Splunk® AI Assistant for SPL

Install and use Splunk AI Assistant for SPL

Release history for Splunk AI Assistant for SPL

Splunk AI Assistant for SPL is formerly known as Splunk AI Assistant. Splunk AI Assistant for SPL went into general availability on June 11, 2024.

For the release notes of the latest Splunk AI Assistant for SPL versions, see New features for Splunk AI Assistant for SPL.

Version 0.3.4

This is a preview version of Splunk AI Assistant. This version is accessible only to users registered through the Splunk Voice of the Customer (VOC) portal who meet the Preview Program requirements. Users of previous Splunk AI Assistant versions who meet the Preview Program requirements must re-register on the VOC portal to access version 0.3.4.. For details, see Preview Program requirements.

If you are not eligible for this preview, continue using version 0.2.5 of the app.

After you register and that registration is reviewed, you can download the app from Splunkbase.


Splunk AI Assistant version 0.3.4 is compatible with Splunk Enterprise 9.1.0 or higher and Splunk Cloud Platform.

Features and improvements

Splunk AI Assistant version 0.3.4 includes the following features and changes:

  • In addition the options to Write SPL and Explain SPL, there is a new option called "Tell me about...". Use this option to learn more about Splunk platform terms and products.
  • As you use the Assistant, the questions you ask are now stored as numbered chats. These chats can be added to, renamed, and deleted. Chats are grouped by date on the left side of the app page.
  • This version of the Assistant does not require the Python for Scientific Computing (PSC) add-on.
  • Changes have been made to what anonymized data the Splunk AI Assistant as deployed on Splunk Enterprise sends Splunk Inc. For details, see Share data in the Splunk AI Assistant.

Version 0.2.5

This is a preview version of Splunk AI Assistant. This version is accessible only to registered users through the Splunk Voice of the Customer page.


Splunk AI Assistant is compatible with Splunk Enterprise 9.0.0 or higher and Splunk Cloud Platform. For version dependencies on other apps, see Splunk AI Assistant requirements.

Features and improvements

There are no new features in the Splunk AI Assistant version 0.2.5. This is a maintenance and patch release.

Version 0.2.4

This is a preview version of Splunk AI Assistant. This version is accessible only to registered users through the Splunk Voice of the Customer page.


Splunk AI Assistant is compatible with Splunk Enterprise 9.0.0 or higher and Splunk Cloud Platform. For version dependencies on other apps, see Splunk AI Assistant requirements.

Features and improvements

There are no new features in Splunk AI Assistant version 0.2.4. This is a maintenance and patch release.

Version 0.2.3

This is a preview version of Splunk AI Assistant. This version is accessible only to registered users through the Splunk Voice of the Customer page.


Splunk AI Assistant is compatible with Splunk Enterprise 9.0.0 or higher and Splunk Cloud Platform. For version dependencies on other apps, see Splunk AI Assistant requirements.

Features and improvements

The following functionality is included in the preview release of Splunk AI Assistant:

  • Splunk AI Assistant: now supports search head clustering deployments.

Version 0.2.2

This is a preview version of Splunk AI Assistant. This version is accessible only to registered users through the Splunk Voice of the Customer page.


Splunk AI Assistant is compatible with Splunk Enterprise 9.0.0 or higher and Splunk Cloud Platform. For version dependencies on other apps, see Splunk AI Assistant requirements.

Features and improvements

The following functionality is included in the preview release of Splunk AI Assistant:

  • Translate a task written in plain English into a usable SPL search on the Write SPL tab.
    • Review an explanation of the SPL generated.
    • Review Splunk documentation related to the SPL generated.
    • Optionally choose a thumbs up or thumbs down to rate the quality of the app-generated results.
  • Translate an SPL search into plain English on the Explain SPL tab.
    • Review an explanation of the SPL components in plain English.
    • Optionally choose a thumbs up or thumbs down to rate the quality of the app-generated results.
  • Choose to share anonymized data that Splunk AI Assistant as deployed on Splunk Enterprise sends Splunk Inc. For details, see Share data in the Splunk AI Assistant.
Last modified on 10 June, 2024
Fixed issues  

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® AI Assistant for SPL: 1.0.0, 1.0.2, 1.0.3, 1.0.4

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