Splunk Cloud Platform

Admin Config Service Manual

Admin Config Service (ACS) API endpoint reference

Use the ACS API endpoint reference to learn about the endpoints and operations that provide programmatic self-service administration for Splunk Cloud Platform.

You must have the sc_admin (Splunk Cloud Platform Administrator) role to use the ACS API.

For more information on ACS API requirements, see ACS requirements and compatibility matrix.

For information on ACS API setup and usage, see Basic setup and usage concepts for the ACS API.

ACS endpoint categories

ACS API endpoints are grouped into the following categories based on feature use case:

Feature Endpoints
Configure IP allow lists access/{feature}/ipallowlists

Configure outbound ports access/outbound-ports


Enable private connectivity private-connectivity/eligibility


Export apps


Manage app permissions permissions/apps


Manage authentication tokens tokens


Manage DDSS self storage locations cloud-resources/self-storage-locations/buckets


Manage HTTP Event Collector (HEC) tokens inputs/http-event-collectors


Manage indexes indexes


Manage limits.conf configurations limits


Manage maintenance windows maintenance-windows/preferences
Manage private apps and Splunkbase apps (Victoria Experience) apps/victoria


Manage private apps and Splunkbase apps (Classic Experience) apps
Manage Python version


Manage restarts restart-now
Provision Enterprise Managed Encryption Keys (EMEK) emek/waiver
Retry failed operations deployment/status
Unified Identity for Splunk Observability Cloud observability/sso-pairing

Authentication and authorization

The ACS API requires a JSON Web Token (JWT) for authentication. You can create this token in the Splunk Cloud Platform UI or using the ACS API. For more information see Create an authentication token.

In addition, a user's role must contain the capabilities required to access the ACS API endpoint. The sc_admin role has all required capabilities by default. For more information on using Splunk Cloud Platform role-based access controls with ACS, see Manage ACS API access with capabilities.

Configure IP allowlists

The ACS API provides the following endpoints to configure IP allowlists. For more information on how to configure IP allowlists using the ACS API, see Configure IP allowlists for Splunk Cloud Platform.



List, update, and delete IP allow lists.


List subnets on the existing IP allow list for a feature.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
feature String The IP allow list feature type.

Returned values

Name Type Description
subnets String The IP subnets currently listed on the IP allow list for a given feature.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl https://admin.splunk.com/mystack/adminconfig/v2/access/s2s/ipallowlists

JSON Response

  "subnets": [
     ": #.0.0.0/24",
     ": #.0.0.0/24",
     ": #.0.10.6/32"


Add subnets to the IP allow list for a feature.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
feature String The IP allow list feature type.
subnets String List of subnets to add to IP allow list

Returned values

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl -X POST 'https://admin.splunk.com/mystack/adminconfig/v2/access/s2s/ipallowlists' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0Iiw...' \
--data '{
"subnets": [

JSON Response

"code": "200"


Delete subnets from the IP allow list for a feature

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
feature String The IP allow list feature type.
subnets String List of subnets to delete from IP allow list

Returned values

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl -X DELETE 'https://admin.splunk.com/mystack/adminconfig/v2/access/s2s/ipallowlists' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2Vj...' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"subnets": [

JSON Response

"code": "200"

Configure outbound ports



List and create outbound ports.


List existing outbound ports.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.

Returned values

Name Type Description
name String The outbound port name.
port Number The outbound port number.
destinationRanges String The allowed destination IP subnets for the outbound port.
reason String The purpose for the outbound port.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl 'https://admin.splunk.com/important-iguana-u5q/adminconfig/v2/access/outbound-ports' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0IiwiYWxnI...'

JSON Response

       "destinationRanges": [
       "name": "8089",
       "port": 8089
       "destinationRanges": [
       "name": "8590",
       "port": 8590


Create an outbound port.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
outboundPorts String The outbound port number and destination subnets.
port Number The outbound port number.
subnets String The allowed destination subnets for the outbound port.
reason String The purpose of the outbound port.

Returned values

Name Type Description
outboundPorts String The outbound port number and destination subnets.
port Number The outbound port number.
subnets String The allowed destination subnets for the outbound port.
reason String The purpose of the outbound port.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl -X POST 'https://admin.splunk.com/important-iguana-u5q/adminconfig/v2/access/outbound-ports' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0IiwiYWxnI...'  \
--data-raw '{
   "outboundPorts": [{"subnets": ["", ""], "port": 8089}],
   "reason": "testing federated search connection"

You can only specify one unique port per outbound port request.

JSON Response

   "outboundPorts": [
           "port": 8089,
           "subnets": [
   "reason": "testing federated search connection"



Describe and delete outbound ports.


Describe an outbound port.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
port Number The outbound port number.

Returned values

Name Type Description
destinationRanges String The allowed destination IP subnets for the outbound port.
name String The outbound port name.
port Number The outbound port number.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/access/outbound-ports/8089' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0Iiwi…'

JSON Response

   "destinationRanges": [
   "name": "8089",
   "port": 8089


Delete an outbound port.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
subnets String The allowed destination IP subnets for the outbound port.

Returned values

Name Type Description
subnets String The deleted destination IP subnets for the outbound port.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl -X DELETE 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/access/outbound-ports/8089' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0IiwiYWxnI…' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"subnets": ["", ""]

JSON Response

   "subnets": [

Export apps



Export an individual app.


Export data from app/default, app/local, and user/app directories.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
app_id String App ID of the app to export.
default Boolean (Optional) Export the default configs for the app from etc/apps/<app_id>/default/*. Default: true.
local Boolean (Optional) Export the local configs for the app under etc/apps/<app_id>/local/*. Default: true.
users Boolean (Optional) Export the configs and data under etc/users/*/<app_id>/*. Default: true.
confs_only Boolean (Optional) Export only the configs as per request parameters and don't export any app data. Default: false.

Returned values

A 503: App export feature is temporarily unavailable error message indicates that the endpoint has been temporarily disabled due to a known issue that can cause credential information to be overwritten .

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl -X GET 'https://admin.splunk.com/sh-i-xxx.test-export/adminconfig/v2/apps/victoria/export/download/search?local=true&default=false&users=true' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJz...'
--output search.tar.gz

JSON Response


Manage app permissions



List app permissions.


List read and write permissions assigned to roles for all apps.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
count Number Specifies the maximum number of items to list. Maximum value is 100. Default is 30. A value of 0 lists all items.
offset Number Specifies a count displacement value (from the first existing item) on which to start the list. For example, if the count value is 100, to list items 100-200, specify an offset value of 100.

Returned values

Name Type Description
name String The app name.
read String List of roles with app read permission.
write String List of roles with app write permission.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/permissions/apps?count={{count}}&offset={{offset}}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQi0iJzcGX1...'

JSON Response

    "apps": [
            "name": "app1",
            "perms": {
                "read": [
                "write": [
            "name": "app2",
            "perms": {
                "read": [
                "write": [
            "name": "app3",
            "perms": {
                "read": [
                "write": [



View and configure read and write permissions for individual apps.


View read and write permissions assigned to roles for an individual app.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
app-name String The app name.

Returned values

Name Type Description
name String The app name.
read String List of roles assigned app read permission.
write String List of roles assigned app write permission.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/permissions/apps/{app-name}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQi0iJzcGX1...'

JSON Response

    "name": "APP-NAME",
    "perms": {
        "read": [
        "write": [


Assign read and write permissions to roles for an individual app.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
app-name String The app name.
read String List of roles to assign app read permission.
write String List of roles to assign app write permission.

Returned values

Name Type Description
name String The app name.
read String Updated list of roles assigned app read permission.
write String Updated list of roles assigned app write permission.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl -X PATCH 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}//adminconfig/v2/permissions/apps/{app_name}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
--data '{
    "read": ["admin", "power"],
    "write": ["admin"]

JSON Response

    "name": "acs_test_app_1",
    "perms": {
        "read": [
        "write": [

Manage DDSS storage locations



List self storage locations.


List existing self storage locations.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.

