Splunk® Service Intelligence for SAP® Solutions

Service Intelligence for SAP Solutions

KPI reference for Splunk Service Intelligence for SAP Solutions

The following tables describe the services and corresponding KPIs in Splunk Service Intelligence for SAP Solutions.


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-JAVA-SI SAP-BC-WEB:SessionsPerUser Adaptive Number of web sessions per user
SAP-BC-WEB:SessionsPerUserDev(%) Adaptive Relative standard deviation of the number of web sessions per user, in one-hour intervals
SAP-SI-JMX:ApplThreadsActive Adaptive Number of active Java threads
SAP-SI-JMX:ApplThreadsUsageRate Adaptive Application thread usage rate (%)
SAP-SI-JMX:CpuUsage Static CPU utilization (x1.0 per CPU). 8 CPU hosts will have a maximum value of 8.0
SAP-SI-JMX:GC Collected Adaptive Number of objects collected by garbage collector inside the Java JVM per SAP instance
SAP-SI-JMX:GC Duration Static Duration of garbage collection inside the Java JVM per SAP instance
SAP-SI-JMX:HeapUsageRatio (%) Adaptive Utilization of Java JVM heap (%)
SAP-SI-JMX:HeapUsed Static Utilization of Java JVM heap memory (bytes)
SAP-SI-JMX:HTTP RequestCount Adaptive Total number of HTTP requests
SAP-SI-JMX:NonHeapUsageRatio(%) Adaptive Utilization of Java JVM non-heap (%)
SAP-SI-JMX:NonHeapUsed Static Utilization of Java JVM non-heap memory (bytes)
SAP-SI-JMX:PeakThreadCount Adaptive Peak (high water mark) Java JVM thread count
SAP-SI-JMX:SystemThreadsActive Adaptive Current number of system threads active in JVM
SAP-SI-JMX:SystemThreadsUsageRate Adaptive System threads usage rate (%)
SAP-SI-JMX:ThreadCount Adaptive Current number of non-system threads active in JVM
SAP-SI-JMX:UsedMemoryRate Static Number of bytes used inside the Java JVM
SAP-SI-PRC:ProcessRestarts Static Number of times the launch process has been restarted
SAP-SI-PRC:ServerNodesRestarts Static Number of server node restarts
SAP-SI-PRC:ServerNodesStarted Static Number of current started (running) server nodes
SAP-SI-PRC:ServerNodesStopped Static Number of current stopped (not running) server nodes
SAP-SI-JMX:HeapDumps Static Number of Java heap dumps


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-JAVA-SI-SERVER0 SAP-SI-JMX:ApplicationTraceErrors Static Cumulative number of entries in the application trace file that are errors
SAP-SI-JMX:ApplicationTraceErrors(%) Adaptive Cumulative number of entries in the application trace file that are errors as percentage of entire file
SAP-SI-JMX:DefaultTraceLogErrors Static Cumulative number of entries in the default trace file that are errors
SAP-SI-JMX:DefaultTraceLogErrors(%) Static Cumulative number of entries in the default trace file that are errors as a percentage of entire file
SAP-BC-CMP:ServicesExpectedStatus Static Number of Cumulative Java service failures
SAP-BC-CMP:ServiceFailures Static Number of services that do not match their expected status
SAP-BC-CMP:ServiceStatusFailed Static Number of Java services in a failed state
SAP-BC-CMP:ServiceStatusRunning Static Number of Java services in running state
SAP-BC-CMP:ServiceStatusStopped Static Number of Java services in stopped state
SAP-BC-JMX:JCO Connections Adaptive Number of JCo connections
SAP-BC-JMX:JCO ConnectionsStdDev(%) Adaptive Number of JCo connections (standard deviations) from normal
SAP-BC-CMP:AppStatusFailed Static Number of Java applications in failed state
SAP-BC-CMP:AppStatusRunning Static Number of Java applications in running state
SAP-BC-CMP:AppStatusStopped Static Number of Java applications in stopped state
SAP-BC-CMP:AppFailures Static Number of cumulative Java application failures
SAP-BC-CMP:AppsExpectedStatus Static Number of applications that do not match their expected status


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-JAVA-BC-SERVICES-LOCKS SAP-BC-JMX:LockEntries Adaptive Number of lock entries in the SAP java cluster


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-JAVA-JDB SAP-DB-JMX:ConnectionCount Static Number of connections to the database
SAP-DB-JMX:IdleConnectionCount Static Number of idle connections to the database
SAP-DB-JMX:IdleConnectionRate Adaptive Percent of connections in idle state against the total number of connections
SAP-DB-JMX:SumErrorConnectionRequestCount Adaptive Number of connection request errors
SAP-DB-JMX:SumErrorConnectionRequestRate Adaptive Percent of connection request errors against the total connection request count
SAP-DB-JMX:SumSuccessConnectionRequestRate Static Percent of success connection requests against the total connection request count
SAP-DB-JMX:TableBuffer-SyncLogEntries Adaptive Number of entries in the table buffer sync log
SAP-DB-JMX:TableBuffer-SyncLogEntriesGrowth(%) Adaptive Table buffer sync log entries growth (%)
SAP-DB-JMX:TableStats-DeletedRows Static Number of cumulative deleted rows performed in the database by SAP
SAP-DB-JMX:TableStats-Deletes Static Number of cumulative delete operations performed in the database by SAP
SAP-DB-JMX:TableStats-InsertedRows Static Number of cumulative inserted rows performed in the database by SAP
SAP-DB-JMX:TableStats-Inserts Static Number of cumulative insert operations performed in the database by SAP
SAP-DB-JMX:TableStats-SelectedRows Static Number of cumulative selected rows performed in the database by SAP
SAP-DB-JMX:TableStats-Selects Static Number of cumulative select operations performed in the database by SAP
SAP-DB-JMX:TableStats-UpdatedRows Static Number of cumulative updated rows performed in the database by SAP
SAP-DB-JMX:TableStats-Updates Static Number of cumulative update operations performed in the database by SAP
SAP-DB-JMX:UsedConnectionRate Static Percent of used/active connections against the maximum possible
SAP-DB-JMX:WaitingConnectionRequestCount Adaptive Number of waiting connection requests
SAP-DB-JMX:WaitingConnectionRequestRate Adaptive Percent of waiting connections against the maximum possible


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-JAVA-VM-CPU SAP-VM-CPU:SystemLoadAverage Static CPU utilization. As long as no threads are queued for being scheduled on the processor, SystemLoadAverage matches the CPU utilization shown by the task manager. That is, it's in the range of 0-1% or 0-100%. However, if there are threads queued for scheduling, which happens if the CPU is busy around 100%, the loading value is 1 + (number of queued threads / CPU count). That is, it's above 1 or 100%. Very often more threads could theoretically run than processors are available.


