Splunk MINT SDK for iOS  4.0
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Class Methods
Mint Class Reference

Inherits MintBase.

Class Methods

(Mint *) + sharedInstance

Additional Inherited Members

- Instance Methods inherited from MintBase
(NSDictionary *) - getDevSettings
(void) - enableLogging:
(void) - setLogging:
(void) - transactionStart:andResultBlock:
(void) - transactionStop:andResultBlock:
(void) - transactionCancel:reason:andResultBlock:
(void) - addURLToBlackList:
(void) - logEventAsyncWithName:logLevel:andCompletionBlock:

Detailed Description

The Mint class is the main class for all appropriate requests.

Method Documentation

+ (Mint*) sharedInstance

Returns the singleton Mint reference to use in your application. You should not initialize the Mint class yourself because unexpected results may occur.

The Mint singleton instance reference.

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