Splunk® IT Service Intelligence

Release Notes

Fixed issues in Splunk IT Service Intelligence

This version of IT Service Intelligence was released on July 29, 2024 and includes fixes for the following issues. Issues are listed in all relevant sections, so some issues might appear more than once.

Notable Events

Date resolved Issue number Description
2024-07-19 ITSI-36713 Rules engine not backfilling events when the RE is restarted
2024-07-09 ITSI-36397 Actions are not performed if the event is breaking the episode based on the timebased criteria and grouping into a new group.
2024-06-25 ITSI-36103, ITSI-36215 NEAP action rules triggers false alert emails even though the conditions are not satisfied

Notable Event Aggregation Policies

Date resolved Issue number Description
2024-06-25 ITSI-36103, ITSI-36215 NEAP action rules triggers false alert emails even though the conditions are not satisfied

KPI Search Calculation

Date resolved Issue number Description
2024-06-21 ITSI-35981 Time based threshold policies are not working for the entities.

Service Analyzer

Date resolved Issue number Description
2024-07-17 ITSI-35809 Could not retrieve health scores for the service tiles.
Last modified on 29 July, 2024
New features in Splunk IT Service Intelligence   Known issues in Splunk IT Service Intelligence

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® IT Service Intelligence: 4.19.1

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