Returned values

Name Type Description
bucketName String The self storage bucket name in AWS or GCP.
bucketPath String A unique identifier combining bucketName and folder.
title String The title of the self storage location in Splunk Cloud Platform.
description String A description of the self storage location.
folder String The self storage bucket folder.
uri String The URI of the self storage location in AWS or GCP.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/cloud-resources/self-storage-locations/buckets' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0Iiwi…' 

JSON Response

    "selfStorageLocations": [
            "bucketName": "acs-play-noah-aws-iycf10l9z5nl-bucket-1",
            "bucketPath": "acs-play-noah-aws-iycf10l9z5nl-bucket-1/dup-title-ui",
            "description": "Test dupilcate title from UI",
            "folder": "dup-title-ui",
            "title": "test-bucket-1-with-message",
            "uri": "s3://acs-play-noah-aws-iycf10l9z5nl-bucket-1/dup-title-ui"
            "bucketName": "acs-play-noah-aws-iycf10l9z5nl-bucket-1",
            "bucketPath": "acs-play-noah-aws-iycf10l9z5nl-bucket-1/some-folder",
            "description": "Test",
            "folder": "some-folder",
            "title": "test-bucket-1-with-message",
            "uri": "s3://acs-play-noah-aws-iycf10l9z5nl-bucket-1/some-folder"
            "bucketName": "acs-play-noah-aws-iycf10l9z5nl-bucket-1",
            "bucketPath": "acs-play-noah-aws-iycf10l9z5nl-bucket-1/with-message",
            "description": "Test configuring ddss with ACS and show async message",
            "folder": "with-message",
            "title": "test-bucket-1-with-message",
            "uri": "s3://acs-play-noah-aws-iycf10l9z5nl-bucket-1/with-message"


Configure self storage locations in AWS or GCP.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
bucketName String The self storage bucket name in AWS or GCP.
title String The title of the self storage location in Splunk Cloud Platform.
description String (Optional) A description of the self storage location.
folder String (Optional) The self storage bucket folder.

Returned values

Name Type Description
bucketName String The self storage bucket name in AWS or GCP.
bucketPath String A unique identifier combining bucketName and folder.
title String The title of the self storage location in Splunk Cloud Platform.
description String A description of the self storage location.
folder String The self storage bucket folder.
uri String The URI of the self storage location in AWS or GCP.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/cloud-resources/self-storage-locations/buckets' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0Iiwi…' 

JSON Response

For AWS S3:

    "bucketName": "acs-play-noah-aws-iycf10l9z5nl-bucket-1",
    "bucketPath": "acs-play-noah-aws-iycf10l9z5nl-bucket-1/with-message",
    "description": "Test configuring ddss with ACS and show async message",
    "folder": "with-message",
    "title": "test-bucket-1-with-message",
    "uri": "s3://acs-play-noah-aws-iycf10l9z5nl-bucket-1/with-message"


    "bucketName": "indexes-acs-gcp-ic1l-bucket",
    "bucketPath": "indexes-acs-gcp-ic1l-bucket/untitled-folder",
    "description": "Test configuring ddss with ACS on GCP Stack",
    "folder": "untitled-folder",
    "title": "test-bucket-for-gcp",
    "uri": "gs://indexes-acs-gcp-ic1l-bucket/untitled-folder"



Describe self storage locations.


Describe a self storage location.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
bucketPath String A unique identifier combining bucketName and folder. Must be URL encoded. For example, acs-play-noah-aws-iycf10l9z5nl-bucket-1/some-folder must be passed as acs-play-noah-aws-iycf10l9z5nl-bucket-1%2Fsome-folder.

Returned values

Name Type Description
bucketName String The self storage bucket name in AWS or GCP.
bucketPath String A unique identifier combining bucketName and folder.
title String The title of the self storage location in Splunk Cloud Platform.
description String A description of the self storage location.
folder String The self storage bucket folder.
uri String The URI of the self storage location in AWS or GCP.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/cloud-resources/self-storage-locations/buckets/acs-play-noah-aws-iycf10l9z5nl-bucket-1%2Fsome-folder' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0Iiwi…' 

JSON Response

For AWS deployments:'"

    "bucketName": "acs-play-noah-aws-iycf10l9z5nl-bucket-1",
    "bucketPath": "acs-play-noah-aws-iycf10l9z5nl-bucket-1/some-folder",
    "description": "Test",
    "folder": "some-folder",
    "title": "test-bucket-1-with-message",
    "uri": "s3://acs-play-noah-aws-iycf10l9z5nl-bucket-1/some-folder"

For GCP deployments:'"

    "bucketName": "acs-play-noah-gcp-ic1l-bucket",
    "bucketPath": "acs-play-noah-gcp-ic1l-bucket/some-folder",
    "description": "Test",
    "folder": "some-folder",
    "title": "test-bucket-with-message",
    "uri": "gs://acs-play-noah-gcp-ic1l-bucket/some-folder"



Get prefix to configure a bucket.


Get prefix to configure a bucket.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.

Returned values

Name Type Description
message String Bucket prefix syntax reminder.
prefix String The predefined bucket name prefix provided by Splunk Cloud Platform.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/cloud-resources/self-storage-locations/configs/prefix' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0Iiwi…' 

JSON Response

    "message": "Please create a bucket in the same region as your Splunk Cloud environment. The bucket must have 'acs-play-noah-aws-iycf10l9z5nl-' as the prefix in the name",
    "prefix": "acs-play-noah-aws-iycf10l9z5nl-"



Get IAM policy for AWS S3 bucket.


Get IAM policy for AWS S3 bucket.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
bucketName String The name of the AWS S3 bucket.

Returned values

Name Type Description
message String Reminder that you must apply the IAM policy to your S3 bucket in AWS.
policy String The IAM policy for the specified AWS S3 bucket.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/cloud-resources/self-storage-locations/buckets/{bucketName}/policy' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0Iiwi…' 

JSON Response

    "message": "Please copy and apply this bucket policy to your S3 bucket in AWS. Please refer to https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/SplunkCloud/latest/Admin/DataSelfStorage for more info.",
    "policy": {
        "Statement": [
                "Action": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Principal": {
                    "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::594195655983:role/acs-play-noah-aws"
                "Resource": [
        "Version": "2012-10-17"



Get service accounts for GCP GCS bucket.


Get service accounts for GCP GCS bucket.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.

Returned values

Name Type Description
message String Reminder that you must configure proper permissions for GCP service accounts.
serviceAccounts String The two service accounts associated with your Splunk Cloud Platform deployment in GCP.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/cloud-resources/self-storage-locations/configs/service-accounts' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0Iiwi…' 

JSON Response

    "message": "Please configure proper permissions for the GCP service accounts. Please refer to https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/SplunkCloud/latest/Admin/DataSelfStorage for more info.",
    "serviceAccounts": {
        "clusterMaster": "indexes-acs-gcp-c0m1@indexes-acs-gcp-cdf8.iam.gserviceaccount.com",
        "indexer": "indexes-acs-gcp-idx@indexes-acs-gcp-cdf8.iam.gserviceaccount.com"

Manage authentication tokens



View and create JWT authentication tokens.


View existing JWT tokens.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
count Number Specifies the maximum number of items to list. Maximum value is 100. Default is 30. A value of 0 lists all items.
offset Number Specifies a count displacement value (from the first existing item) on which to start the list. For example, if the count value is 100, to list items 100-200, specify an offset value of 100.
username String Specifies user whose tokens will be listed.
status String Specifies whether to return "enabled" or "disabled" tokens. Must be either "enabled" or "disabled".

Returned values

Name Type Description
user String The name of the token user.
audience String The purpose of the token.
id String The token ID.
status String The status of token authentication.
expiresOn String The time the token will expire. Time is UTC.
notBefore String The time you can start to use the token. Default is now. Time is UTC.
lastUsed String The time the token was last used. Time is UTC.
lastUsedIP String The IP address of the instance on which the token was last used.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl -X GET 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/tokens/' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0Iiwi...'

JSON Response

          "id": "d9637736177efc773ec8c5c04efcc2e19859cd852af00689ef81bf9e809364a8",
          "user": "admin",
          "audience": "acs-test",
          "status": "enabled",
          "expiresOn": "2021-11-19T00:34:46Z",
          "notBefore": "2021-10-20T00:34:46Z",
          "lastUsed": "2021-10-20T03:52:53Z",
          "lastUsedIP": ""
          "id": "a9637736177efc773ec8c5c04efcc2e19859cd852af00689ef81bf9e80936984",
          "user": "admin",
          "audience": "acs-test2",
          "status": "enabled",
          "expiresOn": "2022-05-19T00:34:46Z",
          "notBefore": "2022-04-20T00:34:46Z",
          "lastUsed": "2022-04-24T03:52:53Z",
          "lastUsedIP": ""


Create a new token.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
username String The login username for the Splunk Cloud Platform instance.
password String The login password for the Splunk Cloud Platform instance.
user String The name of the token user. Must be an existing user.
audience String The purpose of the token.
type String Accepts values of "ephemeral" or "static". A value of "ephemeral" creates a token with default expiresOn value of 6 hours. A value of "static" means there is no effect on the existing expiresOn value, which defaults to +30d.
expiresOn String The amount of time until the token expires. You can specify this value in relative time (+<number>[s][m][h][d]) or absolute time (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS[+HH:MM]). Default is +30d. Time is UTC.