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-JAVA-VM-RAM SAP-VM-RAM:FreePhysicalMemorySize Static Amount of free physical memory in bytes on the host the JVM is running on
SAP-VM-RAM:PhysicalMemoryUtilization Static Amount of physical memory utilized (%) on the host the JVM is running on


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-JAVA-VM-NET SAP-VM-NETWORK:ReceivedBytes Adaptive Java Instance network number of received bytes per second for instance and device. Interval: 5m/5m
SAP-VM-NETWORK:ReceivedPackets Adaptive Java Instance network number of received packets per second for instance and device. Interval: 5m/5m
SAP-VM-NETWORK:ReceiveDropped Adaptive Java Instance network number of dropped packets per second during receiving per instance and device. Interval: 5m/5m
SAP-VM-NETWORK:ReceiveErrors Adaptive Java Instance network number of errors per second during receiving per instance and device. Interval: 5m/5m
SAP-VM-NETWORK:TransmitErrors Adaptive Java Instance network number of errors per second during transmitting per instance and device. Interval: 5m/5m
SAP-VM-NETWORK:TransmittedBytes Adaptive Java Instance network number of transmitted bytes per second for instance and device. Interval: 5m/5m
SAP-VM-NETWORK:TransmittedPackets Adaptive Java Instance network number of transmitted packets per second for instance and device. Interval: 5m/5m


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-JAVA-VM-DISK SAP-VM-JMX-DISK:FreeSpace Static Free space per disk in host where all SAP instances are running
SAP-VM-JMX-DISK:TotalSpace Static Total available space per disk in host where all SAP instances are running (bytes)
SAP-VM-JMX-DISK:TotalSpaceGB Static Total available space per disk in host where all SAP instances are running (GB)
SAP-VM-DISK:QueueLength Advanced Java instance disk average queue length per device. Interval: 5m/5m
SAP-VM-DISK:ReadBytesPerSec Advanced Java Instance disk average number of bytes read per second. Interval: 5m/5m
SAP-VM-DISK:ReadsPerSecond Advanced Java Instance disk average number of reads per second. Interval: 5m/5m
SAP-VM-DISK:WriteBytesPerSec Advanced Java Instance disk average number of bytes written per second. Interval: 5m/5m
SAP-VM-DISK:WritesPerSec Advanced Java Instance disk average number of writes per second. Interval: 5m/5m


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-JAVA-PO SAP-PO-CNL:ChannelProblems Static Number of channels currently experiencing problems
SAP-PO-CNL:ChannelProblems(%) Adaptive Number of channels currently experiencing problems as % of total channels
SAP-PO-PIM:AvgMesageSize Static Average size of messages
SAP-PO-PIM:CancelledMessages Static Total number of messages in status cancelled
SAP-PO-PIM:ErrorMessages Static Total number of messages with error statuses
SAP-PO-PIM:MessageCount Static Total number of messages
SAP-PO-PIM:MessageCountStdDev(%) Adaptive Relative standard deviation of message count (1h window)
SAP-PO-PIM:ScheduledMessages Static Total number of messages with scheduled statuses
SAP-PO-PIM:SuccessMessages Static Total number of messages with success statuses


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-JAVA-EP SAP-EP-PRTA:PageHits/s Adaptive Number pf page hits to Enterprise Portal per second
SAP-EP-PRTA:TimeToProcessRequest Adaptive Average time to process each Enterprise Portal page hit


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-ABAP-SI SAP-SI-CCMS:Availability(%) Static System availability percent based on CCMS data. Interval: 5m/1h
SAP-SI-LOGS:DispatcherLogEntries Static Count of dispatcher errors. The source is the dev_disp log file. Interval: 5m/5m
SAP-SI-SM51:CommBlocksUsage(%) Adaptive Communication blocks usage ratio (%). Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-ST01:LongRunningTrace(>15m) Static ST01 long running trace runtime in seconds. Interval: 5m/5m
SAP-SI-ST02:Memory-Extended Static SAP Instance Extended Memory (ST02). Interval: 5m/5m
SAP-SI-ST02:Memory-Heap Static SAP Instance Heap Memory (ST02). Interval: 5m/5m
SAP-SI-ST02:Memory-Page Static SAP Instance Page Area (ST02). Interval: 5m/5m


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-ABAP-SI-GW SAP-SI-SMGW:ConnectionRatio(%) Static SMGW connections utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SMGW:ConnectionsClosed Static SMGW closed/failed connections count. Interval: 5m/5m
SAP-SI-SMGW:ConnectionsCount Adaptive SMGW connection count. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SMGW:LoggedOnClientsRatio Static SMGW logged on clients utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SMGW:RemoteGatewaysRatio Static SMGW remote gateways utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-ABAP-SI-ICM SAP-SI-LOGS:ICM ErrorCount Static ICM error count. Source is dev_icm log file. Interval: 5m/5m
SAP-SI-SMICM:CacheHitRatio(%) Static SAP ICM Cache hit ratio (%). Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SMICM:CacheUsage(%) Static SAP ICM Cache entries usage (%). Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SMICM:ConnectionCount Adaptive SAP ICM Connection count. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SMICM:ConnectionUsage(%) Static SAP ICM Connection usage percent. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SMICM:ErrorCount Adaptive SAP ICM error count. Calculated as a delta based on previos value (cumulative in raw event). Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SMICM:ErrorCountStdev(%) Static SAP ICM MPI buffer usage in percents. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SMICM:MPI BufferUsage(%) Static SAP ICM MPI buffer usage in percents. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SMICM:MPI BufferUsagePeak(%) Static SAP ICM peak MPI buffer usage (%). Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SMICM:PeakConnectionCount Static SAP ICM peak connection count. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SMICM:PeakQueueCount Static SAP ICM peak queue count. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SMICM:PeakThreadsCount Static SAP ICM peak threads count. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SMICM:QueueCount Adaptive SAP ICM queue count. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SMICM:QueuePercent Static SAP ICM queue percent. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SMICM:Requests/s Adaptive SAP ICM requests per second. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SMICM:Services Static Count of active SAP ICM services. Split by state field. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SMICM:ThreadsCount Adaptive SAP ICM threads count. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SMICM:ThreadsPercent Static SAP ICM threads usage percent per SAP instance. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SMICM:TraceLevel Static SAP ICM trace level. Interval: 5m/15m


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-ABAP-SI-WP-SPO SAP-SI-SM51-SPO:DB CallTime(ms) Static SAP Instance spool WPs average DB call time in milliseconds. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-SPO:Errors Static Count of spool WP errors per SAP Instance. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-SPO:GuiNetTime(ms) Static SAP Instance spool WPs GUI net time in milliseconds. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-SPO:Priv Static Count of spool WPs in private mode per SAP Instance. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-SPO:ResponseTime(ms) Static SAP Instance spool WPs reponse time in milliseconds. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-SPO:Runtime(s) Static SAP Instance spool WPs maximum runtime in seconds, based on the latest snapshot data. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-SPO:Stopped Static Count of stopped spool WPs per SAP instance. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-SPO:Utilization(%) Static SAP instance spool WPs maximum utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-SPO:WaitQueue(%) Static SAP instance spool WPs wait queue utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-ABAP-SI-WP-UPD SAP-SI-SM51-UPD:DB CallTime(ms) Static SAP instance update WPs average DB call time in milliseconds. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-UPD:Errors Static Count of update WP errors per SAP Instance. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-UPD:GuiNetTime(ms) Static SAP instance background WPs GUI net time in milliseconds. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-UPD:Priv Static Count of update WPs in private mode per SAP instance. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-UPD:ResponseTime(ms) Static SAP instance update WPs reponse time in milliseconds. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-UPD:Runtime(s) Static SAP instance update WPs maximum runtime in seconds, based on the latest snapshot data. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-UPD:Stopped Static Count of stopped update WPs per SAP instance. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-UPD:UP1-Count Static Count of update V1 WPs per SAP instance. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-UPD:UP1-Utilization(%) Static SAP instance update V1 WPs maximum utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-UPD:UP2-Count Static Count of update V2 WPs per SAP instance. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-UPD:UP2-Utilization(%) Static SAP instance update V2 WPs maximum utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-UPD:WaitQueue(%) Static SAP instance update WPs wait queue utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-ABAP-SI-WP-BTC SAP-SI-SM51-BTC:DB CallTime(ms) Static SAP instance background WPs average DB call time in milliseconds. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-BTC:Errors Static Count of background WP errors per SAP Instance. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-BTC:GuiNetTime(ms) Static SAP instance background WPs GUI net time in milliseconds. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-BTC:LongRunningQueries(>60s) Static Count of long running (more that 60 seconds) DB queries executed by background WPs per SAP Instance. Interval: 5m/5m
SAP-SI-SM51-BTC:Priv Static Count of background WPs in private mode per SAP Instance. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-BTC:ResponseTime(ms) Static SAP instance background WPs reponse time in milliseconds. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-BTC:Runtime(s) Adaptive SAP instance background WPs maximum runtime in seconds, based on the latest snapshot data. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-BTC:Stopped Static Count of stopped background WPs per SAP Instance. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-BTC:Utilization(%) Static SAP instance background WPs maximum utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-BTC:WaitQueue(%) Static SAP instance background WPs wait queue utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-BTC:FreeWPs Static SAP instance number of background free WPs. Interval: 5m/15m


