Splunk® Infrastructure Monitoring Add-on

Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring Add-on

Share data in the Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring Add-on

When the Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring Add-on is deployed, the Splunk platform sends aggregated usage data to Splunk Inc. ("Splunk") to help improve the Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring Add-on in future releases. For information about how to opt in or out and how the data is collected, stored, and governed, see Share data in Splunk Enterprise.

What data is collected

Component Description Example
app.splunk_ta_sim.configuration Reports information about Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring Add-on configuration.
   app: splunk_ta_sim
   component: app.splunk_ta_sim.configuration
   data: {"SIMAddonConfigured": 1, 
          "SIMAPIUrl": "https://api.us1.signalfx.com"}
   deploymentID: 1123632c-8c4d-5e08-9bfe-ea487a9ea304
   eventID: 2D48A82C-2B81-4BEF-BF71-E4DCF049038A
   executionID: F146BD9A-2B39-4E49-9EDB-74E3884AA5FC
   optInRequired: 3
   timestamp: 1579123751
   type: aggregate
   visibility: [ 
app.splunk_ta_sim.command Reports the status and count of Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring computations.
component: app.splunk_ta_sim.command
data: {
"SignalFlowFilter":"data('CPUUtilization', filter=filter('stat', 'mean') 
and filter('namespace', 'AWS/EC2') 
and filter('InstanceId', '*')).publish();",
visibility: [ 
app.splunk_ta_sim.modular_input Reports information about the Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring modular input usage and metric statistics.
   app: splunk_ta_sim
   component: app.splunk_ta_sim.modular_input
   data: {"ErrorCount": 0, "CumulativeMTSCollected": 100000, "MTSCountByMetricName": "CPUUtilization - 10000 DiskReadBytes - 10000 DiskReadOps - 10000 DiskWriteBytes - 10000 DiskWriteOps - 10000 NetworkIn - 10000 NetworkOut - 10000 NetworkPacketsIn - 10000 NetworkPacketsOut - 10000 StatusCheckFailed - 10000", "ComputationId": "EjQLjJdA0AA", "ErrorMessages": "", "CumulativeMetadataMsgsCollected": 10000, "MTSCollected": 100000, "CumulativeDataMsgsCollected": 10, "SplunkNode": "bef9af6c90177434c305127ad122852c", "RetryCount": 0, "LatestActivityTime": "00:00:16.973", "_timediff": "", "CumulativeOtherMsgsCollected": 64, "RequestId": "46c301e6536049a7aaa69088da2d3873", "AvgMTSDelay": 15.053467679022, "OrganizationId": "EUdM8ESA4AA", "ModularInputName": "fcf4d30544cf505166b00ee3d3542efd", "ThreadId": "c89fe6831c0f4c7195bc6d389858ebbe", "SignalFlowFilters": "data('CPUUtilization', filter=filter('stat', 'mean') and filter('namespace', 'AWS/EC2') and filter('InstanceId', 'eg*') and not filter('egId', '*'), rollup='average').publish(); data('NetworkIn', filter=filter('stat', 'sum') and filter('namespace', 'AWS/EC2') and filter('InstanceId', 'eg*') and not filter('egId', '*'), rollup='sum').publish(); data('NetworkOut', filter=filter('stat', 'sum') and filter('namespace', 'AWS/EC2') and filter('InstanceId', 'eg*') and not filter('egId', '*'), rollup='sum').publish(); data('NetworkPacketsIn', filter=filter('stat', 'sum') and filter('namespace', 'AWS/EC2') and filter('InstanceId', 'eg*') and not filter('egId', '*'), rollup='sum').publish(); data('NetworkPacketsOut', filter=filter('stat', 'sum') and filter('namespace', 'AWS/EC2') and filter('InstanceId', 'eg*') and not filter('egId', '*'), rollup='sum').publish(); data('DiskReadBytes', filter=filter('stat', 'sum') and filter('namespace', 'AWS/EC2') and filter('InstanceId', 'eg*') and not filter('egId', '*'), rollup='sum').publish(); data('DiskWriteBytes', filter=filter('stat', 'sum') and filter('namespace', 'AWS/EC2') and filter('InstanceId', 'eg*') and not filter('egId', '*'), rollup='sum').publish(); data('DiskReadOps', filter=filter('stat', 'sum') and filter('namespace', 'AWS/EC2') and filter('InstanceId', 'eg*') and not filter('egId', '*'), rollup='sum').publish(); data('DiskWriteOps', filter=filter('stat', 'sum') and filter('namespace', 'AWS/EC2') and filter('InstanceId', 'eg*') and not filter('egId', '*'), rollup='sum').publish(); data('StatusCheckFailed', filter=filter('stat', 'count') and filter('namespace', 'AWS/EC2') and filter('InstanceId', 'eg*') and not filter('egId', '*'), rollup='latest').publish();"}
   deploymentID: a39cdb64-c2f6-51e9-b50d-046ce245e980
   eventID: A1AC0532-38C6-44AD-9DBF-E086F20973D7
   executionID: 59E06BCB-D558-41FE-A525-D924436396AC
   optInRequired: 3
   timestamp: 1593030846
   type: aggregate
   visibility: [ 
Last modified on 27 June, 2024
Release Notes for Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring Add-on   Hardware and software requirements for Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring Add-on

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Infrastructure Monitoring Add-on: 1.2.6

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