MSExchange_Store_Client_Request",
            "description": "Store Client Request Counters groups services Store Interface, Mail Submission, and Replication",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-store-driver",
            "title": "MSExchange_Store_Driver",
            "description": "The store driver is a software component of the Hub Transport Server that delivers inbound messages to Microsoft Exchange stores, the databases that contain public folder stores and mailbox stores. The store driver also retrieves messages from a user's outbox, and submits them for delivery.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-store-interface",
            "title": "MSExchange_Store_Interface",
            "description": "Monitors the interface between the Exchange Information Store service on the Mailbox Server and the Hub Transport servers.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-transport-availability",
            "title": "MSExchange_Transport_Availability",
            "description": "",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-transport-database",
            "title": "MSExchange_Transport_Database",
            "description": "Monitors the activity of the MS Exchange Transport Database.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-transport-disk",
            "title": "MSExchange_Transport_Disk",
            "description": "Monitors Logical and Physical disk latency.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-transport-dumpster",
            "title": "MSExchange_Transport_Dumpster",
            "description": "Transport dumpster helps protect against data loss by maintaining a queue of successfully delivered messages that hadn't replicated to the passive mailbox database copies in the database availability group (DAG).",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-transport-handling",
            "title": "MSExchange_Transport_Handling",
            "description": "Pertaining to add-ons in the hub transport intercepting mail delivery",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-transport-performance",
            "title": "MSExchange_Transport_Performance",
            "description": "",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-transport-queues",
            "title": "MSExchange_Transport_Queues",
            "description": "Provides details about the Exchange Server Transport Queues",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange-transport",
            "title": "MSExchange_Transport",
            "description": "The Transport service handles all SMTP mail flow for the organization, performs message categorization, and performs message content inspection",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchange",
            "title": "MSExchange",
            "description": "",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchangeis-client-type",
            "title": "MSExchangeIS_Client_Type",
            "description": "Provides MS Exchange IS Client Type statistics.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchangeis-client",
            "title": "MSExchangeIS_Client",
            "description": "Provides MS Exchange IS Client statistics.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchangeis-mailbox",
            "title": "MSExchangeIS_Mailbox",
            "description": "Provides details about the MSExchangeIS Mailbox Store",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchangeis-public",
            "title": "MSExchangeIS_Public",
            "description": "Represents the MS Exchange IS Public activity.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
            "id": "da-itsi-cp-microsoft-exchange-msexchangeis",
            "title": "MSExchangeIS",
            "description": "Manages the mailbox databases on the server.",
            "entitlement_status": true,
            "installed": false,
            "has_dependency": true
    "saved_searches": {
        "has_saved_searches": true,
        "has_consistent_status": true


Syncs itsi_content_packs.conf with locally installed content packs.


Syncs locally installed content packs.

Request parameters

Data payload
List of apps that were added and removed from itsi_content_packs.conf.


Example request

curl -k -u admin:password -X POST https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/itsi/itoa_interface/content_pack/refresh

JSON Response


itoa_interface/custom_threshold_windows/<object ID>/associate_service_kpi

API to link services and KPIs to a Custom threshold window object using the specific Custom threshold window ID.


Displays list of the Custom threshold windows linked to services to KPIs.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
ctw_id String The Custom threshold window ID.

Data payload
The key(s) for the Custom threshold window(s).

The key(s) of the Custom threshold window(s) that linked successfully to the specified services or KPIs.

Example request

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost.com:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/custom_threshold_windows/{ctw_id}/associate_service_kpi

JSON Response

  "services": [
      "_key": "c0f4e52a-fcc2-43fd-af32-6a6e36245d11",
      "kpi_ids": [

itoa_interface/custom_threshold_windows/<object ID>/disconnect_kpis

API to un-link services and KPIs from a Custom threshold windows object.


Displays a list of Custom threshold windows un-linked from services and KPIs.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
ctw_id String The Custom threshold window ID.

Data payload

The key(s) of the Custom threshold window that was successfully un-linked from the services and KPIs in the request.

Example request

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost.com:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/custom_threshold_windows/{ctw_id}/disconnect_kpis

JSON Response

    "service_kpis_dict": [
            "service_id": "df9384a8-4d6b-4868-8c1f-6caaa784f7b1",
            "linked_kpi_ids": [


API to return the KPIs linked to a specific Custom threshold window ID.