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-ABAP-SI-WP-DIA SAP-SI-SM51-DIA:DB CallTime(ms) Static SAP instance dialog WPs average DB call time in milliseconds. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-DIA:Errors Static Count of dialog WP errors per SAP instance. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-DIA:GuiNetTime(ms) Adaptive SAP instance dialog WPs GUI net time in milliseconds. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-DIA:LongRunningQueries(>60s) Static Count of long running (more that 60 seconds) DB queries executed by dialog WPs per SAP instance. Interval: 5m/5m
SAP-SI-SM51-DIA:Priv Static Count of dialog WPs in private mode per SAP instance. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-DIA:ResponseTime(ms) Static SAP instance dialog WPs reponse time in milliseconds. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-DIA:Runtime(s) Static SAP instance dialog WPs maximum runtime in seconds, based on the latest snapshot data. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-DIA:Stopped Static Count of stopped dialog WPs per SAP instance. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-DIA:Utilization(%) Static SAP instance dialog WPs maximum utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-DIA:WaitQueue(%) Static SAP instance dialog WPs wait queue utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-SM51-DIA:Runtime(%) Adaptive SAP instance dialog WPs maximum runtime in percents, based on rdisp/max_wprun_time. Interval: 5m/15m


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-ABAP-SI-OS-CPU SAP-SI-OS-ST06-CPU:AvgUtilization(All CPUs) Static Average SAP Instance CPU utilization, aggregated for all CPUs. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-OS-ST06-CPU:ContextSwitches Adaptive OS level CPU context switches. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-OS-ST06-CPU:SingleUtilization Static ST06 single CPU utilization. Interval: 5m/5m


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-ABAP-SI-OS-DISK SAP-SI-OS-ST06-Disk:KB/Sec Adaptive SAP Instance disk performance in KB/Sec (ST06). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-OS-ST06:Disk-Operations/Sec Adaptive SAP instance disk performance in operations/sec (ST06). Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-OS-ST06:Disk-AvgQueueLength Adaptive SAP instance average disk queue length (ST06). Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-OS-ST06:Disk-ResponseTime Adaptive SAP instance disk response time (ST06). Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-OS-ST06:Disk-AvgServiceTime Adaptive SAP instance average disk service time (ST06). Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-OS-ST06:Disk-Utilization(%) Adaptive SAP instance disk utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-OS-ST06:Disk-AvgWaitTime Adaptive SAP instance average disk wait time (ST06). Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-OS-ST06:FileSystem-Free Adaptive SAP instance file system free size (ST06). Interval: 5m/24h
SAP-SI-OS-ST06:FileSystem-Free(%) Adaptive SAP instance file system free size percent. Interval: 5m/24h
SAP-SI-OS-ST06:FileSystem-Size Adaptive SAP instance file system total size (ST06). Interval: 5m/24h
SAP-SI-OS-ST06:FileSystem-Used(%) Adaptive SAP instance filesystem used size (%). Interval: 5m/24h


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-ABAP-SI-OS-NETWORK SAP-SI-OS-ST06-LAN:Collisions Static SAP instance LAN collisions. Calculated as a delta based on previous value. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-OS-ST06-LAN:InErrors Static SAP instance LAN inbound errors (ST06). Calculated as a delta based on previous value. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-OS-ST06-LAN:InPackets Adaptive SAP instance LAN inbound packets. Calculated as a delta based on previous value. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-OS-ST06-LAN:OutErrors Static SAP instance LAN outbound errors (ST06). Calculated as a delta based on previous value. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-OS-ST06-LAN:OutPackets Adaptive SAP instance LAN outbound packets (ST06). Calculated as a delta based on previous value. Interval: 5m/15m


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-ABAP-SI-OS-RAM SAP-SI-OS-ST06-RAM:Free(KB) Static SAP instance Free RAM (KB). Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-OS-ST06-RAM:In-KB/Sec Adaptive SAP instance RAM memory performance: In KB/Sec. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-OS-ST06-RAM:In-Page/Sec Adaptive SAP instance RAM memory performance: In page/sec. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-OS-ST06-RAM:Out-KB/Sec Adaptive SAP instance RAM memory performance: Out KB/Sec. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-OS-ST06-RAM:Out-Page/Sec Adaptive SAP instance RAM memory performance: Out Page/Sec. Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-OS-ST06-RAM:Utilization(%) Static SAP instance RAM utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-OS-ST06-SWAP:Free(KB) Static SAP instance SWAP free (KB). Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-OS-ST06-SWAP:MaxUtilization(%) Adaptive SAP instance SWAP maximum utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m
SAP-SI-OS-ST06-SWAP:Utilization(%) Static SAP instance SWAP actual utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-ABAP-CS-MS SAP-CS-MS-SM13:InactiveUpdateServers Static Count of inactive/deactivated SAP update servers/instances (SM13). Interval: 5m/5m
SAP-CS-MS-SM51:InactiveServers Static Count of inactive SAP instances (SM51). Interval: 5m/5m
SAP-CS-MS-SM51:ShutdownServers Static Count of shutdown SAP instances (SM51). Interval: 5m/5m


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-ABAP-CS-EQ-BASE SAP-CS-EQ-SM12:AgedLocks(>24h) Static Count of aged (set longer than 24hours) SAP Locks (SM12). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-CS-EQ-SM12:DequeueRequestsErrors Static Count of Dequeue Request Errors of SAP Locks (SM12). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-CS-EQ-SM12:EnqueueRequestsErrors Static Count of Enqueue Request Errors of SAP Locks (SM12). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-CS-EQ-SM12:LockArgumentsActualUtil Adaptive SAP Locks (SM12) actual argument utilization (count). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-CS-EQ-SM12:LockArgumentsPeakUtil Static SAP Locks (SM12) peak argument utilization (count). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-CS-EQ-SM12:LockEntriesActualUtil Adaptive SAP Locks (SM12) actual entries utilization (count). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-CS-EQ-SM12:LockEntriesPeakUtil Static SAP Locks (SM12) peak entries utilization (count). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-CS-EQ-SM12:LockEntriesUsage Static SAP Locks (SM12) entries utilization (percents). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-CS-EQ-SM12:OwnerNames-PeakUtil Static SAP Locks (SM12) peak owner names utilization (count). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-CS-EQ-SM12:OwnerNamesActualUtil Adaptive SAP Locks (SM12) actual owner names utilization (count). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-CS-EQ-SM12:UpdateQueueActual Static SAP Locks (SM12) actual update queue length. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-CS-EQ-SM12:UpdateQueuePeak Static SAP Locks (SM12) peak update queue length. Interval: 5m/15m.


