Splunk® IT Service Intelligence

Install and Upgrade Manual

ITSI upgrade paths

Use the following table to determine the upgrade path for your version of IT Service Intelligence. ITSI supports direct upgrades from up to three versions prior to the one you're upgrading to. To upgrade from earlier versions, perform step upgrades, and follow the on-prem upgrade path if you are performing step upgrades from an on-prem version. When upgrading ITSI, Splunk Cloud Platform customers work with Splunk Support to coordinate upgrades to IT Service Intelligence.

ITSI Version Cloud upgrade path On-premises upgrade path
4.19.x Direct upgrade for the following:
  • 4.18.x → 4.19.x
  • 4.17.x → 4.19.x
  • 4.16.x → 4.19.x

Step upgrade for the following:

  • 4.13.x → 4.16.x → 4.19.x
  • 4.14.x → 4.15.x → 4.17.x → 4.19.x
Direct upgrade for the following:
  • 4.18.x → 4.19.x
  • 4.17.x → 4.19.x

Step upgrade for the following:

  • 4.13.x → 4.15.x → 4.17.x → 4.19.x
4.18.x Direct upgrade for the following:
  • 4.17.x → 4.18.x
  • 4.16.x → 4.18.x
  • 4.15.x → 4.18.x

Step upgrade for the following:

  • 4.13.x → 4.15.x → 4.18.x
  • 4.12.x → 4.14.x → 4.17.x → 4.18.x
Direct upgrade for the following:
  • 4.17.x → 4.18.x
  • 4.15.x → 4.18.x

Step upgrade for the following:

  • 4.11.x → 4.13.x → 4.15.x → 4.18.x
4.17.x Direct upgrade for the following:
  • 4.14.x → 4.17.x
  • 4.15.x → 4.17.x
  • 4.16.x → 4.17.x

Step upgrade for the following:

  • 4.9.x → 4.12.x → 4.15.x → 4.17.x
  • 4.10.x → 4.11.x → 4.14.x → 4.17.x
Direct upgrade for the following:
  • 4.15.x → 4.17.x

Step upgrade for the following:

  • 4.9.x → 4.11.x → 4.13.x → 4.15.x → 4.17.x
4.16.x (Cloud only) Direct upgrade for the following:
  • 4.13.x → 4.16.x
  • 4.14.x → 4.16.x
  • 4.15.x → 4.16.x

Step upgrade for the following:

  • 4.9.x → 4.11.x → 4.14.x → 4.16.x
  • 4.10.x → 4.12.x → 4.13.x → 4.16.x

Note: Splunk Cloud Platform customers work with Splunk Support to coordinate upgrades to IT Service Intelligence.

4.15.x Direct upgrade for the following:
  • 4.12.x → 4.15.x
  • 4.14.x → 4.15.x
  • 4.9.x → 4.11.x → 4.13.x → 4.15.x
  • 4.13.x → 4.15.x
4.14.x (Cloud only) Direct upgrade for the following:
  • 4.11.x → 4.14.x
  • 4.12.x → 4.14.x
  • 4.13.x → 4.14.x

Step upgrade for the following:

  • 4.9.x → 4.12.x → 4.14.x
  • 4.10.x → 4.13.x → 4.14.x

Note: Splunk Cloud Platform customers work with Splunk Support to coordinate upgrades to IT Service Intelligence.

4.13.x Direct upgrade for the following:
  • 4.9.x → 4.10.x, 4.11.x, or 4.12.x
  • 4.10.x → 4.13.x
  • 4.9.x → 4.11.x → 4.13.x
  • 4.11.x → 4.13.x
Last modified on 23 May, 2024
Troubleshoot an upgrade of IT Service Intelligence  

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® IT Service Intelligence: 4.19.0, 4.19.1

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