Splunk® App for Windows Infrastructure (EOL)

Deploy and Use the Splunk App for Windows Infrastructure

On October 20, 2021, the Splunk App for Windows Infrastructure will reach its end of life. After this date, Splunk will no longer maintain or develop this product. The functionality in this app is migrating to a content pack in Data Integrations. Learn about the Content Pack for Windows Dashboards and Reports.

Release notes for Splunk App for Windows Infrastructure

This topic contains information on new features, known issues, and updates as we version the Splunk App for Windows Infrastructure.

Version 2.0.4 of the Splunk App for Windows Infrastructure was released on August 31, 2021.

What's new

New feature or enhancement Description
jQuery upgrade The Splunk App for Windows Infrastructure version 2.0.4 now uses jQuery v3.5.0. The app uses jQuery v3.5 in the Splunk version 8.2 or higher. This makes the app more secure by fixing known cross-site scripting (XSS) related vulnerabilities, as well as vulnerabilities created by object prototype pollution.

See the known issues and fixed issues of these release notes for product updates.

Known Issues

This version of the Splunk App for Windows Infrastructure has the following reported known issues and workarounds. If no issues appear below, no issues have yet been reported.

Date filed Issue number Description
2022-01-09 TAG-13916 tSessions_collection space consumption is very high
2020-02-12 TAG-12990 Windows Infrastructure app causing exponential KVStore growth until all storage is used

The scope of the search populating the kbvstore lookup tSessions_collection is too wide.

Fixed Issues

This version of the Splunk App for Windows Infrastructure has the following reported fixed issues. If no issues appear below, no issues have yet been reported.

Last modified on 24 February, 2022
Best practices guide   Third-party software attributions/credits

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® App for Windows Infrastructure (EOL): 2.0.4

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