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-ABAP-IG SAP-IG-NRIV:NumberRangeUtilization(>80%) Static Count of Number ranges consumed for more than 80%. Interval 5m/24h.
SAP-IG-SM13:FailedUpdates Static Count of failed V1/V2 updates (RFC). Interval 5m/24h.
SAP-IG-SM59:DestinationCount Static Total RFC destination count (SM59). Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-IG-SM59:FailedDestinations Static Failed RFC destinations/connections (SM59). Interval: 5m/24h.


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-ABAP-IG-QRFC SAP-IG-SMQ1:OutQueueFailures Static Count of failed outbound queues. Interval: 5m/1h.
SAP-IG-SMQ1:OutQueuesGrowth(%) Adaptive Outbound queues growth in percents. The value is calculated based on the past 3 hours data.Interval: 5m/3h.
SAP-IG-SMQ2:InQueueFailures Adaptive Count of failed inbound queues. Interval: 5m/1h.
SAP-IG-SMQ2:InQueuesGrowth(%) Adaptive Inbound queues growth in percents. The value is calculated based on the past 3 hours data.Interval: 5m/3h.
SAP-IG-SMQ2:InOldestQueue(days) Adaptive Oldest failed inbound queue (days). Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-IG-SMQ1:OutOldestQueue(days) Adaptive Oldest failed outbound queue (days). Interval: 5m/5m.


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-ABAP-IG-TRFC SAP-IG-SM58:TotalCount Static Total count of TRFCs (SM58). Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-IG-SM58:FailedCount Static Count of failed TRFCs (SM58). Interval: 5m/5m.


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-ABAP-IG-IDOC SAP-IG-WE02:IdocFailures Adaptive Total count of IDOC failures. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-IG-WE02:IdocFailureRatio Adaptive Average count of failures per IDOC. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-IG-WE02:IdocsFailed Static Count of failed IDOCs (unique). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-IG-WE02:IdocsFailed(%) Adaptive Relative percentage of failed IDOCs comparing to total count. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-IG-WE02:IdocsProcessed Static Total count of processed IDOCs by direction. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-IG-WE02:OldestFailed(days) Adaptive Oldest failed IDOC (days) processed withing current search window. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-IG-WE02:StatusChangeRatio Static Status changes per IDOC ratio. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-IG-WE02:IdocsCreated Static Total number or created IDOCs Interval:5m/15m.
SAP-IG-WE02:AvgTimePerStatus(s) Adaptive Average number of seconds spent in each status. Interval: 5m/5m.


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-ABAP-BC SAP-BC-SM04:UserSessions Static Total count of user sessions (SM04). Split by INSTANCE_NAME. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-BC-SM21:HighPriorityMessages Adaptive Count of high priority messages in a system log (SM21). Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-BC-SM37:BatchJobsAborted Adaptive Count of aborted/canceled batch jobs (SM37). Interval: 5m/5m
SAP-BC-SM37:BatchJobsAbortedBasis Adaptive Number of aborted/canceled basis(housekeeping) batch jobs. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-BC-SM37:BatchJobsCount Static Total count of batch jobs (SM37) disregards to job status. Interval: 5m/5m
SAP-BC-SM37:BatchJobsFinished Static Count of finished batch jobs (SM37). Interval: 5m/5m
SAP-BC-ST22:BatchJobDumps Adaptive Count of batch jobs (SM37) aborted by ABAP dump (ST22). Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-BC-ST22:BatchJobDumpsBasis Adaptive Count of basis batch jobs (SM37) aborted by ABAP dump (ST22). Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-BC-ST22:DumpsCount Adaptive Total count of ABAP dumps (ST22). Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-BC-ST22:DumpsCountStdev(%) Adaptive Relative standard deviation for count of ABAP dumps . Deviation calculated for the past hour with 5m span. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-BC-STMS:FailedTransportImports Static Count of failed transport imports (STMS). Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-BC-STMS:TotalTransportImports Static Total count of transports imported into the system. Interval: 5m/24h.


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-ABAP-BC-ST SAP-BC-ST-RZ10:ParameterChanges Static Count of changes in system profile (RZ10). Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-BC-ST-SCC4:OpenClients Static Count of open clients in the system (SCC4). Interval: 15m/24h.
SAP-BC-ST-SE06:OpenNamespaces Static Count of open namespaces (SE06) in the system. Interval: 15m/24h.
SAP-BC-ST-SM59:DestinationChanges Static Count of changes in RFC destination configuration (SM59). Interval: 5m/24h.


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-ABAP-BC-Security SAP-BC-SQ-DEVACCESS:UsersWithDevKeys Static Count of registered users with developer key. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-BC-SQ-ROLE_AUTH:UsersWithSensitiveAuth Static Count of users with sensitive authorizations. Requires a filter setup on SAP side (PowerConnect) as well as lookup update on Splunk side(wide_open_auth_objects) according to the requirements. Internval: 5m/24h.
SAP-BC-SQ-RSUSR003:Default/WellKnownPassword Static Count of users with default or well known password. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-BC-SQ-RSUSR200:PrivilegedUsersEnabled Static Count of enabled privileged users (SAP*, DDIC). Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-BC-SQ-RSUSR200:UsersNotLoggedInFor>30d Static Count of users not logged into the system for the past 30 days. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-BC-SQ-RZ10:PasswordPolicyParameters Static Count of password policy parameters, which do not match to the recommended values. Recommended values are defined in the security_parameters_names lookup and could be changed if needed. Interval: 15m/24h.
SAP-BC-SQ-SM20:LoginsPerTerminal(>1) Static Count of user logins with different UserID from the same terminal (considered only terminals used to login with more than 1 username). Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-BC-SQ-SM20:LoginsByPrivilegedUser Static Count of privileged user (SAP*, DDIC) logins. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-BC-SQ-SM20:LoginTerminalsPerUser(>1) Static Count of user logins with the same UserID from different terminals (considered only users logged in from more than 1 terminal). Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-BC-SQ-SM20:DebugModeUsed Adaptive How many times debug mode was used (debugger start). Based on SAP audit log (SM20).Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-BC-SQ-SM20:FailedLogons(MultiUsers/terminal) Static Count of failed logons using multily UserIDs from the same terminal. Based on SAP audit log (SM20). Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-BC-SQ-SM20:FailedLogins(24h) Static Total count of failed logins. Based on SAP audit log (SM20). Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-BC-SQ-SM20:FileDownloads Static Count of file download requests. Based on SAP audit log (SM20). Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-BC-SQ-SM20:SuccessLogins Adaptive Total count of success logins into the system. Based on SAP audit log (SM20). Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-BC-SQ-SNOTE:NotesImplemented Static Count of implemented SAP Notes. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-BC-SQ-ST01:SystemTraceActivated Adaptive How many times System Trace (ST01/ST05) was activated. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-BC-SQ-SM20:SensitiveTcodes Adaptive How many times sensitive transactions were executed. The list of sensitive transactions should be defined in the sensitive_tcodes lookup. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-BC-SQ-STRUST:CertificateCount Static Total count of certificates in the system (split by status). Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-BC-SQ-SU01:ActiveUsersWithExcessiveRights Static Count of active user sessions with excessive rights (SAP*, DDIC). Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-BC-SQ-SU01:UsersWithSensitiveRole Static Count of users with sensitive roles. List of sensitive roles needs to be defined in the wide_open_auth_objects lookup. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-BC-SQ-SUIM:UserTypeChanged Adaptive How many times user type was changed. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-BC-SQ-STRUST:CertsExpired Adaptive Number of expired certificates. Interval:5m/24h.
SAP-BC-SQ-STRUST:CertsExpiringSoon Adaptive Number of exping certificates (<30 days). Interval:5m/24h.


