For details, see:
REST Notification
Single notification endpoint that provides details about existing notifications in the system.
List details of all notifications.
List details of notifications.
Example request
List details of notifications. The example shows the syntax for filtering and sorting.
curl -k -u uname:pwd https://localhost/rest/notification?_filter_is_read=False&pretty&sort=create_time&order=desc¬ifcation_type&due_time -G -X GET
Example response
A successful GET will return a 200 response, and a JSON formatted list of details. Since the example request shows the syntax for filtering and sorting, the example response shows filter responses. See REST Query Data for information about parameters like _pretty
and count
{ "count": 6, "data": [ { "is_read": false, "_pretty_to_user": "soar_local_admin", "_pretty_create_time": "0 minutes ago", "ttl_minutes": 59, "object_id": 62, "to_user": 1, "create_time": "2019-07-26T19:03:43.729000Z", "_pretty_from_user": "", "content_type": 10, "from_user": null, "message": "user initiated task", "notification_type": "manualtask", "due_time": " 2019-07-26T20:03:43.729000Z", "id": 72 }, { "is_read": false, "_pretty_to_user": "soar_local_admin", "_pretty_create_time": "0 minutes ago", "ttl_minutes": 29, "object_id": 61, "to_user": 1, "create_time": "2019-07-26T19:03:17.058000Z", "_pretty_from_user": "", "content_type": 10, "from_user": null, "message": "prompt_1", "notification_type": "prompt", "due_time": " 2019-07-26T20:03:43.729000Z", "id": 71 }, { "is_read": false, "_pretty_to_user": "soar_local_admin", "_pretty_create_time": "42 minutes ago", "ttl_minutes": 1439, "object_id": 60, "to_user": 1, "create_time": "2019-07-25T20:23:10.372000Z", "_pretty_from_user": "", "content_type": 10, "from_user": null, "message": "approval for block ip on asset 'zscaler'", "notification_type": "approval", "due_time": " 2019-07-26T20:03:43.729000Z", "id": 70 }, { "is_read": false, "_pretty_to_user": "soar_local_admin", "_pretty_create_time": "43 minutes ago", "ttl_minutes": 1439, "object_id": 58, "to_user": 1, "create_time": "2019-07-25T20:22:55.118000Z", "_pretty_from_user": "", "content_type": 10, "from_user": null, "message": "approval for block ip", "notification_type": "actionreview", "due_time": " 2019-07-26T20:03:43.729000Z", "id": 68 }, { "is_read": false, "_pretty_to_user": "soar_local_admin", "_pretty_create_time": "Today at 07:15 PM", "ttl_minutes": 43200, "object_id": 20, "to_user": 1, "create_time": "2019-07-25T19:15:56.065053Z", "_pretty_from_user": "soar_local_adminTester", "content_type": 19, "from_user": 25, "message": "soar_local_admin hi", "notification_type": "containercomment", "id": 67 }, { "is_read": false, "_pretty_to_user": "soar_local_admin", "_pretty_create_time": "Jul 09 at 08:49 PM", "ttl_minutes": 0, "object_id": 697, "to_user": 1, "create_time": "2019-07-09T20:49:55.928000Z", "_pretty_from_user": "", "content_type": 73, "from_user": null, "message": "Task 'Determine functional impact' of phase 'Analysis and Containment' for case 'HUD Container' has been assigned to you", "notification_type": "workflowtask", "due_time": " 2019-07-26T20:03:43.729000Z", "id": 13 } ], "num_pages": 1 }
The return values of note follow:
Field | Type | Description |
notification_type | String | Always displays the notification type for all notifications, and distinguishes between the different types of approvals: action reviews , approvals , manual tasks , and prompts .
due_time | String | Displays notification due date for any notification that has a due date. |
message | String | Displays message of notification no matter the type, because currently message is empty for approval notifications: message , and approval for block ip .
List details of notifications for a particular container. The response varies depending on the notification type, which is a sub-type of notifications.
List details of notifications for a container where 21 is the container ID in the example request below, but not the ID in the example responses below.
Example request
List details of notifications.
curl -k -u uname:pwd https://localhost/rest/notification/21/detail_summary_view -G -X GET
Example response
A successful GET for approval notification type will return a 200 response, and a JSON formatted list of details.