Returned values

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
user String The name of the token user.
audience String The purpose of the token.
id String The token ID.
status String The status of token authentication.
expiresOn String The time the token will expire. Time is UTC.
notBefore String The time you can start to use the token. Default is now. Time is UTC.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl -u username:password -X POST 'https://admin.splunk.com/keziabutterfinger/adminconfig/v2/tokens' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "user" : "admin",
  "audience" : "acs-test",
  "expiresOn" : "+100d"

JSON Response

   "user": "admin",
   "audience": "acs-test",
   "id": "0c1daac93fd01bc50cfe8ed938ce401bc168a8730c1c9e2f343671541e759fbf",
   "token": "eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0IiwiYWxnIjoiSFM1MTIiLCJ2ZXIiOiJ2MiIsInR0eXAiOiJzdGF0aWMifQ.eyJpc3MiOiJhZG1pbiBmcm9tIHNoLWktMGJlMzJiYTM1YjY4MDlhMDEiLCJzdWIiOiJhZG1pbiIsImF1ZCI6Imtlei10ZXN0IiwiaWRwIjoiU3BsdW5rIiwianRpIjoiMzA0YmEzYWQxOWMwOWRhYmYxYzljY2YzYTcxMTM3NTQ1NmFiODM0ZDljMjBjN2E3MzYzNWUyYWMxNmQ5OWFiMSIsImlhdCI6MTYzNDA2NjAzMSwiZXhwIjoxNjM2NjU4MDMxLCJuYnIiOjE2MzQwNjYwMzF9.Cml1yQMXgo18dauOuORTc4vTxm1tWuXOL6sBj0TEV1lwOIqo5sCBKv_B45Jjb34XkK-TJQgdYqcOoV0un-ARDQ",
   "status": "enabled",
   "expiresOn": "2021-12-16T21:37:11Z",
   "notBefore": "2021-11-16T21:37:11Z"



View and delete individual tokens.


View a token.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
id String The token ID.

Returned values

Name Type Description
user String The name of the token user.
audience String The purpose of the token.
id String The token ID.
status String The status of token authentication.
expiresOn String The time the token will expire. Time is UTC.
notBefore String The time you can start to use the token. Default is now. Time is UTC.
lastUsed String The time the token was last used. Time is UTC.
lastUsedIP String The IP address of the instance on which the token was last used.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/tokens/55ee3d1c199645c330d28dcd9fa50bc6e9f74154c3d1c3d31229b6e78be77ed7' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0Iiwi…'

JSON Response

   "id": "d9637736177efc773ec8c5c04efcc2e19859cd852af00689ef81bf9e809364a8",
   "user": "admin",
   "audience": "acs-test",
   "status": "enabled",
   "expiresOn": "2021-11-19T00:34:46Z",
   "notBefore": "2021-10-20T00:34:46Z",
   "lastUsed": "2021-10-20T03:52:53Z",
   "lastUsedIP": ""


Delete a token.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
id String The token ID.

Returned values

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl -X DELETE 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/tokens/55ee3d1c199645c330d28dcd9fa50bc6e9f74154c3d1c3d31229b6e78be77ed7' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0Iiwi…' 

JSON Response

"code": "200"

Manage HTTP Event Collector (HEC) tokens

The ACS API provides the following endpoints to manage HEC tokens. For more information on how to manage HEC tokens using the ACS API, see Manage HTTP Event Collector (HEC) tokens in Splunk Cloud Platform.

ACS endpoints for HEC token management apply to deployments on Victoria Experience only. See Determine your Splunk Cloud Platform Experience.



List and create HEC tokens.


List existing HEC tokens.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
count Number Specifies the maximum number of items to list. Maximum value is 100. Default is 30. A value of 0 lists all items.
offset Number Specifies a count displacement value (from the first existing item) on which to start the list. For example, if the count value is 100, to list items 100-200, specify an offset value of 100.

Returned values

Name Type Description
name String The HEC token name. This is the token ID, not the actual token value.
disabled Boolean The enabled/disabled status of the HEC token.
defaultindex String Default index to store generated events.
useACK Boolean (Optional) Enable/disable (true/false) indexer acknowledgement.
token String The full token value.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl https://admin.splunk.com/{mystack}/adminconfig/v2/inputs/http-event-collectors

JSON Response

   "http-event-collectors": [
           "spec": {
               "allowedIndexes": [
               "defaultHost": "",
               "defaultIndex": "main",
               "defaultSource": "",
               "defaultSourcetype": "",
               "disabled": true,
               "name": "hec-token-name",
               "useACK": true 
           "token": "9803a48f-b733-4106-8a3f-871c53ee2675"


Create a new HEC token.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
name String The HEC token name. This is the token ID, not the actual token value.
defaultIndex String Default index to store generated events.
useACK Boolean (Optional) Enable/disable (true/false) indexer acknowledgement.
token String (Optional) An existing token value.

Returned values

Name Type Description
token String The full token value.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl -X POST 'https://admin.splunk.com/mystack/adminconfig/v2/inputs/http-event-collectors' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0Iiw...' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
   "allowedIndexes": [
   "defaultHost": "",
   "defaultIndex": "main",
   "defaultSource": "",
   "defaultSourcetype": "",
   "disabled": false,
   "name": "hec-token-name",
   "useACK": true,
   "token": "this_is_my_token"

JSON Response

"http-event-collector": {
       "spec": {
           "allowedIndexes": [
           "defaultHost": "",
           "defaultIndex": "main",
           "defaultSource": "",
           "defaultSourcetype": "",
           "disabled": false,
           "name": "hec-token-name"
           "UseACK": true
       "token": "this_is_my_token"



View, update, and delete HEC tokens.


View an inidvidual HEC token.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
name String The HEC token name. This is the token ID, not the actual token value.

Returned values

Name Type Description
disabled Boolean The enabled/disabled status of the HEC token.
defaultindex String Default index to store generated events.
useACK Boolean (Optional) Enable/disable (true/false) indexer acknowledgement.
token String The full token value.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl https://admin.splunk.com/{mystack}/adminconfig/v2/inputs/http-event-collectors/{hec-token-name}

JSON Response

   "http-event-collectors": [
           "spec": {
               "allowedIndexes": [
               "defaultHost": "",
               "defaultIndex": "main",
               "defaultSource": "",
               "defaultSourcetype": "",
               "disabled": true,
               "name": "hec-token-name"
           "token": "9803a48f-b733-4106-8a3f-871c53ee2675"


Update an existing HEC token.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
defaultHost String Default index to store generated events.
defaultIndex String Default event source.
defaultSource String Default index to store generated events.
defaultSourcetype String Default index to store generated events.
disabled String Default index to store generated events.
name String The name of the HEC token. This is the token ID, not the actual token value.
useACK Boolean (Optional) Enable/disable (true/false) indexer acknowledgement.

Returned values

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl -X PUT 'https://admin.splunk.com/{mystack}/adminconfig/v2/inputs/http-event-collectors' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0Iiw...' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
   "allowedIndexes": [
   "defaultHost": "",
   "defaultIndex": "main",
   "defaultSource": "",
   "defaultSourcetype": "",
   "disabled": false,
   "name": "hec-token-name"

JSON Response

"code": "200"


Delete an HEC token.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
name String The HEC token name. This is the token ID, not the actual token value.

Returned values

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl -X DELETE 'https://admin.splunk.com/{mystack}/adminconfig/v2/inputs/http-event-collectors' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0Iiw...' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

JSON Response

"code": "200"

Manage indexes

The ACS API provides the following endpoints to manage indexes. For more information on how to manage indexes using the ACS API, see Manage indexes in Splunk Cloud Platform.

ACS supports index management on Splunk Cloud Platform deployments on both Victoria Experience and Classic Experience.



List and create indexes.


List existing indexes.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
count Number Specifies the maximum number of items to list. Maximum value is 100. Default is 30. A value of 0 lists all items.
offset Number Specifies a count displacement value (from the first existing item) on which to start the list. For example, if the count value is 100, to list items 100-200, specify an offset value of 100.

Returned values

Name Type Description
name String The index name.
datatype String The type of data the index holds. Possible values: event or metric
searchableDays Number Number of days the index is searchable.
maxDataSizeMB Number The maximum size of the index in megabytes.
totalEventCount Number The total number of events in an index.
totalRawSizeMB Number The total amount of raw data in an index in megabytes.
splunkArchivalRetentionDays Number The archive retention period for indexes enabled with Dynamic Data Active Archive (DDAA).
selfStorageBucketPath String The self-storage location for indexes enabled with Dynamic Data Self Storage (DDSS).