Displays a list of KPIs linked to a specific Custom threshold window.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
ctw_id String The Custom threshold window ID.
limit Integer The maximum number of entries to return. 0 will return all results.

Data payload
The title(s) and key(s) for the linked KPIs or services.

Returns a dictionary/JSON with 2 parameters:

  • Linked KPIs: a dictionary of objects that contain kpi_key, kpi_title, service_title, and service_key
  • Count: the number of KPIs in the response

Example request

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost.com:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/custom_threshold_windows/linked_kpis/?custom_threshold_window_id=6233c06cdfc63f69cc61aa34&limit=4'

JSON Response

         "kpi_title":"0 - test service KPI 1",
         "service_title":"0 - test service",


Updates the custom threshold window's status from an Active to Stopped.


Stops the custom threshold window object.

Request parameters

Data payload

The custom threshold window object.

Example request

curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/custom_threshold_windows/92101b7a-816d-445d-8fa2-f0618704af74/stop -X POST

JSON Response

    "start_time": 1661985419,
    "cron_schedule": "",
    "recurrence": false,
    "object_type": "custom_threshold_windows",
    "status": "stopped",
    "next_scheduled_time": "",
    "end_time": 1662071819,
    "sec_grp_list": [
    "last_stopped_time": 1661989152,
    "mod_source": "unknown",
    "title": "nonrecurring2",
    "description": "",
    "duration": 24,
    "linked_services": [
            "linked_kpi_ids": [
            "service_id": "e3871bfe-dd65-466c-b873-24ab5ea654ab"
    "mod_timestamp": "2022-08-31T23:39:12.971953+00:00",
    "_version": "4.15.0",
    "identifying_name": "nonrecurring2",
    "pause_description": "",
    "window_type": "percentage",
    "window_config_percentage": 10,
    "window_config_static": {},
    "is_overlapping": false,
    "overlapping_kpis": [],
    "_user": "nobody",
    "_key": "92101b7a-816d-445d-8fa2-f0618704af74",
    "can_view": true,
    "can_link": false,
    "can_edit": false,
    "can_transition": false,


Retires entities based on the entity keys that you pass in.


Retires selected entities. Retired entities are un-linked from associated services.

Request parameters

Data payload
A dictionary that contains an entity object where the value is a list of entity key objects.

The key(s) of the retired entities.

Example request

curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/entity/retire -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d ' {"data": ["794f8938-9780-4d1b-bf65-572f17312500", "6bacec4f-d69c-4b58-98ba-5c5eaeb22d04"]}

JSON Response

["006ce5d3-be8b-4507-a6eb-67fefe0ebba0", "0d0c7949-9722-4226-bfaf-66f8fb398349", "0d53e99e-5d62-46b9-9949-80118ffd7204", "0da0a715-4d00-45dc-a2e6-fa9026eeecd8", "1248d0c7-baec-4e45-b200-d940b1803231", …. ] 


Restores retired entities. Any retired entities become active and re-associated with services in the environment.


Restore entities that were retired and re-link retired entities to any associated services.

Request parameters

Data payload
A dictionary that contains an entity object where the value is a list of entity key objects.

The key(s) of the updated entity.

Example request

curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/entity/restore -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d ' {"data": ["794f8938-9780-4d1b-bf65-572f17312500", "6bacec4f-d69c-4b58-98ba-5c5eaeb22d04"]}

JSON Response



Returns a list of Entities that are flagged for retirement.


Displays a list of all entities marked as ready for retirement.

Request parameters

Data payload
A dictionary that contains an entity object where the value is a list of entity key objects.

A dictionary that contains a list of entity key objects.

Example request

curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/entity/count_retirable

JSON Response

        "object_type": "entity",
        "title": "old_entity_37",
        "retirable": 1,
        "sec_grp": "default_itsi_security_group",
        "_key": "006ce5d3-be8b-4507-a6eb-67fefe0ebba0",
        "permissions": {
            "user": "admin",
            "group": {
                "read": true,
                "write": true,
                "delete": true
            "read": true,
            "write": true,
            "delete": true
        "object_type": "entity",
        "title": "old_entity_102",
        "retirable": 1,
        "sec_grp": "default_itsi_security_group",
        "_key": "0d0c7949-9722-4226-bfaf-66f8fb398349",
        "permissions": {
            "user": "admin",
            "group": {
                "read": true,
                "write": true,
                "delete": true
            "read": true,
            "write": true,
            "delete": true
        "object_type": "entity",
        "title": "old_entity_79",
        "retirable": 1,
        "sec_grp": "default_itsi_security_group",
        "_key": "0d53e99e-5d62-46b9-9949-80118ffd7204",
        "permissions": {
            "user": "admin",
            "group": {
                "read": true,
                "write": true,
                "delete": true
            "read": true,
            "write": true,
            "delete": true


Retires all entities that are marked for retirement. There is no way to cancel a "retire all" action once it is started.


