Splunk® ITSI Module for Continuous Delivery

Install and Configure the Splunk ITSI Module for Continuous Delivery

Configure the ITSI Module for Continuous Delivery

Configure the Splunk ITSI Continuous Delivery Module to receive data from your supported technologies.

Configure the Splunk Add-on for JIRA to collect JIRA data

Perform the following steps to configure the Splunk Add-on for JIRA.

Step 1: Configure forwarders

  1. Navigate to $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/TA-JIRA/local/ and create an inputs.conf file if it does not exist.
  2. Update inputs.conf to point to your JIRA server and add a username/password. For the jql stanza, add any issueType that applies to your deployment. Example:
    sourcetype = jira
    interval = 60
    server = jira.splunk.com
    protocol = https
    port = 443
    jql = issueType in (epic, story)
    username = jirauser
    password = jirauser
    disabled = 0
  3. Restart your Forwarder.

Step 2: Configure search heads

Configure your lifecycle ID on your Splunk platform deployment's search head.

  1. On your search head, navigate to $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/TA-JIRA/local/ and create a props.conf file if it does not already exist.
  2. Update props.conf with your lifecycle id configurations. Example:
    EVAL-planned_effort ='fields.customfield_10303'
    REPORT-lifecycle_id= lifecycle_id_from_fixVersions, lifecycle_id_from_sprint, lifecycle_id_from_epic
    EVAL-lifecycle_id = upper(lifecycle_id)
  3. Restart your search head.

Configure the Splunk Add-on for Bamboo to collect Bamboo Server data

Perform the following steps to configure the Splunk Add-on for Bamboo.

Step 1: Configure forwarders

  1. Navigate to $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/TA-JIRA/local/ and create an inputs.conf file if it does not exist.
  2. Update inputs.conf to point to your JIRA server and user/pass Example:
    sourcetype = bamboo
    interval = 60
    server = app-tester.user.splunk.com
    protocol = https
    port = 443
    username = bamboouser
    password = bamboouser
    disabled = 0
  3. Restart your forwarder.

Step 2: Configure search heads

  1. On your search head, navigate to $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/TA-bamboo/local/ and create a props.conf file if it does not already exist.
  2. Update props.conf with the lifecycle id configurations that apply to your deployment. Example:
    EVAL-lifecycle_id = "JACKHAMMER"
  3. Restart your search head.

(Optional) Configure the Splunk Add-on for Bamboo to differentiate between build plan and test plan

Bamboo Server does not know the difference between a build plan and test plan. Use the below example to create a rule that configures the Splunk Add-on for Bamboo to be able to identify the difference between the two plans.

  1. Add the below stanzas to eventtypes.conf
    search = sourcetype=bamboo fail_count=0 pass_count=0 skip_count=0 quarantined_count=0
    search = sourcetype=bamboo NOT(fail_count=0 pass_count=0 skip_count=0 quarantined_count=0) 
  2. Add the following stanzas to tags.conf
    continuous_delivery = enabled
    build_system = enabled
    continuous_delivery = enabled
    test_system = enabled
  3. Restart your Splunk platform instance.

Configure the Splunk App for Jenkins to collect Jenkins data

Perform the following steps to configure the Splunk App for Jenkins.

Step 1: Install and configure the Splunk Plugin for Jenkins on your Jenkins server

  1. Install the Splunk Plugin for Jenkins on each Jenkins server that you want to send data to your Splunk platform deployment.
  2. Configure the Splunk Plugin for Jenkins by following the steps on the Jenkins project wiki page.

Step 2: Install the Splunk App for Jenkins on search heads

  1. On your search head, navigate to $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/splunk_app_jenkins/local/ and create a props.conf file if it does not already exist.
  2. Update props.conf with your lifecycle id configurations. Example:
    EVAL-lifecycle_id = upper('metadata.splunk_build_branch')
  3. Restart your search head.
Last modified on 05 August, 2019
Install the ITSI Module for Continuous Delivery   Adjust KPIs and thresholds for the ITSI Continuous Delivery module

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® ITSI Module for Continuous Delivery: 1.0.0

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