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-ABAP-BC-BSP SAP-BC-BSP:ResponseTime(s) Adaptive Average reponse time in seconds per application/view


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-ABAP-DB-HDB-BASE SAP-DB-HDB-ACTSTM:ActiveStatements Static Count of active statements in the DB. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-HDB-ALERT:Alerts Static Count of DB Alerts by priority. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-HDB-BTRAN:BlockedTransactions Static Count of blocked transactions. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-HDB-CONLST:Connections Static Count of DB connections. Interval:5m/5m.
SAP-DB-HDB-EXPSTM:MaxSQLElapsedTime Static Highest/maximum SQL duration (ms). Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-HDB-OVVW-DB:CPU Utilization Static DB server CPU utilization. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-DB-HDB-OVVW-DB:MemoryUsed(GB) Static DB RAM memory used (GB). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-DB-HDB-OVVW-DB:StorageDataUsed(GB) Static DB Server storage data space used (GB). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-DB-HDB-OVVW-DB:StorageLogUsed(GB) Static DB Server storage log space used (GB). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-DB-HDB-OVVW-DB:StorageTraceUsed(GB) Static DB Server storage trace space used (GB). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-DB-HDB-OVVW-HOST:CPU Utilization(%) Static Host CPU utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-DB-HDB-OVVW-HOST:MemoryUsed(GB) Static Host RAM memory used (GB). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-DB-HDB-OVVW-HOST:StorageDataUsed(GB) Static Host storage data space used (GB). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-DB-HDB-OVVW-HOST:StorageLogUsed(GB) Static Host storage log space used (GB). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-DB-HDB-OVVW-HOST:StorageTraceUsed Static Host storage trace space used (GB). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-DB-HDB-OVVW-HOST:VirtualMemoryUsed(GB) Static Host virtual memory used (GB). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-DB-HDB-SRVCS:Services Static Count of HANA DB services by active state. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-DB-HDB-THREAD:Threads Static Count of active SAP HANA Threads. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-HDB-SQL:FailedMiniChecks Static Count of failed SAP HANA Minichecks (SAP Note 1969700). Includes both ABAP and configuration checks. Interval: 5m/1h.


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-ABAP-DB-DB2-BASE SAP-DB-DB2-DBPF:AccessEfficiency Static Rows read / Rows processed ratio. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-DB-DB2-DBPF:AvgAsyncPhysicalReadTime(ms) Static Average Asynchronous Physical Read Time (ms). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-DB-DB2-DBPF:AvgAsyncPhysicalWriteTime (ms) Static Average Asynchronous Physical Write Time (ms). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-DB-DB2-DBPF:AvgDirectReads Static Average Direct Reads. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-DB-DB2-DBPF:AvgDirectReadTime(ms) Static Average Direct Read Time(ms). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-DB-DB2-DBPF:AvgDirectWrites Static Average Direct Writes. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-DB-DB2-DBPF:AvgDirectWriteTime(ms) Static Average Direct Write Time (ms). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-DB-DB2-DBPF:AvgLogReadTime/IO Static Average Log Read Time/IO. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-DB-DB2-DBPF:AvgLogWriteTime/IO Static Average Log Write Time/IO. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-DB-DB2-DBPF:AvgPhysicalReadTime(ms) Static Average Physical Read Time (ms)
SAP-DB-DB2-DBPF:AvgPhysicalWriteTime(ms) Static Average Physical Write Time (ms). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-DB-DB2-DBPF:BufferPoolDataHitRatio(%) Static Bufferpool Data Hit Ratio(%). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-DB-DB2-DBPF:BufferPoolIndexHitRatio(%) Static Bufferpool Index Hit Ratio(%). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-DB-DB2-DBPF:DeadlocksDetected Static Count of deadlocks detected. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-DB-DB2-DBPF:ExclusiveLockEscalations Static Lock Escalations Since Application Connect. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-DB-DB2-DBPF:LockListUsage(%) Static Lock List Memory Usage(%). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-DB-DB2-DBPF:LocksCurrentlyHeld Static Count of locks currently held. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-DB-DB2-DBPF:OverallBufferQuality(%) Static Overall Buffer Quality (%). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-DB-DB2-LOCKS:AgedLocks(>60s) Static Count of aged locks (set more than 30 seconds). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-DB-DB2-LOCKS:DeadocksCount Static Count of deadlocks. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-DB2-OVVW:MaxTablespaceUsedSpace (%) Static Maximum used space in percent over all partitions. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-DB2-OVVW:UsedPartitionsSpace(%) Static Used space in percent over all partitions. Interval:5m/5m.
SAP-DB-DB2-STMT:MaxSQLElapsedTime(ms) Static Maximum query runtime/elapsed time (ms). Interval:5m/15m.
SAP-DB-DB2-TRLOG:LogSpan Static Transaction log span (count of active logs being used). Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-DB2-TRLOG:LogsUsed (%) Static Transactoin log space usage (%). Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-DB2-TRLOG:SecondaryLogsAllocated (%) Static DB secondary log allocation %. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-DB2-TRLOG:TotalLogSpaceUsed Static Total DB transaction space log used (bytes). Interval: 5m/5m.


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-ABAP-DB-MSS-BASE SAP-DB-MSS-DDLK:Deadlocks Static Number or DB deadlocks. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-MSS-DDLKXE:DeadlocksXE Static Number of DB deadlocks registered by XE Events. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-MSS-IOPF-DATA:IO Stall (ms/read req) Static Data file: IO Stall - milliseconds / read request. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-MSS-IOPF-DATA:IO Stall (ms/write req) Static Data file: IO Stall - milliseconds / write request. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-MSS-IOPF-DATA:KBs Read/request Adaptive Data file: Kilobytes read per request. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-MSS-IOPF-DATA:KBs Read/second Adaptive Data file: kilobytes read per second. Interval 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-MSS-IOPF-DATA:Reads/second Adaptive Data file: Number of reads per second. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-MSS-IOPF-LOG:IO Stall (ms/read req) Static Log file: IO Stall - milliseconds / read request. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-MSS-IOPF-LOG:IO Stall (ms/write req) Static Log file: IO Stall - milliseconds / write request. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-MSS-IOPF-LOG:KBs Read/request Static Log file: kilobytes read per request. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-MSS-IOPF-LOG:KBs Read/second Static Log file: kilobytes read per second. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-MSS-IOPF-LOG:Reads/second Static Log file: Number of reads per second. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-MSS-OVVW-DATA:Free (%) Static Data file free size in %. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-MSS-OVVW-DATA:FreeSize (MB) Static Data file free size in MB. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-MSS-OVVW-LOG:Free (%) Static Log file free size in %. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-MSS-OVVW-LOG:FreeSize (MB) Static Log file free size in MB. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-MSS-PERF:BufferCacheHitRatio(%) Static Datacache hit ratio in %. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-MSS-PERF:CacheHitRatio(%) Static Procedure cache hit ratio (%). Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-MSS-PERF:CPU Busy Static Amount of time that SQL Server has spent in active operation. Interval:5m/24h.
SAP-DB-MSS-PERF:Fullscans Adaptive Number of full scans per second. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-MSS-PERF:IO Busy Static Time that SQL Server has spent performing input and output operations. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-MSS-PERF:PageIOLatch (ms/req) Static Wait time per buffer page latch request. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-MSS-PERF:PhysicalMemoryAvailable(MB) Static Physical available memory(MB). Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-MSS-PERF:Transactions/sec Adaptive Transactions per second. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-MSS-PERF:UserConnections Adaptive Number of total connections to SQL Server. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-MSS-STMT:LongRunningQueries Static Maximum query runtime/elapsed time. Interval: 5m/24h.


