Splunk® Enterprise

Admin Manual

Manage custom bookmarks

On the Home page of the Splunk platform, you can create, save, and share bookmarks to in-product locations or external links for quick access to resources such as apps, knowledge objects, reference guides, or documents.

Each user regardless of role can create a maximum of 30 personal bookmarks, which are visible to that user only. Users with the admin role can create a separate pool of a maximum of 30 shared bookmarks, which they can display to all users or just to a subset of roles. The Home page also includes Splunk-recommended bookmarks, which administrators can choose to hide or display to all users.

Bookmarks must be within one of the following domains:

  • The Splunk platform instance
  • External domains that an administrator has explicitly allowed

Configure the list of allowed domains

The list of allowed domains for bookmarks includes the Splunk platform instance by default. Administrators can complete the following steps to specify additional allowed domains.

  1. From the Home page, select Home page settings.
  2. Enter a domain name and value for each allowed domain.
  3. Select Save.

Domain and URL names can be specific or use an asterisk wildcard. The asterisk wildcard must be the leftmost domain in the domain name system. Asterisk wildcards in the middle or end of a domain name system do not work.

In the following chart, each row provides an example domain value, and each column shows if that domain value would permit users to bookmark that column's link:

Domain value splunk.com docs.splunk.com lantern.splunk.com
*.splunk.com Yes Yes Yes
splunk.com* No No No
splunk.com Yes Yes Yes
docs.splunk.com No Yes No
lantern.splunk.com No No Yes

If an administrator later removes an allowed domain that has associated bookmarks, those bookmarks are marked invalid and no longer function, but they are not deleted.

Last modified on 17 July, 2024
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This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Enterprise: 9.3.0, 9.3.1

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