Splunk® Phantom (Legacy)

REST API Reference for Splunk Phantom

Splunk Phantom 4.10.7 is the final release of Splunk's Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR) system to be called Splunk Phantom. All later versions are named Splunk SOAR (On-premises). For more information, see the Splunk SOAR (On-premises) documentation.

REST Indicators

All indicator REST endpoints are accessed with the HTTP GET method.

There are two parameters that can be used with all indicator endpoints:

Parameter: tenant_id

  • default: (multi-tenancy enabled) - none, tenant_id MUST be included in all requests
  • default: (multi-tenancy disabled) - system tenant id ( 0 ), all the examples that follow are with multi-tenancy disabled

Parameter: timerange

  • default: last_30_days
  • options:
    • today
    • yesterday
    • this_week
    • this_month
    • this_year
    • last_7_days
    • last_30_days
    • last_week
    • last_month
    • last_year

When the indicators feature is disabled in /rest/system_settings/features, the response for all indicator endpoints is the HTTP 400 status and "The indicators feature is not enabled." message. See /rest/system_settings/features.


Indicator counts




Returns how many unique indicators and total indicators are present.

Example request
Return the count of unique indicators and total indicators.

curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost/rest/indicator_stats_indicator_count -G -X GET

Example response
A successful GET will return the count.

    "indicator_count": 182,
    "indicator_instance_count": 4107

Example response
Example response with no data.

    "indicator_count": 0,
    "indicator_instance_count": 0


Top event labels




Returns the top three event (container) labels that have the most indicators, as well as the count of indicators within each label.

Example request
Return the top three event labels.

curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost/rest/indicator_stats_top_labels -G -X GET

Example response
A successful GET will return the top three event labels and the count of events per label.

    "topLabels": [
            "count": 3981,
            "label": "events"
            "count": 52,
            "label": "campaign"
            "count": 34,
            "label": "generator"

Example response
Example response with no data.

    "topLabels": []


Top indicator types




Returns the top three indicator types that have the most indicators, as well as the count of indicators within each type.

Example request
Return the top three indicator types.

curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost/rest/indicator_stats_top_types -G -X GET

Example response
A successful GET will return the top three indicator types and the count of events per type.

    "topTypes": [
            "count": 1031,
            "type": "port"
            "count": 1012,
            "type": "ip"
            "count": 453,
            "type": "hash"

Example response
Example response with no data.

    "topTypes": []


Top indicator values




Returns the top 3 indicator values that appear the most as well as the number of times they appear.

Example request
Return the top three indicator values.

curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost/rest/indicator_stats_top_values -G -X GET

Example response
A successful GET will return the top three indicator values and the number of times they appear.

    "topIndicators": [
            "count": 509,
            "value": "80"
            "count": 504,
            "value": "4286"
            "count": 492,
            "value": "120"

Example response
Example response with no data.

    "topIndicators": []


Multiple indicator data




Returns multiple indicators, with the ability to filter based on specific fields or time range.

Example request
Example without any query parameters.

curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost/rest/indicator  -G -X GET

Example response
A successful GET without any query parameters returns the count, data, and number of pages.

	"count": 0,
	"data": [],
	"num_pages": 0

Example request
Example using query parameters to returns multiple indicators. This example uses the following parameters:

required parameters
  • _special_fields
  • _special_labels
  • _special_contains
  • pretty
optional parameters
  • sort
    • values: _pretty_earliest_time, _pretty_latest_time, severity, id, value
  • page_size
  • page
  • order=desc
  • filter
curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost/rest/indicator?_special_fields=true&_special_labels=true&_special_contains=true&_special_severity=true&pretty=true&page_size=10&page=0&sort=id&order=desc&timerange=last_30_days -G -X GET

Example response
A successful GET returns multiple indicators, with the output pretty and sorted.

    "count": 182,
    "data": [
            "_special_labels": [
            "total_events": 1,
            "_pretty_tenant": "_default_",
            "tags": [],
            "_special_fields": [
            "value": "00b3199ed932f084f50b6a4df9124132",
            "_pretty_latest_time": "0 minutes ago",
            "latest_time": "2019-05-07T19:09:29.778556Z",
            "_pretty_earliest_time": "0 minutes ago",
            "open_events": 1,
            "_special_contains": [
            "severity_counts": [
                    "count": 1,
                    "name": "high"
            "earliest_time": "2019-05-07T19:09:29.778556Z",
            "id": 323,
            "tenant": 0
    "num_pages": 182


Single indicator data






Returns details of the specific indicator by its indicator Id.