Displays a list of entities that were retired.

Request parameters

Data payload
The key(s) of the entities.

The key(s) of the updated entity.

Example request

curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/entity/retire_retirable -X POST

JSON Response

["006ce5d3-be8b-4507-a6eb-67fefe0ebba0", "0d0c7949-9722-4226-bfaf-66f8fb398349", "0d53e99e-5d62-46b9-9949-80118ffd7204", "0da0a715-4d00-45dc-a2e6-fa9026eeecd8", "1248d0c7-baec-4e45-b200-d940b1803231", …. ] 


Retrieves all discovery searches for a specific entity. Requires the read_itsi_entity_discovery_searches capability.


Displays a list of discovery searches.

Request parameters

Data payload

Discovery search details for a single entity.

Example request

curl -k -u admin:Chang3d! https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/vLatest/entity_discovery_searches/search_id/ITSI%20Import%20Objects%20-%20Perfmon

JSON Response

    "app_id": "itsi",
    "name": "ITSI Import Objects - Perfmon",
    "last_execution_time": 1698076809.1650295,
    "last_update_time": "2023-10-23T16:00:09.186377+00:00",
    "entity_status_tracking": false,
    "owner": "nobody",
    "error": null,
    "sharing": "global",
    "last_entity_discovered_time": null,
    "entity_count": 0,
    "status_breakdown": {},
    "description": null,
    "cron_schedule": "* * * * *",
    "dispatch.earliest_time": "-90s",
    "dispatch.latest_time": "now",
    "disabled": "0",
    "next_scheduled_time": "2023-10-23 16:01:00 UTC",
    "search": "| mcatalog values(\"host\") as \"dimension.identifier.host\" \n [ mcatalog values(_dims) as info where metric_name=Processor.* OR metric_name=processor.* AND (`itsi_entity_type_windows_metrics_indexes`) \n earliest=-90s| append [ | makeresults | head 1 | eval info=\"no-data-placeholder\"| fields - _time]| mvexpand info| \n search info != \"punct\" AND info != \"val\" AND info != \"metric_type\" AND info != \"instance\" AND \n info != \"extracted_host\" AND info != \"cpu\" AND info != \"disk\" AND info != \"collection\" AND info != \"object\" AND \n info != \"host\"| eval search=\"values(\" . \"\\\"\" . info . \"\\\"\" . \") as \" . \"\\\"\" . \"dimension.info.\" . info . \"\\\"\" \n | fields search| mvcombine search| nomv search] where metric_name=Processor.* OR metric_name=processor.* AND \n (`itsi_entity_type_windows_metrics_indexes`) earliest=-90s by \"host\"| fields dimension.* \n | eval identifier_dimensions=\"host\" \n | foreach dimension.*[| eval is_identifier=if(match(\"<<MATCHSTR>>\", \"identifier\"), 1, 0) \n  | eval dimension_key=substr(\"<<MATCHSTR>>\", len(if(is_identifier=1, \"identifier.\", \"info.\")) + 1), etype=\"Windows\"] \n | rename dimension.identifier.* AS *, dimension.info.* AS * | eval itsi_entity_id=host"

Event Management Interface

This interface encapsulates operations on the following ITSI event management objects:

  • event_management_state
  • notable_event_group
  • notable_event_comment
  • notable_event_aggregation_policy
  • notable_event_email_template
  • correlation_search

As of version 4.4.x, episode comments are append only. ITSI no longer supports update and delete operations on the notable_event_comment object type.

Base URL

https://<splunk server like localhost>:<splunkd port like 8089>/servicesNS/<user>/<app>/event_management_interface


API to perform bulk CRUD operations on event management objects.


