Class Summary |
Application |
The Application class represents a locally-installed Splunk app. |
ApplicationArchive |
The ApplicationArchive class represents an archive of a Splunk app. |
ApplicationSetup |
The ApplicationSetup class represents the setup information for a
Splunk app. |
ApplicationUpdate |
The ApplicationUpdate class represents information for an update
to a locally-installed Splunk app. |
Args |
The Args class is a helper class for working with Splunk REST API
arguments. |
AtomEntry |
The AtomEntry class represents an Atom <entry> element. |
AtomFeed |
The AtomFeed class represents an Atom feed. |
AtomObject |
The AtomObject class represents a generic Atom object. |
BooleanPivotColumnSplit |
Represents a column split on a boolean valued field in a pivot. |
BooleanPivotFilter |
Represents a filter on a boolean valued field in a pivot. |
BooleanPivotRowSplit |
Represents a row split on a boolean valued field in a pivot. |
CollectionArgs |
The CollectionArgs class contains arguments for retrieving and
listing entities from a collection, such as the number of entities to return
and how to sort them. |
ConfCollection |
The ConfCollection class represents a collection of configuration
files. |
DataModel |
DataModel represents a data model on the server. |
DataModelArgs |
Class representing arguments to creating a data model. |
DataModelCalculation |
Abstract class specifying a calculation on a data model object. |
DataModelCollection |
DataModelConstraint |
Represents a constraint on a data model object or a field on a data model object. |
DataModelField |
Represents a field of a data model object. |
DataModelObject |
DataModelObject represents one of the structured views in a data model. |
DataModelSearch |
DataModelSearch represents a data model object that directly wraps a Splunk search query. |
DataModelTransaction |
Represents a datamodel object that inherits directly from BaseTransaction,
that is, an object that wraps a Splunk transaction. |
DeploymentClient |
The DeploymentClient class represents a Splunk deployment client,
providing access to deployment client configuration and status. |
DeploymentServer |
The DeploymentServer class represents a Splunk deployment server,
and provides access to the configurations of all deployment servers. |
DeploymentServerClass |
The DeploymentServerClass class represents a Splunk deployment server
class, providing access to the configuration of a server class. |
DeploymentTenant |
The DeploymentTenant class represents a Splunk deployment tenant, and
provides access to the multi-tenants configuration for this Splunk instance. |
DistributedConfiguration |
The DistributedConfiguration class represents a Splunk distributed
search configuration, providing access to Splunk's distributed search
options. |
DistributedPeer |
The DistributedPeer class represents a Splunk distributed peer,
providing distributed peer server management. |
Entity |
The Entity class represents a Splunk entity. |
EntityCollection<T extends Entity> |
The EntityCollection class represents a collection of Splunk
entities. |
EntityMetadata |
The EntityMetadata class provides access to the metadata properties
of a corresponding entity. |
EvalDataModelCalculation |
Represents a calculation on a data model object done by an eval. |
Event |
The Event class wraps an individual event or result that was returned
by the ResultsReader.getNextEvent() method. |
EventType |
The EventType class represents an event type. |
EventTypeCollection |
The EventTypeCollection class represents a collection of event types. |
FiredAlert |
The FiredAlert class represents a fired alert. |
FiredAlertGroup |
The FiredAlertGroup class represents a group of fired alerts, which
are the alerts for a given saved search. |
FiredAlertGroupCollection |
The FiredAlertGroupCollection class represents a collection of fired
alert groups. |
GeoIPDataModelCalculation |
Represents a GeoIP lookup on a data model object, which uses an input
field to add geographic information to the output. |
HttpService |
The HttpService class represents a generic HTTP service at a given
address (host:port ), accessed using a given protocol scheme
(http or https ). |
Index |
The Index class represents an index. |
IndexCollection |
The IndexCollection class represents a collection of indexes. |
IndexCollectionArgs |
The IndexCollectionArgs class contains arguments for retrieving
indexes from a collection (see Service.getIndexes() ). |
Input |
The Input class represents a data input. |
InputCollection |
The InputCollection class represents a collection of inputs. |