Example request
Get the details of indicator Id 6. This example uses the following parameters:

optional parameters
  • _special_contains
  • _special_fields
  • _special_labels
curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost/rest/indicator/6?_special_fields=true&_special_labels=true&_special_contains=true  -G -X GET

Example response
A successful GET returns the details of indicator Id 6.

    "_special_contains": [
    "_special_fields": [
    "_special_labels": [
    "earliest_time": "2018-07-24T05:07:38.589945Z",
    "id": 6,
    "latest_time": "2018-07-24T05:26:34.516600Z",
    "open_events": 347,
    "sc_high": 299,
    "sc_low": 100,
    "sc_medium": 110,
    "tags": [],
    "tenant": 0,
    "total_events": 509,
    "value": "80"


Artifacts by indicator




Returns all artifacts that share a specific indicator id or value.

Example request
Get the artifacts with indicator Id 159. This example uses the following parameters:

required parameters
  • indicator_id
  • indicator_value
optional parameters
  • sort
  • page_size
  • page
  • order=desc
  • filter
curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost/rest/indicator_artifact?indicator_id=159&_special_fields=true&_special_labels=true&_special_contains=true&_special_severity=true&page=0&page_size=10&sort=id&order=desc&timerange=last_30_days  -G -X GET

Example response
A successful GET returns the details of indicator Id 159 for the last 30 days.

    "count": 509,
    "data": [
            "cef": {
                "baseEventCount": "120",
                "destinationPort": "80",
                "sourceAddress": "",
                "sourcePort": "4286"
            "cef_types": {},
            "container": 265,
            "container_name": "Zeus Infection on",
            "create_time": "2018-07-24T05:26:34.516600Z",
            "description": null,
            "end_time": "2018-07-24T05:26:33.742265Z",
            "has_note": false,
            "hash": "e7943930260daf75c2846e0a5a9aa2d8",
            "id": 730,
            "in_case": false,
            "ingest_app": null,
            "kill_chain": null,
            "label": "event",
            "name": null,
            "owner": null,
            "parent_artifact": null,
            "parent_container": null,
            "playbook_run": null,
            "severity": "low",
            "source_data_identifier": "qqHS6NWIAQLgVUVz85cNCY7WcB",
            "start_time": "2018-07-24T05:26:33.741621Z",
            "tags": [],
            "type": "network",
            "update_time": "2018-07-24T05:26:34.516648Z",
            "version": 1
    "num_pages": 509


Indicator timeline by value




Returns the timeline for a given indicator value.

Example request
Get the timeline for the indicator value of povvvodos.org. This example uses the following parameters:

required parameters
  • indicator_value
  • timeline_width
  • timerange
optional parameters margin_size
curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost/rest/indicator_artifact_timeline?indicator_value=povvvodos.org&timeline_width=951&timerange=last_30_days&margin_size=35 -G -X GET

Example response
A successful GET returns the details of indicator value povvvodos.org for the last 30 days.

    "data": [
            "containerId": null,
            "count": 510,
            "didInjectThisDataPoint": true,
            "eventName": null,
            "id": null,
            "readableTime": "6/22",
            "severity": null,
            "time": "2018-06-22T19:00:11.430074Z",
            "type": "node",
            "unixTime": 1529694011.430074
            "count": 510,
            "nodeCount": 509,
            "nodeSeverityCount": {
                "high": 299,
                "low": 100,
                "medium": 110
            "readableTime": "7/23",
            "time": "2018-07-23T03:59:59.363828Z",
            "type": "group",
            "unixTime": 1532318399.3638277
            "containerId": null,
            "count": 510,
            "didInjectThisDataPoint": true,
            "eventName": null,
            "id": null,
            "readableTime": "7/27",
            "severity": null,
            "time": "2018-07-27T04:59:47.569926Z",
            "type": "node",
            "unixTime": 1532667587.569926
    "domain": [


Containers by indicator




Returns every event (container) that the specified indicators appear inside of.

Example request
Get the events for the indicator Ids of 1 and 2. This example uses the following parameters:

required parameters indicator_ids (comma-separated string of indicator ids), for example: '1,2,3'
curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost/rest/indicator_common_container?indicator_ids=1,2 -G -X GET

Example response
A successful GET returns the details of indicator Ids 1 and 2.

        "container_id": 81,
        "container_name": "koov4rra2ree5p6fzt1bcnjusu"
        "container_id": 61,
        "container_name": "6r8cm1798gq5hrb8e8t3ujw01m"
Last modified on 17 December, 2019

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Phantom (Legacy): 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, 4.10.1, 4.10.2, 4.10.3, 4.10.4, 4.10.6, 4.10.7

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