{ "update_time": "2019-08-19T21:43:58.892936Z", "container_id": 291, "time_left": 80128.535132, "next_owner": null, "action_name": "user initiated post ip action", "due_time": "2019-08-20T20:05:57.814000Z", "asset": { "action_whitelist": {}, "validation": {}, "tenants": [], "description": "Default Asset Configuration for AbuseIPDB", "tags": [], "type": "reputation", "primary_voting": 0, "product_version": "", "effective_user": 2, "product_name": "AbuseIPDB", "disabled": false, "token": null, "version": 1, "secondary_voting": 0, "configuration": { "api_key": "<encrypted_key>" }, "product_vendor": "AbuseIPDB", "id": 70, "name": "abuse_ip_db" }, "action_type": "post ip", "container_name": "Possible Malicious Email", "owner": "soar_local_admin", "notification_type": "approval", "type": "asset", "notification_targets": [{ "app_id": 152, "parameters": [{ "comment": "Possibly malicious IP address", "ip": "", "categories": "phishing" }], "assets": [ 70 ] }] }
Example response
A successful GET for prompt notification type will return a 200 response, and a JSON formatted list of details.
{ "playbook_repo": "local", "update_time": "2019-09-05T23:06:14.828588Z", "playbook_name": "Detect Malicious Domains", "container_id": 6355, "time_left": null, "next_owner": null, "action_name": "prompt_1", "container_name": "Malicious URL Request Attempt", "owner": "soar_local_admin", "notification_type": "prompt", "escalated_approval": null, "due_time": "2019-09-05T23:06:14.709000Z", "jitc": {}, "asset": null, "action_type": "prompt", "type": "manual", "notification_targets": [{ "app_id": 0, "parameters": [{ "to": "", "message": "Malicious domain detected", "mins_to_act": 30, "user_ids": [1], "response_types": [{ "prompt": "General comments on domain", "options": { "type": "message" } }, { "prompt": "Have any users visited this malicious address?", "options": { "type": "list", "choices": ["Yes", "No"] } }] }], "assets": [] }] }
Example response
A successful GET for manualtask notification type will return a 200 response, and a JSON formatted list of details.
{ "update_time": "2019-09-05T01:34:58.002459Z", "container_id": 6325, "time_left": null, "next_owner": null, "action_name": "user initiated task", "container_name": "Possible Malicious Email", "owner": "soar_local_admin", "notification_type": "manualtask", "escalated_approval": null, "due_time": "2019-09-05T01:34:57.833000Z", "jitc": {}, "asset": null, "action_type": "task", "type": "manual", "notification_targets": [] }
Example response
A successful GET for actionreview notification type will return a 200 response, and a JSON formatted list of details.
{ "playbook_repo": "local", "update_time": "2019-09-05T20:27:15.311964Z", "playbook_name": "Detect and Respond Against Malicious Domains", "container_id": 6354, "time_left": 32711.14501, "next_owner": null, "action_name": "block_ip", "container_name": "ASN Transaction", "owner": "soar_local_admin", "notification_type": "actionreview", "escalated_approval": null, "due_time": "2019-09-06T08:27:15.301000Z", "jitc": {}, "asset": null, "action_type": "block ip", "type": "parameter", "notification_targets": [{ "app_id": 124, "parameters": [{ "is_source_address": "", "ip": "" }], "assets": [170] }] }
The return values of note follow:
Field | Type | Description |
asset | JSON Object | Can be empty depending on the notification type and if it contains an asset. See REST Assets for further information about assets. |
container_id | String | The container Id of the playbook action run. |
due_time | String | Time (UTC) when this action is due ( time at which the SLA expires/expired ). |
next_owner | String | The next owner for an approval, such as soar_local_admin. |
notification_targets | JSON Object | JSON object containing a variety of parameters entered in response to prompt .
notification_type | String | prompt , approval , manualtask , actionreview .
owner | String | The current owner's display name, such as soar_local_admin. |
playbook_name | String | The playbook name. |
playbook_repo | String | The name of the the playbook repository. |
prompt | String | The options available to respond to a prompt such as:
It returns a dictionary that organizes the response answer percentage by response. |
time_left | String | The due time minus the current time, in seconds. |
type | String | Mapping for prettifying notification types, such as:
REST Note | REST Playbook |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® SOAR (On-premises): 6.0.0, 6.0.1, 6.0.2, 6.1.0, 6.1.1, 6.2.0, 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.3.0, 6.3.1, 6.4.0
Feedback submitted, thanks!