Splunk Cloud Platform

Release Notes

Admin Configuration Service

This page contains information about new features, known issues, and resolved issues for the Admin Configuration Service (ACS) API, grouped by release version and the generally available release date.

The release date indicates when updates to the ACS were made available to Splunk Cloud Platform customers. For more information, contact your Splunk account representative.

July 2024

ACS API version v2
Release date 15 July 2024
New feature or enhancement The ACS API now supports export of app data on Victoria Experience

For more information, see Export apps in Splunk Cloud Platform.

Splunk Idea PLECID-I-22

May 2024

ACS API version v2
Release date 9 May 2024
New feature or enhancement The ACS API now supports self-service Python version downgrade.

For more information, see Downgrade Python version in Splunk Cloud Platform.

April 2024

ACS API version v2
Release date 25 April 2024
New feature or enhancement The ACS API now supports self-service management of maintenance window change freeze requests.

For more information, see Manage maintenance window preferences.

April 2024

ACS API version v2
Release date 2 April 2024
New feature or enhancement The ACS API now supports provisioning of Enterprise Managed Encryption Keys (EMEK) for your Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.

For more information, see Provision Enterprise Managed Encryption Keys (EMEK) for your Splunk Cloud Platform deployment.

January 2024

ACS API version v2
Release date 24 January 2024
New feature or enhancement The ACS API now supports FedRAMP IL2 deployments on Splunk Cloud Platform Classic Experience.

For more information, see FedRAMP requirements.

October 2023

ACS API version v2
Release date 26 October 2023
New feature or enhancement The ACS API now supports restarts for search heads and search head clusters on Classic Experience.

For more information, see Manage restarts in Splunk Cloud Platform.

October 2023

ACS API version v2
Release date 4 October 2023
New feature or enhancement The Splunk Cloud Platform Terraform Provider now supports ACS user and role management operations.

For more information, see Manage users, roles, and capabilities in Splunk Cloud Platform.

August 2023

ACS API version v2
Release date 28 August 2023
New feature or enhancement The ACS API now supports retry of failed deployment operations, including app install and HEC token management.

For more information, see Manage private apps in Splunk Cloud Platform and Manage HEC tokens in Splunk Cloud Platform.

June 2023

ACS API version v2
Release date 27 June 2023
New feature or enhancement The Splunk Cloud Platform Terraform Provider now supports ACS IP allow list and HEC token management operations.

For more information, see Configure IP allow lists for Splunk Cloud Platform and Manage HEC tokens in Splunk Cloud Platform.

March 2023

ACS API version v2
Release date 28 March 2023
New feature or enhancement The following enhancements are available in this release:

March 2023

ACS API version v2
Release date 7 March 2023
New feature or enhancement The ACS API now supports index management for Splunk Cloud Platform deployments on Classic Experience.

For more information, see Manage indexes in Splunk Cloud Platform.

February 2023

ACS API version v2
Release date 7 February 2023
New feature or enhancement Splunk Cloud Platform now supports a Terraform Provider for managing ACS API index operations.

For more information, see Manage indexes in Splunk Cloud Platform.

January 2023

ACS API version v2
Release date 27 January 2023
New feature or enhancement Splunk Cloud Platform admins can now configure DDSS self-storage locations using the ACS API.

For more information, see Manage DDSS self storage locations.

November 2022

ACS API version v2
Release date 22 November 2022
New feature or enhancement ACS introduces RBAC support for ACS endpoints. You can now grant user's holding roles other than sc_admin specific capabilities to access ACS endpoints.

For more information, see Manage ACS API access with capabilities.

October 2022

ACS API version v2
Release date 28 October 2022
New feature or enhancement Splunk Cloud Platform admins can now initiate restarts for search heads and search head clusters using the ACS API.

For more information, see Manage restarts for Splunk Cloud Platform.

October 2022

ACS API version v2
Release date 14 October 2022
New feature or enhancement Splunk Cloud Platform admins can now view scheduled maintenance window information for Splunk Cloud Platform deployments using the ACS API.

For more information, see View maintenance windows for Splunk Cloud Platform.

June 2022

ACS API version v2
Release date 14 June 2022
New feature or enhancement Splunk Cloud Platform admins can now configure Dynamic Data Active Archive (DDAA) and Dynamic Data Self Storage (DDSS) for indexes using the ACS API.

For more information, see Manage indexes in Splunk Cloud Platform.

May 2022

ACS API version v2
Release date 23 May 2022
New feature or enhancement Splunk Cloud Platform admins can now edit, view, and reset select limits.conf settings using the ACS API

For more information, see Manage limits.conf configurations in Splunk Cloud Platform.

April 2022

ACS API version v2
Release date 13 April 2022
New feature or enhancement ACS now provides a command line interface (CLI) that lets Splunk Cloud Platform admins perform configuration and management tasks without having to know specific ACS API endpoint details.

For more information, see Administer Splunk Cloud Platform using the ACS CLI.

January 2022

ACS API version v2
Release date 31 January 2022
New feature or enhancement Splunk Cloud Platform admins can now install, list, describe, upgrade, and uninstall Splunkbase apps using the ACS API.

For more information, see Manage Splunkbase apps in Splunk Cloud Platform.

November 2021

ACS API version v2
Release date 16 November 2021
New feature or enhancement Splunk Cloud Platform admins can now create and manage JWT authentication tokens using the ACS API.

For more information, see Manage authentication tokens for Splunk Cloud Platform.

October 2021

ACS API version v2
Release date 29 October 2021
New feature or enhancement Splunk Cloud Platform admins can now configure outbound ports to allow outbound network connections using the ACS API.

For more information, see Configure outbound ports for Splunk Cloud Platform.

October 2021

ACS API version v2
Release date 6 October 2021
New feature or enhancement Splunk Cloud Platform admins can now install, list, describe, and uninstall private apps using the ACS API.

For more information, see Manage private apps in Splunk Cloud Platform.

September 2021

ACS API version v2
Release date 30 September 2021
New feature or enhancement Splunk Cloud Platform admins can now create, update, and delete indexes on Splunk Cloud Platform deployments using the ACS API.

For more information, see Manage indexes in Splunk Cloud Platform.

May 2021

ACS API version v2
Release date 7 May 2021
New feature or enhancement Splunk Cloud Platform admins can now create and manage HTTP Event Collector (HEC) tokens for Splunk Cloud Platform deployments using the ACS API.

For more information, see Manage HTTP Event Collector (HEC) tokens in Splunk Cloud Platform.

December 2020

ACS API version v2
Release date 11 December 2020
New feature or enhancement Splunk Cloud Platform admins can now configure IP allow lists to control access to Splunk Cloud Platform deployments using the ACS API.

For more information, see Configure IP allow lists for Splunk Cloud Platform.

Last modified on 01 August, 2024
Cloud Monitoring Console   The Edge Processor solution

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk Cloud Platform: 8.2.2203, 9.0.2205, 9.0.2208, 9.0.2209, 9.0.2303, 9.0.2305, 9.1.2308, 9.1.2312, 9.2.2403 (latest FedRAMP release), 9.2.2406

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