Splunk® User Behavior Analytics

Administer Splunk User Behavior Analytics

Tasks you can perform to administer Splunk UBA

As a Splunk UBA admin, you can perform the following tasks to administer Splunk UBA:

Task More Information
Customize functionality in Splunk UBA to produce more relevant threats and anomalies for your analysts.
Use the command line to configure Splunk UBA and start and stop services.
Manage the users and servers in your deployment and configure authentication options.
Configure warm standby, restore from automated incremental backups, and migrate configurations to larger clusters.
Add different types of data to Splunk UBA. See Which data sources do I need? in the Get Data into Splunk User Behavior Analytics manual.
Monitor the health of your Splunk UBA deployment.
Configure integrations with other systems and send data to other systems.
Keep geolocation data up to date in UBA. See How to manually download the IP database and add it to Splunk User Behavior Analytics (UBA) in Splunk Answers.
Replace Job Manager certificate with a third-party certificate. See Replace Job Manager certificate with a third-party certificate.
Last modified on 26 August, 2024
  Determine which version of Splunk UBA you are running

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® User Behavior Analytics: 5.4.1

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