To download the latest version of the Splunk MINT SDK for iOS, see Requirements and installation for iOS.
- Note Use of the Splunk MINT SDK is subject to the Splunk MINT Terms of Service.
For help with common issues, see Troubleshooting Splunk MINT.
Version 5.1.0
Released 8/8/2016
What's New
- Transactions are now tracked using a transaction ID. As a result, transaction names no longer need to be unique. For details, see Monitor transactions.
- You can now specify a view name rather than using the name that is automatically generated. For details, see Track views.
- You can now create timers to track the elapsed time of activities, in nanoseconds. For details, see Create timers.
- You can now log trace information for methods in your Objective-C code. (You cannot use this feature with Swift, which does not support macros.) For details, see Trace Objective-C methods.
- You can now view memory warnings from your mobile apps. For details, see View memory warnings.
- New fields have been added to the fields that MINT collects using the MINT SDKs. For details, see List of data fields in the Splunk MINT Overview manual.
API Changes
- The startTimerWithName: and stopTimerWithId: methods have been added.
- Macros have been added for logging trace information: MINT_METHOD_TRACE_START, MINT_METHOD_TRACE_STOP, and MINT_NONARC_METHOD_TRACE_STOP.
- The transactionStart: method returns a transaction ID.
- The transactionName parameter has been replaced by a transactionID parameter for the transactionCancel: and transactionStop: methods.
Version 5.0.0
Released 03/21/2016
What's New
- Added support for using the HTTP Event Collector to send data to MINT. For details, see About Splunk MINT data collection.
- Many methods and properties have changed (see the list below). The documentation and code examples have been updated to reflect these changes.
- Added end-to-end code examples showing how to use the full API. For details, see Swift code example and Objective-C code example.
API Changes
- Mint.closeSessionAsync to Mint.closeSession
- Mint.flushAsync to Mint.flush
- Mint.logEventAsyncWithName to Mint.logEventWithName
- Mint.logExceptionAsync to Mint.logException
- Mint.startSessionAsync to Mint.startSession
- Mint.setUserOptOut to Mint.enableUserOptOut
- Mint.enableDebugLog
- Mint.extraData
- Mint.extraDataForKey
- Mint.initAndStartSessionWithAPIKey
- Mint.initAndStartSessionWithHECUrl
- Mint.removeAllExtraData
- Mint.removeExtraDataForKey
- MintLimitedExtraData.extraDataDictionary
- MintLimitedExtraData.removeAllValues
- MintLimitedExtraData.removeValueForKey
- MintLimitedExtraData.setValue:forKey
- MintLimitedExtraData.valueForKey
- ExtraData.initWithKeyandValue
- ExtraData.isEqualToExtraData
- LimitedExtraDataList.add
- LimitedExtraDataList.addExtraDataToDataFixture
- LimitedExtraDataList.addPrivateExtraDataToDataFixture
- LimitedExtraDataList.addWithKeyandValue
- LimitedExtraDataList.clear
- LimitedExtraDataList.contains
- LimitedExtraDataList.indexOf
- LimitedExtraDataList.insertAtIndexextraData
- LimitedExtraDataList.remove
- LimitedExtraDataList.removeAtIndex
- LimitedExtraDataList.removeWithKey
- Mint.addExtraDataList
- Mint.clearExtraData
- Mint.exceptionFixtureFrom
- Mint.initAndStartSession
- Mint.logEventAsyncWithTag
- Mint.removeExtraDataWithKey
- MintLogger.setRequestWorker
- MintMessageException.initWithNamereasonuserInfo
- Mint.applicationEnvironment
- MintResult.clientRequest
- LimitedExtraDataList.count
- MintResult .descriptionResult
- TransactionResult.descriptionResult
- MintResult.exceptionError
- LimitedExtraDataList.extraDataArray
- Mint.extraDataList
- MintResult.handledWhileDebugging
- Mint.handleWhileDebugging
- ExtraData.key
- MintLogResult.logType
- LimitedExtraDataList.maxCount
- ExtraData.maxValueLength
- TransactionStopResult.reason
- MintResult.requestType
- MintResult.resultState
- TransactionStartResult.transactionName
- TransactionStartResult.transactionStart
- TransactionResult.transactionStatus
- TransactionStopResult.transactionStop
- ExtraData.value
API Reference | Known issues |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk MINT™ SDK for iOS (EOL): 5.1.x
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