Which Windows events are used by Splunk UBA?
The raw parser in Splunk UBA doesn't look for specific Windows events, Rather, all Windows events are analyzed to find common field names such as account name or workstation. These field names are extracted from Windows events and stored in data cubes to be consumed by anomaly rules and models. Having the right Windows events in Splunk UBA can lead to meaningful detections so that the desired security use cases are unlocked.
See the following categories of Windows events used by Splunk UBA:
- Highly recommended Windows events used by Splunk UBA
- Recommended Windows events used by Splunk UBA
- Nice to have Windows events used by Splunk UBA
Highly recommended Windows events used by Splunk UBA
Ingest the events listed in this table so that Splunk UBA can generate the proper anomalies and threats. To identify the anomalies and threats generated by Windows events, see Which data sources to I need? .
The absence of any of the listed events will prevent anomalies and threats from being generated.
Windows Event ID | Description |
4624 | An account was successfully logged on. |
4625 | An account failed to logon. |
4634 | An account was logged off. |
4740 | An account was locked out. |
4768 | A Kerberos authentication ticket (TGT) was requested. |
4769 | A Kerberos service ticket was requested. |
4776 | The computer attempted to validate the credentials for an account. |
Recommended Windows events used by Splunk UBA
It is recommended to log the following Windows event types so that Splunk UBA can generate anomalies and threats.
Windows Event ID | Description |
1102 | The audit log was cleared. |
Nice to have Windows events used by Splunk UBA
The following Windows event types enhance the fidelity of your detections by providing additional evidence and clarity.
Windows Event ID | Description | ||
Windows PowerShell events | |||
4103 | PowerShell Module Logging. See Configure PowerShell logging to see PowerShell anomalies in Splunk UBA. | ||
4104 | PowerShell Script Block Logging. See Configure PowerShell logging to see PowerShell anomalies in Splunk UBA. | ||
4688 | A new process has been created. | ||
7045 | A service was installed in the system. | ||
Windows object and registry handling events | |||
4657 | A registry value was modified. | ||
4691 | Indirect access to an object was requested. | ||
4692 | Backup of data protection master key was attempted. | ||
4693 | Recovery of data protection master key was attempted. | ||
4695 | Unprotection of auditable protected data was attempted. | ||
4907 | Auditing settings on object were changed. | ||
4911 | Resource attributes of the object were changed. | ||
5145 | A network share object was checked to see whether client can be granted desired access. | ||
Windows domain, trust, and authentication events | |||
4706 | A new trust was created to a domain. | ||
4713 | Kerberos policy was changed. | ||
4715 | The audit policy (SACL) on an object was changed. | ||
4770 | A Kerberos service ticket was renewed. | ||
4771 | Kerberos pre-authentication failed. | ||
4772 | A Kerberos authentication ticket request failed. | ||
4820 | A Kerberos Ticket-granting-ticket (TGT) was denied because the device does not meet the access control restrictions. | ||
Windows policy events | |||
6273 | Network Policy Server denied access to a user. | ||
6276 | Network Policy Server quarantined a user. | ||
6277 | Network Policy Server granted access to a user but put it on probation because the host did not meet the defined health policy. | ||
Windows account handling events | |||
4627 | Group membership information. | ||
4672 | Special privileges assigned to new logon. | ||
4704 | A user right was assigned. | ||
4718 | System security access was removed from an account. | ||
4719 | System audit policy was changed. | ||
4720 | A user account was created. | ||
4723 | An attempt was made to change an account password. | ||
4724 | An attempt was made to reset an account password. | ||
4726 | A user account was deleted. | ||
4727 | A security-enabled global group was created. | ||
4728 | A member was added to a security-enabled global group. | ||
4729 | A member was removed from a security-enabled global group. | ||
4730 | A security-enabled global group was deleted. | ||
4731 | A security-enabled local group was created. | ||
4732 | A member was added to a security-enabled local group. | ||
4733 | A member was removed from a security-enabled local group. | ||
4734 | A security-enabled local group was deleted. | ||
4735 | A security-enabled local group was changed. | ||
4737 | A security-enabled global group was changed. | ||
4744 | A security-disabled local group was created. | ||
4745 | A security-disabled local group was changed. | ||
4746 | A member was added to a security-disabled local group. | ||
4747 | A member was removed from a security-disabled local group. | ||
4750 | A security-disabled global group was changed. | ||
4754 | A security-enabled universal group was created. | ||
4755 | A security-enabled universal group was changed. | ||
4756 | A member was added to a security-enabled universal group. | ||
4757 | A member was removed from a security-enabled universal group. | ||
4758 | A security-enabled universal group was deleted. | ||
4759 | A security-disabled universal group was created. | ||
4760 | A security-disabled universal group was changed. | ||
4761 | A member was added to a security-disabled universal group. | ||
4763 | A security-disabled universal group was deleted. | ||
4767 | A user account was unlocked. | ||
4781 | The name of an account was changed. | ||
4782 | The password hash an account was accessed. | ||
4797 | An attempt was made to query the existence of a blank password for an account. | ||
4798 | A user's local group membership was enumerated. | ||
4799 | A security-enabled local group membership was enumerated. | ||
Windows device handling events | |||
4800 | The workstation was locked. | ||
4801 | The workstation was unlocked. | ||
6416 | A new external device was recognized by the system. | ||
Windows security incidents events | |||