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/indexes'

JSON Response

       "name": "history",
       "datatype": "event",
       "searchableDays": 7,
       "maxDataSizeMB": 0,
       "totalEventCount": "0",
       "totalRawSizeMB": "0"
       "name": "lastchanceindex",
       "datatype": "event",
       "searchableDays": 1095,
       "maxDataSizeMB": 0,
       "totalEventCount": "0",
       "totalRawSizeMB": "0"
       "name": "main",
       "datatype": "event",
       "searchableDays": 1095,
       "maxDataSizeMB": 0,
       "totalEventCount": "0",
       "totalRawSizeMB": "0"
       "name": "splunklogger",
       "datatype": "event",
       "searchableDays": 1095,
       "maxDataSizeMB": 0,
       "totalEventCount": "0",
       "totalRawSizeMB": "0"
       "name": "summary",
       "datatype": "event",
       "searchableDays": 1095,
       "maxDataSizeMB": 0,
       "totalEventCount": "0",
       "totalRawSizeMB": "0"


Create a new index.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud deployment.
name String The index name.
datatype String The type of data the index holds. Possible values: event or metric.
searchableDays Number Number of days the index is searchable.
maxDataSizeMB Number The maximum size of the index in megabytes.
splunkArchivalRetentionDays Number The archive retention period for indexes enabled with Dynamic Data Active Archive (DDAA). Specifying this value enables DDAA for the index.
selfStorageBucketPath String The self-storage location for indexes enabled with Dynamic Data Self Storage (DDSS). Specifying this value enables DDSS for the index. Note: Before you can create an index with DDSS enabled, you must configure a self-storage location for your deployment.

Returned values

Name Type Description
name String The index name.
datatype String The type of data the index holds. Possible values: event or metric
searchableDays Number Number of days the index is searchable.
maxDataSizeMB Number The maximum size of the index in megabytes.
totalEventCount Number The total number of events in an index.
totalRawSizeMB Number The total amount of raw data in an index in megabytes.
splunkArchivalRetentionDays Number The archive retention period for indexes enabled with Dynamic Data Active Archive (DDAA).
selfStorageBucketPath String The self-storage location for indexes enabled with Dynamic Data Self Storage (DDSS).

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl -X POST 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/indexes'
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0Iiwi…' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
   "name": "testindex"

JSON Response

   "name": "testindex",
   "datatype": "event",
   "searchableDays": 90,
   "maxDataSizeMB": 0,
   "totalEventCount": "0",
   "totalRawSizeMB": "0"



View, update, and delete indexes.


View an individual index.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
name String The name of the index.

Returned values

Name Type Description
name String The index name.
datatype String The type of data the index holds. Possible values: event or metric
searchableDays Number Number of days the index is searchable.
maxDataSizeMB Number The maximum size of the index in megabytes.
totalEventCount Number The total number of events in an index.
totalRawSizeMB Number The total amount of raw data in an index in megabytes.
splunkArchivalRetentionDays Number The archive retention period for indexes enabled with Dynamic Data Active Archive (DDAA).
selfStorageBucketPath String The self-storage location for indexes enabled with Dynamic Data Self Storage (DDSS).

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/indexes/testindex' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0Iiwi…'

JSON Response

   "name": "testindex",
   "datatype": "event",
   "searchableDays": 90,
   "maxDataSizeMB": 1024,
   "totalEventCount": "0",
   "totalRawSizeMB": "0"


Update an existing index.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
name String The name of the index.
searchableDays Number Number of days the index is searchable.
maxDataSizeMB Number The maximum size of the index in megabytes.
splunkArchivalRetentionDays Number The archive retention period for indexes enabled with Dynamic Data Active Archive (DDAA). Specifying this value enables DDAA, or modifies the archive retention period value for an index already enabled with DDAA.
selfStorageBucketPath String The self-storage location for indexes enabled with Dynamic Data Self Storage (DDSS). Specifying this value enables DDSS, or modifies the self-storage location for an index already configured with DDSS. Note: Before you can create an index with DDSS enabled, you must configure a self-storage location for your deployment.

Returned values

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl -X PATCH 'https://admin.splunk.com/lighthearted-lemur-23e/adminconfig/v2/indexes/testindex' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0Iiwi…' \
--data-raw '{
   "searchableDays": 90,
   "maxDataSizeMB": 1024

JSON Response

   "name": "testindex",
   "datatype": "event",
   "searchableDays": 90,
   "maxDataSizeMB": 1024,
   "totalEventCount": "0",
   "totalRawSizeMB": "0"


Delete an index.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
name String The name of the index.

Returned values

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl -X DELETE 'https://admin.splunk.com/lighthearted-lemur-23e/adminconfig/v2/indexes/testindex' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0Iiwi…' 

JSON Response

"code": "200"

Manage limits.conf configurations

The ACS API provides the following endpoints to manage limits.conf configurations. ACS API operations apply to a subset of editable limits.conf settings only. For more information on how to manage limits.conf configurations using the ACS API, see Manage limits.conf configurations in Splunk Cloud Platform.

ACS endpoints for managing limits.conf apply to deployments on Victoria Experience only. See Determine your Splunk Cloud Platform Experience.



List all limits.conf settings.


List all limits.conf settings.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.

Returned values

Name Type Description
Stanza String Name of limits.conf stanza.
Values String Limits.conf settings and current values.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl 'https://admin.splunk.com/important-iguana-u5q/adminconfig/v2/limits \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0IiwiYWxnI...'

JSON Response




List and edit limits.conf settings under a stanza.


List limits.conf settings under a stanza.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
stanza String Name of limits.conf stanza.

Returned values

Name Type Description
settings String Limits.conf settings and values under the stanza.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl 'https://admin.splunk.com/important-iguana-u5q/adminconfig/v2/limits/join \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0IiwiYWxnI...'

JSON Response



Edit limits.conf settings.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
stanza String Name of limits.conf stanza.
settings String Limits.conf settings and modified values under the stanza.

Returned values

Name Type Description
settings String Limits.conf settings and values under the stanza.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl -X POST 'https://admin.splunk.com/important-iguana-u5q/adminconfig/v2/limits/join' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "settings": {
        "subsearch_maxout": 91519,
        "subsearch_maxtime": 111

JSON Response




List a specific limits.conf setting under a stanza.


List a specific limits.conf setting under a stanza.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
stanza String Name of limits.conf stanza.
setting String Name of limits.conf setting.

Returned values

Name Type Description
setting String Limits.conf setting and value.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl 'https://admin.splunk.com/important-iguana-u5q/adminconfig/v2/limits/join/susearch_maxout \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0IiwiYWxnI...'

JSON Response




List all supported stanzas and default values for all settings within each stanza.


List all supported limits.conf stanzas and default settings.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.

Returned values

Name Type Description
stanza String Name of limits.conf stanza.
settings String limits.conf settings and their default values.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl 'https://admin.splunk.com/important-iguana-u5q/adminconfig/v2/limits/defaults \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0IiwiYWxnI...'

JSON Response

		"stanza": "join",
		"settings": [
				"setting": "subsearch_maxout",
				"minValue": 0,
				"maxValue": 100000,
				"defaultValue": 50000
				"setting": "subsearch_maxtime",
				"minValue": 0,
				"maxValue": 120,
				"defaultValue": 60
				"setting": "subsearch_timeout",
				"minValue": 0,
				"maxValue": 240,
				"defaultValue": 120



List default values for settings in a specific stanza.


List default values for settings in a specific limits.conf stanza

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
stanza String Name of limits.conf stanza.

Returned values

Name Type Description
stanza String Name of limits.conf stanza.
settings String limits.conf settings and their default values.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl 'https://admin.splunk.com/important-iguana-u5q/adminconfig/v2/limits/subsearch/defaults \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0IiwiYWxnI...'

JSON Response

	"stanza": "subsearch",
	"settings": [
			"setting": "maxout",
			"minValue": 0,
			"maxValue": 10400,
			"defaultValue": 10000
			"setting": "maxtime",
			"minValue": 0,
			"maxValue": 120,
			"defaultValue": 60



Reset a specific setting or all settings under a stanza.


Reset a specific setting or all settings under a stanza

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
stanza String Name of limits.conf stanza.
setting String Specific limits.conf setting to reset (specify in request body)

Returned values

Name Type Description
settings String Limits.conf settings reset to default values

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl -X POST 'https://admin.splunk.com/important-iguana-u5q/adminconfig/v2/limits/join/reset' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0Iiwi…'

JSON Response


Manage maintenance windows



Manage maintenance window change freeze requests. For more information on how to manage change freezes using the ACS API, see Manage maintenance window preferences.


List maintenance window change freezes.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.

Returned values

Name Type Description
id String ID of the change freeze request.
startDate String Start date of the change freeze, format: YYYY/MM/DD (UTC). Change freezes start at 00:00 UTC on the start date.
endDate String End date of the change freeze, format: YYYY/MM/DD (UTC). Change freezes end at 23:59 UTC on the end date.
appliesTo Enum Applies to supported change freeze types.