Get list of event management objects.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
is_partial_data Boolean 1 if the payload is a partial payload. 0 indicates the entire payload for the object schema is provided and overwrites the existing object. Default is 0.
sort_key String Name of field to sort by.
sort_dir Integer How to sort the results. 1 for ascending and 0 for descending.
limit Integer The maximum number of entries to return. If limit isn't set, all entries are returned.
skip Integer The number of entries to skip from the start. Used primarily for paging.
fields String A comma-separated list of field names to select from the results.
filter_data String MongoDB syntax of rules expressions to filter the payload. See How to use the filter parameter.

Data payload

List of objects queried.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/event_management_interface/notable_event_group/\?limit\=1

JSON Response



Create new event management objects.

Request parameters

Data payload
Dictionary of valid schema for the object types for POST. POST is considered an upsert. See ITSI REST API schema.

The key of the object created.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/event_management_interface/notable_event_group -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"data":{"status":"1","severity":"4","_key":"004b2eed-4551-481f-9487-9cf96b58e59d"}}'

JSON Response



Delete event management objects.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
is_partial_data Boolean 1 if the payload is a partial payload. 0 indicates the entire payload for the object schema is provided and overwrites the existing object. Default is 0.
sort_key String Name of field to sort by.
sort_dir Integer How to sort the results. 1 for ascending and 0 for descending.
limit Integer The maximum number of entries to return. If limit isn't set, all entries are returned.
skip Integer The number of entries to skip from the start. Used primarily for paging.
fields String A comma-separated list of field names to select from the results.
filter_data String MongoDB syntax of rules expressions to filter the payload. See How to use the filter parameter.
ids String A formatted list of event (object) IDs where each ID is a string. Sample: '["foo"]'


Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/event_management_interface/notable_event_group/?filter='{"_key":"004b2eed-4551-481f-9487-9cf96b58e59d"}' -X DELETE

To prevent accidental deletion of good data, make sure to use the correct filter syntax. Incorrect filter syntax will cause all rows to be deleted for the object type. A better method for deletion is to use a key, such as "60d9300f-0942-4bda-bdec-5ad4baf633b6", rather than a filter.

JSON Response


API to perform CRUD operations on a single object. The key is the value populated in the _key field returned in the REST call for upsert.

Note: Closing an episode through the API changes its status to Closed but doesn't break the episode, so it continues to receive events. To break an episode through the API, you must make two REST calls. For instructions, see Modify episode fields through the REST API in the Event Analytics manual.


Get information about an event management object such as an episode or an aggregation policy.

Request parameters

Data Payload

A JSON object of key-value pairs describing the object queried.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/event_management_interface/notable_event_group/<_key>

JSON Response



Update specific fields within an event management object.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
is_partial_data Boolean 1 if the payload is a partial payload. 0 indicates the entire payload for the object schema is provided and overwrites the existing object. Default is 0.

The key of the updated object.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/event_management_interface/notable_event_group/id/?is_partial_data=1 -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"severity": "6"}' 

JSON Response



API to get a count of event management objects of a specific type. For example, you could retrieve a count of aggregation policies or correlation searches in your environment.


Get a count of objects of a specific type.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
filter String MongoDB syntax of rules expressions to filter the objects. See How to use the filter parameter.

If no filter is specified, "all" is assumed.

Count of objects of the object type that match the filter criteria, if provided. Otherwise returns a count of all objects of that type.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/event_management_interface/notable_event_group/count/?filter_data='{"status":"2"}'

JSON Response



API to get a list of available episode actions, such as running a script or sending an email.


Get list of available episode actions.

Request parameters

Data payload

List of actions configured.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/event_management_interface/notable_event_actions

JSON Response

      "label":"Remedy Incident Integration",
      "label":"Link Ticket",
      "label":"Add reference link",
      "label":"Send email",
      "label":"Send to Phantom",
      "label":"Ping host",
      "label":"ServiceNow Incident Integration",
      "label":"Run a script",


API to get information about an episode action or execute a configured episode action. The action name is the action_name field returned in a GET request to the event_management_interface/notable_event_actions endpoint.


Get information about an episode action.

Request parameters

Data payload

Configuration information for the action.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/event_management_interface/notable_event_actions/script

JSON Response

   "description":"Invoke a custom script",
   "label":"Run a script",
\"$action.script.filename$\" \"$results.count$\" \"$search$\" \"$search$\" \"$name$\"  
\"Saved Search [$name$] $counttype$($results.count$)\" \"$results.url$\"  
\"$deprecated_arg$\" \"$search_id$\" \"$results.file$\"  


Execute a configured episode action.

