For details, see:
Note endpoint to consolidate the note information that exists in multiple endpoints.
Create a note associated with a container.
Create a general note associated with a container.
Request parameters
An argument string must include the following parameters:
Field | Required | Type | Description |
container_id | required | integer | ID of the container to add the note to. |
note_format | optional | string | Notes are displayed in either HTML or markdown. By default, note_format is set to markdown unless you pass in a different value. When you post an update of a note created before Splunk Phantom version 4.9, if you do not include the note_format as markdown, the note format defaults to HTML to maintain backwards compatibility with older notes.
title | required | string | The title of the note. |
note_type | required | string | The type of the note: general .
content | required | string | The content of the note. |
attachments | optional | list of integers | A list of the container attachment IDs to add to the note. A maximum of 10 attachments can be added to a note. |
Example request
You can create a general note for container Id 93 by supplying a JSON formatted body.
curl -k -u username:password https://localhost/rest/note \ -d '{"container_id": 93, "note_format": "markdown", "title": "something2", "note_type": "general", "content": "hello world", "attachments": [1, 2, 3] }'
Example response
A successful request returns a success indicator and the ID of the newly created note.
{ "success": true, "id": 4 }
Create bulk container notes.
Request parameters
An argument string must include the following parameters:
Field | Required | Type | Description |
container_id | required | integer | Id of the container to add the note to. |
phase_id | optional | integer | If the container is a case, a phase_id can be provided to associate the note to a particular phase. |
title | required | string | The title of the note. |
note_type | required | string | The type of the note: general .
content | required | string | The content of the note. |
note_format | optional | string | Notes are displayed in either HTML or markdown. By default, note_format is set to markdown unless you pass in a different value. When you post an update of a note created before Splunk Phantom version 4.9, if you do not include the note_format as markdown, the note format defaults to HTML to maintain backwards compatibility with older notes.
Example request
You can create many notes associated with many containers, such as multiple general notes for container Id 23, by supplying a JSON formatted body.
curl -k -u username:password https://localhost/rest/note \ -d '[ { "container_id": 23, "phase": 2, "title": "something2", "note_type": "general", "content": "hello world" }, { "container_id": 23, "phase": 2, "title": "something2", "note_type": "general", "content": "hello world" } ]'
Example response
A successful request returns a success indicator and the IDs of the newly created notes.
[ { "id": 17, "success": true }, { "id": 18, "success": true } ]
Create an artifact note.
Request parameters
An argument string must include the following parameters:
Field | Required | Type | Description |
container_id | required | integer | The ID of the container. |
phase_id | optional | integer | If the container is a case, a phase_id can be provided to associate the note to a particular phase. |
author_id | optional | integer | ID of the user making the request. |
title | required | string | The title of the note. |
note_type | required | string | The type of the note: artifact .
artifact_id | required | string | A valid artifact ID. |
content | required | string | The content of the note. |
Example request
Create a note associated with an artifact by supplying a JSON formatted body with the note_type
of artifact
. Pass a valid artifact ID and phase ID. The container ID is set according to the artifact.
curl -k -u username:password https://localhost/rest/note \ { "container_id": 42270, "phase_id": 1, "author_id": 1, "title": "my_note", "note_type": "artifact", "artifact_id": 155353, "content": "hello world" } }'
Example response
A successful request returns a success indicator and the ID of the newly created note.
{"id": 7, "success": true}
Create a task note.
Request parameters
An argument string must include the following parameters:
Field | Required | Type | Description |
title | required | string | The title of the note. |
note_type | required | string | The type of the note: task .
task_id | required | integer | A valid task Id. |
content | required | string | The content of the note. |
note_format | optional | string | Notes are displayed in either HTML or markdown. By default, note_format is set to markdown unless you pass in a different value. When you post an update of a note created before Splunk Phantom version 4.9, if you do not include the note_format as markdown, the note format defaults to HTML to maintain backwards compatibility with older notes.
Example request
Create a note associated with a task by supplying a JSON formatted body with the note_type
of task
. Pass a valid task Id. The phase is set according to the artifact.
curl -k -u username:password https://localhost/rest/note \ -d '{ "title": "my_note", "note_type": "task", "task_id":1, "content": "hello world" }'
Example response
A successful request returns a success indicator and the IDs of the newly created note.
