Splunk MINT SDK for iOS  4.0
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Instance Methods
MintBase Class Reference

Inherits BugSense.

Inherited by Mint.

Instance Methods

(NSDictionary *) - getDevSettings
(void) - enableLogging:
(void) - setLogging:
(void) - transactionStart:andResultBlock:
(void) - transactionStop:andResultBlock:
(void) - transactionCancel:reason:andResultBlock:
(void) - addURLToBlackList:
(void) - logEventAsyncWithName:logLevel:andCompletionBlock:

Method Documentation

- (void) addURLToBlackList: (NSString *)  url

Adds a URL to the network monitoring blacklist.

urlThe URL to ignore. This can be a partial URL.
- (void) enableLogging: (BOOL)  enable

Indicates whether to enable logging. When YES, NSLog console messages are cached and sent with the exception.

enableIndicates whether to enable logging.
- (NSDictionary*) getDevSettings

Gets the developer's remote settings as key-value pairs.

A dictionary of key-value pairs.
- (void) logEventAsyncWithName: (NSString *)  name
logLevel: (MintLogLevel logLevel
andCompletionBlock: (LogResultBlock)  completed 

Logs an event with a log level, sends the log entry to the console window, and caches a request to send to the server.

nameThe name of the event (up to 256 characters).
logLevelThe MintLogLevel enumeration value for the log level.
completedThe block to invoke with additional information when complete.
- (void) setLogging: (NSInteger)  linesCount

Sets the maximum number of lines to cache from the console log.

linesThe number of lines.
- (void) transactionCancel: (NSString *)  transactionName
reason: (NSString *)  aReason
andResultBlock: (TransactionStopResultBlock)  resultBlock 

Cancels a transaction.

transactionNameThe name of the transaction.
aReasonThe reason for cancelling the transaction.
resultBlockThe block to invoke with additional information when complete.
- (void) transactionStart: (NSString *)  transactionName
andResultBlock: (TransactionStartResultBlock)  resultBlock 

Starts a transaction with a unique name.

transactionNameThe unique transaction name.
resultBlockThe block to invoke with additional information when complete.
- (void) transactionStop: (NSString *)  transactionName
andResultBlock: (TransactionStopResultBlock)  resultBlock 

Stops a transaction.

transactionNameThe name of the transaction.
resultBlockThe block to invoke with additional information when complete.

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