Supported change freeze types:

  • "Splunk Initiated Changes Only": The change freeze applies only to maintenance windows created by Splunk. A customer can still request a maintenance window during the change freeze, but Splunk will not create a maintenance window during this period without a request.
  • "Customer and Splunk Initiated Changes": The change freeze applies to maintenance windows created by either customers or Splunk. No maintenance windows will be scheduled during the change freeze period.
reason String Reason for this change freeze request.
recordVersion Number Version of the record used to handle write conflicts. When updating a change freeze request, the recordVersion value that you specify in the PUT request must match the value in the latest GET request.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl -X GET "https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/maintenance-windows/preferences" \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0IiwiYWxnI...'

JSON Response

                "appliesTo":"Customer and Splunk Initiated Changes",
                "reason":"Customer Business Needs",
                "appliesTo":"Customer and Splunk Initiated Changes",
                "category":"Professional Services",
                "reason":"Professional Services Engagement",


Update, create, delete maintenance window change freezes.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
id String ID of the change freeze request. Required for update only.
startDate String Start date of the change freeze, format: YYYY/MM/DD (UTC). Change freezes start at 00:00 UTC on the start date.
endDate String End date of the change freeze, format: YYYY/MM/DD (UTC). Change freezes end at 23:59 UTC on the end date.
appliesTo Enum Applies to supported change freeze types.

Supported change freeze types:

  • "Splunk Initiated Changes Only": The change freeze applies only to maintenance windows created by Splunk. A customer can still request a maintenance window during the change freeze, but Splunk will not create a maintenance window during this period without a request.
  • "Customer and Splunk Initiated Changes": The change freeze applies to maintenance windows created by either customers or Splunk. No maintenance windows will be scheduled during the change freeze period.
reason String Reason for this change freeze request.
recordVersion Number Version of the record used to handle write conflicts. To obtain this value, send a GET request to the maintenance-windows/preferences endpoint prior to sending a PUT request. When updating a change freeze, the recordVersion value that you specify in the PUT request must match the value in the latest GET request.

Returned values

Example request and response: Update

To update an existing change freeze, modify the fields of the change freeze object associated with the ID of the freeze you want to update. See Update maintenance window change freeze requests.

JSON Request

curl -X PUT 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/maintenance-windows/preferences' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0IiwiYWxnI...' \
--data '{
	"changeFreezes": {
		"customerInitiatedFreezes": [
				"startDate": "2024/06/28",
				"endDate": "2024/07/02",
				"id": "b84a41c4-0344-48e5-8008-33ed44c2d393",
				"appliesTo": "Splunk Initiated Changes Only",
				"reason": "End of Quarter Freeze"
				"startDate": "2024/09/01",
				"endDate": "2024/09/14",
				"id": "3200242e-afc8-41dd-acd4-13ef41b5f3fd",
				"appliesTo": "Customer and Splunk Initiated Changes",
				"reason": "Business Needs"
	"recordVersion": 2

JSON Response


Example request: Create

To create a new change freeze request, add a new change freeze object to the change freeze list, with the "id" field omitted from the object. See Create a new change freeze request.

JSON Request

curl -X PUT "https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/maintenance-windows/preferences" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0IiwiYWxnI..."
--data '{
	"changeFreezes": {
		"customerInitiatedFreezes": [
				"startDate": "2024/06/28",
				"endDate": "2024/07/02",
				"appliesTo": "Splunk Initiated Changes Only",
				"reason": "End of Quarter Freeze"
	"recordVersion": 1

Example request: Delete

To delete an existing change freeze, omit the change freeze object associated with the ID of the freeze you want to delete from the freeze list. See Delete an existing change freeze request.

curl -X PUT "https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/maintenance-windows/preferences" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0IiwiYWxnI..."
--data '{
	"changeFreezes": {
		"customerInitiatedFreezes": [],
	"recordVersion": 2



List maintenance windows.


List multiple scheduled maintenance windows.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
fromTime String The earliest time the maintenance window schedule starts. Acceptable format is YYYY-MM-DD or in RFC3339 (YYYY-MM--DDTHH:mm:SSZHH:mm)
toTime String The latest time the maintenance window schedule starts. Acceptable format is YYYY-MM-DD or in RFC3339 (YYYY-MM--DDTHH:mm:SSZHH:mm).
count Number The number of maintenance windows to list.
nextLink String Start time of the next scheduled maintenance window relative to the maintenance window count. A value of null indicates there are no more maintenance windows. UTC is the default timezone.

Returned values

Name Type Description
duration String Scheduled length of time for the maintenance window.
lastModifiedTimestamp String The time of the last update to a maintenance window information response field (for example, change of status, change of description, and so on).
mwType String The maintenance window type (purpose). It can have one of the following values:

1. Service Update Maintenance
2. Security and Platform Maintenance
3. Emergency Maintenance
4. Customer Initiated Change

operationType String Type of operation/upgrade performed as part of this maintenance.
operationStatus String Current status of the operation. Valid operation status values:
  • Tentative: (Start state) Splunk has tentatively scheduled a maintenance window.
  • Scheduled: Splunk has scheduled a maintenance window.
  • In Progress: Splunk is currently performing the maintenance.
  • Completed: (End state) Splunk has successfully completed at least one external maintenance operation.
  • Canceled: (End state) Splunk or the customer has canceled the maintenance window.
startTime String The start time of the operation.
endTime String The end time of the operation.
scheduleId String The scheduled maintenance window ID.
scheduleStartTimestamp String Maintenance window start time.
status String Maintenance window status. Valid status values:
  • Tentative: (Start state) Splunk has tentatively scheduled a maintenance window.
  • Scheduled: Splunk has scheduled a maintenance window.
  • In Progress: Splunk is currently performing the maintenance.
  • Extended: Splunk has extended the maintenance window.
  • Completed: (End state) Splunk has successfully completed at least one external maintenance operation.
  • Canceled: (End state) Splunk or the customer has canceled the maintenance window.
nextLink String Start time of the next scheduled maintenance window relative to the maintenance window count. A value of null indicates there are no more maintenance windows. UTC is the default timezone.
zeroDowntime Boolean Indicates whether the maintenance window operation impacts uptime on the stack. A value of "true" means the operation will not impact uptime.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/maintenance-windows/schedules?fromTime=2022-08-09&toTime=2022-08-14&nextLink=2022-08-21T04:00:00Z&count=1' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsu …'

JSON Response

   "nextLink": "2024-08-21T04:00:00Z",
   "schedules": [
           "duration": "2h",
           "lastModifiedTimestamp": "2024-06-20T04:00:00Z",
           "lastSummary": "Customer requested an upgrade",
           "mwType": "Service Update Maintenance",
           "operations": [
                   "SFDCTickets": ["SFDC-1234"],
                   "endTime": "2024-08-21T06:00:00Z",
                   "notes": ["Updating the stack to the latest version."],
                   "operationDescription": "KitKat Tock Upgradtez",
                   "operationStatus": "Tentative",
                   "operationType": "Splunk Upgrade",
                   "startTime": "2024-08-21T04:00:00Z",
                   "targetVersion": "9.1.2308.207",
                   "zeroDowntime": true
           "requestedEntity": "splunk",
           "scheduleId": "1e4729b4-11d0-4165-a886-a21cce7139f2",
           "scheduleStartTimestamp": "2024-08-21T04:00:00Z",
           "status": "Tentative",
           "zeroDowntime": true 



Describe individual maintenance windows.


Describe a specific scheduled maintenance window.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
scheduleId String The scheduled maintenance window ID.

Returned values

Name Type Description
duration String Scheduled length of time for the maintenance window.
lastModifiedTimestamp String The time of the last update to a maintenance window information response field (for example, change of status, change of description, and so on).
mwType String The maintenance window type (purpose). It can have one of the following values:

1. Service Update Maintenance
2. Security and Platform Maintenance
3. Emergency Maintenance
4. Customer Initiated Change

operationType String Type of operation/upgrade performed as part of this maintenance.
operationStatus String Current status of the operation. Valid operation status values:
  • Tentative: (Start state) Splunk has tentatively scheduled a maintenance window.
  • Scheduled: Splunk has scheduled a maintenance window.
  • In Progress: Splunk is currently performing the maintenance.
  • Completed: (End state) Splunk has successfully completed at least one external maintenance operation.
  • Canceled: (End state) Splunk or the customer has canceled the maintenance window.
startTime String The start time of the operation.
endTime String The end time of the operation.
scheduleId String The scheduled maintenance window ID.
scheduleStartTimestamp String Maintenance window start time.
status String Maintenance window status. Valid status values:
  • Tentative: (Start state) Splunk has tentatively scheduled a maintenance window.
  • Scheduled: Splunk has scheduled a maintenance window.
  • In Progress: Splunk is currently performing the maintenance.
  • Extended: Splunk has extended the maintenance window.
  • Completed: (End state) Splunk has successfully completed at least one external maintenance operation.
  • Canceled: (End state) Splunk or the customer has canceled the maintenance window.
zeroDowntime Boolean Indicates whether the maintenance window operation impacts uptime on the stack. A value of "true" means the operation will not impact uptime.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/maintenance-windows/schedules/{scheduleId}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsu …'

JSON Response

    "duration": "2h",
    "lastModifiedTimestamp": "2024-06-20T04:00:00Z",
    "lastSummary": "Customer requested an upgrade",
    "mwType": "Service Update Maintenance",
    "operations": [
            "SFDCTickets": ["SFDC-1234"],
            "endTime": "2024-08-21T06:00:00Z",
            "notes": ["Updating the stack to the latest version."],
            "operationDescription": "KitKat Tock Upgradtez",
            "operationStatus": "Tentative",
            "operationType": "Splunk Upgrade",
            "startTime": "2024-08-21T04:00:00Z",
            "targetVersion": "9.1.2308.207",
            "zeroDowntime": true
    "requestedEntity": "splunk",
    "scheduleId": "1e4729b4-11d0-4165-a886-a21cce7139f2",
    "scheduleStartTimestamp": "2024-08-21T04:00:00Z",
    "status": "Tentative",
    "zeroDowntime": true



Audit maintenance windows.


