Splunk® AI Assistant for SPL

Install and use Splunk AI Assistant for SPL

New features for Splunk AI Assistant for SPL

Here's what's new in each version of Splunk AI Assistant for SPL.

Version 1.0.4

Splunk AI Assistant for SPL version 1.0.4 is out of preview and generally available. Customers must sign a specialized End-User License Agreement (EULA) covering data use.

You must be a customer with an active Splunk Cloud Platform subscription on an AWS commercial stack who has accepted the Splunk AI Assistant for SPL EULA to access this version.

Once the EULA signed, Splunk AI Assistant for SPL application is unrestricted on Splunkbase for download for the account associated with the signed EULA.

Splunk AI Assistant for SPL is only available to Splunk Cloud Platform customers. For more details, see Install Splunk AI Assistant for SPL.

The services provided by this application may be updated from time to time.


Splunk AI Assistant for SPL version 1.0.4 is compatible with supported versions of Splunk Cloud Platform. Keep your instance of Splunk Cloud Platform up to date to ensure you can install and use Splunk AI Assistant for SPL.

Splunk AI Assistant for SPL is not available for on-premises Splunk Enterprise customers.

Features and improvements

Splunk AI Assistant for SPL version 1.0.4 is a maintenance and patch release.

Version 1.0.3

Splunk AI Assistant for SPL version 1.0.3 is out of preview and generally available. Customers must sign a specialized End-User License Agreement (EULA) covering data use.

You must be a customer with an active Splunk Cloud Platform subscription on an AWS commercial stack who has accepted the Splunk AI Assistant for SPL EULA to access this version.

Once the EULA signed, Splunk AI Assistant for SPL application is unrestricted on Splunkbase for download for the account associated with the signed EULA.

Splunk AI Assistant for SPL is only available to Splunk Cloud Platform customers. For more details, see Install Splunk AI Assistant for SPL.

The services provided by this application may be updated from time to time.


Splunk AI Assistant for SPL version 1.0.3 is compatible with supported versions of Splunk Cloud Platform. Keep your instance of Splunk Cloud Platform up to date to ensure you can install and use Splunk AI Assistant for SPL.

Splunk AI Assistant for SPL is not available for on-premises Splunk Enterprise customers.

Features and improvements

Splunk AI Assistant for SPL version 1.0.3 is a maintenance and patch release and includes the following features and changes:

Version 1.0.2

Splunk AI Assistant for SPL version 1.0.2 is out of preview and generally available. Customers must sign a specialized End-User License Agreement (EULA) covering data use.

You must be a customer with an active Splunk Cloud Platform subscription on an AWS commercial stack who has accepted the Splunk AI Assistant for SPL EULA to access this version.

Once the EULA signed, Splunk AI Assistant for SPL application is unrestricted on Splunkbase for download for the account associated with the signed EULA.

Splunk AI Assistant for SPL is only available to Splunk Cloud Platform customers. For more details, see Install Splunk AI Assistant for SPL.

The services provided by this application may be updated from time to time.


Splunk AI Assistant for SPL version 1.0.2 is compatible with supported versions of Splunk Cloud Platform. Keep your instance of Splunk Cloud Platform up to date to ensure you can install and use Splunk AI Assistant for SPL.

Splunk AI Assistant for SPL is not available for on-premises Splunk Enterprise customers.

Features and improvements

Splunk AI Assistant for SPL version 1.0.2 is a maintenance and patch release.

Version 1.0.0

Splunk AI Assistant for SPL version 1.0.0 is out of preview and is now generally available. Customers must sign a specialized End-User License Agreement (EULA) covering data use.

You must be a customer with an active Splunk Cloud Platform subscription on an AWS commercial stack who has accepted the Splunk AI Assistant for SPL EULA to access this version.

Once the EULA signed, Splunk AI Assistant for SPL application is unrestricted on Splunkbase for download for the account associated with the signed EULA.

Splunk AI Assistant for SPL is only available to Splunk Cloud Platform customers. For more details, see Install Splunk AI Assistant for SPL.

The services provided by this application may be updated from time to time.


Splunk AI Assistant for SPL version 1.0.0 is compatible with supported versions of Splunk Cloud Platform. Keep your instance of Splunk Cloud Platform up to date to ensure you can install and use Splunk AI Assistant for SPL.

Splunk AI Assistant for SPL is not available for on-premises Splunk Enterprise customers.

Features and improvements

Splunk AI Assistant for SPL version 1.0.0 includes the following features and changes:

  • Splunk AI Assistant for SPL now runs on AI Service, a multi-tenant, secure cloud service hosted in Splunk Cloud Platform (SCP). This GPU-based cloud AI service makes GPUs available for generating responses to customer prompts.
    • All the AI compute is offloaded to AI Service.
    • No AI compute is running on the customer's search head.
  • The assistant runs as a separate component of the Splunk Cloud Platform (SCP) which is not metered like searches against data indexed by Splunk. For the 1.0.0 release, SPL generated by the assistant requires a separate step to Open in Search.
    • Searches executed in the Search app will work like any other Splunk search, and will consume Splunk virtual compute (SVC) resources accordingly.
  • This version of the Splunk AI Assistant for SPL includes guardrails that are designed to ensure the safety and appropriateness of interactions with the app. These guardrails might be triggered by certain keywords. If you don't get a response to a prompt, it could be due to these guardrails. In such cases, try rephrasing your prompt. For more information, see Guardrails in Splunk AI Assistant for SPL.
  • Changes have been made to what data Splunk AI Assistant for SPL sends Splunk Inc. For details, see Share data in Splunk AI Assistant for SPL.
  • The assistant supported languages are Japanese, Spanish, and French.
  • The assistant had a minor name change. The former name is Splunk AI Assistant. The name for version 1.0.0 and higher is Splunk AI Assistant for SPL.

Version 0.3.5

This is a preview version of Splunk AI Assistant. This version is accessible only to users registered through the Splunk Voice of the Customer (VOC) portal who meet the Preview Program requirements. Users of previous Splunk AI Assistant versions who meet the Preview Program requirements must re-register on the VOC portal to access version 0.3.5.. For details, see Preview Program requirements.

If you are not eligible for this preview, continue using version 0.2.5 of the app.

After you register and that registration is reviewed, you can download the app from Splunkbase.


Splunk AI Assistant version 0.3.5 is compatible with Splunk Enterprise 9.1.0 or higher and Splunk Cloud Platform.

Features and improvements

There are no new features in Splunk AI Assistant version 0.3.5. This is a maintenance and patch release. For details, see Fixed issues.

  • A change has been made to how anonymized data from Splunk AI Assistant is collected for Splunk Inc. Data sharing is now turned on by default. To learn more, including how to turn data sharing off, see Share data in Splunk AI Assistant.

For information on versions of the app lower than 0.3.5, see Release history for Splunk AI Assistant for SPL

Last modified on 02 October, 2024
Troubleshoot Splunk AI Assistant for SPL   Known issues

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® AI Assistant for SPL: 1.0.4

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