Splunk® Add-on Builder

Splunk Add-on Builder User Guide

This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk® Add-on Builder. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.

Fixed issues

Publication date Defect number Description
2016-10-12 TAB-1259 UX implementation check.
2016-10-12 TAB-1226 Upgrading to 2.0.0 causes existing add-ons to no longer be editable.
2016-10-12 TAB-1085 Use async instead of sync for very slow requests.
2016-10-12 TAB-1084 Use multi-process/multi-thread to make full use of N-core CPU.
2016-10-12 TAB-1083 Remove duplicated upload file action.
2016-10-12 TAB-1078 Adapt new UX design for the color picker.
2016-10-12 TAB-1074 Field extraction does not detect the right format by default.
2016-10-12 TAB-1038 change default log level to INFO when creating a modular input.
2016-10-12 TAB-1032 Orphan UI component if cancle parsing table process when rename a field.
2016-10-12 TAB-1026 Encoded html result for shell script is unfriendly.
2016-10-12 TAB-1023 short cut in code editor does not insert the correct code.
2016-10-12 TAB-1022 Drill-down error on validate screen.
2016-10-12 TAB-1021 Value extracted for ips_multi_line sample is not correct.
2016-10-12 TAB-1020 Words outside the tooltip if it is too long.
2016-10-12 TAB-1019 app_name is invalid in "/splunk_app_addon-builder/apps_manage/is_app_loaded".
2016-10-12 TAB-1018 value of expires in Set-Cookie header is incorrect.
2016-10-12 TAB-975 Cannot download add-on package when it contains particular EVAL expression in props.conf.
2016-10-12 TAB-958 Field extraction breaks when we have decimal number.
2016-10-12 TAB-924 Validation isn't working as expected.
2016-10-12 TAB-902 POST Bad request in parsing opsec samples.
2016-10-12 TAB-884 Clear Password Returned For Setup Page.
2016-10-12 TAB-858 TA builder validation failed - Fatal errors during field extraction validation.
2016-10-12 TAB-794 Data Input.
2016-10-12 TAB-769 False alarm in field extraction validator when running on Splunk 7.
2016-10-12 TAB-661 Add-on Builder UI not working on Honeybuzz.
2016-10-12 TAB-543 Validation is slow when there are many events of eventtypes.
2016-10-12 TAB-410 Loading sourcetype summary info is too slow.
2016-10-12 TAB-386 Rest call in cim mapping page is slow.
2016-10-12 TAB-359 Modular Input Validator wrongly report an fatal error for Bro IDS inputs.conf.spec.
Last modified on 12 October, 2016
Known issues   Third-party software credits

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Add-on Builder: 2.0.0

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