Request parameters

Data payload
Parameters specific to the action type.

The name and ID of the executed action.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/event_management_interface/notable_event_actions/script -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"params": {"filename": "foo"}, "ids": ["id"]}'

JSON Response



API to perform bulk upsert operations for episode tickets.


Create new objects by object type.

Request parameters

Data payload
The following parameters are required:

Name Type Description
id String Episode identifiers as a list of strings that will be linked to the ticket.
ticket_system String A string identifying the name of the ticketing system. For example, Jira, ServiceNow, or Remedy.
ticket_id String The unique identifier of the ticket.
ticket_url String The URL of the ticket to link.

The key of the object created.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/event_management_interface/ticketing -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"id": "itsi_group_id", "ticket_system" : "ServiceNow", "ticket_id": "49454", "ticket_url": "http://ticketsystemuri/49454"}'

JSON Response


event_management_interface/ticketing/<notable event key>

API to get, create, and update an episode's ticket links.


Get information about tickets linked to an episode.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
ids String Episode identifiers as a list of strings linked to the ticket.
ticket_system String String identifying the ticketing system. For example, Jira, ServiceNow, or Remedy.
ticket_id String The unique identifier of the ticket.
ticket_url String The URL of the ticket to link.

Updated ticketing linkage information for the episode.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/event_management_interface/ticketing/id

JSON Response





Link a ticket to an episode.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
ids String Episode identifiers as a list of strings to link to the ticket.
ticket_system String String identifying the type of ticketing system. For example, Jira, ServiceNow, or Remedy.
ticket_id String The unique identifier of the ticket to link to the episode.
ticket_url String The URL of the ticket to link to the episode.

The unique identifier of the created ticket link.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/event_management_interface/ticketing/id -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{<payload for ticketing>}'

JSON Response


event_management_interface/ticketing/<episode identifier>/<ticketing system>/<ticket identifier>

API to delete ticket links from an episode to a specific ticket.


Delete ticketing linkage for an episode.

Request parameters

Data payload

Return None.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/event_management_interface/ticketing/id/jira/jira_ticket_id -X DELETE

JSON Response

Maintenance Services Interface

This interface encapsulates operations on ITSI maintenance windows. The supported object type is maintenance_calendar. For more information about maintenance windows and their downstream effects, see Overview of maintenance windows in ITSI in the Administration Manual.

Base URL

https://<splunk server like localhost>:<splunkd port like 8089>/servicesNS/<user>/<app>/maintenance_services_interface


API to get the list of supported objects types in the maintenance services interface.


Gets list of objects supported in the maintenance services interface.

Request parameters

Data payload

List of object types.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/maintenance_services_interface/get_supported_object_types

JSON Response



API to perform bulk CRUD operations on maintenance windows and create individual maintenance windows in your environment.


Get a list of maintenance windows in your environment.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
sort_key String Name of field to sort by.
sort_dir Integer How to sort the results. 1 for ascending and 0 for descending.
limit Integer The maximum number of entries to return. If limit isn't set, all entries are returned.
offset Integer The number of entries to skip from the start. Used primarily for paging.
fields String A comma-separated list of field names to select from the results.
filter String MongoDB syntax of rules expressions to filter the payload. See How to use the filter parameter.

Data payload

A list of maintenance windows that currently exist in your environment. You can only see maintenance windows to which you have read access.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/maintenance_services_interface/maintenance_calendar/?limit=20&fields=title

JSON Response

      "mod_timestamp":"2016-09-28 10:22:30.085749",


Create one or more maintenance windows.

Request parameters

Data payload
Dictionary of valid schema for the maintenance_calendar object type. See Maintenance Calendar in the REST API schema.

The key of the created maintenance window.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/maintenance_services_interface/maintenance_calendar -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"title":"foo","start_time":0,"end_time":1,"objects":[{"object_type":"entity","_key":"id"}]}'

JSON Response



Delete one or more maintenance windows.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
sort_key String Name of field to sort by.
sort_dir Integer How to sort the results. 1 for ascending and 0 for descending.
limit Integer The maximum number of entries to return. If limit isn't set, all entries are returned.
offset Integer The number of entries to skip from the start. Used primarily for paging.
fields String A comma-separated list of field names to select from the results.
filter String MongoDB syntax of rules expressions to filter the payload. See How to use the filter parameter.