{ "id": 24, "success": true }
Get a list of all notes for all items.
Example request
Get a list of notes, using paging parameters.
curl -k -u username:password https://localhost/rest/note?page_size=5&page=0 -G -X GET
Example response
A successful GET will return a 200 response, and a JSON formatted list of notes.
{ "count": 2, "data": [ { "note_type": "general", "task": null, "container": 93, "title": "my note", "author": 1, "modified_time": "2019-03-26T23:50:00.451152Z", "content": "hello world", "create_time": "2019-03-26T23:50:00.384661Z", "artifact": null, "phase": 4, "id": 14 }, { "note_type": "general", "task": null, "container": 93, "title": "new note", "author": 1, "modified_time": "2019-03-27T00:16:08.220605Z", "content": "hello world", "create_time": "2019-03-27T00:14:09.090205Z", "artifact": null, "phase": 2, "id": 16 } ], "num_pages": 1 }
Example request
Return information about the note's attachments.
Example response
A successful return provides information about the size, name, and container attachment ID of the note.
{ 'id': 144, 'title': 'Hello World', 'content': '<p>This is a Note </p>', 'create_time': '2020-04-01T18:08:58.667753Z', 'modified_time': '2020-04-01T18:08:58.673355Z', 'note_type': 'general', 'author': 332, 'phase': 373, 'container': 1148, 'task': None, 'artifact': None, 'container_attachments': [{'container_attachment_id': 229, 'name': 'container_attachment_tGhDPDyIoOvA', 'size': 402}, {'container_attachment_id': 230, 'name': 'container_attachment_wrQQiywwKqsj', 'size': 402}], 'task_name': None, 'artifact_name': None }
List details of a single note.
List details of a single note by ID.
Example request
List details of note Id 16.
curl -k -u username:password https://localhost/rest/note/16 -G -X GET
Example response
A successful GET will return a 200 response, and a JSON formatted list of details.
{ "note_type": "general", "task": null, "container": 93, "title": "new note", "author": 1, "modified_time": "2019-03-27T00:16:08.220605Z", "content": "hello world", "create_time": "2019-03-27T00:14:09.090205Z", "artifact": null, "phase": 2, "id": 16 }
Delete a note by ID.
Example request
Delete note Id 16.
curl -k -u username:password https://localhost/rest/note/16 -X DELETE
Example response
A successful request will result in a 200 response returning the success message as JSON.
{ "success": true }
/rest/note optional filters
Filters for listing notes.
List artifact and task notes.
Example request
List artifact notes.
Notes created with /rest/artifact APIs also display in the /rest/note list views. Task notes have the associated task name in the 'artifact_name' field.
curl -k -u username:password https://localhost/rest/note?_filter_note_type=%22artifact%22 -G -X GET
Example request
List task notes.
Notes created with /rest/workflow_note APIs also display in the /rest/note list views. Task notes have the associated task name in the 'task_name' field
curl -k -u username:password https://localhost/rest/note?_filter_note_type=%22task%22 -G -X GET
/rest/note optional query parameters
Search notes with the query parameter.
Search notes with the query parameter.
You can search for the following:
- Note title
- Note content
- Task name for task notes
- Artifact name for artifact notes
- Artifact Id for artifact notes
Examples, using container_id=15:
Example request
Search notes with the query parameter for "gorilla" and using container_id=15.
curl -k -u username:password https://localhost/rest/note?_filter_container_id=15&search=gorilla -G -X GET
Example response
A successful request returns a success indicator and the items containing gorilla.
{ "count": 1, "data": [ { "artifact_name": null, "note_type": "task", "task": 4, "container": 15, "title": "Assigned to MgGilla.", "author": 1, "modified_time": "2019-05-16T17:09:00.437518Z", "content": "<p>This is a good case for the Gorilla!</p>", "create_time": "2019-05-16T17:09:00.428279Z", "artifact": null, "task_name": "Report incident response execution", "phase": 1, "id": 1 } ], "num_pages": 1 }
REST Tenant | REST Notification |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® SOAR (On-premises): 6.0.0, 6.0.1, 6.0.2, 6.1.0, 6.1.1, 6.2.0, 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.3.0, 6.3.1, 6.4.0
Feedback submitted, thanks!