InputKind |
The InputKind enumeration defines the different types of Splunk data
inputs (input kinds). |
IPv4PivotFilter |
Represents a filter on an IPv4 valued field in a pivot. |
Job |
The Job class represents a job, which is an individual
instance of a running or completed search or report, along with its related
output. |
JobArgs |
The JobArgs class contains arguments for creating a Job . |
JobCollection |
The JobCollection class represents a collection of jobs. |
JobEventsArgs |
The JobEventsArgs class contains arguments for getting events using
the Job.getEvents() method. |
JobExportArgs |
The JobExportArgs class contains arguments for exporting events using
the Service.export(java.lang.String) method. |
JobResultsArgs |
The JobResultsArgs class contains arguments for getting job results
using the Job.getResults() method. |
JobResultsPreviewArgs |
The JobResultsPreviewArgs class contains arguments for getting job
results previews using the Job.getResultsPreview() method. |
JobSummaryArgs |
The JobSummaryArgs class contains arguments for getting a job summary
using the Job.getSummary() method. |
License |
The License class represents a license, providing access to the
licenses for this Splunk instance. |
LicenseGroup |
The LicenseGroup class represents a license group, which is a
collection of one or more license stacks. |
LicenseMessage |
The LicenseMessage class represents a license message. |
LicensePool |
The LicensePool class represents a license pool, which is made up
of a single license master and zero or more license slave instances of Splunk
that are configured to use the licensing volume from a set license or license
stack. |
LicensePoolCollection |
The LicensePoolCollection class represents a collection of license
pools. |
LicenseSlave |
The LicenseSlave class represents a license slave, which is a member
of one or more license pools. |
LicenseStack |
The LicenseStack class represents a license stack, which is
a collection of licenses of the same type. |
LimitPivotFilter |
Represents a limit on the events shown in a pivot by sorting them according to some field, then taking
the specified number from the beginning or end of the list. |
Logger |
The Logger class represents a specific Splunkd logging category. |
LookupDataModelCalculation |
Represents a lookup calculation on a data model object. |
LookupDataModelCalculation.LookupFieldMapping |
Message |
The Message class represents a message. |
MessageCollection |
The MessageCollection class represents a collection of messages,
providing access to Splunk system messages. |
ModularInputKind |
The ModularInputKind class represents a particular modular input. |
ModularInputKindArgument |
The ModularInputKindArgument class is a map-like object that is
specialized to represent arguments for modular input kinds. |
MonitorInput |
The MonitorInput class represents a monitor input, which is a file,
directory, script, or network port that is monitored for new data. |
MultiResultsReader<T extends ResultsReader> |
The MultiResultsReader class represents a streaming reader
for Splunk search results. |
MultiResultsReaderJson |
The MultiResultsReaderJson class represents a streaming JSON reader
for Splunk search results. |
MultiResultsReaderXml |
The MultiResultsReaderXml class represents a streaming XML reader for
Splunk search results. |
NumberPivotFilter |
Specifies a filter in a pivot on a numeric field. |
NumberPivotRowSplit |
Specifies a row split in a pivot on a numeric field. |
NumericPivotColumnSplit |
OutputDefault |
The OutputDefault class represents the default TCP output
configuration, providing access to global TCP output properties. |
OutputGroup |
The OutputGroup class represents an output group, providing
access to the configuration of a group of one or more data-forwarding
destinations. |
OutputServer |
The OutputServer class represents an output server, providing access
to data-forwarding configurations. |
OutputServerAllConnections |
The OutputServerAllConnections class represents all the connections
of an output server. |
OutputSyslog |
The OutputSyslog class represents a syslog output, providing access
to properties of a forwarding server that provides data in standard syslog
format. |
Password |
The Password class represents a saved credential. |
PasswordCollection |
The PasswordCollection class represents a collection of credentials. |
Pivot |
A call of pivot on a PivotSpecification object queries splunkd to get the queries corresponding to that
pivot, which will be returned as an instance of the Pivot class. |
