Class PivotSpecification

  extended by com.splunk.PivotSpecification

public class PivotSpecification
extends java.lang.Object

PivotSpecification represents a pivot to be done on a particular data model object. The user creates a PivotSpecification on some data model object, adds filters, row splits, column splits, and cell values, then calls the pivot method to query splunkd and get a set of SPL queries corresponding to this specification.

Method Summary
 PivotSpecification addCellValue(java.lang.String field, java.lang.String label, StatsFunction statsFunction)
          Add an aggregate to each cell of the pivot.
 PivotSpecification addColumnSplit(java.lang.String field)
          Add a column split on a string or number valued field, producing a column for each distinct value of the field.
 PivotSpecification addColumnSplit(java.lang.String field, java.lang.Integer start, java.lang.Integer end, java.lang.Integer step, java.lang.Integer limit)
          Add a column split on a numeric field, splitting the values into ranges.
 PivotSpecification addColumnSplit(java.lang.String field, java.lang.String trueDisplayValue, java.lang.String falseDisplayValue)
          Add a column split on a boolean valued field.
 PivotSpecification addColumnSplit(java.lang.String field, TimestampBinning binning)
          Add a column split on a timestamp valued field.
 PivotSpecification addFilter(java.lang.String field, BooleanComparison comparison, boolean compareTo)
          Add a filter on a boolean valued field.
 PivotSpecification addFilter(java.lang.String field, IPv4Comparison comparison, java.lang.String comparisonValue)
          Add a filter on an IPv4 valued field.
 PivotSpecification addFilter(java.lang.String field, NumberComparison comparison, double comparisonValue)
          Add a filter on a numeric field.
 PivotSpecification addFilter(java.lang.String field, StringComparison comparison, java.lang.String comparisonValue)
          Add a filter on a string valued field.
 PivotSpecification addFilter(java.lang.String field, java.lang.String sortAttribute, SortDirection sortDirection, int limit, StatsFunction statsFunction)
          Add a filter that limits the number of values of an aggregated field that will be allowed into the pivot.
 PivotSpecification addRowSplit(java.lang.String field, java.lang.String label)
          Add a row split on a numeric or string valued field, splitting on each distinct value of the field.
 PivotSpecification addRowSplit(java.lang.String field, java.lang.String label, java.lang.Integer start, java.lang.Integer end, java.lang.Integer step, java.lang.Integer limit)
          Add a row split on a numeric field, splitting into numeric ranges.
 PivotSpecification addRowSplit(java.lang.String field, java.lang.String label, java.lang.String trueDisplayValue, java.lang.String falseDisplayValue)
          Add a row split on a boolean valued field.
 PivotSpecification addRowSplit(java.lang.String field, java.lang.String label, TimestampBinning binning)
          Add a row split on a timestamp valued field, binned by the specified bucket size.
 java.lang.String getAccelerationNamespace()
 java.util.Collection<PivotCellValue> getCellValues()
 java.util.Collection<PivotColumnSplit> getColumnSplits()
 java.util.Collection<PivotFilter> getFilters()
 java.util.Collection<PivotRowSplit> getRowSplits()
 Pivot pivot()
          Query Splunk for SPL queries corresponding to this pivot.
 PivotSpecification setAccelerationJob(Job job)
          Set a job with a query ending in tscollect, usually generated by createLocalAccelerationJob on a DataModelObject instance, as the acceleration cache for this pivot.
 PivotSpecification setAccelerationJob(java.lang.String sid)
          Set a job with a query ending in tscollect, usually generated by createLocalAccelerationJob on a DataModelObject instance, as the acceleration cache for this pivot.
 PivotSpecification setAccelerationNamespace(java.lang.String namespace)
          Set the namespace to use for this acceleration, usually the name of a data model.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public PivotSpecification setAccelerationNamespace(java.lang.String namespace)
Set the namespace to use for this acceleration, usually the name of a data model. A value of null will set no namespace for acceleration.

namespace - a string specifying a namespace.


public PivotSpecification setAccelerationJob(java.lang.String sid)
Set a job with a query ending in tscollect, usually generated by createLocalAccelerationJob on a DataModelObject instance, as the acceleration cache for this pivot.

sid - the SID of a job.


public PivotSpecification setAccelerationJob(Job job)
Set a job with a query ending in tscollect, usually generated by createLocalAccelerationJob on a DataModelObject instance, as the acceleration cache for this pivot.

job - a Job object.


public java.lang.String getAccelerationNamespace()
the acceleration namespace to use in this pivot.


public PivotSpecification addFilter(java.lang.String field,
                                    BooleanComparison comparison,
                                    boolean compareTo)
Add a filter on a boolean valued field. The filter will be a constraint of the form field `comparison` compareTo for example is_remote = false

field - the name of the field
comparison - a comparison operator for the filter
compareTo - the value to compare the field to
the PivotSpecification you are operating on.


public PivotSpecification addFilter(java.lang.String field,
                                    StringComparison comparison,
                                    java.lang.String comparisonValue)
Add a filter on a string valued field. The filter will be a constraint of the form field `comparison` compareTo for example host startswith 'boris'

field - the name of the field
comparison - a comparison operator for the filter
comparisonValue - the value to compare the field to
the PivotSpecification you are operating on.