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-ABAP-DB-ORA-BASE SAP-DB-ORA-BFFR:TimeOfBufferWaits (%) Static Buffer busy waits in %. This wait happens when a session wants to access a database block in the buffer cache but it cannot because the buffer is busy. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-ORA-CACHE:MaxSQLElapsedTime Static Represents maximum SQL elapsed/execution time in ms. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:AvgActiveSessions Static Average count of DB Active sessions. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:BackgroundCheckpoints/sec Static Number of checkpoints started by the background per second. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:BackgroundCPU Usage/sec Static Represents the CPU usage per second by the database instance background processesprocesses, measured in hundredths of a second. A change in the metric value may occur because of a change in either workload mix or workload throughput being performed by the database. Although there is no correct value for this metric, it can be used to detect a change in the operation of a system. Interval: 5m/14h.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:BufferCacheHitRatio Static Calculates how often a requested block has been found in the buffer cache without requiring disk access. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:CPU Usage/sec Static Represents the CPU usage per second by the database processes, measured in hundredths of a second. A change in the metric value may occur because of a change in either workload mix or workload throughput being performed by the database. Although there is no correct value for this metric, it can be used to detect a change in the operation of a system. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:CurrentLogonsCount Static Represents the current number of logons. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:CurrentOpenCursorsCount Static Represents the current number of opened cursors. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:CursorCacheHitRatio Static Determined by the ratio of the number of times an open cursor was found divided by the number of times a cursor was sought. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:DB BlockChanges/sec Static Represents the total number of changes per second that were part of an update or delete operation that were made to all blocks in the SGA. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:DBWR Checkpoints/sec Static Represents the number of times, per second, during this sample period DBWn was asked to scan the cache and write all blocks marked for a checkpoint. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:EnqueueDeadlocks/sec Static Represents the number of times per second that a process detected a potential deadlock when exchanging two buffers and raised an internal, restartable error. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:EnqueueRequests/sec Static Represents the total number of table or row locks acquired per second. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:Full Index Scans/sec Static Represents the number of fast full index scans per second. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:Host CPU Usage/sec Static Represents the total CPU usage per second, measured in hundredths of a second. A change in the metric value may occur because of a change in either workload mix or workload throughput being performed by the database. Although there is no ‘correct’ value for this metric, it can be used to detect a change in the operation of a system. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:Host CPU Utilization (%) Static Host CPU Utilization (% Busy/(Idle+Busy)). Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:I/O Megabytes/second Static The total I/O throughput of the database for both reads and writes in megabytes per second. A very high value indicates that the database is generating a significant volume of I/O data. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:I/O Requests/second Static Represents the total rate of I/O read and write requests for the database. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:LogicalReads/sec Static Represents the number of logical reads (consistent gets, from the data buffer) per second during the sample period. A logical read is a read request for a data block from the SGA. Logical reads may result in a physical read if the requested block does not reside with the buffer cache. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:LongTableScans/sec Static Represents the number of long table scans per second during sample period. A table is considered 'long' if the table is not cached and if its high-water mark is greater than 5 blocks. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:NetworkTrafficVolume/sec Static Network traffic volume per second (bytes/seconds). Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:OpenCursors/sec Static Total number of cursors opened per second. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:PGACacheHit (%) Static Total number of bytes processed in the PGA versus the total number of bytes processed plus extra bytes read/written in extra passes. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:PhysicalReadBytes/sec Static Represents number of direct physical reads per second. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:PhysicalReadIO Requests/sec Static Represents number of bytes used for disk reads per second. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:PhysicalWrite (Bytes/sec) Static Represents number of bytes used for disk writes per second. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:PhysicalWriteIO (Req/sec) Static Represents number of disk writes input/output requests per second. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:RedoWrites/sec Static Represents the number redo write operations per second. The redo log buffer is a circular buffer in the SGA that holds information about changes made to the database. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:RowCacheHitRatio Static Percentage of row cache hit ratio. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:SessionCount Static Current session count. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:SharedPoolFree (%) Static Represents the percentage of the Shared Pool that is currently marked as free. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:SQLServiceResponseTime Static Time spent in database operations per transaction. It is derived from the total time that user calls spend in the database (DB time) and the number of commits and rollbacks performed. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:TotalPGA Allocated Static Refers to the amount of memory provided currently. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:UserCalls/sec Static Represents the number of logins, parses, or execute calls per second. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ORA-SMTR:UserTransaction/sec Static Represents number of user transactions per second. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ORA-TSOV:TablespaceUsage (%) Static Total % of tablespace used. Interval: 5m/24h.


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-ABAP-DB-ASE-BASE SAP-DB-ASE-CCSTAT:MaxSQLElapsedTime Static Maximum SQL query runtime/elapsed time in ms. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-ASE-DBSIZE:DataFree(MB) Static Data: free space in MB. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ASE-DBSIZE:DataReserved(%) Static Data: reserved space in %. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ASE-DBSIZE:LogFree(MB) Static Log: free space in MB. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ASE-DBSIZE:LogReserved(%) Static Log: space reserved in %. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ASE-DEVCIO:Avg IO Time(ms) Static Average IO time in ms. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ASE-DEVCIO:AvgReadTime(ms) Static Average read time in ms. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ASE-DEVCIO:AvgWriteTime(ms) Static Average write time in ms. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ASE-DEVCIO:SemaphoreRequests Static Number of I/O requests. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ASE-DEVCIO:SemaphoreWaits Static Number of tasks forced to wait for synchronization of an I/O request. Interval
SAP-DB-ASE-LKWAIT:LockWaits Static Number of lock wait events. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-ASE-LKWAIT:MaxWaitTime (ms) Static Lock-waits: maximum wait time in ms. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-ASE-PROCES:ProcessCount Static Number of DB processes. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-ASE-RESOUR:ActualResources(%) Static Maximum resource consumption. Split by resource name on entity level. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-ASE-SYSACT:Connections Static Number of DB connections. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-ASE-SYSACT:Deadlocks Static Number of deadlocks. Interlval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-ASE-SYSACT:LocksHeld Static Number of locks held by DB. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-ASE-SYSACT:NetSent (MB) Static Network activity: MB sent. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-ASE-SYSACT:PhysicalReads Static Number of disk reads. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-ASE-SYSACT:PhysicalWrites Static Number of disk writes. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-ASE-SYSACT:ProcessMemoryUsage (MB) Static Memory usage by DB process. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-ASE-SYSACT:Transactions Static Number of DB transactions. Interlval: 5m/5m.


