Splunk® Connect for Zoom

Install and Administer Splunk Connect for Zoom

Hardware and software requirements for Splunk Connect for Zoom

Security requirements

The webhook technology in this product uses port 4443. Work with your network administrator to open this port.

Splunk Connect for Zoom requires a Trusted certification authority (CA) Signed SSL Certificate. The default certificates are located in the following directories:

  • $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/auth/splunkweb/cert.pem
  • $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/auth/splunkweb/privkey.pem

See About securing Splunk Enterprise with SSL to learn more about securing your Splunk configurations.

See How to get certificates signed by a third-party in the Securing Splunk Enterprise manual to learn more about how to generate the needed certificates for your trusted CA:

Zoom admin requirements

  • A running Zoom environment
  • Zoom administrator or developer account
  • Zoom permissions to create and activate a Zoom App
  • Network and OS firewall whitelist permissions

Work with your network administrator and Zoom support to whitelist the necessary Zoom network CIDR blocks, in order to ensure your Splunk platform deployment allows incoming traffic from the Zoom Webhook Event Services. For more information, see the Network Firewall or Proxy Server Settings topics in the Zoom help center.

Splunk admin requirements

To install and configure Splunk Connect for Zoom on your Splunk Enterprise deployment, you must:

  • Be a member of the admin role.
  • Have the ability to install apps, configure apps, and create indexes.
  • Have Splunk CLI (Command Line) access.

Splunk platform requirements

Because this connector runs on the Splunk platform, all of the system requirements apply for the Splunk software that you use to run this connector:

  • For Splunk Enterprise system requirements, see System Requirements in the Splunk Enterprise Installation Manual.
  • For version compatibility, see the release notes topic in this manual.
  • For information about installation locations and environments, see the Installation overview topic in this manual.
  • If you are managing on-premises forwarders to get data into Splunk Cloud, see System Requirements in the Splunk Enterprise Installation Manual, which includes information about forwarders.
Last modified on 03 October, 2024
Source types for Splunk Connect for Zoom   Installation and configuration overview for Splunk Connect for Zoom

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Connect for Zoom: 1.2.1

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