View audit trail of a specified maintenance window.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
scheduleId String The scheduled maintenance window ID.
fromTime String The earliest time the maintenance window schedule starts. Acceptable format is YYYY-MM-DD or in RFC3339 (YYYY-MM--DDTHH:mm:SSZHH:mm)
toTime String The latest time the maintenance window schedule starts. Acceptable format is YYYY-MM-DD or in RFC3339 (YYYY-MM--DDTHH:mm:SSZHH:mm).

Returned values

Name Type Description
duration String Scheduled length of time for the maintenance window.
lastModifiedTimestamp String The time of the last update to a maintenance window information response field (for example, change of status, change of description, and so on).
mwType String The maintenance window type (purpose). It can have one of the following values:

1. Service Update Maintenance
2. Security and Platform Maintenance
3. Emergency Maintenance
4. Customer Initiated Change

operationType String Type of operation/upgrade performed as part of this maintenance.
operationStatus String Current status of the operation. Valid operation status values:
  • Tentative: (Start state) Splunk has tentatively scheduled a maintenance window.
  • Scheduled: Splunk has scheduled a maintenance window.
  • In Progress: Splunk is currently performing the maintenance.
  • Completed: (End state) Splunk has successfully completed at least one external maintenance operation.
  • Canceled: (End state) Splunk or the customer has canceled the maintenance window.
startTime String The start time of the operation.
endTime String The end time of the operation.
scheduleId String The scheduled maintenance window ID.
scheduleStartTimestamp String Maintenance window start time.
status String Maintenance window status. Valid status values:
  • Tentative: (Start state) Splunk has tentatively scheduled a maintenance window.
  • Scheduled: Splunk has scheduled a maintenance window.
  • In Progress: Splunk is currently performing the maintenance.
  • Extended: Splunk has extended the maintenance window.
  • Completed: (End state) Splunk has successfully completed at least one external maintenance operation.
  • Canceled: (End state) Splunk or the customer has canceled the maintenance window.
zeroDowntime Boolean Indicates whether the maintenance window operation impacts uptime on the stack. A value of "true" means the operation will not impact uptime.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/maintenance-windows/schedules/{scheduleId}/audits?fromTime=2022-08-09&toTime=2022-08-14' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsu …'

JSON Response

    "audits": [
            "duration": "2h",
            "lastModifiedTimestamp": "2024-06-20T04:00:00Z",
            "lastSummary": "Customer requested an upgrade",
            "mwType": "Service Update Maintenance",
            "operations": [
                    "SFDCTickets": ["SFDC-1234"],
                    "endTime": "2024-08-21T06:00:00Z",
                    "notes": ["Updating the stack to the latest version."],
                    "operationDescription": "KitKat Tock Upgrade",
                    "operationStatus": "Tentative",
                    "operationType": "Splunk Upgrade",
                    "startTime": "2024-08-21T04:00:00Z",
                    "targetVersion": "9.1.2308.207",
                    "zeroDowntime": true
            "requestedEntity": "splunk",
            "scheduleId": "1e4729b4-11d0-4165-a886-a21cce7139f2",
            "scheduleStartTimestamp": "2024-08-21T04:00:00Z",
            "status": "Tentative",
            "zeroDowntime": true
            "duration": "2h",
            "lastModifiedTimestamp": "2024-06-22T08:00:00Z",
            "lastSummary": "Customer requested an upgrade",
            "mwType": "Service Update Maintenance",
            "operations": [
                    "SFDCTickets": ["SFDC-1234"],
                    "endTime": "2024-08-21T06:00:00Z",
                    "notes": ["Updating the stack to the latest version."],
                    "operationDescription": "KitKat Tock Upgrade",
                    "operationStatus": "Scheduled",
                    "operationType": "Splunk Upgrade",
                    "startTime": "2024-08-21T04:00:00Z",
                    "targetVersion": "9.1.2308.207",
                    "zeroDowntime": true
            "requestedEntity": "splunk",
            "scheduleId": "1e4729b4-11d0-4165-a886-a21cce7139f2",
            "scheduleStartTimestamp": "2024-08-21T04:00:00Z",
            "status": "Tentative",
            "zeroDowntime": true

Manage private apps and Splunkbase apps (Victoria Experience)

The ACS API provides the following endpoints to manage private apps and Splunkbase apps. For more information on how to manage private apps using the ACS API, see Manage private apps in Splunk Cloud Platform. For more information on how to manage Splunkbase apps using the ACS API, see Manage Splunkbase apps in Splunk Cloud Platform

The following ACS endpoints for managing private apps and Splunkbase apps apply to deployments on Victoria Experience only. See Determine your Splunk Cloud Platform Experience.



List and install apps (Victoria Experience).

Authentication and authorization

  • All GET and POST operations for this endpoint require a JWT authentication token.
  • POST operations to install private apps also require an AppInspect authentication token and a legal acknowledgement that you accept risk for unsupported apps. For more information, see Manage private apps using the ACS API on Victoria Experience.
  • POST operations to install Splunkbase apps also require a Splunkbase session ID and the Splunkbase app license URL. For more information, see Manage Splunkbase apps using the ACS API.


List apps.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
count Number Specifies the maximum number of apps to list. Maximum value is 100. Default is 30. A value of 0 lists all items.
offset Number Specifies a count displacement value (from the first existing item) on which to start the list. For example, if the count value is 100, to list items 100-200, specify an offset value of 100.
splunkbase Boolean Specify splunkbase=true to list Splunkbase apps only. Specify splunkbase=false to list non-Splunkbase apps only. If you do not specify this parameter, ACS lists all apps.

Returned values

Name Type Description
label String The app label.
name String The app name.
status String The app installation status.
version Number The app version.
appID String The app name. Same as name and app_name parameters.
splunkbaseID Number The Splunkbase app ID number

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/apps/victoria'
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0IiwiYWxnI…'

JSON Response

   "apps": [
           "label": "075-cloudworks",
           "name": "075-cloudworks",
           "status": "installed",
           "version": ""
           "label": "100-cloudworks-wlm",
           "name": "100-cloudworks-wlm",
           "status": "installed",
           "version": ""

           "label": "tos",
           "name": "tos",
           "status": "installed",
           "version": ""


Install an app.

Request parameters

stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
splunkbase Boolean You must specify splunkbase=true to install Splunkbase apps.
splunkbaseID Number The Splunkbase app ID number. You can find the splunkbaseID value in the URL of the Splunkbase app download page.

Returned values

Name Type Description
label String The app label.
name String The app name.
status String The app installation status.
version Number The app version.
appID String The app name. Same as name and app_name parameters.
splunkbaseID String The Splunkbase app ID number.

Example request and response (install private app)

JSON Request

curl -X POST 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/apps/victoria' \
--header 'X-Splunk-Authorization: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9…' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0IiwiYWxnI…' \
--data-binary '@/Users/croth/Downloads/pa1v20.tar.gz'

JSON Response

   "label": "pa1",
   "name": "pa1",
   "status": "installed",
   "version": "1.2.2"

Example request and response (install Splunkbase app)

JSON Request

curl -X POST 'https:/admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/apps/victoria?splunkbase=true' \
--header 'X-Splunkbase-Authorization: bgf4ztyxcgssgcbdrhguzl0xgousxzcq' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--header 'ACS-Licensing-Ack: http://opensource.org/licenses/ISC' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0IiwiYWxnI…' \
--data-urlencode 'splunkbaseID=491'

JSON Response

   "appID": "SplunkforPaloAltoNetworks",
   "label": "Palo Alto Networks App for Splunk",
   "name": "SplunkforPaloAltoNetworks",
   "splunkbaseID": "491",
   "status": "processing",
   "version": "7.0.4"



Describe and uninstall apps. Upgrade or downgrade Splunkbase apps. (Victoria Experience)

Authentication and authorization

  • All GET, PATCH, and DELETE operations for this endpoint require a JWT authentication token.
  • PATCH operations to upgrade or downgrade Splunkbase apps also require a Splunkbase session ID and the Splunkbase app license URL. For more information, see Manage Splunkbase apps using the ACS API.