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-ABAP-GT:System-Health#1 SAP-BC-SM04:UserSessions Static Total count of user sessions (SM04). Split by INSTANCE_NAME. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-BC-SM37:BatchJobsAborted Adaptive Count of aborted/canceled batch jobs (SM37). Interval: 5m/5m
SAP-BC-SM37:BatchJobsFinished Static Count of finished batch jobs (SM37). Interval: 5m/5m
SAP-BC-SQ-SM20:LoginTerminalsPerUser(>1) Static Count of user logins with the same UserID from different terminals (considered only users logged in from more than 1 terminal). Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-BC-SQ-SM20:LoginsByPrivilegedUser Static Count of privileged user (SAP*, DDIC) logins. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-BC-SQ-SM20:LoginsPerTerminal(>1) Static Count of user logins with different UserID from the same terminal (considered only terminals used to login with more than 1 username). Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-BC-SQ-SM20:DebugModeUsed Static How many times debug mode was used (debugger start). Based on SAP audit log (SM20).Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-BC-SQ-SM20:FailedLogins(24h) Static Total count of failed logins. Based on SAP audit log (SM20). Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-BC-SQ-SM20:SuccessLogins Adaptive Total count of success logins into the system. Based on SAP audit log (SM20). Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-BC-SQ-STAD:SensitiveTransactions Static How many times sensitive transactions were executed. The list of sensitive transactions should be defined in the sensitive_tcodes lookup. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-BC-SQ-SUIM:UserTypeChanged Static How many times user type was changed. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-BC-ST22:BatchJobDumps Adaptive Count of batch jobs (SM37) aborted by ABAP dump (ST22). Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-BC-ST22:DumpsCount Adaptive Total count of ABAP dumps (ST22). Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-BC-STMS:FailedTransportImports Static Count of failed transport imports (STMS). Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-BC-STMS:TotalTransportImports Static Total count of transports imported into the system. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-CS-EQ-SM12:EnqueueRequestsErrors Static Count of Enqueue Request Errors of SAP Locks (SM12). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-CS-EQ-SM12:LockEntriesActualUtil Adaptive SAP Locks (SM12) actual entries utilization (count). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-DB-MSS-PERF:CacheHitRatio(%) Static Procedure cache hit ratio (%). Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-MSS-PERF:UserConnections Adaptive Number of total connections to SQL Server. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-MSS-STMT:LongRunningQueries Static Maximum query runtime/elapsed time. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-IG-SM13:FailedUpdates Static Count of failed V1/V2 updates (RFC). Interval 5m/24h.
SAP-IG-SM58:FailedCount Static Count of failed TRFCs (SM58). Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-IG-SM59:DestinationCount Static Total RFC destination count (SM59). Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-IG-SM59:FailedDesinations Static Failed RFC destinations/connections (SM59). Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-IG-SMQ2:InQueueFailures Adaptive Count of failed inbound queues. Interval: 5m/1h.
SAP-SI-CCMS:Availability Static System availability percent based on CCMS data. Interval: 5m/1h.
SAP-SI-SM51-DIA:DB CallTime(s) Static SAP Instance dialog WPs average DB call time in seconds. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SM51-DIA:GuiNetTime(s) Adaptive SAP Instance dialog WPs GUI Net time in seconds. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SM51-DIA:ResponseTime(s) Static SAP Instance dialog WPs reponse time in seconds. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SMGW:ConnectionRatio(%) Static SMGW connections utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m.


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-ABAP-GT:Template SAP-BC-SM37:BatchJobsCount Static Total count of batch jobs (SM37) disregards to job status. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-BC-SQ-SM20:SuccessLogins Adaptive Total count of success logins into the system. Based on SAP audit log (SM20). Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-BC-ST-SCC4:OpenClients Static Count of open clients in the system (SCC4). Interval: 15m/24h.
SAP-BC-ST22:DumpsCount Adaptive Total count of ABAP dumps (ST22). Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-CS-EQ-SM12:AgedLocks Static Count of aged (set longer than 24hours) SAP Locks (SM12). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-CS-EQ-SM12:LockEntriesActualUtil Adaptive SAP Locks (SM12) actual entries utilization (count). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-CS-EQ-SM12:LockEntriesPeakUtil Static SAP Locks (SM12) peak entries utilization (count). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-CS-MS-SM51:InactiveServers Static Count of Inactive SAP instances (SM51). Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-CS-MS-SM51:ShutdownServers Static Count of Shutdown SAP instances (SM51). Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-MSS-DDLK:Deadlocks Static Number or DB deadlocks. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-MSS-OVVW-LOG:FreeSize (MB) Static Log file free size in MB. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-IG-SM13:FailedUpdates Static Count of failed V1/V2 updates (RFC). Interval 5m/24h.
SAP-IG-SM58:TotalCount Static Total count of TRFCs (SM58). Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-IG-SM59:FailedDesinations Static Failed RFC destinations/connections (SM59). Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-IG-SMQ1:OutQueueFailures Adaptive Count of failed outbound queues. Interval: 5m/1h.
SAP-IG-WE02:IdocsProcessed Static Total count of processed IDOCs by direction. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-SI-LOGS:DispatcherLogEntries Static Count of dispatcher errors. The source is the dev_disp log file. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-SI-OS-ST06-CPU:AvgUtilization(All CPUs) Static Average SAP Instance CPU Utilization (aggregated for all CPUs). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-OS-ST06-Disk:KB/Sec Adaptive SAP Instance disk performance in KB/Sec (ST06). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-OS-ST06-LAN:InErrors Static SAP Instance LAN Inbound errors (ST06). Calculated as a delta based on previous value. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-OS-ST06-LAN:OutErrors Static SAP Instance LAN Outbound errors (ST06). Calculated as a delta based on previous value. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-OS-ST06-LAN:OutPackets Adaptive SAP Instance LAN Outbound packets (ST06). Calculated as a delta based on previous value. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-OS-ST06-RAM:Utilization(%) Static SAP Instance RAM utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-OS-ST06:Disk-Operations/Sec Adaptive SAP Instance disk performance in Operations/Sec (ST06). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SM51-BTC:ResponseTime(s) Static SAP Instance background WPs reponse time in seconds. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SM51-BTC:Utilization(%) Static SAP Instance background WPs maximum utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SM51-BTC:WaitQueue(%) Static SAP Instance background WPs wait queue utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SM51-DIA:ResponseTime(s) Static SAP Instance dialog WPs reponse time in seconds. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SM51-DIA:Utilization(%) Static SAP Instance dialog WPs maximum utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SM51-DIA:WaitQueue(%) Static SAP Instance dialog WPs wait queue utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SM51-SPO:ResponseTime(s) Static SAP Instance spool WPs reponse time in seconds. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SM51-SPO:Utilization(%) Static SAP Instance spool WPs maximum utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SM51-SPO:WaitQueue(%) Static SAP Instance spool WPs wait queue utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SM51-UPD:ResponseTime(s) Static SAP Instance update WPs reponse time in seconds. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SM51-UPD:UP1-Count Static Count of update V1 WPs per SAP Instance. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SM51-UPD:UP2-Count Static Count of update V2 WPs per SAP Instance. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SM51-UPD:Utilization(%) Static SAP Instance update WPs maximum utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SM51-UPD:WaitQueue(%) Static SAP Instance update WPs wait queue utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SMGW:ConnectionsClosed Static SMGW closed/failed connections count. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-SI-SMGW:ConnectionsCount Static SMGW connection count. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SMGW:ConnectionsMax Static SMGW maximum possible connection count. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SMICM:ConnectionCount Static SAP ICM Connection count. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SMICM:MPI BufferUsage(%) Static SAP ICM MPI buffer usage in percents. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SMICM:ThreadsCount Static SAP ICM Threads Count. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-IG-SMQ2:InQueueFailures Static Count of failed inbound queues. Interval: 5m/1h.


