Splunk® Infrastructure Monitoring Add-on

Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring Add-on

Hardware and software requirements for Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring Add-on

To install and configure Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring Add-on, your system must meet the following requirements.

Splunk admin requirements

You must be a member of the admin or sc_admin role to install and configure Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring Add-on and to use the custom search command.

Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring setup requirements

You must have a Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring account already set up. See Set up Infrastructure Monitoring.

The Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring Add-on requires an access token and an API endpoint domain to access data from Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring. For setup instructions, see Set up the Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring Add-on.

Splunk platform requirements

Because this add-on runs on the Splunk platform and Splunk Cloud, all of the system requirements apply for the Splunk software that you use to run this add-on.

  • For Splunk Enterprise system requirements, see System Requirements in the Splunk Enterprise Installation Manual.
  • For Splunk Light system requirements, see System Requirements in the Splunk Light Installation Manual.
  • If you are managing on-premises forwarders to get data into Splunk Cloud, see System Requirements in the Splunk Enterprise Installation Manual, which includes information about forwarders.
Last modified on 27 June, 2024
Share data in the Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring Add-on   Installation and configuration overview for the Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring Add-on

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Infrastructure Monitoring Add-on: 1.2.6

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