PivotCellValue |
Represents an aggregate value to appear in the cells of a pivot. |
PivotColumnSplit |
PivotFilter |
Base class representing filters in pivots. |
PivotRowSplit |
Base class representing row splits in a pivot. |
PivotSpecification |
PivotSpecification represents a pivot to be done on a particular data model object. |
RangePivotColumnSplit |
Split values of a field into rows by ranges of a numeric field. |
RangePivotRowSplit |
Split values of a field into rows by ranges of a numeric field. |
Receiver |
The Receiver class represents a named index and unnamed index
receivers. |
Record |
The Record class represents an extension of HashMap that
contains a variety of value-converting access methods. |
RegexpDataModelCalculation |
Represents a calculation on a data model object done by a regular expression. |
RequestMessage |
The RequestMessage class represents an HTTP request message including
method, headers, and body content. |
Resource |
The Resource abstract base class represents a Splunk resource. |
ResourceCollection<T extends Resource> |
The ResourceCollection abstract base class represents a collection of
Splunk resources. |
ResponseMessage |
The ResponseMessage class represents an HTTP response message that
includes status codes, response headers, and body content. |
ResultsReader |
The ResultsReader class is a base class for the streaming readers
for Splunk search results. |
ResultsReaderCsv |
The ResultsReaderCsv class represents a streaming CSV reader for
Splunk search results. |
ResultsReaderJson |
The ResultsReaderJson class represents a streaming JSON reader for
Splunk search results. |
ResultsReaderXml |
The ResultsReaderXml class represents a streaming XML reader for
Splunk search results. |
Role |
The Role class represents a Splunk role, which is a collection of
permissions and capabilities. |
SavedSearch |
The SavedSearch class represents a saved search. |
SavedSearchCollection |
The SavedSearchCollection class represents a collection of saved
searches. |
SavedSearchCollectionArgs |
The SavedSearchCollectionArgs class contains arguments getting a
collection of saved searches. |
SavedSearchDispatchArgs |
The SavedSearchDispatchArgs class contains arguments for dispatching
a saved search using the SavedSearch.dispatch() method. |
ScriptInput |
The ScriptInput class represents a scripted data input. |
Service |
The Service class represents a Splunk service instance at a given
address (host:port), accessed using the http or https
protocol scheme. |
ServiceArgs |
The ServiceArgs class contains a collection of arguments that are
used to initialize a Splunk Service instance. |
ServiceInfo |
The ServiceInfo class contains information about a running Splunk
Service instance (Splunkd). |
Settings |
The Settings class represents configuration information for an
instance of Splunk. |
StringPivotColumnSplit |
Represents a column split on a string valued field. |
StringPivotFilter |
Represents a filter on a string valued field. |
StringPivotRowSplit |
Represents a row split on a string valued field. |
TcpConnections |
The TcpConnections class represents a raw or cooked TCP connection. |
TcpInput |
The TcpInput class represents a raw TCP data input. |
TcpSplunkInput |
The TcpSplunkInput class represents a Splunk-processed "cooked" TCP
data input. |
TimestampPivotColumnSplit |
Represents a column split on a timestamp valued field in a pivot. |
TimestampPivotRowSplit |
Represents a row split on a timestamp valued field in a pivot. |
UdpConnections |
The UdpConnections class represents a UDP connection. |
UdpInput |
The UdpInput class represents a UDP data input. |
Upload |
The Upload class represents an in-progress oneshot upload. |
User |
The User class represents a Splunk user who is registered on the
current Splunk server. |
UserCollection |
The UserCollection class represents a collection of Splunk users who
are registered on the current Splunk server. |
WindowsActiveDirectoryInput |
The WindowsActiveDirectoryInput class represents a Windows Active
Directory data input. |
WindowsEventLogInput |
The WindowsEventLogInput class represents a Windows Event Log data
input. |
WindowsPerfmonInput |
The WindowsPerfmonInput class represents a Windows Performance
Monitor (Perfmon) data input. |
WindowsRegistryInput |
The WindowsRegistryInput class represents a Windows Registry data
input. |
WindowsWmiInput |
The WindowsWmiInput class represents a Windows Management
Instrumentation (WMI) data input. |
Xml |
The Xml class represents a collection of XML utilities. |