Splunk® Enterprise

Admin Manual

This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk® Enterprise. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.


The following are the spec and example files for web-features.conf.


#   Version 9.3.0


# This file contains descriptions of Splunk Web features used to configure
# Splunk Enterprise. You can use the settings to configure Splunk Web features.
# These features are replicated in a search head cluster environment.
# Each stanza controls a different web feature.
# For more information on configuration files, including precedence, search for
# "Use Splunk Web to manage configuration files" in the Admin Manual in the Splunk Docs.


enable_search_v2_endpoint = <boolean>
* REMOVED. This setting no longer has any effect.
* Determines whether Splunk Web uses the v2 search endpoint.
* A value of "true" means Splunk Web uses the v2 search endpoint.
* Default: true


enable_jQuery2 = <boolean>
* Determines whether or not Splunk Web can use jQuery 2 JavaScript files
  packaged with the Splunk platform.
* A "false" value means Splunk Web cannot use jQuery 2 JavaScript files
  packaged with the Splunk platform.
* CAUTION: Do not change this setting.
* Default: false

enable_unsupported_hotlinked_imports = <boolean>
* Determines whether or not Splunk Web can use unsupported JavaScript
  files that the Splunk platform will delete in a future release.
* Unsupported hotlinked imports are dependencies in your Simple XML Custom
  JavaScript Extensions that directly reference Splunk software.
* A "false" value means Splunk Web cannot use hotlinked imports
  that the Splunk platform will delete in a future release.
* CAUTION: Do not change this setting.
* Default: false


enable_dashboards_external_content_restriction = <boolean>
* Whether or not Splunk Web restricts the loading of external content in Studio Dashboards or
  Classic Dashboards.
* A value of "true" means the following:
  * For Studio Dashboards, Splunk Web sets the Content-Security-Policy header, causing the
    browser to block images from external domains not included in the Dashboards Trusted
    Domains List (DTDL).
  * For Classic Dashboards, when the user loads a dashboard with external URLs not included
    in the DTDL, the user sees a warning modal. The user can decide to load the dashboard
    with external content or without external content.
* A value of "false" means the following:
  * For Studio Dashboards, Splunk Web does not set the Content-Security-Policy header. All
    external images load as usual and the browser does not block images.
  * For Classic Dashboards, all external content loads without warnings.
* Default: true

enable_dashboards_redirection_restriction = <boolean>
* Whether or not Splunk Web restricts redirecting to external content from Studio Dashboards or
  Classic Dashboards.
* A value of "true" means that the user sees a warning modal when redirecting to an external
  URL not included in the Dashboards Trusted Domains List. The user has the option to continue
  with the redirect or to cancel the redirect.
* A value of "false" means that nothing warns the user when redirecting to an external URL.
* Default: true

dashboards_trusted_domain.<name> = <string>
* A list of external domains that Splunk Web trusts for content loads and redirects. This list is
  called the Dashboards Trusted Domains List (DTDL).
* You must prefix each trusted domain on its own line with the string "dashboards_trusted_domain."
* The list has a maximum size of 6500 characters, after which any excess content will be ignored.
* If web-features.conf:'enable_dashboards_external_content_restriction' has a value of "true",
  then the following happens:
  * In Studio Dashboards, Splunk Web includes the DTDL in the Content-Security-Policy (CSP) page
    * The CSP header determines which domains Studio Dashboard can use to load images.
    * By default, 'self', data:, and blob: are added to the CSP header.
    * The browser prevents the loading of images from URLs not within the DTDL.
  * In Classic Dashboards, if the dashboard uses external URLs not included in the DTDL to load
    content, the user sees a warning modal.
* If web-features.conf:'enable_dashboards_external_content_restriction' has a value of "false" then
  the DTDL does not effect Dashboard loading and external content loads without warning.
* If web-features.conf:'enable_dashboards_redirection_restriction' has a value of "true", users
  see a warning modal when redirecting to an external URL not included in the DTDL.
* If web-features.conf:'enable_dashboards_redirection_restriction' has a value of "false" then the
  DTDL does not affect when a user redirects to an external URL, and no warning modal appears.
* Examples:
  * Only allow images from splunk.com and mozilla.org:
      dashboards_trusted_domain.endpoint1 = www.splunk.com
      dashboards_trusted_domain.endpoint2 = www.mozilla.org
  * Allow images from all external domains:
      dashboards_trusted_domain.endpoint1 = *
  * Only allow images starting with splunk.com/download/
      dashboards_trusted_domain.endpoint1 = www.splunk.com/download/
* Further documentation can be found by:
  * searching for "Content Security Policy" on the Mozilla Developer Network Docs website.
  * searching for and reading the Content Security Policy Quick Reference Guide.
* Default: Not set

internal.dashboards_trusted_domain.<name> = <string>
* A list of internal domains that Splunk Web trusts for content loading and redirection. When
  checking for URL trustworthiness, these domains combine with the Dashboards Trusted Domains
  List. Refer to web-features.conf:'dashboards_trusted_domain.<name>' for information on usage.
* Do not modify these values.
* Default: List of trusted Splunk Platform domains.


