Objective-C code example
This code example shows how to use the Splunk MINT SDK for iOS API with Objective-C.
#import "ViewController.h" #import <SplunkMint/SplunkMint.h> @implementation ViewController - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; } - (void)mintConfiguration { //To preserve resources, the MINT SDK can be configured to send data only over a WIFI connection [[Mint sharedInstance] enableFlushOnlyOverWiFi:YES]; //To protect privacy, the MINT SDK can be disabled so that no mobile telemetry is reported [[Mint sharedInstance] enableUserOptOut:YES]; //The MINT SDK will start a new session if the application has not been in the foreground for //the duration of the session interval //Default session interval is 60 seconds [[Mint sharedInstance] setSessionInterval:60]; //In order to send NSLOG in crash reports, enableLogging must be set to true [[Mint sharedInstance] enableLogging:YES]; //Set the number of NSLOG messages to send in the crash report [[Mint sharedInstance] setLogging:10]; [[Mint sharedInstance] enableMintLoggingCache:YES]; //Set some form of userIdentifier for this session [Mint sharedInstance].userIdentifier = @"splunk"; //Set the applicationEnvironment, the available options are /* SPLAppEnvRelease SPLAppEnvStaging SPLAppEnvUserAcceptanceTesting SPLAppEnvTesting SPLAppEnvDevelopment */ [[Mint sharedInstance] setApplicationEnvironment:SPLAppEnvDevelopment]; //Disable crash reports [[Mint sharedInstance] disableCrashReporter]; //Disable network monitoring [[Mint sharedInstance] disableNetworkMonitoring]; //Selectively disable network monitoring on blacklisted url's [[Mint sharedInstance] addURLToBlackList:@"https://google.com"]; //Breadcrumbs are only sent out in crash reports //Leave breadcrumbs throughout the source code to better debug the execution path [[Mint sharedInstance] leaveBreadcrumb:@"code inside mintConfiguration is executing"]; //Clear all breadcrumbs that have been added [[Mint sharedInstance] clearBreadcrumbs]; //Instantiating a MintLimitedExtraData object MintLimitedExtraData *extraData = [[MintLimitedExtraData alloc] init]; //Populating a MintLimitedExtraData object with key and value [extraData setValue:@"value0" forKey:@"key0"]; //Adding local MintLimitedExtraData to global extra Data //Global value's will be overwritten if there is a key clash //Global extra data is sent out with each data point [[Mint sharedInstance] addExtraData:extraData]; //Add key and value to global extra data [[Mint sharedInstance] addExtraData:@"value1" forKey:@"key1"]; //Removing key and value from global extra data [[Mint sharedInstance] removeExtraDataForKey:@"key1"]; //Return hashmap of global extra data key and values [[Mint sharedInstance] extraData]; //Return value in the global extra data for the key passed in if it is present [[Mint sharedInstance] extraDataForKey:@"key0"]; //Clears global extra data [[Mint sharedInstance] removeAllExtraData]; } - (void) mintInitialize { //Initialize the SDK to use the MINT Backend to transport data //Will start a new session if one is not active [[Mint sharedInstance] initAndStartSessionWithAPIKey:@"API_KEY"]; //Initialize the SDK to directly send data to a Splunk instance using //HTTP Event Collector //Will start a new session if one is not active [[Mint sharedInstance] initAndStartSessionWithHECUrl:@"HEC_URL" token:@"HEC_TOKEN"]; } - (void)logSession { //Will start a new session if one is not active [[Mint sharedInstance] startSession]; //Will close the active session [[Mint sharedInstance] closeSession]; } - (void)mintData { //Will return set remote settings [[Mint sharedInstance] getDevSettings]; //Will return the UUID of this MINT installation [[Mint sharedInstance] getMintUUID]; //Will return the sessionID of the current session [[Mint sharedInstance] getSessionID]; //Will return a list of the blacklisted url's [[Mint sharedInstance] blacklistUrls]; //Will return bool indicating if the SDK was initialized to use HEC as its transport mechanism [[Mint sharedInstance] isHTTPEventCollectorEnabled]; //Will return bool indicating if the SDK was initialized in any way [[Mint sharedInstance] isInitialized]; //Will return bool indicating if the SDK has an active session [[Mint sharedInstance] isSessionActive]; } - (void) logView { //Creating a local instance of MintLimitedExtraData to pass into our api calls MintLimitedExtraData *extraData = [[MintLimitedExtraData alloc] init]; [extraData setValue:@"value0" forKey:@"key0"]; /* Views are automatically collected in native environments. For all other use cases we have 3 API calls to log custom views. The difference in the API calls are variations on how to pass in extra data. */ [[Mint sharedInstance] logViewWithCurrentViewName:@"ViewName"]; [[Mint