Describe an app.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
app_name String The name of the app.

Returned values

Name Type Description
label String The app label.
name String The app name.
status String The app installation status.
version Number The app version.
appID String The app name. Same as name and app_name parameters.
splunkbaseID String The Splunkbase app ID number.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/apps/victoria/testapp' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0Iiwi…'

JSON Response

   "label": "testapp",
   "name": "testapp",
   "status": "installed",
   "version": ""


Upgrade or downgrade a Splunkbase app.

Request parameters

stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
splunkbase Boolean You must specify splunkbase=true in the request URL to upgrade Splunkbase apps.
splunkbaseID Number The Splunkbase app ID number. You can find the splunkbaseID value in the URL of the Splunkbase app download page.

Returned values

Name Type Description
label String The app label.
name String The app name.
status String The app installation status.
version Number The app version.
appID String The app name. Same as name and app_name parameters.
splunkbaseID String The Splunkbase app ID number.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl -X PATCH 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/apps/victoria/SplunkforPaloAltoNetworks' \
--header X-Splunkbase-Authorization: bgf4ztyxcgssgcbdrhguzl0xgousxzcq' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--header 'ACS-Licensing-Ack: http://opensource.org/licenses/ISC' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0IiwiYWxnI…' \
--data-urlencode 'version=7.0.3'

JSON Response

   "appID": "SplunkforPaloAltoNetworks",
   "label": "Palo Alto Networks App for Splunk",
   "name": "SplunkforPaloAltoNetworks",
   "splunkbaseID": "491",
   "status": "processing",
   "version": "7.0.3"


Uninstall an app.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
app_name String The name of the app.

Returned values

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl -X DELETE 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/apps/victoria/testapp' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0Iiwi…'

JSON Response

Manage private apps and Splunkbase apps (Classic Experience)



List and install apps (Classic Experience).

Authentication and authorization


List apps.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
count Number Specifies the maximum number of apps to list. Maximum value is 100. Default is 30. A value of 0 lists all items.
offset Number Specifies a count displacement value (from the first existing item) on which to start the list. For example, if the count value is 100, to list items 100-200, specify an offset value of 100.
splunkbase Boolean Specify splunkbase=true to list Splunkbase apps only. Specify splunkbase=false to list non-Splunkbase apps only. If you do not specify this parameter, ACS lists all apps.

Returned values

Name Type Description
label String The app label.
name String The app name.
package String The app installation package.
status String The app installation status.
version Number The app version.
appID String The app name. Same as name and app_name parameters.
splunkbaseID Number The Splunkbase app ID number

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/apps?count=100' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0IiwiYWxnI…'

JSON Response

   "apps": []


Install an app.

Request parameters

stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
splunkbase Boolean You must specify splunkbase=true to install Splunkbase apps.
splunkbaseID Number The Splunkbase app ID number. You can find the splunkbaseID value in the URL of the Splunkbase app download page.

Returned values

Name Type Description
label String The app label.
name String The app name.
package String The app installation package.
status String The app installation status.
version Number The app version.
appID String The app name. Same as name and app_name parameters.
splunkbaseID String The Splunkbase app ID number.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl -X POST 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/apps' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0IiwiYWxnI…' \
--form 'token="eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9…"' \
--form 'package=@"/Users/{name}/app_inspect/testapp.tar.gz"'

JSON Response

   "label": "testapp",
   "name": "testapp",
   "package": "testapp.tar.gz",
   "status": "installed",
   "version": "1.0.31"



Describe, upgrade, and uninstall apps (Classic Experience).

Authentication and authorization

  • All GET, PATCH, and DELETE operations for this endpoint require a JWT authentication token.
  • PATCH operations to upgrade or downgrade Splunkbase apps also require a Splunkbase session ID and the Splunkbase app license URL. For more information, see Upgrade a Splunkbase app on Classic Experience.


Describe an app.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
app_name String The name of the app.

Returned values

Name Type Description
label String The app label.
name String The app name.
package String The app installation package.
status String The app installation status.
version Number The app version.
appID String The app name. Same as name and app_name parameters.
splunkbaseID String The Splunkbase app ID number.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/apps/victoria/testapp' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0Iiwi…'

JSON Response

   "label": "testapp",
   "name": "testapp",
   "package": "testapp.tar.gz",
   "status": "installed",
   "version": ""


Upgrade a Splunkbase app.

Request parameters

stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
splunkbaseID Number The Splunkbase app ID number. You can find the splunkbaseID value in the URL of the Splunkbase app download page.

Returned values

Name Type Description
label String The app label.
name String The app name.
status String The app installation status.
version Number The app version.
appID String The app name. Same as name and app_name parameters.
splunkbaseID String The Splunkbase app ID number.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl -X PATCH 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/apps/SplunkforPaloAltoNetworks' \
--header X-Splunkbase-Authorization: bgf4ztyxcgssgcbdrhguzl0xgousxzcq' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--header 'ACS-Licensing-Ack: http://opensource.org/licenses/ISC' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0IiwiYWxnI…' \
--data-urlencode 'splunkbaseID=491'

JSON Response

   "appID": "SplunkforPaloAltoNetworks",
   "label": "Palo Alto Networks App for Splunk",
   "name": "SplunkforPaloAltoNetworks",
   "splunkbaseID": "491",
   "status": "processing",
   "version": "7.0.3"


Uninstall an app.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
app_name String The name of the app.

Returned values

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl -X DELETE 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/apps/testapp' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0IiwiYWxnI…'

JSON Response

"code": "200"

Manage Python version



Manage Python version in Splunk Cloud Platform.


Check Python runtime version.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.

Returned values

Name Type Description
pythonRuntime String The current Python runtime version. Possible values: force_python3, python3, python3.7, python3.9, or python2

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack-name}/adminconfig/v2/python-runtime' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0IiwiYWxnI...'

JSON Response

  "pythonRuntime": "force_python3"


Change Python runtime version.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
pythonVersion String Supported values: force_python3, python3, python3.7, python3.9, and python2.

Returned values

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl -X POST 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack-name}/adminconfig/v2/python-runtime' \
   --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQ...' \
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
   --data '{
                "pythonVersion" : "unset"

JSON Response

  "message": "pythonVersion rolled back to python2"

To upgrade the Python version after downgrading to Python 2, contact Splunk Support.

Manage restarts

For instructions on how to target a specific search head or search head cluster for restart operations, see Target a specific search head for ACS operations.



Initiate a restart of the search head tier in Splunk Cloud Platform.


Initiate a restart of a single search head or a rolling restart of a search head cluster.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.

Returned values


Example request and response

JSON Request

curl -X POST 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/restart-now' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0IiwiYW...'

JSON Response

    "message": "Successfully initiated a server restart. It might take some time for completion"



Check status of search head cluster rolling restart.

The restart/status endpoint applies to search head cluster rolling restarts only. The endpoint does not work with non-clustered search heads.


Check status of search head cluster rolling restart.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.

Returned values

Name Type Description
rollingRestartInitiated Boolean A value of "true" means a rolling restart is in progress.
serviceReady Boolean A value of "true" means all cluster members have Successfully resatarted.
captain String URL prefix of the current search head cluster captain.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/restart/status \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0IiwiYW...

JSON Response

    "shcStatus": [
	   "captain": "sh-i-..",
        "rollingRestartInitiated": true,
        "serviceReady": false

Provision Enterprise Managed Encryption Keys (EMEK)



View EMEK legal disclaimer.


View legal disclaimer.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.

Returned values

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl "https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/emek/waiver" \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0Iiwi…'

Sample Response

AWS Legal Disclaimer

Thank you for subscribing to an encryption service for data at rest as an add-on to the Splunk Cloud Platform service. As you know, Splunk Cloud Platform relies on AWS Cloud Key Management Service (Cloud KMS) for key management operations, and customers who elect to use the Enterprise Managed Encryption Key (EMEK) capability assume full control of the customer master key (CMK) in Cloud KMS. Before electing to directly manage your own master in Cloud KMS, please reply to this message to confirm and acknowledge the following risks and responsibilities involved with self-management of your CMK:  

    * You are assuming ownership and full responsibility for the integrity and ongoing availability of your CMK in Cloud KMS.

    * The CMK is required for encrypting and decrypting Splunk data in real-time.

