Status Indicator (EOL)

Status Indicator

Create a status indicator query

To generate a status indicator, write a query that returns events in the correct data format.

Query syntax

To generate a status indicator, use the following query syntax.

...| table <count> <icon_field> <color_field>

Aggregate the value you are tracking and use the table command to order field values.

Query components

A status indicator query includes the following components.


  • Required
  • This field represents the metric you are tracking. Use a stats function to aggregate field values.


  • Optional.
  • For dynamic icons from a query using the rangemap command, assign an icon name to a range_field value range. Use the Format menu to show icons and to enable field value icons.
  • To use a static icon, set the icon value to any icon from the Font-Awesome icon set. Use the Format menu to show icons and to enable field value icons.


  • Optional. Use one or more times to specify multiple colors and ranges.
  • For dynamic colors from a query using the rangemap command, assign a specific <"#hex_value"> to a range_field value range.Use the Format menu to enable field value colors.
  • To use a static color, set the color value to any hex color. Use the Format menu to show icons and to enable field value icons.

Search result data formatting

The status indicator query syntax returns results in a table with multiple columns. Columns represent the aggregated metric, icon field, and color field.

Check the Statistics tab after running a query to make sure that the results table includes the correct columns in the required order.

Results table columns

First Second Third
Count Icon (optional) Color (optional)

Example query

Here is a status indicator query that specifies a static icon and color.

| head 100
| stats count
| eval count=count+random()%1000
| eval icon="exclamation-circle"
| eval color="#F58F39"
| table count icon color

This query generates a results table with columns for the aggregated metric count, icon, and color fields.

Custom viz status indicator table.png

Last modified on 23 February, 2022
Status indicator installation   Visualization components

This documentation applies to the following versions of Status Indicator (EOL): 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.2.0, 1.3.0, 1.4.0, 1.5.0

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