Splunk® Supported Add-ons

Splunk Add-on for VMware Metrics

Inventory fields reference for the Splunk Add-on for VMware Metrics

Use this inventory fields reference to identify the inventory fields collected by the Splunk Add-on for VMware Metrics for vCenter, cluster, datastore, host, and virtual machine entities. The following list is consolidated from the data collected from the different vCenter servers. Based on the vCenter server configuration, these inventory fields may or may not be available.

Inventory fields collected with the default configuration

The following fields are collected with the default configuration of the add-on present in the inframon_ta_vmware_template.conf file.

HostSystem - Inventory Fields (Source: VMInv:HostSystem)

Sourcetype: vmware_inframon:inv:hostsystem

Field description Indexed field
Datastore objects available in HostSystem datastore
isHostInMaintenanceMode summary.runtime.inMaintenanceMode
Parent of HostSystem parent
HostSystem name name
Host PowerState summary.runtime.powerState
Host connection state summary.runtime.connectionState

Virtual Machine - Inventory Fields (Source: VMInv:VirtualMachine)

Sourcetype: vmware_inframon:inv:vm

Field description Indexed field
ResourcePool resourcePool
Resource Configuration resourceConfig
VM Name name
VM PowerState summary.runtime.powerState
LayoutEx files layoutEx.file
Datastore objects used by VM datastore
Snapshot snapshot
Parent of VM parent
Storage info summary.storage
Host responsible for running VM summary.runtime.host
Storage space used by VM on a particular datastore storage.perDatastoreUsage

ClusterComputeResource - Inventory Fields (Source: VMInv:ClusterComputeResource)

Sourcetype: vmware_inframon:inv:clustercomputeresource

Field description Indexed field
Cluster name name
Parent of Cluster parent

Datastore - Inventory Fields (Source: VMInv:DataStore)

Sourcetype: vmware_inframon:inv:datastore

Field description Parameter value used in the conf file
DataStore Summary Information summary
DataStore Name name
Parent of DataStore parent
Specific information about the datastore info
Virtual machines stored on this datastore vm

Hierarchy - Inventory Fields (Source: VMInv:hierarchy)

Sourcetype: vmware_inframon:inv:hierarchy

The add-on collects hierarchy inventory data for vSphere entities, including VirtualMachine, Hostsystem, and so on. The following table shows fields collected for each entity as part of the hierarchy inventory data:

Entity Inventory fields collected
  • name
  • parent
  • runtime.host
  • resourcePool
  • name
  • parent
  • name
  • parent
  • name
  • parent
  • name
  • parent
  • name
  • parent
  • name
  • parent
  • name
  • parent

Additional inventory fields you can collect

Splunk Add-on for VMware Metrics collects limited inventory fields with the default configuration. You can use the host_inv_fields, vm_inv_fields, cluster_inv_fields, and datastore_inv_fields parameters from the inframon_ta_vmware_template.conf file to add additional inventory fields.

The parameter value used in the conf file represents the value of field name you can use with host_inv_fields, vm_inv_fields, cluster_inv_fields, and datastore_inv_fields parameters in inframon_ta_vmware_template.conf file while specifying the additional inventory fields to be collected. Separate multiple inventory fields with commas.

HostSystem - Inventory Fields (Source: VMInv:HostSystem)

You can use the host_inv_fields parameter present in the inframon_ta_vmware_template.conf file to collect additional inventory fields for the host entity.