4618 | A monitored security event pattern has occurred. | ||
4649 | A replay attack was detected. | ||
Windows firewall policy changes events | |||
4946 | A change has been made to Windows Firewall exception list. A rule was added. | ||
4947 | A change has been made to Windows Firewall exception list. A rule was modified. | ||
4948 | A change has been made to Windows Firewall exception list. A rule was deleted. | ||
4950 | A Windows Firewall setting has changed. |
Windows events supported by Lateral movement model
The following table lists the Windows events that the UBA Lateral movement model supports:
Windows Event ID | Description |
528 | Successful logon |
529 | Logon Failure Unknown user |
530 | Logon Failure Account logon time |
531 | Logon Failure Account currently disabled |
532 | Logon Failure Account expired |
533 | User Not allowed to logon at this computer |
534 | Logon Failure not granted logon type |
535 | Logon Failure Account pass expired |
536 | Logon Failure Netlogon not active |
537 | Logon failed for other reasons |
538 | User logoff |
539 | Logon failure, Account lockout |
540 | Successful Network Logon |
551 | User initiated logoff |
552 | Logon attempt user explicit creds |
576 | Special Privileges assigned to new login |
593 | A process has been exited |
627 | Changed password attempt |
636 | Security Enabled local group member added |
642 | User Account Changed |
644 | User Account Locked out |
648 | Security Disabled Local Group Created |
649 | Security Disabled Local Group Changed |
650 | Security disabled member removed |
651 | Security disabled local group member removed |
671 | User Account Unlocked |
672 | Authentication Ticket Granted |
673 | Service Ticket Granted |
674 | Ticket Granted Renewed |
675 | Pre-authentication failed |
676 | Authentication Ticket Request Failed |
680 | Account used for logon by |
681 | The logon to account from workstation failed |
682 | Session reconnected to winstation |
683 | Session disconnected from winstation |
1102 | Audit log was clear |
4618 | A monitored security event pattern has occurred |
4624 | An account was successfully logged on |
4625 | Account failed to logon |
4627 | Group membership information |
4634 | An account was logged off |
4647 | User initiated logoff |
4648 | A logon was attempted using explicit credentials |
4649 | A replay attack was detected |
4663 | An attempt was made to access an object |
4672 | Special Privileges assigned to new Logon |
4673 | A privilege service was called. |
4674 | An operation was attempted on a privilege object |
4688 | Process created |
4689 | Process exit |
4692 | Backup of data protection master key was attempted |
4693 | Recovery of data protection master key was attempted |
4695 | Unprotection of auditable protected data was attempted |
4696 | A primary token was assigned to process |
4698 | A scheduled task was created. |
4718 | System security access was removed from an account |
4720 | A user account was created |
4722 | A user account was enabled |
4723 | An attempt was made to change an account password. |
4724 | An attempt was made to reset an account password. |
4725 | A user account was disabled |
4726 | A user account was deleted |
4728 | A member was added to a security-enabled global group |
4729 | A member was removed from a security-enabled global group |
4732 | A member was added to a security enabled local group |
4733 | A member was removed from a security-enabled local group |
4738 | A user account was changed |
4738 | A user account was changed |
4740 | User account locked |
4741 | A computer account was created |
4742 | A computer account was changed |
4743 | A computer account was deleted |
4744 | A security disable group was created |
4745 | A security disable local group was changed |
4746 | A member was added to a sec-disd local group |
4747 | A member was removed from sec-dis local group |
4756 | A member was added to a security-enabled universal group |
4767 | An user account was unlocked |
4768 | A Kerberos authentication ticket (TGT) was requested. |
4769 | A Kerberos service ticket was requested. |
4770 | This event generates for every Ticket Granting Service (TGS) ticket renewal. This event generates only on domain controllers. |
4771 | Kerberos pre-authentication failed |
4772 | A Kerberos authentication ticket request failed |
4776 | The domain controller attempted to validate the credentials for an account |
4778 | A session was reconnected to a window station |
4779 | A session was disconnected from a Window Station |
4782 | The password hash of an account was accessed |
4797 | Attempt was made to query the existence of a blank password for an account |
4797 | An attempt was made to query the existence of a blank password for an account |
4798 | A user's local group membership was enumerated |
4799 | A security-enabled local group membership was enumerated |
4800 | The workstation was locked |
4801 | The workstation was unlocked |
4802 | Screen saver was invoked |
4803 | Screen saver was dismissed |
4820 | A Kerberos Ticket-granting-ticket(TGT) was denied because the device does not meet the access control restrictions |
4911 | Resource attributes of the object were changed |
5140 | A network share object was accessed. |
5142 | A network share object was added. |
5144 | A network share object was deleted. |
5145 | A network share object was checked to see whether the client can be granted desired access. |
5156 | The Windows Filtering Platform has allowed a connection. |
5379 | Credential Manager credentials were read |
6273 | Network Policy Server denied access to a user |
6276 | Network Policy Server quarantined a user |
6277 | Network Policy Server granted access to a user but put it on probation because the host did not meet the defined health policy. |
6414 | New external device |
7045 | A new service was installed in the system. |
8222 | Shadow copy has been created. |
Add Windows events to Splunk UBA | Add CIM-compliant data from the Splunk platform to Splunk UBA |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® User Behavior Analytics: 5.3.0, 5.4.0, 5.4.1, 5.4.2
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