public PivotSpecification addFilter(java.lang.String field,
                                    IPv4Comparison comparison,
                                    java.lang.String comparisonValue)
Add a filter on an IPv4 valued field. The filter will be a constraint of the form field `comparison` compareTo for example hostip =

field - the name of the field
comparison - a comparison operator for the filter
comparisonValue - the value to compare the field to
the PivotSpecification you are operating on.


public PivotSpecification addFilter(java.lang.String field,
                                    NumberComparison comparison,
                                    double comparisonValue)
Add a filter on a numeric field. The filter will be a constraint of the form field `comparison` compareTo for example height > 6

field - the name of the field
comparison - a comparison operator for the filter
comparisonValue - the value to compare the field to
the PivotSpecification you are operating on.


public PivotSpecification addFilter(java.lang.String field,
                                    java.lang.String sortAttribute,
                                    SortDirection sortDirection,
                                    int limit,
                                    StatsFunction statsFunction)
Add a filter that limits the number of values of an aggregated field that will be allowed into the pivot.

field - the name of a field
sortAttribute - field to aggregate for limiting
sortDirection - whether to take the lowest or highest values of the aggregated field
limit - how many values of the aggregated field to take
statsFunction - the function to use for aggregation
The PivotSpecification you are modifying.


public PivotSpecification addRowSplit(java.lang.String field,
                                      java.lang.String label)
Add a row split on a numeric or string valued field, splitting on each distinct value of the field.

field - name of the field to split on
label - a human readable name for this set of rows
The PivotSpecification you are modifying.


public PivotSpecification addRowSplit(java.lang.String field,
                                      java.lang.String label,
                                      java.lang.Integer start,
                                      java.lang.Integer end,
                                      java.lang.Integer step,
                                      java.lang.Integer limit)
Add a row split on a numeric field, splitting into numeric ranges. This split generates bins with edges equivalent to the classic loop 'for i in <start> to <end> by <step>' but with a maximum number of bins <limit> . This dispatches to the stats and xyseries search commands. See their documentation for more details.

field - The field to split on
label - a human readable name for this set of rows
start - the value of the start of the first range, or null to take the lowest value in the events.
end - the value for the end of the last range, or null to take the highest value in the events.
step - the width of each range, or null to have Splunk calculate it.
limit - the maximum number of ranges to split into, or null for no limit.
The PivotSpecification you are modifying.


public PivotSpecification addRowSplit(java.lang.String field,
                                      java.lang.String label,
                                      java.lang.String trueDisplayValue,
                                      java.lang.String falseDisplayValue)
Add a row split on a boolean valued field.

trueDisplayValue - the string to display in the true valued row label.
falseDisplayValue - the string to display in the false valued row label;
The PivotSpecification you are modifying.


public PivotSpecification addRowSplit(java.lang.String field,
                                      java.lang.String label,
                                      TimestampBinning binning)
Add a row split on a timestamp valued field, binned by the specified bucket size.

field - the name of the field to split on.
label - a human readable name for this set of rows
binning - the size of bins to use
The PivotSpecification you are modifying.


public PivotSpecification addColumnSplit(java.lang.String field)
Add a column split on a string or number valued field, producing a column for each distinct value of the field.

field - the field to split on.
The PivotSpecification you are modifying.


public PivotSpecification addColumnSplit(java.lang.String field,
                                         java.lang.Integer start,
                                         java.lang.Integer end,
                                         java.lang.Integer step,
                                         java.lang.Integer limit)
Add a column split on a numeric field, splitting the values into ranges.

field - the field to split on.
start - the value of the start of the first range, or null to take the lowest value in the events.
end - the value for the end of the last range, or null to take the highest value in the events.
step - the width of each range, or null to have Splunk calculate it.
limit - the maximum number of ranges to split into, or null for no limit.
The PivotSpecification you are modifying.


public PivotSpecification addColumnSplit(java.lang.String field,
                                         java.lang.String trueDisplayValue,
                                         java.lang.String falseDisplayValue)
Add a column split on a boolean valued field.

field - the field to split on.
trueDisplayValue - the string to display in the true valued column label.
falseDisplayValue - the string to display in the false valued column label.
the PivotSpecification you are working on.


public PivotSpecification addColumnSplit(java.lang.String field,
                                         TimestampBinning binning)
Add a column split on a timestamp valued field.

field - the field to split on.
binning - what time periods to use for binning valued of the field.
the PivotSpecification you are working on.


public PivotSpecification addCellValue(java.lang.String field,
                                       java.lang.String label,
                                       StatsFunction statsFunction)
Add an aggregate to each cell of the pivot.

field - the field to aggregate.
label - a human readable name for this aggregate.
statsFunction - the function to use for aggregation.
the PivotSpecification you are working on.


public java.util.Collection<PivotFilter> getFilters()
a collection of all the filters added to this PivotSpecification.


public java.util.Collection<PivotRowSplit> getRowSplits()
a collection of all the row splits added to this PivotSpecification.


public java.util.Collection<PivotColumnSplit> getColumnSplits()
a collection of all the column splits added to this PivotSpecification.


public java.util.Collection<PivotCellValue> getCellValues()
a collection of all the cell values added to this PivotSpecification.


public Pivot pivot()
Query Splunk for SPL queries corresponding to this pivot.

a Pivot object encapsulating the returned queries.