Sourcetype: vmware_inframon:inv:hostsystem

Field description Parameter value used in the conf file
IsbackgroundSnapshotsForHostsSupported capability.backgroundSnapshotsSupported
IscloneFromSnapshotForVMSupported capability.cloneFromSnapshotSupported
IscpuMemoryResourceConfigurationSupported capability.cpuMemoryResourceConfigurationSupported
isDataStoreForVMSwapFilesSupported capability.localSwapDatastoreSupported
isMaintenanceModeSupported capability.maintenanceModeSupported
Maximum virtual machines that can be run on host capability.maxHostRunningVms
Maximum virtual CPUs that can be run on host capability.maxHostSupportedVcpus
Maximum registered virtual machines supported by host capability.maxRegisteredVMs
Maximum virtual machines that can run simultaneously on host capability.maxRunningVMs
Maximum virtual CPUs supported per virtual machine capability.maxVcpusPerFtVm
isStorageVMotionSupported capability.storageVMotionSupported
Vmfs major version supported capability.supportedVmfsMajorVersion
isSuspendedVMRelocationSupported capability.suspendedRelocateSupported
isVirtualCPUPerformanceCountersSupported capability.vPMCSupported
isVMFSDatastoreMountUnmountCapable capability.vmfsDatastoreMountCapable
isVMotionSupported capability.vmotionSupported
All licensable resources on the host licensableResource
Network objects available on the host network
isFaultToleranceLoggingEnabledForHost summary.config.faultToleranceEnabled
Name of the host summary.config.name
Port number summary.config.port
API version summary.config.product.apiVersion
Build string of server summary.config.product.build
Complete product (vCenter server) name, including version summary.config.product.fullName
short product (vCenter) name summary.config.product.name
OS type of product (vCenter) summary.config.product.osType
Product ID summary.config.product.productLineId
Product (vCenter server) vendor summary.config.product.vendor
Product (vCenter server) version summary.config.product.version
isVMotionEnabledForHost summary.config.vmotionEnabled
CPU cores speed (MHz) summary.hardware.cpuMhz
CPU model summary.hardware.cpuModel
Physical memory size (bytes) summary.hardware.memorySize
System model summary.hardware.model
Number of physical CPU cores summary.hardware.numCpuCores
Number of physical CPU packages summary.hardware.numCpuPkgs
Number of physical CPU threads summary.hardware.numCpuThreads
Number of host bus adapters (HBAs) summary.hardware.numHBAs
Number of network adapters summary.hardware.numNics
Other identification information summary.hardware.otherIdentifyingInfo
Hardware BIOS identification (UUID) summary.hardware.uuid
Hardware vendor identification summary.hardware.vendor
IP of vCenter server managing host summary.managementServerIp
Host-managed object reference summary.host
Overall alarm status summary.overallStatus
Overall CPU usage for all cores (MHz) summary.quickStats.overallCpuUsage
Physical memory usage (MB) summary.quickStats.overallMemoryUsage
System uptime for host summary.quickStats.uptime
isRebootRequired summary.rebootRequired
VMs associated with the host vm

VirtualMachine - Inventory Fields (Source: VMInv:VirtualMachine)

You can use vm_inv_fields parameter present in the inframon_ta_vmware_template.conf file to collect additional inventory fields for the virtual machine entity. Separate multiple values by commas.

