Splunk® Supported Add-ons

Splunk Add-ons

About Splunk add-ons

This manual provides information about a wide variety of add-ons developed by and supported by Splunk. These add-ons support and extend the functionality of the Splunk platform and the apps that run on it, usually by providing inputs for a specific technology or vendor.

Whenever possible, these add-ons also provide the field extractions, lookups, and event types needed to map data to the Common Information Model. These configurations allow customers to easily use the new data source in data models, pivots, and CIM-based apps like Splunk Enterprise Security.

For documentation of a specific add-on, browse the full list of manuals in the Splunk Supported Add-ons documentation set.

You can browse all available add-ons, both Splunk-supported and community-supported, on Splunkbase.

Join the conversation about existing and future add-ons by going to the Splunk Community page.

Last modified on 21 July, 2021
  Add-ons and CIM

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Supported Add-ons: released

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