Splunk® User Behavior Analytics

Install and Upgrade Splunk User Behavior Analytics

How to install or upgrade to this release of Splunk UBA

Splunk UBA 5.4.1 is a maintenance and patch release. Use the following links for additional information:

  • See Welcome to Splunk UBA 5.4.1 in the Splunk User Behavior Analytics Release Notes manual for a summary of any new features or enhancements.
  • See Fixed Issues in Splunk UBA in the Splunk User Behavior Analytics Release Notes manual for a summary of any issues fixed in this release.

Installing Splunk UBA on hardened operating systems is not supported.

Install or upgrade to this release of Splunk UBA

See the following table for information on how to install or upgrade to this release of Splunk UBA.

Your current deployment Your operating system How to get Splunk UBA 5.4.1
You are running Splunk UBA 5.4.0 Any Upgrade to Splunk UBA version 5.4.1.
You are running Splunk UBA 5.3.0 Any Upgrade to Splunk UBA version 5.4.0.
You are running Splunk UBA 5.2.0 or 5.2.1 Any Upgrade to Splunk UBA version 5.4.0.
You are running Splunk UBA 5.1.0 or Any Upgrade to Splunk UBA version 5.2.0 or 5.3.0 and then upgrade to version 5.4.0.
You are running Splunk UBA 5.0.5 or Any Upgrade to Splunk UBA version 5.1.0 and then upgrade to version 5.2.0 or 5.3.0, and then upgrade to version 5.4.0.
You are running a Splunk UBA release lower than 5.0.5 RHEL
  1. Upgrade to Splunk UBA 5.0.5.
    See Upgrade Splunk UBA prerequisites in the Splunk UBA 5.0.5 documentation for instructions.
  2. Upgrade to Splunk UBA 5.1.0.
    See Upgrade Splunk UBA prerequisites in the Splunk UBA 5.1.0 documentation for instructions.
  3. Upgrade to Splunk UBA 5.2.0 or 5.3.0. See Upgrade Splunk UBA prerequisites in Splunk UBA 5.2.0 documentation or Upgrade Splunk UBA prerequisites in Splunk UBA 5.3.0 documentation for instructions.
  4. Upgrade to Splunk UBA 5.4.0.
  1. Upgrade to Splunk UBA 5.0.5.
    See Upgrade Splunk UBA prerequisites in the Splunk UBA 5.0.5 documentation for instructions.
  2. Upgrade to Splunk UBA 5.1.0.
    See Upgrade Splunk UBA prerequisites in the Splunk UBA 5.1.0 documentation for instructions.
  3. Upgrade to Splunk UBA 5.2.0 or 5.3.0. See Upgrade Splunk UBA prerequisites in Splunk UBA 5.2.0 documentation or Upgrade Splunk UBA prerequisites in Splunk UBA 5.3.0 documentation for instructions.
  4. Upgrade to Splunk UBA 5.4.0.
You are deploying Splunk UBA for the first time RHEL
  1. Review the instructions in the Splunk UBA installation checklist.
  2. Select your deployment type and follow the instructions to Install Splunk User Behavior Analytics.

The AMI 5.4.0 install options become available 30 days after the general release of version 5.4.0.

  1. Review the instructions in the Splunk UBA installation checklist.
  2. Select your deployment type and follow the instructions to Install Splunk User Behavior Analytics.

If you are running a Splunk UBA version lower than 5.0.0, you must first upgrade to version 5.0.0, then upgrade to version 5.0.5, then upgrade to version 5.1.0, then to version 5.2.0 or 5.3.0, and then upgrade to version 5.4.0.

Last modified on 29 July, 2024
About Splunk User Behavior Analytics and release types   Splunk UBA installation checklist

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® User Behavior Analytics: 5.4.1

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