Sourcetype: vmware_inframon:inv:vm

Field description Parameter value used in the conf file
isResourceSettingsForDisksSupported capability.diskSharesSupported
isHostBasedReplicationSupported capability.hostBasedReplicationSupported
isLockSnapshotsSupported capability.lockSnapshotsSupported
isMemorySnapshotsSupported capability.memorySnapshotsSupported
isMultipleCoresPerSocketSupported capability.multipleCoresPerSocketSupported
isMultipleSnapshotsSupported capability.multipleSnapshotsSupported
isPoweredOffSnapshotsSupported capability.poweredOffSnapshotsSupported
isRevertToSnapshotSupported capability.revertToSnapshotSupported
isSnapshotConfigSupported capability.snapshotConfigSupported
isSnapshotOperationsSupported capability.snapshotOperationsSupported
isSwapFilePlacementSupported capability.swapPlacementSupported
isToolsAutoUpdateSupported capability.toolsAutoUpdateSupported
isToolsSyncTimeSupported capability.toolsSyncTimeSupported
Alternate guest name config.alternateGuestName
Changeversion for configuration config.changeVersion
isExpandableReservationInRPEnabled For CPU config.cpuAllocation.expandableReservation
CPU utilization limit config.cpuAllocation.limit
CPU reserved for VM (MHz) config.cpuAllocation.reservation
CPU Allocation Shares level config.cpuAllocation.shares.level
No. of CPU shares allocated config.cpuAllocation.shares.shares
Datastores on which this VM is stored config.datastoreUrl
Additional configuration informartion config.extraConfig
LogFile directory config.files.logDirectory
Snapshot Directory Path config.files.snapshotDirectory
Suspend Directory Path config.files.suspendDirectory
VM Configuration file path config.files.vmPathName
Firmware type config.firmware
VMX Process Type config.flags.monitorType
PowerOff behavior for VM having Snapshot config.flags.snapshotPowerOffBehavior
isGuestAutoLockEnabled config.guestAutoLockEnabled
Guest OS FullName config.guestFullName
guest OS configured on VM config.guestId
The set of Virtual Devices belonging to VM config.hardware.device
Memory size (MB) config.hardware.memoryMB
No. of Virtual CPU in VM config.hardware.numCPU
No. of Cores per socket config.hardware.numCoresPerSocket
Location ID config.locationId
Maximum remote display collections config.maxMksConnections
isExpandableReservationInRPEnabled For Memory config.memoryAllocation.expandableReservation
Memory utilization limit config.memoryAllocation.limit
Memory reserved for VM (MB) config.memoryAllocation.reservation
Memory Allocation Shares level config.memoryAllocation.shares.level
No. of Memory shares allocated config.memoryAllocation.shares.shares
isMemoryHotAddEnabled config.memoryHotAddEnabled
Last VM configuration modified time config.modified
isVMaTemplate config.template
No. of attempts to upgrade tools version config.tools.lastInstallInfo.counter
isSyncTimeWithHostEnabled config.tools.syncTimeWithHost
Tools upgrade policy config.tools.toolsUpgradePolicy
Version of VMware tools config.tools.toolsVersion
IP protocol config.vAppConfig.ipAssignment.ipProtocol
total vFlash reservation for vFlash caches config.vFlashCacheReservation
Version string of VM config.version
EnvironmentBrowser object of VM environmentBrowser
Guest Disks information guest.disk
Guest OS Family guest.guestFamily
Guest OS Identifier guest.guestId
Hostname of Guest OS guest.hostName
Primary IP address of guest guest.ipAddress
IP Stack information guest.ipStack
Network Adapters information guest.net
Tools running status guest.toolsRunningStatus
VMware tools version guest.toolsVersion
Layout of Virtual Disk layoutEx.disk
Last update in LayoutEx layoutEx.timestamp
Network objects network
Roots of Snapshot Tree rootSnapshot
Storage Used Datastore wise storage.perDatastoreUsage
Storage timestamp storage.timestamp
VM Description summary.config.annotation
CPU reservation (MHz) summary.config.cpuReservation
Instance UUID summary.config.instanceUuid
Memory reservation (MB) summary.config.memoryReservation
Memory Capacity (MB) summary.config.memorySizeMB
VM Display name summary.config.name
short Product(vCenter) Name summary.config.product.name
Product(vCenter server) vendor summary.config.product.vendor
Product(vCenter server) version summary.config.product.version
UUID summary.config.uuid
Overall alarm status summary.overallStatus
Balloned Memory (MB) summary.quickStats.balloonedMemory
Compressed Memory (MB) summary.quickStats.compressedMemory
Consumed Overhead Memory (MB) summary.quickStats.consumedOverheadMemory
Active Guest Memory (MB) summary.quickStats.guestMemoryUsage
Host Memory used (MB) summary.quickStats.hostMemoryUsage
Overall CPU Demand (MB) summary.quickStats.overallCpuDemand
Overall CPU usage (MB) summary.quickStats.overallCpuUsage
System Uptime (sec) summary.quickStats.uptimeSeconds
Connection state summary.runtime.connectionState
Runtime Devices summary.runtime.device

ClusterComputeResource - Inventory Fields (Source: VMInv:ClusterComputeResource)

You can use the cluster_inv_fields parameter present in the inframon_ta_vmware_template.conf file to collect additional inventory fields for the cluster entity. Separate multiple values with commas.

Sourcetype: vmware_inframon:inv:clustercomputeresource

Field description Parameter value used in the conf file
Actions performed recently actionHistory
Configuration of cluster configurationEx
Recommended actions for the cluster recommendation
Migrations performed in cluster migrationHistory

Datastore - Inventory Fields - (Source: VMInv:Datastore)

You can use the datastore_inv_fields parameter present in the inframon_ta_vmware_template.conf file to collect additional inventory fields for the datastore entity. Separate multiple values with commas.

Sourcetype: vmware_inframon:inv:datastore

Field description Parameter value used in the conf file
isDirectoryHierarchyCreationSupported capability.directoryHierarchySupported
isNativeSnapshotSupported capability.nativeSnapshotSupported
isPerFileThinProvisioningSupported capability.perFileThinProvisioningSupported
isRawDiskMappingsCreationSupported capability.rawDiskMappingsSupported
isStorageIORMSupported capability.storageIORMSupported
isTopLevelDirectoryCreateSupported capability.topLevelDirectoryCreateSupported
Host attached host
Specific info about the datastore info
Storage IO Resource Management configuration iormConfiguration
VM stored on datastore vm
Last modified on 13 September, 2024
Performance metrics reference for the Splunk Add-on for VMware Metrics   Data collection configuration file reference for the Splunk Add-on for VMware Metrics

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