Splunk® App for Windows Infrastructure (Legacy)

Deploy and Use the Splunk App for Windows Infrastructure

On October 20, 2021, the Splunk App for Windows Infrastructure will reach its end of life. After this date, Splunk will no longer maintain or develop this product. The functionality in this app is migrating to a content pack in Data Integrations. Learn about the Content Pack for Windows Dashboards and Reports.
This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk® App for Windows Infrastructure (Legacy). For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.

About the Splunk App for Windows Infrastructure


The Splunk App for Windows Infrastructure gives you deep visibility into the health and performance of your Microsoft Windows Server and Active Directory environments.

It includes components that let you monitor system, server, network, and printer availability. It includes modules which allow you to monitor other aspects of your Windows network, including:

  • Microsoft Windows Server (through the separately available Splunk Add-on for Windows)
  • Microsoft Windows Server Active Directory (through the included Splunk Add-on for Active Directory suite)

Use the Splunk App for Windows Infrastructure to:

  • Identify infrastructure problems, such as non-running services and load issues
  • Monitor the performance of all servers throughout your Windows environment
  • Monitor security events, such as virus outbreaks and anomalous logons
  • Track administrative changes to the environment
  • Plan for capacity expansion

Important: Read and understand the Splunk App for Windows Infrastructure's platform and hardware requirements before downloading and attempting to install the app. Also, learn what data the app collects.

How does it work?

Splunk universal forwarders gather logs and performance metrics from the following components of your Microsoft Windows deployment:

  • Windows Server (via the Splunk Add-on for Windows)
  • Active Directory

and send them to a central Splunk instance that runs Splunk App for Windows Infrastructure. The app provides reports and dashboards that allow you to review the status of your Windows services.

How do I get it?

The Splunk App for Windows Infrastructure is available for download from Splunk Apps.

How do I install it?

The Splunk App for Windows Infrastructure has a revamped installation procedure. See "How to deploy the Splunk App for Windows Infrastructure" to read about it.

How do I upgrade from a previous version?

If you already run a previous version of the Splunk App for Windows Infrastructure, you can follow the upgrade instructions.

For information on what's new, as well as any known issues in this version, review the release notes.

Last modified on 15 December, 2014
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This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® App for Windows Infrastructure (Legacy): 1.1.0

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