Splunk MINT SDK for iOS  4.0
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Instance Methods | Properties
BugSenseBase Class Reference

Inherits NSObject, and <RequestWorkerDelegate>.

Instance Methods

(id) - initWithRequestWorker:
(void) - flushAsyncWithBlock:
(void) - initAndStartSession:
(void) - addExtraData:
(void) - addExtraDataList:
(BOOL) - removeExtraDataWithKey:
(void) - clearExtraData
(void) - leaveBreadcrumb:
(void) - clearBreadcrumbs
(void) - logEventAsyncWithTag:completionBlock:
(void) - startSessionAsyncWithCompletionBlock:
(void) - closeSessionAsyncWithCompletionBlock:
(void) - logExceptionAsync:extraDataKey:extraDataValue:completionBlock:
(void) - logExceptionAsync:limitedExtraDataList:completionBlock:


id< RequestWorkerFacadeDelegate > splunkRequestWorker
BOOL isInitialized
BOOL isSessionActive
NSString * userIdentifier
BOOL handleWhileDebugging
id< MintNotificationDelegatenotificationDelegate

Detailed Description

The BugSenseBase base class.

Method Documentation

- (void) addExtraData: (ExtraData *)  extraData

Deprecated for Splunk MINT. This method is used only by the BugSense plugin.

successA block that is invoked when the request finishes successfully, providing the last crash ID of the server.
failureA failure block that is invoked when something goes wrong with the request. Deprecated for Splunk MINT. This method is used only by the BugSense plugin.
successA block that is invoked when the request finishes with successfully, providing the total number of crashes of the app since the last reset.
failureA failure block that is invoked when something goes wrong with the request. Deprecated for Splunk MINT. This method is used only by the BugSense plugin.
successA Boolean value indicating whether the request was successful.
failureA failure block that is invoked when something goes wrong with the request. Adds an ExtraData instance to the global extra data list.
extraDataThe ExtraData instance.
- (void) addExtraDataList: (LimitedExtraDataList *)  limitedExtraDataList

Appends a LimitedExtraData instance list to the global extra data list.

limitedExtraDataListThe LimitedExtraDataList instance.
- (void) clearBreadcrumbs

Clears the global breadcrumb list.

- (void) clearExtraData

Clears the LimitedExtraDataList instances from the global extra data list.

- (void) closeSessionAsyncWithCompletionBlock: (LogResultBlock)  completed

Closes a session. All requests and crash reporting will continue to work properly, but the session is no longer logically active.

completedA block that is invoked upon completion with additional information.
- (void) flushAsyncWithBlock: (ResponseResultBlock)  resultBlock

Sends all cached requests to the server.

resultBlockA block that you get from a MintResponseResult instance to examine related information.
- (void) initAndStartSession: (NSString *)  apiKey

Initializes the plugin and starts a session.

apiKeyYour Splunk MINT API key.
- (id) initWithRequestWorker: (id< RequestWorkerFacadeDelegate >)  requestWorker

Deprecated for Splunk MINT. This method is used only by the BugSense plugin. Deprecated for Splunk MINT. This method is used only by the BugSense plugin. This method is for internal SDK initialization and should never used by the developer.

requestWorkerA RequestWorkerFacadeDelegate instance.
A MintBase instance.
- (void) leaveBreadcrumb: (NSString *)  crumb

Adds a breadcrumb description to the global breadcrumb list.

crumbThe breadcrumb description.
- (void) logEventAsyncWithTag: (NSString *)  tag
completionBlock: (LogResultBlock)  completed 

Logs an event request with a tag description.

tagThe tag description.
completedA block that is invoked upon completion with additional information.
- (void) logExceptionAsync: (NSException *)  exception
extraDataKey: (NSString *)  key
extraDataValue: (NSString *)  value
completionBlock: (LogResultBlock)  completed 

Logs a handled exception in your try/catch block.

exceptionThe NSException instance.
keyThe key for the additional extra data to attach to the request.
valueThe value of the additional extra data to attach to the request.
completedA block that is invoked upon completion with additional information.
- (void) logExceptionAsync: (NSException *)  exception
limitedExtraDataList: (LimitedExtraDataList *)  extraDataList
completionBlock: (LogResultBlock)  completed 

Logs a handled exception in your try/catch block.

exceptionThe NSException instance.
limitedExtraDataListA LimitedExtraDataList instance to attach to the request.
completedA block that is invoked upon completion with additional information.
- (BOOL) removeExtraDataWithKey: (NSString *)  key

Removes an ExtraData instance from the global extra data list.

keyThe key of the ExtraData instance.
A Boolean that indicates whether the instance was removed successfully. If NO, an ExtraData instance with the specified key does not exist.
- (void) startSessionAsyncWithCompletionBlock: (ResponseResultBlock)  completed

Starts a new session. If a previous session was initialized less than one minute earlier, this call is ignored.

completedA block that is invoked upon completion with additional information.

Property Documentation

- (LimitedExtraDataList*) extraDataList

Deprecated for Splunk MINT. This value is used only by the BugSense plugin. A LimitedExtraDataList instance where you can set global extra data (ExtraData instances) and attach them to the handled exception requests.

- (BOOL) handleWhileDebugging

A value that is set interally and used only by the SDK plugin. Set this value to NO when you don't want requests to be logged and sent to the server. The default value is YES.

- (BOOL) isInitialized

Indicates whether the plugin is initialized and operating properly.

- (BOOL) isSessionActive

Indicates whether there is an active session. You can close the current session and start a new one as needed.

- (id<MintNotificationDelegate>) notificationDelegate

Sends messages to the delegate and notifies you when any actions are taken by the plugin. This value is not set by the developer.

- (id<RequestWorkerFacadeDelegate>) splunkRequestWorker

Used internally for derived classes.

- (NSString*) userIdentifier

Sets a user identifier such as a random ID, an email address, or a username for the current user.

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