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-ABAP-GT:System-Health#1 SAP-BC-SM04:UserSessions Static Total count of user sessions (SM04). Split by INSTANCE_NAME. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-BC-SM37:BatchJobsAborted Adaptive Count of aborted/canceled batch jobs (SM37). Interval: 5m/5m
SAP-BC-SM37:BatchJobsFinished Static Count of finished batch jobs (SM37). Interval: 5m/5m
SAP-BC-SQ-SM20:DebugModeUsed Static How many times debug mode was used (debugger start). Based on SAP audit log (SM20).Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-BC-SQ-SM20:FailedLogins(24h) Static Total count of failed logins. Based on SAP audit log (SM20). Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-BC-SQ-SM20:LoginsByPrivilegedUser Static Count of privileged user (SAP*, DDIC) logins. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-BC-SQ-SM20:LoginsPerTerminal(>1) Static Count of user logins with different UserID from the same terminal (considered only terminals used to login with more than 1 username). Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-BC-SQ-SM20:LoginTerminalsPerUser(>1) Static Count of user logins with the same UserID from different terminals (considered only users logged in from more than 1 terminal). Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-BC-SQ-SM20:SuccessLogins Adaptive Total count of success logins into the system. Based on SAP audit log (SM20). Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-BC-SQ-STAD:SensitiveTransactions Static How many times sensitive transactions were executed. The list of sensitive transactions should be defined in the sensitive_tcodes lookup. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-BC-SQ-SUIM:UserTypeChanged Static How many times user type was changed. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-BC-ST22:BatchJobDumps Adaptive Count of batch jobs (SM37) aborted by ABAP dump (ST22). Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-BC-ST22:DumpsCount Adaptive Total count of ABAP dumps (ST22). Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-BC-STMS:FailedTransportImports Static Count of failed transport imports (STMS). Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-BC-STMS:TotalTransportImports Static Total count of transports imported into the system. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-CS-EQ-SM12:EnqueueRequestsErrors Static Count of Enqueue Request Errors of SAP Locks (SM12). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-CS-EQ-SM12:LockEntriesActualUtil Adaptive SAP Locks (SM12) actual entries utilization (count). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-DB-MSS-PERF:CacheHitRatio(%) Static Procedure cache hit ratio (%). Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-MSS-PERF:UserConnections Adaptive Number of total connections to SQL Server. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-DB-MSS-STMT:LongRunningQueries Static Maximum query runtime/elapsed time. Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-IG-SM13:FailedUpdates Static Count of failed V1/V2 updates (RFC). Interval 5m/24h.
SAP-IG-SM58:FailedCount Static Count of failed TRFCs (SM58). Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-IG-SM59:DestinationCount Static Total RFC destination count (SM59). Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-IG-SM59:FailedDesinations Static Failed RFC destinations/connections (SM59). Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-IG-SMQ2:InQueueFailures Adaptive Count of failed inbound queues. Interval: 5m/1h.
SAP-SI-CCMS:Availability Static System availability percent based on CCMS data. Interval: 5m/1h.
SAP-SI-SM51-DIA:DB CallTime(s) Static SAP Instance dialog WPs average DB call time in seconds. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SM51-DIA:GuiNetTime(s) Adaptive SAP Instance dialog WPs GUI Net time in seconds. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SM51-DIA:ResponseTime(s) Static SAP Instance dialog WPs reponse time in seconds. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SMGW:ConnectionRatio(%) Static SMGW connections utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m.


Service template title KPI title KPI threshold configuration KPI description
SAP-ABAP-GT:Template SAP-BC-SM37:BatchJobsCount Static Total count of batch jobs (SM37) disregards to job status. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-BC-SQ-SM20:SuccessLogins Adaptive Total count of success logins into the system. Based on SAP audit log (SM20). Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-BC-ST-SCC4:OpenClients Static Count of open clients in the system (SCC4). Interval: 15m/24h.
SAP-BC-ST22:DumpsCount Adaptive Total count of ABAP dumps (ST22). Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-CS-EQ-SM12:AgedLocks Static Count of aged (set longer than 24hours) SAP Locks (SM12). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-CS-EQ-SM12:LockEntriesActualUtil Adaptive SAP Locks (SM12) actual entries utilization (count). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-CS-EQ-SM12:LockEntriesPeakUtil Static SAP Locks (SM12) peak entries utilization (count). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-CS-MS-SM51:InactiveServers Static Count of Inactive SAP instances (SM51). Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-CS-MS-SM51:ShutdownServers Static Count of Shutdown SAP instances (SM51). Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-MSS-DDLK:Deadlocks Static Number or DB deadlocks. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-DB-MSS-OVVW-LOG:FreeSize (MB) Static Log file free size in MB. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-IG-SM13:FailedUpdates Static Count of failed V1/V2 updates (RFC). Interval 5m/24h.
SAP-IG-SM58:TotalCount Static Total count of TRFCs (SM58). Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-IG-SM59:FailedDesinations Static Failed RFC destinations/connections (SM59). Interval: 5m/24h.
SAP-IG-SMQ1:OutQueueFailures Adaptive Count of failed outbound queues. Interval: 5m/1h.
SAP-IG-SMQ2:InQueueFailures Static Count of failed inbound queues. Interval: 5m/1h.
SAP-IG-WE02:IdocsProcessed Static Total count of processed IDOCs by direction. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-SI-LOGS:DispatcherLogEntries Static Count of dispatcher errors. The source is the dev_disp log file. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-SI-OS-ST06-CPU:AvgUtilization(All CPUs) Static Average SAP Instance CPU Utilization (aggregated for all CPUs). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-OS-ST06-Disk:KB/Sec Adaptive SAP Instance disk performance in KB/Sec (ST06). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-OS-ST06-LAN:InErrors Static SAP Instance LAN Inbound errors (ST06). Calculated as a delta based on previous value. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-OS-ST06-LAN:OutErrors Static SAP Instance LAN Outbound errors (ST06). Calculated as a delta based on previous value. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-OS-ST06-LAN:OutPackets Adaptive SAP Instance LAN Outbound packets (ST06). Calculated as a delta based on previous value. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-OS-ST06-RAM:Utilization(%) Static SAP Instance RAM utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-OS-ST06:Disk-Operations/Sec Adaptive SAP Instance disk performance in Operations/Sec (ST06). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SM51-BTC:ResponseTime(s) Static SAP Instance background WPs reponse time in seconds. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SM51-BTC:Utilization(%) Static SAP Instance background WPs maximum utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SM51-BTC:WaitQueue(%) Static SAP Instance background WPs wait queue utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SM51-DIA:ResponseTime(s) Static SAP Instance dialog WPs reponse time in seconds. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SM51-DIA:Utilization(%) Static SAP Instance dialog WPs maximum utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SM51-DIA:WaitQueue(%) Static SAP Instance dialog WPs wait queue utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SM51-SPO:ResponseTime(s) Static SAP Instance spool WPs reponse time in seconds. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SM51-SPO:Utilization(%) Static SAP Instance spool WPs maximum utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SM51-SPO:WaitQueue(%) Static SAP Instance spool WPs wait queue utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SM51-UPD:ResponseTime(s) Static SAP Instance update WPs reponse time in seconds. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SM51-UPD:UP1-Count Static Count of update V1 WPs per SAP Instance. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SM51-UPD:UP2-Count Static Count of update V2 WPs per SAP Instance. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SM51-UPD:Utilization(%) Static SAP Instance update WPs maximum utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SM51-UPD:WaitQueue(%) Static SAP Instance update WPs wait queue utilization (%). Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SMGW:ConnectionsClosed Static SMGW closed/failed connections count. Interval: 5m/5m.
SAP-SI-SMGW:ConnectionsCount Static SMGW connection count. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SMGW:ConnectionsMax Static SMGW maximum possible connection count. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SMICM:ConnectionCount Static SAP ICM Connection count. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SMICM:MPI BufferUsage(%) Static SAP ICM MPI buffer usage in percents. Interval: 5m/15m.
SAP-SI-SMICM:ThreadsCount Static SAP ICM Threads Count. Interval: 5m/15m.
Last modified on 14 August, 2024
Event type requirements for Splunk Service Intelligence for SAP Solutions   jQuery

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