disable_highcharts_accessibility = <boolean>
* Disable accessibility module in the highcharts charting library.
* A value of "true" means that Splunk Web will not use the accessibility module in the Highcharts
  charting library.
* CAUTION: Do not change this setting.
* Default: true


enable_show_hide = <boolean>
* Allows absolute "Show/Hide" panels in Dashboard Studio.
* A value of "true" will allow "Show/Hide" panels in the editor of Dashboard Studio.
* Do not modify this value.
* Default: true

activate_dsl_webworkers_for_visualizations = <boolean>
* Uses WebWorkers for Dynamic Options Syntax execution to isolate from overall dashboard loading and performance.
* A value of "true" means the WebWorkers are being used in Dashboard Studio.
* Do not modify this value.
* Default: false

activate_save_report_to_dashboard_studio = <boolean>
* Determines if users see an Add to Dashboard dropdown list in the Splunk Web Reports page and Save Search to Report dialogs.
  The dropdown menu allows adding a report to a new or existing Dashboard Studio dashboard.
* A value of "false" means Splunk Web does not display the dropdown menu, and users can only add reports to Classic Simple XML dashboards.
* Do not modify this value.
* Default: true

activate_source_mode_validation = <boolean>
* Determines whether the source mode validation in Dashboard Studio is activated.
* A value of "true" means that source mode is validated in Dashboard Studio.
* Do not modify this value.
* Default: true

allow_multiple_interactions = <boolean>
* This setting turns on or off the UI to add multiple interactions on a visualization in Dashboard Studio during its initial rollout.
* A value of "true" means that the option to add multiple interactions appears in the Dashboard Studio UI.
* The setting will be removed without notice in a future release.
* Do not modify this value.
* Default: true

show_corner_radius_editor = <boolean>
* This setting turns on or off the ability to specify a corner radius for visualizations in Dashboard Studio during its initial rollout.
* A value of "true" means that the corner radius editor appears in the Dashboard Studio UI.
* The setting will be removed without notice in a future release.
* Do not modify this value.
* Default: true

activate_scheduled_export = <boolean>
* This setting turns on or off scheduled email export in Dashboard Studio during its initial rollout.
* A value of "true" means the Scheduled Export option is available in Dashboard Studio.
* The setting will be removed without notice in a future release.
* Do not modify this value.
* Default: true

execute_chain_searches_with_tokens_in_search_process = <boolean>
* This setting determines whether Dashboard Studio runs chain searches that use tokens ahead of time in the search process instead of the main splunkd process. If the base search is a scheduled save search, the search runs in the main splunkd process.
* A value of "true" means that Dashboard Studio runs chain searches that use tokens ahead of time in the search process.
* A value of "false" means that Dashboard Studio runs chain searches that use tokens in the main splunkd process rather than ahead of time in the search process.
* Default: false


enable_acuif_pages = <boolean>
* Determines whether to display the new Admin Config UI Framework
  version of the following Windows input pages: admin_win-event-log-collections,
  admin_win-perfmon, admin_win-wmi-collections, fwd_admin_win-perfmon.
* A value of "true" means that Splunk Cloud Platform will display the
  Admin Config UI Framework version of the page.
* Default: false


enable_triggered_alerts_vnext = <boolean>
* Determines whether or not Splunk Web loads the new triggered alerts page.
* A value of "true" means that Splunk Web does load the new triggered alerts page.
* CAUTION: Do not change this setting.
* Default: true

enable_home_vnext = <boolean>
* Determines whether or not Splunk Web loads the new home page.
* A value of "true" means that Splunk Web does load the new home page.
* CAUTION: Do not change this setting.
* Default: true

enable_datasets_vnext = <boolean>
* Determines whether or not Splunk Web loads the new datasets page.
* A value of "true" means that Splunk Web does load the new datasets page.
* CAUTION: Do not change this setting.
* Default: true

enable_authoverview_vnext = <boolean>
* Whether or not Splunk Web loads the updated authentication methods page that
  uses the React JavaScript library.
* A value of "true" means that Splunk Web loads the updated authentication methods 
  page that uses the React JavaScript library.
* A value of "false" means that Splunk Web loads the existing authentication methods
* Default: true

enable_react_users_page = <boolean>
* Whether or not Splunk Web loads the "Users" page that uses the React JavaScript library.
* A value of "true" means that Splunk Web loads the "Users" page
  implemented with the React library instead of the Backbone library.
* A value of "false" means that Splunk Web loads the page that uses the existing Backbone
* Default: true

enable_password_management_page_vnext = <boolean>
* Determines whether or not Splunk Web loads the "Password Management" page that uses
  the React JavaScript library.
* A value of "true" means that Splunk Web loads the new "Password Management" page
  implemented with the React library instead of the Backbone library.
* A value of "false" means that Splunk Web loads the page that uses the existing
  Backbone library.
* Default: true