Data payload:


Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/maintenance_services_interface/maintenance_calendar/?filter='{"title":"maintenance_calendar_title"}' -X DELETE 

To prevent accidental deletion of good data, make sure to use the correct filter syntax. Incorrect filter syntax will cause all rows to be deleted for the object type. A better method for deletion is to use a _key, such as "60d9300f-0942-4bda-bdec-5ad4baf633b6", rather than a filter.

JSON Response


API to perform CRUD operations on single maintenance windows. The _key is the value returned in the POST or GET request.


Get information about a single maintenance window.

Request parameters

Data payload

Information about the maintenance window, including any services or entities within it, its title, and its start and end time.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/maintenance_services_interface/maintenance_calendar/<_key>/

JSON Response

   "title":"Indefinite MW",
   "identifying_name":"indefinite mw",


Create a single maintenance window and assign it a unique key.

Request parameters

Data payload
Dictionary of valid schema for the maintenance_calendar object type. See Maintenance Calendar in the REST API schema.

The key of the maintenance window created.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/maintenance_services_interface/maintenance_calendar/57ebfc569266826c1c3258b7/?is_partial_data=1 -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"end_time": 2}' 

JSON Response



Delete a single maintenance window by key.

Request parameters

Data payload:


Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/maintenance_services_interface/maintenance_calendar/57ebfc569266826c1c3258b7 -X DELETE 

JSON Response


API to get a count of maintenance windows in your environment. The count only applies to maintenance windows to which you have read access.


Get a count of maintenance windows in your environment.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
filter String MongoDB syntax of rules expressions to filter the payload. See How to use the filter parameter.

Data payload

Count of maintenance windows that match the filter criteria. If you don't provide filter criteria, all maintenance windows are counted.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/maintenance_services_interface/maintenance_calendar/count

JSON Response


Backup Restore Interface

This interface encapsulates operations on ITSI backup and restore jobs. The supported object type is backup_restore. For more information about full and partial backups and restores, see Overview of backing up and restoring ITSI KV store data.

You can't delete the default scheduled backup through a REST API endpoint using either bulk delete or single object delete operations.

Base URL

https://<splunk server like localhost>:<splunkd port like 8089>/servicesNS/<user>/<app>/backup_restore_interface


API to perform bulk CRUD operations on ITSI backups and restores.


Get list of ITSI backup and restore jobs in your environment.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
sort_key String Name of field to sort by.
sort_dir Integer How to sort the results. 1 for ascending and 0 for descending.
limit Integer The maximum number of entries to return. If limit isn't set, all entries are returned.
offset Integer The number of entries to skip from the start. Used primarily for paging.
fields String A comma-separated list of field names to select from the results.
filter String MongoDB syntax of rules expressions to filter the payload. See How to use the filter parameter.

Data payload

A list of backup and restore jobs that exist in your environment. You can only see jobs to which you have read access.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/backup_restore_interface/backup_restore/?limit=20&fields=title

JSON Response

      "create_time":"2017-01-03 10:38:20",

      "identifying_name":"a bu job",
      "title":"A BU Job",


Create new backup and restore jobs.

Request parameters

Data payload
Dictionary of valid schema for the object type. See ITSI REST API schema.

The key of the backup or restore created.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/backup_restore_interface/backup_restore -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"title": "foo", "job_type": "Backup", "status": "Queued"}'

JSON Response



Delete one or more backup or restore jobs.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
sort_key String Name of field to sort by.
sort_dir Integer How to sort the results. 1 for ascending and 0 for descending.
limit Integer The maximum number of entries to return. If limit isn't set, all entries are returned.
offset Integer The number of entries to skip from the start. Used primarily for paging.
fields String A comma-separated list of field names to select from the results.
filter String MongoDB syntax of rules expressions to filter the payload. See How to use the filter parameter.

Data payload:


Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/backup_restore_interface/backup_restore?fields='title''&'filter='{"title":"bar"}' -X DELETE 

To prevent accidental deletion of data, make sure to use the correct filter syntax. Incorrect filter syntax deletes all instances of the specified object type. A better method for deletion is to use an object's key, such as "60d9300f-0942-4bda-bdec-5ad4baf633b6", rather than a filter.