sharedInstance] logViewWithCurrentViewName:@"ViewName" extraDataKey:@"value2" extraDataValue:@"key2"]; [[Mint sharedInstance] logViewWithCurrentViewName:@"ViewName" extraData:extraData]; } - (void) logTransaction { //Creating a local instance of MintLimitedExtraData to pass into our api calls MintLimitedExtraData *extraData = [[MintLimitedExtraData alloc] init]; [extraData setValue:@"value0" forKey:@"key0"]; /* Transactions are manually started through API calls. Transactions have three separate END states: SUCCESS: The transaction was stopped normally through a transactionStop API Call CANCEL: The transactionw was cancelled, the API requires a reason for canceling a transaction FAIL: Active transactions are automatically failed when an exception crashes the application. For each API there are 3 variations based on the extra data being passed in. */ //Starting 3 transactions NSString *transactionId1 = [[Mint sharedInstance] transactionStart:@"transaction1"]; NSString *transactionId2 = [[Mint sharedInstance] transactionStart:@"transaction2" extraDataKey:@"key1" extraDataValue:@"value1"]; NSString *transactionId3 = [[Mint sharedInstance] transactionStart:@"transaction3" extraData:extraData]; //Stopping 3 transactions, will have status=SUCCESS [[Mint sharedInstance] transactionStop:transactionId1]; [[Mint sharedInstance] transactionStop:transactionId2 extraDataKey:@"key1" extraDataValue:@"value1"]; [[Mint sharedInstance] transactionStop:transactionId3 extraData:extraData]; //Starting 3 transactions transactionId1 = [[Mint sharedInstance] transactionStart:@"transaction1"]; transactionId2 = [[Mint sharedInstance] transactionStart:@"transaction2" extraDataKey:@"key1" extraDataValue:@"value1"]; transactionId3 = [[Mint sharedInstance] transactionStart:@"transaction3" extraData:extraData]; //Cancelling 3 transactions, will have status=CANCEL [[Mint sharedInstance] transactionCancel:transactionId1 reason:@"bad_transaction"]; [[Mint sharedInstance] transactionCancel:transactionId2 reason:@"bad_transaction" extraDataKey:@"key1" extraDataValue:@"value1"]; [[Mint sharedInstance] transactionCancel:transactionId3 reason:@"bad_transaction" extraData:extraData]; } - (void)logEvent { //Creating a local instance of MintLimitedExtraData to pass into our api calls MintLimitedExtraData *extraData = [[MintLimitedExtraData alloc] init]; [extraData setValue:@"value0" forKey:@"key0"]; /* The logEvent API calls can be used to log notable events. There are 4 variations based on the extra data being passed in and the log level to display. The following are allowed log levels MintLogLevel: DebugLogLevel InfoLogLevel NoticeLogLevel WarningLogLevel ErrorLogLevel CriticalLogLevel AlertLogLevel EmergencyLogLevel */ [[Mint sharedInstance] logEventWithName:@"eventName"]; [[Mint sharedInstance] logEventWithName:@"eventName" logLevel:DebugLogLevel]; [[Mint sharedInstance] logEventWithName:@"eventName" logLevel:DebugLogLevel extraDataKey:@"key1" extraDataValue:@"value1"]; [[Mint sharedInstance] logEventWithName:@"eventName" logLevel:DebugLogLevel extraData:extraData]; } - (void)mintLog { MintLog(DebugLogLevel, @"LogIn"); } - (void)mintException { //Creating a local instance of MintLimitedExtraData to pass into our api calls MintLimitedExtraData *extraData = [[MintLimitedExtraData alloc] init]; [extraData setValue:@"value0" forKey:@"key0"]; @try { NSArray *ids = @[@"1", @"2"]; NSLog(@"%@", ids[2]); } @catch (NSException *exception) { //The logException API calls can be used to log handled exceptions. //For each API there are 3 variations based on the extra data being passed in. [[Mint sharedInstance] logException:exception]; [[Mint sharedInstance] logException:exception extraDataKey:@"key1" extraDataValue:@"value1"]; [[Mint sharedInstance] logException:exception extraData:extraData]; MintLogException(exception, extraData); } } -(void)mintTimer { // The timer API calls can be used to create a high-precision timer in nanoseconds NSString* timerId1 = [[Mint sharedInstance] startTimerWithName:@"timer1"]; [[Mint sharedInstance] stopTimerWithId:timerId1]; NSString* timerId2 = [[Mint sharedInstance] startTimerWithName:@"timer2"]; [[Mint sharedInstance] stopTimerWithId:timerId2]; } - (void)mintMethodInvocation { //The trace Macro API calls can be used to log trace informations on specific method MINT_METHOD_TRACE_START // Do somthing MINT_METHOD_TRACE_STOP // if you are not using ARC, please use NON ARC API to stop the trace //MINT_NONARC_METHOD_TRACE_STOP } - (void)mintFlushData { //Flush all data currently in memory and in the filesystem [[Mint sharedInstance] flush]; } @end
Integrate WebView monitoring | Swift code example |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk MINT™ SDK for iOS (EOL): 5.1.x
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