Class DataModelObject

  extended by com.splunk.DataModelObject
Direct Known Subclasses:
DataModelSearch, DataModelTransaction

public class DataModelObject
extends java.lang.Object

DataModelObject represents one of the structured views in a data model.

Constructor Summary
protected DataModelObject(DataModel model)
Method Summary
 boolean containsField(java.lang.String fieldName)
          Checks whether there is a field with the given name in this data model object.
 Job createLocalAccelerationJob()
          Local acceleration is tsidx acceleration of a data model object that is handled manually by a user.
 Job createLocalAccelerationJob(java.lang.String earliestTime)
          Local acceleration is tsidx acceleration of a data model object that is handled manually by a user.
 PivotSpecification createPivotSpecification()
          Create a PivotSpecification on this data model object.
 java.util.Collection<DataModelField> getAutoExtractedFields()
          Get a collection of objects specifying all the fields that were automatically extracted from events (as opposed to generated by calculations in a data model).
 DataModelCalculation getCalculation(java.lang.String calculationId)
          Fetch a calculation by its unique ID.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,DataModelCalculation> getCalculations()
          Return the calculations done by this data model object to produce fields.
 java.util.Collection<DataModelConstraint> getConstraints()
 DataModel getDataModel()
          Fetch the data model on which this object is defined.
 java.lang.String getDisplayName()
 DataModelField getField(java.lang.String fieldName)
          Fetch a single field of a given name from this data model object.
 java.util.Collection<DataModelField> getFields()
          Return all the fields, whether input or created by calculations.
 java.lang.String[] getLineage()
          Data model objects can inherit from other data model objects in the same data model (or from a couple of global base objects such as BaseEvent and BaseTransaction).
 java.lang.String getName()
 DataModelObject getParent()
 java.lang.String getParentName()
          Returns the name of the parent of this object.
 java.lang.String getQuery()
 Job runQuery()
          Start a job that fetches all the events of this data model object.
 Job runQuery(JobArgs args)
          Start a job that fetches all the events of this data model object.
 Job runQuery(java.lang.String querySuffix)
          Start a job that applies querySuffix to all the events in this data model object.
 Job runQuery(java.lang.String querySuffix, JobArgs args)
          Start a job that applies querySuffix to all the events in this data model object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected DataModelObject(DataModel model)
Method Detail


public boolean containsField(java.lang.String fieldName)
Checks whether there is a field with the given name in this data model object.

fieldName - name of the field to check for.
true if there is such a field; false otherwise.


public Job createLocalAccelerationJob()
Local acceleration is tsidx acceleration of a data model object that is handled manually by a user. You create a job which generates an index, and then use that index in your pivots on the data model object. The namespace created by the job is 'sid={sid}' where {sid} is the job's sid. You would use it in another job by starting your search query with | tstats ... from sid={sid} | ... The tsidx index created by this job is deleted when the job is garbage collected by Splunk. It is the user's responsibility to manage this job, including cancelling it.

a Job writing a tsidx index.


public Job createLocalAccelerationJob(java.lang.String earliestTime)
Local acceleration is tsidx acceleration of a data model object that is handled manually by a user. You create a job which generates an index, and then use that index in your pivots on the data model object. The namespace created by the job is 'sid={sid}' where {sid} is the job's sid. You would use it in another job by starting your search query with | tstats ... from sid={sid} | ... The tsidx index created by this job is deleted when the job is garbage collected by Splunk. It is the user's responsibility to manage this job, including cancelling it.

earliestTime - A time modifier (e.g., "-2w") setting the earliest time to index.
a Job writing a tsidx index.


public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,DataModelCalculation> getCalculations()
Return the calculations done by this data model object to produce fields. Each calculation has a unique ID assigned to it by splunkd, which is the key in the returned map. For most purposes you will probably only want the values.

a map of calculation IDs to DataModelCalculation objects.


public DataModelCalculation getCalculation(java.lang.String calculationId)
Fetch a calculation by its unique ID.

calculationId - a splunkd assigned unique ID for this calculation.
a DataModelCalculation object.


public java.util.Collection<DataModelConstraint> getConstraints()
a collection of the constraints limiting events that will appear in this data model object.


public DataModel getDataModel()
Fetch the data model on which this object is defined.

A DataModel instance containing this object.


public java.lang.String getDisplayName()
the human readable name of this data model object.


public DataModelField getField(java.lang.String fieldName)
Fetch a single field of a given name from this data model object.

fieldName - Name of the field to fetch.
A DataModelField object, or null if there is no field of the given name.


public java.util.Collection<DataModelField> getAutoExtractedFields()
Get a collection of objects specifying all the fields that were automatically extracted from events (as opposed to generated by calculations in a data model).

a collection of DataModelField objects.


public java.util.Collection<DataModelField> getFields()
Return all the fields, whether input or created by calculations.

a collection of DataModelField objects.


public java.lang.String getQuery()


public java.lang.String getName()
Splunk's identifier for this data model object.


public java.lang.String[] getLineage()
Data model objects can inherit from other data model objects in the same data model (or from a couple of global base objects such as BaseEvent and BaseTransaction). The lineage is a list of data model object names tracing this inheritance, starting with the most remote ancestor and ending with this object.

An array of names, starting with this object's name, followed by the names up the hierarchy.


public java.lang.String getParentName()
Returns the name of the parent of this object.

a String giving the name.


public DataModelObject getParent()
the data model object this one inherits from if it is a user defined data model object in the same data model; otherwise returns null (for example if the data model object inherits from BaseEvent or BaseTransaction).


public PivotSpecification createPivotSpecification()
Create a PivotSpecification on this data model object.

a PivotSpecification instance.


public Job runQuery()
Start a job that fetches all the events of this data model object.

a Job object.


public Job runQuery(JobArgs args)
Start a job that fetches all the events of this data model object.

args - arguments specifying behavior of the job.
a Job object.


public Job runQuery(java.lang.String querySuffix)
Start a job that applies querySuffix to all the events in this data model object.

querySuffix - a search query, starting with a '|' that will be appended to the command to fetch the contents of this data model object (e.g., "| head 3").
a Job object.


public Job runQuery(java.lang.String querySuffix,
                    JobArgs args)
Start a job that applies querySuffix to all the events in this data model object.

querySuffix - a search query, starting with a '|' that will be appended to the command to fetch the contents of this data model object (e.g., "| head 3").
args - arguments to control the job.
a Job object.