enable_dashboard_inputs_localization = <boolean>
* Determines whether or not Splunk Web will attempt to localize input choices in
  Classic dashboards.
* A value of "true" means that localization for input choices will be enabled in
  Classic Dashboards.
* A value of "false" means that localization for input choices will be disabled in
  Classic Dashboards.
* Default: false


enable_share_job_control = <boolean>
* Determines whether or not users can share jobs using the "Share Job" button in
  the Search app in Splunk Web.
* A value of "true" means that users can use the "Share Job" button in the
  Search app to share search jobs.
* A value of "false" means that users cannot use the "Share Job" button to
  share search jobs. Instead, they receive a notice that job sharing has
  been disabled and they can instead share a search query.
* Default: true


enable_autoformatted_comments = <boolean>
* Determines whether or not comments are auto-formatted by the search editor's auto-formatter.
* CAUTION: Do not change this setting.
* A value of "false" means that comments are not auto-formatted. Comment auto-formatting may
* result in undesirable output.
* Default: false


optimize_ui_prefs_performance = <boolean>
* Determines whether or not Splunk Web will optimize performance of the API related to ui-prefs.conf.
* CAUTION: Do not change this setting.
* A value of "false" means that Splunk Web will not optimize performance of the API related to ui-prefs.
* Default: true


enable_app_bar_performance_optimizations = <boolean>
* Determines whether or not Splunk Web will optimize performance when generating the app bar.
* CAUTION: Do not change this setting.
* A value of "false" means that Splunk Web will not optimize performance when generating the app bar.
* Default: true

bypass_app_bar_performance_optimizations_apps = <comma separated list>
* Splunk Web will not optimize performance when generating the app bar for this comma separated list of apps.
* CAUTION: Do not change this setting.
* A value of "splunk_monitoring_console,search" means that Splunk Web will not optimize performance when generating the app bar for the splunk_monitoring_console and search apps.
* Default: ""

enable_app_bar_caching = <boolean>
# Splunk Web will cache the app bar to optimize performance when generating the app bar.
# CAUTION: Do not change this setting.
* A value of "false" means that Splunk Web will not cache the app bar and not optimize performance when generating the app bar.
* Default: true


enable_spotlight_search = <boolean>
* Determines whether Splunk Web displays the Spotlight Search bar in the
  Settings menu.
* A value of "true" means that Splunk Web will display the Spotlight Search
  bar in the Settings menu.
* Default: true


enable_sidebar_preview = <boolean>
* Determines whether the Search & Reporting app displays a "preview"
  column for events, and allows the preview sidebar in the Events view.
* A value of "true" means that Splunk Web will show preview links and
  the preview sidebar will render.


enable_field_filters_ui = <boolean>
* Determines whether Splunk Web displays field filters.
* A value of "false" means that field filters are not visible in Splunk Web.
* Default: true


enabled = <boolean>
* Whether or not Splunk Web displays Automated User Management (AUM) controls for System
  for Cross-Domain Identity Management (SCIM) in the SAML configuration dialog page.
* A value of "true" means that Splunk Web shows AUM controls in the SAML
  configuration dialog.
* A value of "false" means that Splunk Web does not show AUM controls in
  the SAML configuration dialog.
* Default: true


python.version = <string>
* Determines whether the appserver uses Python 3.9 or Python 3.7.
* A value of "python3.9" means that the appserver uses Python 3.9.
* A value of "python3.7" means that the appserver uses Python 3.7.
* A value of "latest" means that the appserver uses latest version of Python available in the release.
* Default: latest


#   Version 9.3.0
# You can configure Splunk Web features for your custom application.
# To use one or more of these configurations, copy the configuration block into
# the web-features.conf file located in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/. You must restart
# Splunk software after you make changes to this setting to enable configurations.
# For more information on configuration files, including precedence, search for
# "Use Splunk Web to manage configuration files" in the Admin Manual in the Splunk Docs.

enable_jQuery2 = false
enable_unsupported_hotlinked_imports = false

enable_dashboards_external_content_restriction = true
enable_dashboards_redirection_restriction = true
dashboards_trusted_domain.splunk = *.splunk.com
dashboards_trusted_domain.example = www.example.com

enable_triggered_alerts_vnext = false
enable_home_vnext = false
enable_datasets_vnext = false
enable_authoverview_vnext = false
enable_react_users_page = true
enable_password_management_page_vnext = true

enable_show_hide = true

enable_dashboard_inputs_localization = false

enable_share_job_control = true

enable_autoformatted_comments = false

optimize_ui_prefs_performance = true

enable_app_bar_performance_optimizations = true
bypass_app_bar_performance_optimizations_apps = "search"
enable_app_bar_caching = true

enable_spotlight_search = true

enable_sidebar_preview = true

enable_field_filters_ui = true

enabled = true

python.version = latest

Last modified on 24 April, 2024
web.conf   wmi.conf

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Enterprise: 9.3.0

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