Splunk® AI Assistant for SPL

Install and use Splunk AI Assistant for SPL

Share data in Splunk AI Assistant for SPL

When you interact with the Splunk Assistant, Splunk may use your chat history (including inputs and outputs), context data collected from your environment as noted in this section and updated from time to time, and in-product feedback you give to develop and improve the assistant, including for Splunk research and development which may include training our models.

If you do not want to share data to be used for these purposes, you may toggle this collection off in Settings tab of the app.

How to opt in or out of sharing data for research and development

Data sharing is turned on by default. You can turn data sharing off from within Splunk AI Assistant for SPL on the Settings tab of the app. Deselect the box next to "Share my data with Splunk" as shown in the following image:

This image shows the Settings tab of Splunk AI Assistant for SPL. A tick-box labeled as Share my data with Splunk is highlighted. From this page in the app you can choose to share or not share some data with Splunk.

What data is collected

In addition to your chat history, including inputs and outputs, and in-product feedback, Splunk AI Assistant for SPL collects the following context data:

Component Description Example
app.Splunk_AI_Assistant_Cloud.splgen Logging from Splunk AI Assistant for SPL Splunk app REST handlers.
2024-05-27 16:26:25 UTC, Level=INFO, Pid=1063271, Logger=ChatHistoryHandler, File=chat_history_handler.py, Line=43, UUID="34547aed-648c-4d3f-b2ce-f1ce066a57ad", message="Handling chat history request"
app.Splunk_AI_Assistant_Cloud.splgen.usage Feedback submitted by users with thumbs up/thumbs down/additional details UI in app.
"data": {
"_time": 1688763330,
"response": "'Concise Summary:\nThe query retrieves the total number of buckets per peer in a Splunk cluster.\nDetailed Explanation:\n- `| rest splunk_server=local /services/cluster/master/peers`: This part of the query uses the REST command to access the local Splunk cluster master'",
"_sourcetype": "splgen_feedback",
"session_id": "1dd4af3e-a567-4d68-a491-75964913d868",
"query": "'| rest splunk_server=local /services/cluster/master/peers | stats sum(bucket_count) by label | rename label as peer'",
"correct": "true",
"_kv": 1,
"_serial": 0 }
app.Splunk_AI_Assistant_Cloud.splgen.openinsearch When the user clicks on the "Open in Search" button for some generated SPL.
"data": {
"_time": 1688763330,
"_sourcetype": "splgen_feedback",
"session_id": "1dd4af3e-a567-4d68-a491-75964913d868",
"spl": "'| rest splunk_server=local /services/cluster/master/peers | stats sum(bucket_count) by label | rename label as peer'",
"user": "<hashed username>",
"_kv": 1,
"_serial": 0 }
app.Splunk_AI_Assistant_Cloud.splgen Generation time (e2e time from request start to end).
2024-05-24 18:05:50 UTC, Level=INFO, Pid=2248783, Logger=AsyncHttpJobs, File=jobs.py, Line=87, UUID="4475f233-2559-42ee-b7ff-c2891ae0d549", apply_time="2.16974", user="haydn"

Data retention

Data shared as outlined in this section will be retained for a period of up to 1 year. Derivatives of such data, or usage data as set forth in Splunk's Privacy Statement, may be retained longer.

Last modified on 09 October, 2024
Using Splunk AI Assistant for SPL   Share data in Splunk AI Assistant for SPL examples

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® AI Assistant for SPL: 1.0.4

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