View memory trim notifications
View memory trim notifications sent by the Android operating system indicating that a process should trim unneeded memory.
Memory trim notifications include the following fields:
- level: The trim level constant or "NA", indicating the amount of trimming to perform. For possible values, see ComponentCallbacks2 constants on the Android Developers website.
- levelLast: The trim level constant or "NA", indicating the last trim level. For possible values, see ComponentCallbacks2 constants on the Android Developers website.
- memAppTotal: The total application memory, in MB.
To view this information, run a search in Splunk Web for the "mint:memorytrim" sourcetype, for example:
index=mint sourcetype="mint:memorytrim" | head 5
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This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk MINT™ SDK for Android (EOL): 5.2.x
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