JSON Response


API to perform CRUD operations on a single backup or restore job. The key is the value populated in its _key field returned in a GET or POST call.


Get information about a backup or restore job.

Request parameters

Data Payload

Identifying information for the backup or restore job, including the type of job, the ITSI version it was created on, and date and time it was created.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/backup_restore_interface/backup_restore/<_key>

JSON Response

   "identifying_name":"a bu job",

   "create_time":"2017-01-03 10:38:20",
   "title":"A BU Job",


Update a backup or restore job.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
is_partial_data: Boolean 1 if the payload is a partial payload. 0 indicates the entire payload for the object schema is provided and overwrites the existing object. Default is 0.

The key of the backup or restore job that was updated.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/backup_restore_interface/backup_restore/<_key>/?is_partial_data=1 -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"description": "New description"}' 

JSON Response

   "_key":"<object identifier>"


Delete a backup or restore job.

Request parameters

Data payload None.


Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/backup_restore_interface/backup_restore/<_key> -X DELETE 

JSON Response


API to get count backup and restore jobs in your ITSI environment. You can only see jobs to which you have write access.


Get a count of backup and restore jobs in your environment.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
filter String MongoDB syntax of rules expressions to filter the objects. See How to use the filter parameter.

If no filter is specified, "all" is assumed.

Data payload

Count of backup and restore jobs that match the filter criteria, if provided. Otherwise returns a count of all jobs.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/backup_restore_interface/backup_restore/count

JSON Response


Glass Table Icon Interface

This interface encapsulates operations on glass table icons in the KV store.

Base URL

https://<splunk server like localhost>:<splunkd port like 8089>/services/SA-ITOA/v1/icon_collection 


API to perform CRUD operations for glass table icons in the KV store.


Returns a list of icons in the KV store icon library.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
sort_key String Name of field to sort by.
sort_dir Integer How to sort the results. 1 for ascending and 0 for descending.
limit Integer The maximum number of entries to return. If limit isn't set, all entries are returned.
offset Integer The number of entries to skip from the start. Used primarily for paging.
fields String A comma-separated list of field names to select from the results.
filter String MongoDB syntax of rules expressions to filter the payload. See How to use the filter parameter.
list_categories Boolean If set to 1, returns the full list of categories found among the icons.
category String When set, only returns icons under the specified category.

Data payload

List of objects queried. If list_categories = 1, returns a list of JSON objects containing the following elements:

  • name - The title of the category
  • immutable - When present, the category can't be modified. Immutable categories are made up of icons imported from configuration files with an automated script in ITSI. They're immutable to prevent the KV store from becoming out of sync with the configuration files.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/services/SA-ITOA/v1/icon_collection?fields=title,_key

JSON Response

         "title":"Active Directory"

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8089/services/SA-ITOA/v1/icon_collection?list_categories=1

JSON Response

Formatted JSON Data


Bulk create or update multiple glass table icons.

Request parameters

A list of JSON objects with icon data.

Name Type Description
sort_key String Name of field to sort by.
sort_dir Integer How to sort the results. 1 for ascending and 0 for descending.
title String The title of the icon.
svg_path String The path to the icon SVG file.
default_width String The width of the icon in pixels.
default_height String The height of the icon in pixels.
category String The category under which to store the icon.

See ITSI REST API schema for a dictionary of valid schema for the object type.

The key of the icon or icons saved in the KV store. Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/services/SA-ITOA/v1/icon_collection -X PUT --data-binary '[{"svg_path":"<path>","default_width":1036.33,"title":"Android","default_height":1152,"category":"Phone Icons"}]'

JSON Response



Delete all glass table icons in the KV store icon library.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
category String When set, deletes all glass table icons in the specified category.

Data payload:

Success message.

Example request and response
To delete all icons from KV store, run the following command:

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/services/SA-ITOA/v1/icon_collection?category=* -X DELETE 

JSON Response



Delete a glass table icon.


Deletes the icon provided in the _key field.

Request parameters

Data payload:

Success message.

Example request and response

curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/services/SA-ITOA/v1/icon_collection/5a9eb1e07bc52f76a2326e41 -X DELETE 

JSON Response

Last modified on 23 January, 2024
  ITSI REST API schema

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® IT Service Intelligence: 4.17.0, 4.17.1

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