Splunk® Connect for Zoom

Install and Administer Splunk Connect for Zoom

Troubleshoot Splunk Connect for Zoom

Zoom data does not appear

If Zoom data is not appearing in your Splunk platform deployment, perform the following steps to troubleshoot the connection between your Splunk heavy forwarder, and your Zoom platform.

  1. Open a terminal and run the following command to check port 4443 and see if the modular input is listening: - sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN
  2. In the terminal, run the following curlcommand to send test data and check it in the configured index:
    curl -k https://localhost:4443 -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '
      "event": "meeting.created",
      "payload": {
    	"account_id": "o8KK_AAACq6BBEyA70CA",
    	"operator": "someemail@email.com",
    	"operator_id": "uLoRgfbbTayCX6r2Q_qQsQ",
    	"object": {
      	"uuid": "czLF6FFFoQOKgAB99DlDb9g==",
      	"id": 111111111,
      	"host_id": "uLoRgfbbTayCX6r2Q_qQsQ",
      	"topic": "My Meeting",
      	"type": 2,
      	"start_time": "2019-07-09T17:00:00Z",
      	"duration": 60,
      	"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles"
  3. Log into the Zoom marketplace.
  4. Check your zoom webhook call logs to verify that there are no issues on the Zoom side of your data ingestion process.
  5. Navigate to your Splunk Enterprise heavy forwarder, and disable the webhook input.
  6. Reenable your webhook input.
  7. Restart your Splunk heavy forwarder.

Zoom fails to invalidate the webhook endpoint and returns "Invalid TLS certificate"

When Zoom fails to invalidate the webhook endpoint and returns "Invalid TLS certificate", this is most likely due to a certificate verification error, leading to Zoom being unable to verify the certificate.

To fix this issue, use certificates from trusted CAs and not self-signed certificates.

Zoom fails to invalidate the webhook endpoint and returns "URL validation failure"=

When Zoom fails to invalidate the webhook endpoint and returns "URL validation failure", there can be multiple reasons for this failure:

  • The endpoint is behind a firewall and not publicly accessible. Contact your network administrator for further troubleshooting.
  • The secret token provided is outdated or invalid. To fix, update the Splunk Connect for Zoom with a valid token.
  • The webhook server never kicked off. Navigate to $SPLUNK_HOME/var/logs/, and check zoom_input.log if the server is running without any errors.
Last modified on 03 October, 2024
Upgrade Splunk Connect for Zoom   Release notes for Splunk Connect for Zoom

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Connect for Zoom: 1.2.1

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