Splunk Cloud Platform

Splunk Cloud Platform Admin Manual

This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk Cloud Platform. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.

Configure Dashboards Trusted Domains List

The Dashboards Trusted Domains List is a list of authorized domains and URLs that aid the management of external content. For example, external images without a domain or URL specified in the list will not render in the dashboard. To permit external content, you can add the content's domain or URL to the list. You can turn off the enforcement of the domain list by configuring your web-features.conf file.

Add domains

Add a domain or URL to the Dashboards Trusted Domains List using Splunk Web.

  1. In Splunk Web, navigate to Settings > Server settings > Dashboards Trusted Domains List.
  2. Enter a name. The name is a label for the corresponding domain or URL.
  3. Select Save. This saves all changes to the Dashboards Trusted Domains List page since the last page update, including any domains or URLs that you have added or removed.

Remove domains

Remove a domain or URL from the Dashboards Trusted Domains List using Splunk Web.

  1. In Splunk Web, navigate to Settings > Server settings > Dashboards Trusted Domains List.
  2. Select X to delete the domain or URL.
  3. Select Save. This saves all changes to the Dashboards Trusted Domains List page since the last page update, including any domains or URLs that you have added or removed.

Example of configured dashboards_trusted_domains settings

Add authorized domains and URLs to the web-features.conf file, instead of the previously used web.conf file.

If you want to troubleshoot the Dashboards Trusted Domains List or add to the list directly, you can add authorized domains and URLs to the [feature:dashboards_csp] stanza in the web-features.conf file. Each setting starts with the syntax dashboards_trusted_domain. followed by the domain or URL name.

Domain and URL names can be specific or use an asterisk wildcard. The asterisk wildcard must be the leftmost domain in the domain name system. Asterisk wildcards in the middle or end of a domain name system do not work. For example, the domain name *.buttercup-games.com loads content from any subdomain under buttercup-games.com. The domain name www.*.buttercup-games.com is invalid.

The following is an example of configured dashboards_trusted_domains settings.


Dashboard Studio dashboards

The warning modal for Dashboard Studio dashboards has configurable feature settings that default to true for enablement.

External content warning modal

Dashboard Studio dashboards that attempt to load external images not listed in the Trusted Domains List receive an error message and the content doesn't load.

To avoid the error, you can do one of the following:

  • Add the domain or URL to the Dashboards Trusted Domains List.
  • Upload external content to your app directory and reference the content locally.
  • Upload the image directly with the Dashboard Studio UI. For more details, see Add an image.

SimpleXML dashboards

When viewing SimpleXML dashboards that attempt to load external content, a warning modal prompts the following:

  • Load content by acknowledging the external domain or URL is trusted.
  • Not load content by selecting Cancel because the external domain or URL is not trusted.

To avoid the warning modal, you can do one of the following:

  • Add the domain or URL to the Dashboards Trusted Domains List.
  • Upload external content to your app directory and reference the content locally.
Last modified on 06 July, 2023
Configure IP allow lists using Splunk Web   Configure webhook allow list using Splunk Web

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk Cloud Platform: 9.0.2209

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