    * Loss of access to the CMK in Cloud KMS can and will result in service interruption and/or permanent loss of data access by all parties (AWS, Splunk and you).

    * Unauthorized access to the CMK in Cloud KMS can result in accidental or explicit key operations (such as key deactivation and/or deletion) that could lead to service disruption and/or permanent loss of data access by all parties (AWS, Splunk and you).

    * You must maintain Splunk privileged access to the CMK via Splunk mandated key policy definitions.
GCP Legal Disclaimer

Thank you for subscribing to an encryption service for data at rest as an add-on to the Splunk Cloud Platform service. As you know, Splunk Cloud Platform relies on GCP Cloud Key Management Service (Cloud KMS) for key management operations, and customers who elect to use the Enterprise Managed Encryption Key (EMEK) capability assume full control of the customer master key (CMK) in Cloud KMS. Before electing to directly manage your own master in Cloud KMS, please reply to this message to confirm and acknowledge the following risks and responsibilities involved with self-management of your CMK:  

    * You are assuming ownership and full responsibility for the integrity and ongoing availability of your CMK in Cloud KMS.

    * The CMK is required for encrypting and decrypting Splunk data in real-time.

    * Loss of access to the CMK in Cloud KMS can and will result in service interruption and/or permanent loss of data access by all parties (GCP, Splunk and you).

    * Unauthorized access to the CMK in Cloud KMS can result in accidental or explicit key operations (such as key deactivation and/or deletion) that could lead to service disruption and/or permanent loss of data access by all parties (GCP, Splunk and you).

    * You must maintain Splunk privileged access to the CMK via Splunk mandated key policy definitions.



Generate a KMS key policy for your deployment.

Authentication and authorization

  • You must specify Y in the EMEK-Legal-Ack header to acknowledge acceptance of any risks involved in using EMEK.


Get KMS key policy

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.

Returned values

Name Type Description
message String Description of how to set up the policy.
policy String Required policy/service accounts to set up the key in your cloud provider.
region String Cloud provider region in which you must generate the key.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl "https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/emek/key-policy" \
--header 'EMEK-Legal-Ack: Y' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0Iiwi…'

AWS sample response

    "message": "Please copy and apply this key policy in AWS. Make sure to replace ${CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_ID} with your corresponding AWS account ID.",
    "policy": {
        "Id": "key-consolepolicy-3",
        "Statement": [
                "Action": "kms:*",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Principal": {
                    "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::${CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_ID}:root"
                "Resource": "*",
                "Sid": "Enable IAM User Permissions"
                "Action": [
                "Condition": {
                    "ArnEquals": {
                        "aws:PrincipalArn": "arn:aws:iam::992171771154:role/test-ibaniya-emek"
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Principal": {
                    "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::992171771154:root"
                "Resource": "*",
                "Sid": "Allow SplunkCloud to use the KMS Key"
                "Action": [
                "Condition": {
                    "ArnEquals": {
                        "aws:PrincipalArn": "arn:aws:iam::992171771154:role/terraform_assumed_role-lve"
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Principal": {
                    "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::992171771154:root"
                "Resource": "*",
                "Sid": "Allow SplunkCloud's Infrastructure Builder to use Key"
                "Action": [
                "Condition": {
                    "Bool": {
                        "kms:GrantIsForAWSResource": "true"
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Principal": {
                    "AWS": [
                "Resource": "*",
                "Sid": "Allow attachment of persistent resources"
        "Version": "2012-10-17"
    "region": "us-east-1"

GCP sample response:

    "message": "Create a KMS key in the following GCP region: us-central1. Apply the provided Splunk Cloud cross-account key policy template, see Using Key Policies and Allowing Cross-Account access to a CMK for more details on this. Make sure to replace any placeholder values if applicable. Once the above steps have been completed, please provide Splunk Cloud with the ARN of the KMS key created as well as the output of the KMS describe key command.",
    "policy": {
        "bindings": [
                "members": [
                "role": "roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter"
                "members": [
                "role": "roles/cloudkms.viewer"
    "region": "us-central1"



Upload KMS key to Splunk Cloud Platform.

Authentication and authorization

  • You must specify Y in the EMEK-Legal-Ack header to acknowledge acceptance of any risks involved in using EMEK.


Upload KMS key

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
keyARN String Identifier for the KMS key.
  • For AWS, the keyARN must be of the format: arn:<partition>:kms:<region>:<account-id>:key/<key-id> or arn:<partition>:kms:<region>:<account-id>:alias/<alias-name>
  • For GCP, the keyARN must be of the format: projects/<project-id>/locations/<location>/keyRings/<keyring>/cryptoKeys/<key>

Returned values

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl -X PUT "https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/emek/key" \
--header 'EMEK-Legal-Ack: Y' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0Iiwi…'
--data '{
    "keyARN": "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:111111111111:key/000000-xxx"

Sample Response

    "message": "EMEK Key ARN upload request accepted. To check the status of your request, use DescribeStack operation. Please contact Splunk support to use this EMEK key to re-key your stack."

Retry failed operations



Check the status of the latest operation in Splunk Cloud Platform.


Check the status of the latest operation in Splunk Cloud Platform

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.

Returned values

Name Type Description
id String The latest deployment ID on the stack.
timestamp String The time at which the latest operation was initiated.
status String The status of the latest operation.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/deployment/status \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0IiwiYW...

JSON Response

   "lastDeployment": {
       "id": "AD11DDF4-B13B-4EDC-9B4F-A5FF539CD196",
       "timestamp": "6/16/2023, 11:31:22 AM",
       "status": "failed"



Retry a failed operation in Splunk Cloud Platform.

ACS supports retry for private app installation and HEC token management operations only


Retry a failed private app installation or HEC token management operation.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.

Returned values

Name Type Description
id String The new deployment ID of the retried operation.
timestamp String The time at which the retry operation was initiated.
status String The status of the retry operation.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl -X POST 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/deployment/retry' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1...'

JSON Response

   "id": "30D3BC03-11AC-4A16-88F7-7924735638ED",
   "timestamp": "6/16/2023, 11:31:22 AM",
   "status": "new"



Check the status of an operation in Splunk Cloud Platform.


Check the status of a retry or other operation by deployment ID in Splunk Cloud Platform.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
deploymentID String The deployment ID of the operation for which you want to check status.

Returned values

Name Type Description
id String The deployment ID specified in the request.
timestamp String The time at which the operation specified by the deployment ID was initiated.
status String The status of of the operation specified by deployment ID.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/deployment/status/{deploymentID} \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0IiwiYW...

JSON Response

   "lastDeployment": {
       "id": "AD11DDF4-B13B-4EDC-9B4F-A5FF539CD196",
       "timestamp": "6/16/2023, 11:31:22 AM",
       "status": "running"

Unified Identify for Splunk Observability Cloud



Set up Unified Identity for Splunk Observability Cloud and Splunk Cloud Platform.


Pair your Observability organization with your Splunk Cloud stack.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
o11y-access-token String O11y API access token belonging to an O11y admin.

Returned values

Name Type Description
id String A unique ID used to determine the pairing status.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl -X POST 'https://admin.splunk.com/<enter-stack-name>/adminconfig/v2/observability/sso-pairing' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0IiwiYWxnI
...' \
--header 'o11y-access-token': 'xyz123...'

JSON Response

   "id": "a12b23cd"



Check the pairing status of Splunk Observability Cloud and Splunk Cloud Platform.


Get the pairing status of a Splunk Observability Cloud organization and Splunk Cloud Platform stack.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
stack String The URL prefix of the Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.
o11y-access-token String O11y API access token belonging to an O11y admin.
pairing-id String Pairing ID returned when sending POST request to observability/sso-pairing endpoint.

Returned values

Name Type Description
id String The unique ID used to determine the pairing status.
status String The pairing status of the Splunk Observability Cloud organization and Splunk Cloud Platform stack. The status field value can be SUCCESS, FAILED, or IN_PROGRESS.

Example request and response

JSON Request

curl --location --request GET 'https://admin.splunk.com/{stack}/adminconfig/v2/observability/sso-pairing/a12b23cd' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer  eyJraWQiOiJzcGx1bmsuc2VjcmV0IiwiYWxnI
--header 'o11y-access-token': 'xyz123...'

JSON Response


Last modified on 13 January, 2025
Manage maintenance windows for Splunk Cloud Platform   Administer Splunk Cloud Platform using the ACS CLI

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk Cloud Platform: 8.2.2203, 9.0.2205, 9.0.2208, 9.0.2209, 9.0.2303, 9.0.2305, 9.1.2308, 9.1.2312, 9.2.2403, 9.2.2406, 9.3.2408 (latest FedRAMP release)

Please expect delayed responses to documentation feedback while the team migrates content to a new system. We value your input and thank you for your patience as we work to provide you with an improved content experience!

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